ignorant people assuming wrong things
ostracized due to beliefs
people having real wrong ideas about one
wrong conclusions
I Think I've Been Ostracized By My Neighbors
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
November 1, 2008 1:47am CST
Okay here's the deal here. As many of my friends here know, I'm a follower of the Pagan/Wicca path, and while I don't exactly walk around with a huge sign indicating my religious beliefs neither do I hide the fact of what I am.
Now you have to picture this. Many of the people in my apartment building have known me for ages, but while they seem "friendly" to me, nonetheless I think they are wary of me. In fact a few are probably downright scared shiteless of me. Take my one neighbor next door. One time her friend called me up and we were chit chatting and she came right out with it saying to me that my neighbor is scared of me because I'm a witch. Also, another neighbor upstairs is also probably terrified of me no doubt. The woman upstairs is more Catholic than the Pope and should have been a nun. Then there is the family that lives directly opposite of me in the other part of the building..her apartment is a mirror image of mine and we can have a view of each other's apt from our windows.
I'm saying all this as this is the second year, no one came to my door to trick or treat, yet from my apartment I could hear the one neighbor who lives opposite and across from me and has a little son, ring my other next door neighbor to trick or treat and also rang the bells of everyone else except for me...the "horrible" witch.
Now need to give you some more background info. When my mother and I were being threatened with eviction in 2001 due to the cat problem she created we had a lot of media coverage to try and encourage people to adopt our cats, and many were but not enough, so technically speaking we still had a lot of cats when we were only allowed two due to the stipulation agreement my mother signed during the court proceedings. Then in 2006, we got hit with another eviction. So I figured let me try and get media coverage again to once again encourage people to adopt our cats. I succeeded in two very small local newspapers to cover our story. But then, somehow, a big
time reporter from the NY Times no less, got wind of the story and he wanted to interview me and my mother about the cats. So gee, NY Times? How could I resist.
Thing is, instead of interviewing me and the cat problem, he dwelled and asked a million questions about my wicca religion...it's kind of hard NOT to notice my pagan/wicca beliefs as I have a bookcase with nothing but Pagan/wicca books, and then of course all my wicca related paraphernalia..like I said since I'm not ashamed of who or what I am, why SHOULDN'T I display my items the same way a Catholic person might have large statues of the saints and all (Like that more Catholic than the Pope neighbor of mine has)
What happened with that article was noting less than a disaster...it was a fiasco. Instead of calling attention and trying to encourage people to adopt our cats, the article made me sound like a raving lunatic bending over a cauldron, casting spells all the time. And guess who read the article...uh, huh, most of my neighbors. It's a wonder they aren't making the sign of the cross every time they see me, or throwing water at me to see if I melt (like the wicked witch of the west). The reporter really screwed everything up and did a lot of misquotings...for instance one line goes
The witch happens to be (my name omitted on purpose here), 50, a student of the principles of Wicca and Harry Potter.
Like duh? Yeah, I like Harry Potter but since when did Harry Potter become a religion to study???
The real irony is that I only became a "witch" seven years ago...and these neighbors have known me a lot longer, so why is it, since now I'm a witch they view me so differently than what I was prior..I'm STILL the same person, only changed my religious viewpoints.
Now you better believe I called this jerk reporter up and told him in other words what a smuck he was, and if I hadn't been so concerned and occupied and putting all my energies with the eviction issue at the time and coping with my mother's failing health, I would have loved to have sued for libel
Anyway while on the one hand it kind of amuses me that I'm ostracized amongst my oh so wonderful neighbors due to my beliefs, but it also hurts to...like really now...has it changed me so much? I'm STILL the same ME. Or is it due to them being so friggin ignorant of what Pagan/wicca means and only view me with the stereotypical image of what a witch means?
Okay--enough of my rant here. To turn this into a discussion...do people treat you differently if they find out something about you that is different from the norm? That is, they may have known you for years, been nice, kind and warm, then bingo..they find out say of your religious beliefs, or maybe a "past" criminal record..anything...and suddenly you're the devil or something?
Oh as a by the way....you can find that NY Times article by typing in my name...my real name that is..so those of you who know my real name will be able to find it....if anything, read it for a good laugh. The article was dated May 1, 2006
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35 responses
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
1 Nov 08
Of course people will avoid you if you dare to be different...
That's human nature...
I'll tell you one better...
You know Plooker... my stalker...
I met him in 1993 and he quickly became my best friend.
I was making the same money than him and had a life style superior to his.
This contributed to him treating me like if I was a king.
He did not know about my agoraphobia at the time... as I was still controlling it and going about my business.
But by 2000... I decided I could not control it anymore and decided to bail out of the rat race.
Overnight... Plooker's attitude changed from him regarding me as as king... to regarding me as a complete loser.
And I keep telling myself...
What did happen? I am still the same person than I was in 1993...
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Mmmm...speaking of which...where is he? Surprised he hasn't shown up here.
In some ways I've always been "different"...you know the listen to a different drummer type which is why I was never exactly popular as a kid..LOL
Yes people can be so weird. These lovely neighbors of mine, many of them have known me for a lot longer than seven years like your stalker friend...most have known me about twenty years..so now all of a sudden I'm "evil"
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hey pye! I would normally find this article funny, but
I really can't because it is about my friend you! I don't
like to hear that people are treating my friend badly
because they are ignorant and they are! Yes, it is true
that they have no idea about what pagan/wicca is and of
course they never will becaue they never bothered to
find out. So they are being stupid in assuming that you
are just the "neigborhood witch". I have an ugly witch
that lives next door to me, except that she isn't even
pagan or wicca just ugly and a witch lol! In a way I
think you should be flattered that they think so highly
of you as to be afraid of you! Honestly, I would give
them what they asked for! I would put on the "hat"
grab the "broom" and really put on a show! That would
teach them!
@GardenGerty (161609)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Nope, you cannot do the umbrella. They might mistake you for Mary Poppins.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Oh GardenGerty that is priceless...Hey I wonder if Mary Poppins was really a witch..she could after all fly
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Do you think I should walk around with an umbrella in case someone wants to throw water at me and see if I melt?
I just wish people would educate themselves and really read up on what Pagan/wicca means instead of accepting all the garbage about witches that has been told for eons.
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@jwfarrimond (4473)
1 Nov 08
Narrow minded and ignorant would be the best way of describing your neighbors I think. I would just ignore them - not worth wasting time and effort over. As for the article, that's just typical of journalists these days - more interested in a sensational story than in accurate and truthful reporting. Gutter press is the right name for that sort of journalism.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Thankfully I don't have much interaction with my neighbors, but it's so strange how people's views can change like my neighbors toward me, when many have known me for at least twenty years.
And yes, that article should have been in the National Inquirer instead of the NY Times.
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
If I were a witch and others did not like it then it would not really bother me unless I so want their approbation. I probably think that they are not such good neighbors after all. I like keeping to myself. Cheers!!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
1 Nov 08
Ooooh so suddenly all their suspicions are confirmed and now they know whey they are frightened of you. Sorry but people are so strange and the media twists stories to suit themselves. I find it really strange that some people are scared by the word witch and conjure up images of devil worship and satanic mass.
As if. Only the catholic priesthood knows the Latin mass so only a priest can do a Latin mass backwards. Right so all satanists are really catholic priests and nuns. Well that is my theory. I thought of doing a study of it once but never got there.
It seems to me that your neighbors are suspicious people who are very strange. I hope everything is working out for you now. What happened to all those cats?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I was very lucky in that I was able to place the cats with pet rescuers of whom I'm still in contact with and they tell me they are doing great. I still have two cats though, including a black cat...LOL.
Too bad most people don't realize that devil worship and satanism are corruptions of the Catholic church itself and has nothing to do with paganism or wicca..religions that the church tried to obliterate
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Pye, I knew from your screen name what your sympathies were, & It's never made a diff to ME. I'm totally the opposite--Eastern Orthodox Catholic, & I'm NOT scared of you. I KNOW what wicca is, & while I disagree with its deities & practices, I don't feel MY faith is in any danger from you. You have your faith, I have mine.
Your neighbors are probably ignorant of your actual beliefs, and/or are insecure in their faith(s).
FRIENDS won't look askance at you. Ignore everyone else, or, if they seem open, try to explain what you believe.
I grew up in a proselytizing religion, to which I don't subscribe now (& in which I NEVER felt comfortable, or more to the point, never felt had all the facts & TRUTH of Christianity). I know how such behavior is off-putting to most folks, & it's not my job, though I might very well be good at it. Still, I don't do it.
All I can say is that I could never subscribe to your beliefs, & I doubt you could ever choose mine--short of a miracle (grin).
But that won't stop me from praying for you, & being your friend here.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Yes when that article came out I couldn't believe how much the reporter made it sound like some kind of sensational kind of crap one would read in the National Enquirer...it's a wonder he didn't add I was pregnant with an alien baby..LOL
Yes, not only my neighbors, but most people are ignorant of what the pagan/wicca path means and just have the stupid images that have been stereotyped for years
I pray for people too when they are in need...a prayer is a prayer no matter what one's religion.
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@GardenGerty (161609)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Pye, Maggie has given the kind of response I would have wished I had given, because I feel the same way. Of course you and I have known each other here a long time. No one who really knows what they believe and really believes it, would be treating you like you are a leper or carry the plague, or eat children for breakfast. I respect you, and I know you respect me.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
1 Nov 08
If they are going to be that way, what does that say about how true they are to their own religious beliefs?
People are such idiots!!!!!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Nov 08
seems to end up that way. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. Kills me though. My mom and aunt are very dedicated to their religion and are every close minded when it comes to other peoples beliefs and choices. I wish they were more accepting sometimes.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Usually people like that turn out to be the biggest hypocrites, right?
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Yes, people can switch overnight. They look at you from media perspective.
The question suddenly come to my head. How where you able to feed 100 cats?
Did you get any help? Even 30 cats. It would be impossible for me to supply food for that many cats. I know your mother wanted to keep them all, but it is impossible to keep that many in small place. I try to vision the picture and it is too hard to even imagine. I wouldn't mind to take care of animals in shelter with sources supplied.
I didn't know that Harry Potter initiate Wicca paganism....
Student of Wicca? The whole sentence was very mean. In general they pictured you as mentally sick person. I would have problem with NY Times if I were you.
I think your neighbors are still under the stress of you "putting a harmful spell upon others"....people are afraid of any spell...and they believe whatever they hear in media.
I would contact NY Times and talk to someone. After all, this article if still easy to achieve and chances are that it will influence your future.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Believe me it wasn't easy to feed all those cats...For about fifteen years I spent every single day cooking up big stock pots of food for them (mainly people food like lots of chicken and rice and veggies....sort of like a cat version of chicken soup) as it was cheaper then getting cat food. After paying the rent and other bills, almost all our money went to making sure the cats were fed. The expression didn't have a pot to pee in describes the life we had then...there actually was a good amount of money coming in too...but the majority of it went to feeding the cats.
No I didn't know their was a religion of Harry Potter either..LOL
Well when that article first came out you better believed I complained....I emailed the editor...got nothing there..emailed AND talked on the phone to the a@@wipe reporter and also didn't get anywhere.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Regarding your cats, they look so healthy on the picture (for 2006) , no question about.
I think is very hard to deal with media without a lawyer.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Oh as a PS though....since that article came out while my mother and I were facing the eviction issue (Due to the cats) even our landlord and the landlord's lawyer had read it...um...maybe that's why my landlord has left me alone now....so who knows maybe it was in my favor??
I did at the request of our lawyer though had to be psychiatrically evaluated just on general principles but also to overrule that I wasn't a psycho weirdo case. Her evaluation of me (which was a good one in my favor and have a copy of) was presented as part of the evidence for our case
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I actually have the potential to be on the end of the hate stick for two reasons. One, I am Pagan and don't share my beliefs with most of the people I know around me, nor those that are in my family. I do speak out against those that are overtly religious that enjoy shoving their beliefs down my throat or of those around me. For the most part, people don't say much about that because no one really enjoys having people in your face screaming about worshipping god a certain way or else you're going to hell.
However, I am also a lesbian. That part of my life is largely kept between myself and my partner and the few people that know that don't make a big deal out of it. However, rumors do happen and sometimes, especially when in highschool, I can remember not being talked to or avoided on some occasions because I wasn't straight. Thankfully, by the time I was a senior (already three years ago!) it mostly wasn't a big deal anymore. However, I'm not largely out because I don't see it as anyone's business but my own. People don't need to know that I'm gay, or that I'm a witch either. I mean, it's all my personal life.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I agree that it is nice to know that today we really do not need to keep those things hidden. I'm glad that it's really one of those things that we can choose to reveal or choose to keep to ourselves based upon our own personal preferences. It's nice. However, where I live, sometimes being gay or being of a different religion really isn't the wisest ideal.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
In some ways though, that yes, while many of us choose to keep parts of our lives private as it's no ones business, aren't you glad we live in a time when we DON'T necessarily have to hide who or what we are?
I mean I don't exactly blab all over the place that "Hey folks, I'm a Witch" but sometimes it's nice to know you can open up to people. Probably one of the weirdest things (least for some reason I thought it weird)---since my mother was so often in the hospital between June 2005 to August 2007, I got to know many of the nurses there...and ...LOL..most are witches..but then maybe that really shouldn't be so surprising considering many witches of olden days were the healers
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@ElicBxn (63709)
• United States
2 Nov 08
It probably doesn't hurt that I've now been on the street the 3rd longest of the area. I don't spend much time outside because of my allergies (to yard work if nothing else.) I'd rather sit in front of my computer or TV or a book as be outside.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I can't help thinking that most of my neighbors have thought me as a weirdo all along...LOL...but I guess with my status as a witch that only confirms it in their eyes.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hello pye,
I'm a fairly average, normal boring person for the most part so I haven't experienced people treating me differently because of something they find out about me, lol.
I wasn't sure but took an educated guess of what your real name is and found the NY Times article. That article sounds quite negative and derogatory toward you, I can see why it upset you, I don't blame you one bit.
As for people treating you differently due to your beliefs and practices, it's sad that people are generally funny like that. They tend to fear and shun that which they do not know or is different to them instead of taking the opportunity to expand their horizons and perhaps learn about something new.
I like people who are different from me or even different from the norm in general. I find them interesting and also look at it as an opportunity to learn. I think if I only associated with people who were just like me, believed like me, acted like me, practiced the same customs as me, etc. that life would lose it's flavor and become a little boring. I believe that the differences in people, both big and small, is one of the things that make people interesting.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I can absolutely understand what you're talking about. And, I did find the article. Nice opening sentence. But, even though I jokingly referred to myself as "the Cat Woman of Kearns" when I lived in Utah, I think having more than the four that I had (I had had 11 prior to that) would have driven me bonkers!
But, as I said, I can understand because when people find out I was married to someone who was in prison when I married him and then they learn WHY he was in prison, I'm suddenly persona non grata. They are uncomfortable around me, etc. And, in many ways, I am with them as well because I just don't have any commonality - nothing "normal". I've learned to not discuss it, but it does come up on occasion. Like it or not, though, it was a part of my life and we all make mistakes. Some of us make rather large ones, but we all make them. And, I learned and grew from it, despite many things.
So, I can relate. Even if it's not a parallel situation.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
LOL--well you can bet at the time my mother and I had so many cats we definitely were known as Cat Ladies..heehee
Just thinking how people reacted with you when they found out why your husband was in prison..how petty and as if you were contagious or something. We all make mistakes, and I'm sure your friends had their own "mistakes" that they've done, right?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Well what can I say? People can be so petty
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@creative_genius (992)
1 Nov 08
Oh dear, I guess people are always wary of what they don't understand. I would just rise above it, however that reporter did not help things and perhaps once you have more time you could do something about the damage he caused with his article.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
When that article first came out I did complain and try to set things straight but never got a follow up retraction article
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Sounds like your neighbors, and certainly that reporter, need to grow up and get on with Life. So you are Wiccan. Big deal! It is a shame that the kids ignored your door last night, that only shows me that, unfortunately, the parents are passing their stupidity on to their children. You have the right to believe whatever you choose, and I applaud you for sticking to those beliefs Your beliefs may have changed you, but certainly not in any major outward ways, I have ni idea why your neighbors are being so pigheaded and downright dumb. There is evil in your building, but it isn't you, it is them.
No one treats me that differently over the course of time as they never discover my deep dark secrets
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Oh how I wish I could twitch my nose like Samantha Stevens and the house could be clean in a flash..LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Well it's unfortunate that most people in general just plain don't understand about Wicca...they're too use to the generalization of how "witchcraft" has beeb presented..even in movies. When was the last time you saw "nice" witches? The closest maybe is the movie Practical Magic
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I would say the last time I saw nice witches was when I saw Bewitched, the television series
I do see a lot of nice Wiccans though, on the paranormal shows that I watch. And I have some online friends, like you, that practice Wiccan and are nice
I never thought of Wiccans and witches as being connected. How did I miss that?
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I think this is just another racist thing in my opinion. Who cares what your religious beliefs are? What, now they think you are going to cast a freaking spell on them if they make you mad? It is just like a black person being hated for being black by a white person. Or a white person being hated by a black person for being white. It is ridiculous if you ask me and it is cruel. Those so called religious neighbors of yours are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites because if they really believed in God then they should like you no matter who or what you are.
I am so sorry this has happened to you and I would have sued the damn reporter anyway. I hope things get better soon. Maybe you should invite them all to your apartment and have a talk with them. Or at least invite them to your apartment and see who your real friends and neighbors are by who shows up and who doesn't.
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Sorry, Maggie. I didn't mean any offense. I just used the wrong word. So sorry about that! :)
Well, pye, I wouldn't be afraid to visit you because wicca has always fascinated me. I have always wanted to learn more about it. One time I went to the library with my mom and found a book on Wicca. I put it with the rest of the books I wanted to check out and when my mom saw it she about had a fit. She said it was evil. I said, "no mom not all witches are evil and I just want to read up on it." So for now on she doesn't need to know if I want to learn more about wicca. :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 Nov 08
LOL...well I would have no problem inviting them in my apartment but it just might freak them out even further with the fact that my alcove area that serves as my bedroom has a 3-1/2 foot blue-toned pentagram painted on the floor...LOL
My "Real" friends who visit me hardly bat an eye when they see it, but one friend who accepts my beliefs I think got a little nervous seeing it...Heehee
I did actually talk to the one jerk neighbor and went into quite a bit of detail about Wicca...she's still afraid of me. In fact, coming home today I bumped into her and she did her usual barely audible hello to me back when I said hello to her.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
3 Nov 08
With respect, CW, please don't dilute the term "racist" even more than it has been already. Wiccans come in ALL COLORS, ages, shapes & sizes.
"BIGOTRY" is the term you're after, or perhaps "ignorance," or even just "fear."
But not "racism."
Just my tuppence, from your everlovin' armchair linguist. :o)
Maggiepie, Grammar Grundy Extraordinaire
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
1 Nov 08
Hi pye,
I haven't had a chance to look up the article yet, but will do so later. I'm sure I'll be totally unimpressed, to say the least. You're one of my dearest friends on here, and I'm sorry that you've been hurt this way. I think going to your place for trick or treating, would've been one of the highlights for these kids. You always go the extra mile for everyone, and I can imagine you doing something extra special. It's their loss, and your gain, as I'm sure you have extra treats on hand now. I know it's hard, but try not to let this bother you. Just keep on being the loving, caring, talented person that you are. The world is filled with all kinds of people, with many varied beliefs. We should all be able to respect each other, and live in harmony, but sadly this isn't the case. This is why the world is in the big mess it's in. I do hope you're feeling better today. Take care. Hugs.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
We've got quite a few leftover treats here too, as I over prepared this year. It seems less are going out, these past few years. I don't understand how your neighbours could change their minds about you, due to some trumped up article they've read. Whatever happened to sticking up for somebody they've known for years? Their problem.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Thank you someonesmom....LOL..I have tons of "treats" left over and am enjoying them...heehee. It's really a shame though, that since many of my neighbors have known me for about twenty years, how suddenly they can change their minds about me all due to my beliefs. Only goes to show you how narrow-minded they are, right?
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
2 Nov 08
First, let me say that the picture ruined my view of you as the cat in your avatar! How ridiculous... A nicer outcome would be that they accentuated the fact that you sacrificed your personal space, give what little money you have to these poor creatures that you save because no one else will. Then (in myalternative reality fantasy) if they spun it just right, someone might donate their land to you to build on and live on with your cats...
So silly. I guess it was oreo who moved into a relatives house who passed on.
You know what's funny - yours is just about the only friend who comes to my mailbox so when I'm not answering my own trying to keep up in the little time I hav or reading new users and responding to encourage them, I think I mainly answer yours when I have time!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Unfortunately we really did have WAY too many cats for such a small space and area. But yes, the jerk reporter should have done a LOT more emphasis on the cats and not go on and on about my being a witch. And it would have been nice if people had donated so much money for the "plight" of the cats that maybe could have moved and started up a shelter type thing
So you're having a glitch with the email notices? I'm not getting all my friends either
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
2 Nov 08
People always fear what they do not understand. Maybe, if you really want them to understand, you can make up a flyer with information explaining what your beliefs are about.
Too many people assume that the person's beliefs are something for them to be concerned about instead of just looking at the person and how they treat others. It is very sad because they will miss out on getting to know a wonderful person.
So, yes, it is due to ignorance, sadly.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
The weird thing is that quite sometime ago, I patiently tried to explain Wicca to my one neighbor, but it was like she refused to accept what I was saying and still prefers to think people like us as evil...oh, well. The real ironic thing is that she comes across as a know it all and a bit smug...not realizing just how ignorant she really is.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I don't care for people who cram their religion down my throat either with the idea that only THEIR religion is the true one and if we don't believe exactly as they do, we're condemned to hell
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I was raised Catholic but no longer believe in any organized religion, but I still respect anyone else's beliefs. I still believe in God, just do not like to be told HOW to believe or why I should believe.
Life is about being different and those who cannot accept other people's ways or beliefs are just ignorant, close-minded and scared. How silly.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I have the same problem. Like you I am Wiccan. Many in my neighborhood don't know this, but my closest neighbors do. One woman used to invite me to go swimming with her at our complex pool, or to dinners etc. Then she asked me to Church. I so very politely told her I am not Christian, I am Wiccan. Since then she smiles and says hi, but doesn't bother socializing with me anymore. Her loss I guess. I also have too many cats, and I'm working on that issue right now since I'm preparing to move. So I know how hard that is to deal with too.
Its a shame people don't treat us normally, because we ARE normal. I mean I don't have signs, I don't ride a broom and we even celebrate Christmas - because my partner is Catholic and I was raised Christian. So now we have a tree that we decorate half with his ornaments and half with ones that I prefer. I'm 49, a grandmother of two, and other than my jewelry you wouldn't know I'm Wiccan.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Mmmm..you mean you don't have green skin, a crooked long nose, and warts? Heehee.
Where did THOSE weird ideas come from anyway? I too celebrate Christmas...gee, if people only knew that bringing in the evergreen (Christmas tree) was a pagan thing I bet no one would get trees again.
I bet that woman wouldn't have treated you so differently if you said you weren't Christian but Jewish, right?
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
2 Nov 08
LOL Yea, I'm not sure why she is the way she is. But I figure its her loss. She is a bit nutty anyway. Yes our "Christmas" tree now is decorated here with half pagan ornaments and half Christian or regular ones. Mine are more nature based, stars, moons, crystals etc. And yes, I think Christians would freak if they knew many of their holidays started off with old pagan ones.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Nov 08
Hi pye,
What a load of narrow minded hyporcrites people they are, I rekon you should scare the living daylight out of them, everytime you go pass one of the just go "hUBBLE bUBBLE TOLL and TROUBLE", how stupid can they get. Next time you see them just mention that Halloween is a Witches's sabbath. I can't people some people.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Or...maybe when I walk by them I should try to do a witches "cackle" ...heehee. I can't figure people out either
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