Living frugal and being prepared!!
By sweetpeasmom
@sweetpeasmom (1325)
United States
November 1, 2008 4:42pm CST
my goal is to have enough of a stockpile to last us at least 6 months. I would love to have enough to last us a year. I wonder how hard it will be to do this. we have about 3 months right now. I still need to work on the paper products stockpile, like toilet paper and stuff like that. I have been using cloth diapers and cloth menstrual pads to save on that so really all we need is toilet paper. But I have been making cloth wipes so if we had to we could use them! I do not know how that would make us all feel. I do not think that I would like that, but in an emergency I guess you have to do stuff.
I started a new blog where I am going to share some of my tips and more on being self -sufficient and prepared for anything.
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17 responses
@beaniecat (329)
• United States
3 Nov 08
You've got that right. I live in Southern Missouri and we get ice storms. One winter we went 5 days with no power and the next year 3 days. Both times, was glad that we had good on hand because even the stores didn't have power.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I live with my fiance and his parents and do not have a job. Neither does my fiance. We can't find work so are trying to make money for what we want and need online. However, that being said, as you can imagine we don't make much and it never goes to anything more then what we want and what we need to save for. I constantly think of things I could do or live without to save more money as I know that we are uncertain on the price of things right now. My fiance and I are very picky eaters, but my fiance more then myself. I wouldn't mind stock piling on things but I also know that part of me is still hankering for fast food and I also know that the rest of the family is the same way.
I'm sorry this is such a long post. I just wanted to say that I am trying my hardest to be at least a little frugal as even the tiniest bit a help can go a long way.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
2 Nov 08
SomeCowgirl - yes it is hard to do sometimes if your mind is not in the right spot. I learned how to be frugal simply out of necessity - I had to raise 2 kids nad a unually unemployed husband on not much more than minimum wage. I learned cause I had to. Now as a grand mother, I do it simply as that is the way I know so I do it and am able to make ends meet. INcome isn't much more than it was before, but I still am frugal. Don't call it it making ends meet if that helps you deal with it all and make it work. I have a blog in my profile called Coffee Break Whatever Save Money where I have written all the ways that I personally had to do just to live and now they are (to me) ways to save money - I wasn't able to save any, just make ends meet. Now, I can use them to save money.
Take a look and thing is - once I started writting it all down to share with others, I noticed that I was rather surprised at how much a person thinks they need and really don't and how much a person is used to spending, and doesnt' even realize they are spending the money or even wasting it!
My motto is "save a little to save alot". If you look at it daily and say "oh, good grief, it's only a buck", well, yeah a buck won't make you or break you,but you add that buck on a daily basis and at the end of the month you have $30 bucks - that can make a difference. I saved one month - $7.36 just from cleaning out my husbands pockets before I washed his pants! SOunds stupid and mindless but that was enough to stretch my food budget for one more meal! I would take this kind of "found" money and put it in a jar and use it for when the kids had a fund raiser or something they wanted to buy from school - Troll book club and things like that.
It really helps you if you look, individually, at what you spend your money on - that Starbucks cup of coffee every morning at $3.75 (and that is the cheapest version - most are more) for 365 days a year is $1368.75 a year! But when you look at it as "only $3.75 a day, big deal" no it doesn't strick you as an issue, but nearly $1400 a year! That's a vacation next summer - christmas and birthdays for the full year and then some - one months rent or 2 car payments... things like that. Look at it that way and you will really quickly see how to restructure the income you have and how you accolate it and you can start saving.
Good luck and I hope you find the income you need. I am still searching but since I "know the ropes" I can at least make ends meet!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I appreciate everything you have said and I will definitely be looking at your blog. I know that my old self, you've struck home on several times. I used to eat out atleast three times a week, I would say that's the only way I have time to get something in my stomach... However, I know that I could have sufficed with a potluck dinner.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I have enough stockpiled for at least 6 months on some things. I need more canned meat and toilet paper, as well as flour and baking powder. Your blog is looking good so far. I'll be keeping an eye on it! Love the pictures at the top; they remind me of Wyoming where I grew up.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Nov 08
We have enough for a couple months right now, of canned food/beverages. I've some granola, cereal stored as well.
Ooooh..a blog. I may link to some posts of yours on my own blog sometime. *bookmarks*
Next year, I'll be getting into farming. In addition to making it into a business, my other hope was to work on it to feed my family...not just in the short term, but the long term too.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Doesn't it cost you a fortune to stock up for things that will last you 6 months? It costs me enough to get groceries and supplies to last me just the week, I can't imagine having to purchase enough to last us for 3-6 months. good for you! You sound very organized.
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@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
2 Nov 08
It does not cost a lot to stockpile, Like lets use this for an example, Last week I went to a local grocery store and they had sugar on sale for $1.49 a 5 pound bag. I bought 4 of them and it really did not take too much out of my grocery budget and I now have 3 bags of sugar put back in my stockpile. You have to just think like that. Or I love it when I get stuff buy one get one free and I stick the free one in my stockpile. Or search online for free coupons for free items and throw that stuff in the stockpile. I had a few great freebie coupons last week too. Free creamer and free always pads.
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@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I just remembered something else too, I sign up for freebies online and when I get them in the mail I throw them in a big rubbermade tote that I have put back in with the stockpile. It is full of anything and everything. Soaps, shampoos, toothpaste , cleaner, tide, wipees, diapers, anything!!!!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
2 Nov 08
You are right, if you buy it little by little it won't cost too much all at once. That is a great idea on the freebies. I get them all the time too and now will start to save them.
@beaniecat (329)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I liked your blog. I've never heard of a hand washer! I'll have to look for something like that for the next time we have a city wide power outage from an ice storm.
@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
3 Nov 08
It really came in handy when we had a wind storm come through Indiana ( it was a catagory 1 hurricane) and our electric was out for almost 3 days and I still had to be able to wash cloth diapers!!!! My neighbors were giving me dirty looks when they seen me hanging clothes out to dry. They were wondering how I was doing laundry!!!
@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I live in a small apartment, so it is hard for our family to stockpile. We mostly do on food. On toilet paper, we only buy 2 or 3 at a time. Due to being small in size, we do stock up on deodorant, body wash, and shampoo when it is on sale.
If you stock up on food, I recommend keeping a close eye on your expiration dates. I learned this the hard way. Some items “disappeared,” into the back of our cupboards. When they reemerged, a lot was expired.
@onecutehoneybear (938)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your blog with us. I will definitely be checking it out. I would have loved to have been stockpiled because my hubby just lost his job and if I had enough groceries I would be in good shape. I'm hoping he will get a new job very soon!
@sweetpeasmom (1325)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Lots of hugs to you!! My hubby just went back to work and it is hard when no money is coming in. I will have you in my prayers that he will be back to work soon at even as better job than he had before!!!!
@beaniecat (329)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I've been doing this too but I haven't stockpiled as much for us. I am taking lots of the freebies and really cheap items that I find to family members and to the local family violence center. Things seem tough for everyone. So now that I am learning how to get a lot more food and personal items for much less than I used to spend, I'm doing my best to help others out.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
4 Nov 08
It's a good goal to have-- to have a 6 month stockpile of supplies.
Good luck with your blog!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 08
Sweetpeasmom, I've just glanced at your blog and plan to return later today to really read everything. However, I went cold when I read that you are going to have weapons. What for? I must be missing something here. why would need weapons? What are you expecting to happen after the election? If I am totally wrong then I apologise but you have scared me. Looking forward to your response and many blessings on you and your family. God Bless
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
3 Nov 08
This is incredible! Well done. I do hope that you make your goal. It will make you feel secure knowing that you have enough to feed your family if jobs were lost etc. I know all about cloth diapers! I used them for my four children. I had 3 boys in three year so there were lots of diapers. I used to put a strong paper towel inside the diaper to catch the poop. Cloth wipes? In an emergency anything would be used. They would have to be washed thoroughly and then boiled in soapy water witha tip of bleach, I expect. Antway, that is what I would do. I used to boil my diapers once a week in a huge bucket on top of my gas stove. I didn't have a washing machine then but I did have a household helper 5 days a week to assist with all washing and ironing. Good luck to you and your family.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
11 Sep 11
That is being really frugal! Good for you! I never could be that frugal! I don't have the drive and I will not live on a tight budget! I did in the past and will not go back there! I have to many bad memories from that time which I rather forget!
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I try to keep things stocked up as far as food and some paper supplies,but I never have much luck with the paper items. I hope to start doing more of this as we will be living in the country and I don't want to have to make as many trips to the store now. Plus, I want to have a month that I don't have to buy anything like that. I will have to look at your blog as I am very interested in doing things like this.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I'm working on that too - food wise. Thing is, how do you handle food rotation so food doesn't go bad that you are storing?
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Yes, I myself am trying to do the exact same thing. I was under the impression that I was well caught up but some things have made me realize that I am not. I do keep a running tab of how much we consume on a monthly basis and I try to keep good records. I hit sales and such as often as possible. I registered for your blogspot to receive updates. I also requested you as a friend. What other things are you doing to be prepared? Do you garden, can your own food? I have been gardening, canning food, freezing food and we bought a pair of ducks for eggs. Soon we will be adding more ducks (one was killed) and also some chickens and if I can talk everyone into it, we will get rabbits as well! What else are you doing?