are you not scared it's Korean invasion?
By lady_cayote
@lady_cayote (153)
November 4, 2008 1:37am CST
Whenever I go to the malls or walk along the streets, I notice that in every ten Filipino that would pass by, chances are, you will see a bunch of Koreans walking around too. And somehow I feel sick and tired or seeing those creatures everywhere. Well, I am not being a racist but they are very much like Chinese and the Japanese who makes use of our resources and intelligence and still treats us like sh*ts. I'm sorry for my language. I work for Koreans and it seems so degrading they are making use of our intellectual capitals and yet they treat us like we are garbage and give us very small salaries. They demand too much, ask too much and they sometimes treat you like you're not a human being. They are not in their country and yet they act as if they are lords over the Filipinos. what's your opinion about it?
12 responses
@remrick (202)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
I agree that there are a lot of Koreans going to the Philippines nowadays and that some of them do act the way you describe them. However, I think it all boils down to personal choice on whether you let them treat you that way. I mean, if you think that you're just being exploited or that they demand too much, then by all means quit working for them. Of course, one might argue that you might really need the job and you have no choice but to grin and bear it because you need the money. My answer is that the only reason they can treat Filipinos that way is because we let them do it. We're the ones accepting low pay. We're the ones silently bearing with some of their unpleasant attitudes. And ultimately, we're the ones who can change that. If no one would accept low pay, then they'd have to pay higher. If no one would let them act as if they're superior to us, then they'd think twice at pushing us around.
Besides, let's take things positively. Rather than complaining about them, how about looking at opportunities to benefit from their presence? their mere presence in the country translates into tourism revenues and of course, adds to local demand and consumption. And if the Koreans like it here, they may be encouraged to return and even invest in the country.

@lady_cayote (153)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
HAHAHA. Well, someone in this discussion might say we're racists.

@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
4 Nov 08
At least you're open and honest about your bigotry, and it is bigotry, whatever you want to call it. This is an international world and getting more so every day. Every nation has people coming from other countries and setting up businesses. If these "creatures" as you call them, have taken over the business world in your country, it's because there was a hole waiting to be filled. If the people of your own country can't get it together to develop businesses and give employment to people, then it's wide open for someone more ambitious to come in and do it.
@remrick (202)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
With all due respect, I think it would be presumptuous for you to say that Koreans "have taken over the business world in your country because there's a hole waiting to be filled... If the people of your own country can't get it together to develop business and give employment to people, then it's wide open for someone more ambitious to come in and do it." It's not that we can't develop business, it's not about ability or skill, but rather capital. The philippines simply just doesn't have the capital (financial and otherwise) to develop its economy. That's why we rely on foreign direct investments. Because foreign countries and multinational corporations have the capital and the money to invest in and develop important sectors of our economy such as mining, or tourism, etc.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 08
Why do you work for them? Start your own business and have them work for you. They are in your country for exactly the same reason that tens of thousands of your countrymen and women are in other people's countries. Money! If they treat you badly it is because you let them. Sounds to me that you are being exactly racist and intolerant. You take their money and then complain about it!
@lady_cayote (153)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
You have a point there. thanks for the comment but the problem is we do not have the proper avenue to put up our own businesses. Employment is the best solution for us to make money or least to have something to buy for our daily needs. even if we are taking their money, we work for it too and the money you say I am taking from them is actually not enough. It's quite easy for you to say to put up my own business maybe because you have the money to put up your own business anytime you want it. Good for you and you are lucky that you are in the position not to let other people look down on you because you are superior. Me and my other countrymen go to some countries to work as employees not as employers. And if you are in the position of being an underdog, sometimes you have to let them treat you that way. what I am so sad about is that why can't these guys just give us some dignity and not to treat us like some piece of dirt even if we are just their employees. anyway, they are also benefiting from our talents.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
You know, it's really sad that many foreigners are capable of doing that here in the Philippines. Either the government isn't taking care of our welfare or we're just really stupid enough to led go of our rights. I'm sorry about your working conditions. Perhaps you can find another job? I'm sure other Koreans are nicer. And there's also a law that mandates employers to pay fair wages, so if your Korean employer doesn't do that then perhaps it's time to look for a better and fairer job.
@lady_cayote (153)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
Yeah thanks for the response. it's sad realy. But then you know, I need a job and lokking for another one is painstaking. But I will of course.
@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
well, i cant say anything about it. cause i havent experience any bad thing from them. infact, my daughter's bf is a korean. she also got korean friends whom are like my sons and daughters cause they are good to us.maybe, it depends to the person.
@lady_cayote (153)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
Thanks for the kind reply ma'am. At least you did not insult me in your reply. You are so kind. It's just sad that sometimes even fellow kababayans put you down and insult you even more and blames and accuses you of being a racist and a hypocrite.
@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
4 Nov 08
That is too bad you feel this way.
I live in a country where there is a mixture of different culture and ethnic group. This is not a bad thing when all ethnic group can get along and treat one another with respect and respect the differences.
Many ethnic groups travel and leave their homeland in seek for a better opportunity somewhere else.
I don’t mind when I see more Latinos than other ethnic group (I am of a different ethnic) it is a mixing pot and we should respect them.
They way you feel are not controlled by the other ethnic group existence, but by yourself. Don’t let them make you feel intimidated. A confident person will not be feeling that other ethnic groups are creatures. If they treat you this way, then you should leave the company and work for one of the same ethnic group.
I really hope you find a company that will treat you with more respect and not feel that another ethnic group is taking over.
@aendzie (571)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
oops, this conversation is getting way too far!lol. But anyway, I think what lady_coyote is ranting about are those Koreans who treat Filipinos like underdog. It's true that Koreans are everywhere in fact I think there are more Koreans than Chinese and Japanese. One funny story is about my trainor, he went scubadiving and he was very shocked when he saw Koreans under the water, lol.,so it's like wherever you go, whether under the sea or far North you could see Koreans. lady_coyote is just simply asking about opinions on how Koreans have treated Filipinos or, has anyone in here experienced the same dilemma.[b][/b] Lady_coyote is not a racist, we love watching Korean dramas even movies. But anyway, everybody has their opinions, I too believe that Koreans, because they're living here, have to respect our values as we Filipinos like OFW's follow the same way as they go abroad. Maybe we're just unlucky friend, to have found not so kind Koreans.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
7 Nov 08
Let's go back in history. The spanish came to our country. Lorded over us like they owned the place. Made our fore fathers work the fields for them for dirt cheap wages and even nothing but shelter and the right to be among them. They had the wealth the power and the means. We are slaves in our own country. Then the Japanese came. During World War 2 and made our lives hell. The Japanese had Korean soldiers in their forces fighting for them. They were already here before. We could do nothing. The Americans came and liberated the country. Helped us build back our life. Yet the politicians wanted the Americans to let go of us they said we would rather be poor in our own country than be under some foreign power. They got what they wished for. They left the people poor. Yet the politicians have become rich. Till this day we are now enslaved by our own leaders. Thwarted in every way. The problem is the system. If the system was designed to lift us up from that bondage none of this would have happened. It is a business my friend. We among all the other people are trapped in our country. Now you say Koreans have infiltrated us. It's the system that brought them here. The business sector make tons of money from them, yet have still left us hugging the ground for dirt cheap pay. It doesn't matter who comes to our country, it's the system itself that's keeping us where we are. The more people are poor the more control they have on us. Sub-standard education keeps people from becoming real good thinkers and wise. With us down the ground we are all forced to work hard for little pay while everyone at the top which are a minority become filthy rich. I wish that we shouldn't be too gullible to see beyond that. In a country divided by so much islands it is impossible to revolt as one. Those who had their chance flee from the country because they see no hope in it ever. I wish us all the luck in the world. But alas, I guess it'll take more than luck to get us out of the mess we are in.
@mapi26 (549)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
as a matter of fact i agree with you. our educational system here is cheap that is why they come here. although some of us can't afford it, they on the other hand can compared to their monetary value. with the colonization of US, we have absorbed English & made it part of our curriculum which serves as an advantage over other asian countries. to be honest i'm not comfortable with koreans flocking our place. no offense & no pun intended as it is my opinion & personal experience. i'm not a racist but i know for a fact that we filipinos also share discrimination whenever we are in a foreign land even though we do conform with other countries laws. i remeber way back in college & i was in baguio, it was then a peaceful place with Igorota & other lowlanders who come & visit the place & stay there for schooling. when i was in my junior years i have noticed the number of koreans growing. soon aside from the call center booming, the #1 job is korean tutoring. although yes it paved the way for employment for us filipinos & friendship with their country but it has been a hassle as well for us. what makes it worst is that they are given a special privilege or treatment which is the common b*llsh*t of filipino. there's nothing wrong with that but they are already growing in number! other welcome them, but i don't. mind you they're not even respecting our laws! i hate it when they flock our malls like crazy with korean kids running to & from! they block your way & at times they even bump you without saying sorry. how rude is that! we're not like that in other country! i hate it when they can;t communicate to you properly. i hate it when they are rude & abuse our laws. there's this one time we we're driving down the road when suddenly a korean kid ran fast across the street withour looking at the stop sign! my god we almost hit her & could have been jailed fopr crying out loud! her adult korean companion didn't even mind what happened. traffic signs are universal & they have broken it, how much more with breaking our phil. laws? so anyway, as much as i want to shoo them away, i can't. i'm educated enough not to do that. besides they help our economy. i just hope that they act as they are supposed to be expected. also, it's a good thing Baguio put a law that whoever of them violates any law can be put to jail, no if & no buts. i hope it'll be implemented in other provinces & cities.
@manixxx (116)
• Japan
5 Nov 08
me too! i get scared whenever there are many koreans, especially in the philippines. its like they are sprouting like mushrooms everywhere!!! even in my province, in my hometown, there are already koreans!!! woah, it seems like everywhere i go, there are koreans! well, i'm afraid they are going to invade the philippines, and it scares me. but we have no choice, we need them, for the sake of our economy, for the sake of our tourism, well, on the lighter side, they contribute much on our daily livelihood and also in our economy because some koreans are having businesses in the philippines. and also, there are many international schools there, for the benefit for them, which english subject is far more cheaper than in Korea. well, i guess we have to accept the fact that they are there, also, grabbing the opportunity, for cheaper education and doing business in our country too! and lastly, some of them are cute also...hihi!
@gardenstategreg (175)
• United States
4 Nov 08
While I am not from Asia or Korea or the Phillipines I still believe that everyone no matter where they came from can all live in harmony, peace, and reconciliation.... in theory that is how it is supposed to be but there is always one Jack@$$ in the bunch who will try to ruin it for everyone else and to be treated like a foreigner must be the most uncivilized and threatening feeling that I can think of esp if i had an interest in visiting foreign countries to learn about their cultures, customs, and history taking it all and learning as much as I can would be wonderful I would also feel that my presence in that country would not be very welcome esp since the american government hasn't proven to be the most professional or decent I still think that people should think no more or less of anyone they meet because they will eventually learn that if you give more of yourself to others then one day you might get rewarded your unselfish and noble deeds of humanity to give rather then receive but in this case it seems that even if you are of Korean descent you feel obligated to stand your ground and prove a sense of ownership, strength, pride, and territory over other Asian nationalities just to prove that you have what it takes to make sure people know where you stand but let me tell your right now that nobody will ever get along with an attitude like that