Call it women's intuition

@p1kef1sh (45681)
November 4, 2008 1:22pm CST
So what is this thing "Women's Intuition"? I have heard it said a million times, invariably by women about their ability to sense something or get onto an empathetic wavelength quickly. Maybe men have it too. Do you just KNOW something or are you like me, blunder into something and then when it's all crashing around you say "I shouldn't have done that should I?"
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20 responses
• China
5 Nov 08
I do believe women's intuition. I am a woman and sometimes I do can see things clearly and has a hint of what should do and what should not do. I cannot explain why but I just know it.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
Several people have said that. Maybe women "feel" things more than men do. I don't know. Thank you.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Everyone has intuition. women are just more intuned to our feelings that we can sense things before men can. we listen to our voice, the way the hairs on the back of our neck stands up, or just the way we feel in the moment, that tells us what to do or not do. a lot of people get that feeling or hear that voice and doubt what they feel or hear and do something anyway. then regret it later. i always listen to my feelings because no one knows what's better for me then me
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 08
That's very true Momma. Only we know how we are feeling. I think that generally women are more in touch with themselves. Men feel the same stuff but often ignore it, to our cost sometimes.
@littleowl (7157)
7 Nov 08
p1ke you are a very deep is hard to explain a women's intuition it's just that they are more intune with everything around them and have a natural instinct of 'knowing' and 'sensing' things even the feelings of can have it but just don't use!! littleowl
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Nov 08
I think that sounds about right in practice Littleowl. I am sure that there are men that are equally intuitive and can use it, but in the main we tend to think, thus smothering out intuition, rather allow any intuitive feelings guide us.
• Australia
7 Nov 08
The social pressure, gender roles etc., is to the effect that men should think and act and women should empathise and nurture. So men who natutrally empathise and nurture are discouraged from being themselves. Most people try to live up to peer expectations. The result is a society in which it APPEARS that women have all the intution and men have all the logic, but that's simply not true. Lash
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I think it's because women have more of an instinct for preservation. After all, we're responsible for children and husbands as well as extended families and have been for eons. I think we women have the intuition of survival and that's why we're frequently right while men are wrong--after all, they're naturally the risk-takers and hunters, and biologically expendable to some extent. It's all biology!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
8 Nov 08
You're still the protector of hearth and home, not to mention keeping wifey warm on winter nights. You're still useful!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
8 Nov 08
Someone (female) once described me as a "cuddly shaggy dog". That's what I sound like now. LOL. I can think of worse things to be though.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Nov 08
That sounds a pretty good round up. As I have performed my biological function and The Boss has turned into a pretty good hunter gatherer, should I do the decent thing and fade away now? Now, pills, revolver, cliff edge? Decisions decisions decisions.
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• United States
7 Nov 08
i can usually sense when a lot of things are about to happen.. i may not know what or who will be involved but i will have some sort of feeling and warning..
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Nov 08
I wonder where that comes from. I have gut instincts but that's not necessarily the same thing.
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• United States
7 Nov 08
well i dont know if you believe in actual psychics but people told me that they think its more of me being psychic than regular intuition which i wouldnt believe as much but my dad and mom both are the same way.. all of us have dreams that come true.. visions etc.. so who knows.. your gut instincts may just be a different way of you experiencing it.. you have to kind of learn about how it works as it happens.. i used to ignore every little feeling i had but then more times then not i realized i shouldnt have so i listen more.. i think you have to convince yourself that it actually could be something and not blow it off as society tends to tell us to do.. i know i was raised to not believe in psychics and etc even though my parents have gifts so i always doubted myself and figured i was crazy till i read up on some books and started realizing things.. they say every one has the capabilities its just learning to tap into them
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Nov 08
I've certainly experienced deja vu, but nothing that I would call psychic. I have a couple of friends on here who are both mediums. It's a conversation that we've started but have yet to finish. I try to stay open minded about such things.
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@ShealM (388)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I think it has a lot to do with the fact that even now a days women are still the primary care givers of children in the household (in general). It's not only basic common sense for child rearing but very much intuitive as well. As babies, children do not have spoken language but rather body language. The very fact that women are emotional rather than only logical thinkers makes women more prone to understanding that body language. We're hardwired for emotions and body language (not to say we're always right, we aren't). Everyone has intuition, men, women and child. Some are just a little more in tune with their intuition than others. I don't think it's solely a gender topic either. I've seen men who's intuition was far more accurate than a woman's intuition.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Nov 08
I think that there is something in that. If I may generalise, women feel whilst men tend to think and act. Both can be right and wrong. I find that women tend to have a stronger sensed of empathy that men, although sometimes I have seen that move to sympathy which isn't always what is wanted or needed.
@ShealM (388)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I can certainly agree with that to an extent. I think everyone regardless of gender has logical and emotional sides to them. I do believe the intuition comes from the emotional side of a person while common sense comes from the logical side of a person. With that in mind it can be logically said that ALL persons regardless of gender or age have both common sense (sic logical thought processes) and intuition (emotional thought processes). It's the way the human mind is hardwired.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I guess we all have it maybe a ESP type of thing we just have to be intuitive and in tune with it. Some call it a mother's intuition. Maybe it is because woman are more emotional and in tune with our bodies and selves that we the Intuition clearer then most men. I think I have it cause sometimes I can feel it. So maybe if you meditated and got attuned to your emotions and senses then maybe you would have it also..This is all a big maybe..I don't know what others have stated because I am answering from email.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Not all woman are intuitive and some men are more then others. I am not saying men can't be but that they sometimes aren't as much as some woman can be. But as Mike stated men have it also but call it gut feeling sometimes they don't listen to it and sometimes they do. I don't always listen to mine and it gets me in heaps of trouble sometimes. Maybe not emotionally as subconsciously attuned to one's self. I don't know so I will quite before I tangle my brain in it's confusion even
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
So does that mean that women attune themselves without effort whilst men have to consciously do something about it to have the same sensation Becky? Men can't just be in tune? Interesting.
@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 08
Women's Intuition isn't always right. That is usually about things which are fairly obvious which, of course, a man wouldn't notice because a man wouldn't notice if his face had fallen off. I do often just "know" things. Sometimes I don't even know what it is I know until I find out and even finding out is not always deliberate or expected. I don't know if that is just women's intuition but I am sure than some things I just know must be down to a more profound intuition than just the general "women's intuition"
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 08
"A man wouldn't notice if his face had fallen off" is that the same as being "off his face" Pumpkin? But how do you "just know". Many women seem to have this trait. I've often noticed that if I am with a woman and we meet someone new she will respond to me with a much deeper insight into what she thinks that person is about. I usually say "they were nice" or something equally bland.
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• United Kingdom
5 Nov 08
I literally meant that a man wouldn't notice if his face had fallen off. My other half will do all sorts of useless things and tell me there is nothing else to do when there is washing up to be done, toys to be picked up, clothes to be folded, etc. and my son can never find his shoes when they are right in fromt of him. I am just making a point of how unobservant men generally are. I don't know how I just know things. I don't always but if I meet really bad people, I tend to just know and it annoys me when certain others don't understand this like when they still insist that these people are decent no matter how obvious it becomes that they aren't. I think a lot of women's intuition is educated guess. Women remember things. They might have met someone similar before and assume things about this new person. It usually happens that they are right because the clothes people wear and the language they use can often show a lot about someone. Of course this isn't always the case but it is usually. I think that's why people sometimes take me the wrong way or make incorrect assumptions because I'm not "comformist". My clothes don't match my attitude and that sort of thing but I am unusual.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
5 Nov 08
i think man have this intuition thing also if they are as observant as the women..what i mean is women especially the wives knows every details of his man...and if by some situation it changes ..maybe for the worst or what not..wife usually notices it immediately and wonders what causes the changes on her man..would you believe that a wife can detect if his husband is lying or not? well i can ...its the changes in the facial expressions i guess...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
I know that women have a very could handle on their partners, but they can operate more widely than that with success in a way that many men cannot. Maybe it is a Lash above says - women feel and men think.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
"could" should read "good"....
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Hi, P1ke. Please don't make me support anything I am about to say, scientifically. I believe very much in women's intuition but I believe everyone has intuition that they could work to improve. I think women have a sense (you know, that spidery feeling, or something in your gut that is just off) about their personal safety and about their family, especially their children. As the gender blessed with the additional share of nurturing, I think this intuition has been honed and fine tuned for thousands of years. On the same note, I believe men have a greater intuition towards knowing where to find food. Hunter, gathers that you are (oh I hope I don't get slammed for this one) and that women, if left to our own devices might have only been vegitarians because we could relate to planting a seed, nurturing its growth and benefitting from its fruits. All this, IM(humble)O.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
8 Nov 08
You won't get the location of the cameras out of me, P1ke.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
Oh yes Pots. I am the archetypal hunter gatherer. Off every morning seeking meat and skins to keep us warm whilst the P1ke women suckle their children round the dying embers of last nights fire in which the days bread is being baked! I think that you may have something there. Someone else said that they thought that women "feel" whilst men "think" and I think that there is something in that. I want to know how it is that a number of women on myLot are able to tell what I am doing at any given moment! I haven't found the cameras yet.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
5 Nov 08
Well, a womans intuition is really a god thing. As a woman you know when something is bad or when something is god before something happen. I can sense when my son is in a bad mood, and when I ask him if everything is alright, and he says it is, I know he is not honest. I often feel things like this, as a woman. I also know and feel when my eldre at work is not OK. I guess, that is why woman are a god nurse. If it is intuition or not, I can not say. But I have a habbit of knowing when things are not OK. I can feel it, I can sense it in the air, and I can read the body and signs.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
That's what I mean you have it but what is it? Where does it come from.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 08
Is that woman's intuition or is it the classical case of someone observed a person and know the person's different types of mood. It would be wrong for a parent to have his/her child and does not know that individual. Isn't it.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Nov 08
What you just described isn't intuition, it's what I call "bouldering elephant syndrome"...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 08
LOL. So why do I have it more than most Dawn?!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Nov 08
You probably don't but most men wouldn't admit it. lol
@Humbug25 (12540)
6 Nov 08
Hello p1kef1sh Well I would say that most of the time it is an educated guess! I think that my brother has 'it'. When my nephew wasn't well and my brother took him to the doctors he was told that he was just seeking attention because there was a new arrival in their family but my brother insisted that there was more to it than that. After getting a third opinion and lots of blood tests later they found that he had cancer. My brother always said to me that he knew that there was something more wrong with his son than just plain old jealousy and he was right!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 Nov 08
So it's not just women then Humbug. Good for your brother for persevering.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
6 Nov 08
I like to think that if he didn't then our little Josh would have been taken from us sooner!
@goodkat (63)
• Romania
5 Nov 08
There is no such thing as "woman's intuition". There is, though, a type of perceiving facts that everybody has. We all have some sort of anticipation sense. If it's intuition about the things happened, it's because of the factors presented to the person who claims he/she is intuitive. In other words, what you KNOW about something generates your thoughts and attitude towards it. Nobody has ever had "intuition" about the things he/she knew nothing about or not heard at least one thing about. Analyse the data, and "intuition" is the outcome ;)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
So where does gut instinct fit in? I accept that is common to both senses. Welcome to myLot by the way.
• Australia
7 Nov 08
The thing with intuition is that it analyses subconsciously, whereas non-intuitive people analyse logically and factually. These are the two ways of perceiving, and all of us use both to some extent, but each of us tends to have a preferred way which predominates in our perceptions. 'Gut instinct' is an example of that subconscious analysis. Lash
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
Women's Intuition is basically gut instincts. I think we all have them, however, we don't all listen to them. Women seem to be more open to listening to their inner selves, that little voice inside our heads that tells us right from wrong. Men on the other hand, tend to prefer challenges, and likely fight off that gut instinct, figuring that they can improve the situation, or "fix it".
@p1kef1sh (45681)
7 Nov 08
I've just said above that I don't think that gut instincts are necessarily the same thing an you say that they might be. I do think that women listen, generally, more than men. I know that when I used to train people occasionally, the women nearly always did what I asked and the men would often rush ahead and get themselves in a real pickle at times. I had a switch on my computer that could black out their screen. Nothing like a little push of the keyboard to give me a sense of world domination!
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 08
Hello p1kef1sh, every one has this Intuition that you are talking about. It is a spirit that talks to us. There are times when we get that sensation in our being not to do something/or to act on something and we tends to overlook it until it is too late. It is just that women has a tendencies to talk about it where the men believe it is stupid to acknowledge it. But before I could realize this gift (I call it a gift) I used to run in alot of things which unfortunately some is not healthy to talk about. Now that I understand it I starts depend on it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
That makes women better balanced then Kerri. We shouldn't hide our feelings although neither should we inflict them on others.
4 Nov 08
Hi p1key, A women's intuition means that you know somethin is going to happen but you don't know what until it happens, when my husband and his friend went out one ninght to do some cycling adn I told them not to that night, they just laughed at me, guess what happened next, they both crashed and his mate ended up with a broken leg and my husband was lucky, he had cuts and bruises, thats for not listening to me, when I get a gut feeling I get a gut feeling and I know. Hugs. Tamara
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Nov 08
I shall make a note to always listen to any advice that you give me Tamara! That was very perceptive of you. XX
• Australia
5 Nov 08
Jungian Psychological Type theory says that Intuition is one of the two ways we have of perceiving, collecting information with which to make our decisions and judgements. MBTI (the Jungian instrument for assessing type) has 60 years of statistics behind it, and the only factor which is clearly gender specific is the Judgement process - whether we make our decisions through rational thought or values, and in this function women are clearly more likely to be Feeling types, and men to be Thinking types - but that doesn't mean there aren't significant numbers of either gender who go the other way. With Intuition and Sensation, the perceiving pair, the statistics show that about 40% of both genders are Intuitive, so if men seem to show this less than women, it is probably a cultural factor in play. I am strongly intuitive, and the problem with Intuition is that for every time you are astonishingly correct, there is a time when you get it astonishingly wrong. Balance is the essential element; intuition must almost always be backed up by facts and logic. Lash
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
You know what they say about statistics - There are "lies, D@mn lies and statistics!" I do agree though that from what I have seen (and I've worked in counseling heading my own team of 55 workplace counselors) I'd have to agree that broadly speaking your suggestion that women and feel and men think is pretty spot on with variations from the norm of course. There are thinking women and feeling men and that most dangerous of animal a thinking and feeling person - I am married to one! I do agree about backing up intuition except with the women in my life. They are right and it's better to accept that fact than deal with the aftermath of dissent!!! I think that I am probably for it now. LOL.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Men are brought up and socialized to ignore their feelings. Women are socialized to live their feelings. As a result of men being taught not to cry, play through the pain in the football field, and being ridiculed if he shows his feelings, he soon learns to suppress his feelings. He has probably the same feelings but does not acknowledge them. A woman on the other hand is encouraged to express the same feeling so ends up living awash in feelings so is more aware of them and has no shame in expressing them, "I feel this" or "I feel that" carries no shame.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
Then more men should take the plunge and say how they feel. I usually do - sometimes it has had to be dragged out - and I'm the better for it I think.
• United States
5 Nov 08
I have mothers intuition....not really woman's intuition. It's like this thing, you kind of instinctively know when something is bad, then again that intuition is not always perfect...and I believe men can have it to, just not as in tune as women!!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
5 Nov 08
I think that men do have it too. We just can't fine tune it as well as women.