How often do you eat pizza?

@tlb0822 (1410)
United States
November 4, 2008 3:10pm CST
My fiance loves pizza, he could eat it day in and day out, everyday of his life. Not me I like variety. We usually have pizza every two weeks, because he loves pizza. We like the meat lovers pizza. We usually order out for pizza. So do you order out when you eat pizza? What is your favorite kind, or toppings? How often do you eat pizza?
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20 responses
@riyasam (16556)
• India
5 Nov 08
my hubby too loves pizza but not me.i like to have it once in a while.we have reached a compromise and we have it ,maybe once in a fortnight or so.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
5 Nov 08
When I first saw this discussion I swore my fiance had started it because the beginning of it describes me to tee,and me and your fiance have the fact that we both love pizza,and that we could both eat it day in and day out,everyday of our lives,and I would never get tired of pizza,because it is the best food in the world, and usually we will get pizza from a pizza place such as Dominoes or Pizza Hut or even Little Caesars,because they have really good pizza,and I will also eat Dijornos from home when we have them,and my favorite pizza topping is usually cheese and I love extra sauce,because the sauce is the best part of the pizza,and it is my favorite part,and I will sometimes get green peppers and onions on the pizza,but it depends on which place we get it from,because some places have better green peppers and onions then others,and if I am in the mood to eat green peppers and onions or not since I usually pull the toppings off and eat them.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Nov 08
We order pizza at least once a week. I am like your fiance, I love pizza. I also love eating the pizza as leftovers the next day. There are many weeks we have pizza more than once a week. Me had pizza last Saturday night for dinner, Sunday for lunch and we are thinking of getting it for dinner tomorrow night too:)
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@vicky30 (4766)
• India
5 Nov 08
I too love eating pizzas.I order my pizzas from dominos.My favorite kind of toppings are veg toppings.They include onion,crisp capsicum,mushroom,golden corn and paneer.In the non veg section i like barbeque chicken with golden corn and extra cheese.I love to have my pizzas with a lemonade.I eat pizza once a month.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
5 Nov 08
i think dominos are best known for their pizzas.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Nov 08
My fiance told me about this discussion because at first he thought that I started it. My fiance is a pizza lover as well, but he only likes Cheese pizza, or sometimes green pepper and onions. As for how often, maybe twice a month.
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@pawan80 (36)
• India
3 Feb 10
I am also love to eat pizza. I love to celebrate any occasion by Pizza and go to Pizzahut restaurants with my friends and family for enjoy it.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I normally only eat pizza a few times a month. I probably could eat pizza every day for awhile, but I would be as big as a house. We don't get delivery where I live out in the country(probably a good thing). I think I would eat pizza a lot more often if I could just order it up.
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
5 Nov 08
We were having pizza once a week but it got to expensive so now we have it maybe twice a month. I am going to order one tonight and then my husband can heat it up for supper tommorow night too since I have to work. I really like BBQ beef pizza with extra cheese and really light on the sauce.
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I eat pizza prob once a month. They have specials here every tues nite cheap pizza nite. I love the supreme pizza its my fav! And white pizza too...We alwayz order out when we get pizza n have it delivered home. Best way 2 go!
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
5 Nov 08
Hi, We rarely eat Pizzas - we usually have it once in a month . Or even at a lesser frequency than that .
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Hey tlb! I eat piazza whenever I feel like it! Every two weeks! That sure seems like a long time to me! I could eat it a least once a week and even that seems like a long time! I just love pizza! My boyfriend does to and so does most of my friends. When I meet my girlfriends for lunch we almost always go for pizza. I can just eat a plain slice or 2. I don't even need any topping on it because the place that we go to the pizza is so good that you don't need anything on it. If I do get a topping it would be pepperoni!
@rrowenaa (834)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
I'm a pizza lover!! The last time i had it was this Monday as i was starvin and i really want pizza! I bought 2 slices of cheesy bacon and 2 slices of hawaiin from a Pizza Hut booth before getting in the cab goin home
@iamcdy (1119)
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
I eat pizza every two weeks at the most. I really love pizza but I don't eat it all the time. I want to miss it! I love any topping on a pizza but these days I am starting to love the chicago-style pizza. Yummy!
• Philippines
5 Nov 08
three times a weeks pizza is a complete meal .. love it
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
5 Nov 08
I too love eating pizzas.I order my pizzas from dominos.My favorite kind of toppings are veg toppings.They include onion,crisp capsicum,mushroom,golden corn and paneer.In the non veg section i like barbeque chicken with golden corn and extra cheese.I love to have my pizzas with a lemonade.I eat pizza once a month.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I think that sometimes we order pizza about once per week and others not at all. It depends on our mood and what we are doing.
@Averiex (83)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I'd say a couple slices a week. I would eat pizza everyday, but it just doesn't agree with my hips.
• China
5 Nov 08
Perhaps once in three months. As we eat rice everyday, pizza is really not our taste. Frankly I like pizza, but every time when we go out to eat something, my friend never choose pizza. So most of the time, I will order out pizza and take home. I love Hawaii pizza. I love pineapple most.
@sankata (236)
• Estonia
4 Nov 08
I eat a pizza about 1-2 times a month. I like the most hawaii pizza, because of the pineapple , it's my favorite.
• United States
4 Nov 08
We usually have pizza about once a month. We usually get the hot and ready pizzas from Little Ceasers because they are cheap and that way we can have leftovers for breakfast.