How much do your kids study?
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
November 4, 2008 3:12pm CST
My son is not doing well in social studies and science. He is failing all his tests and getting very low grades. He's also been getting in a bit of trouble lately so he's been grounded for the rest of the week. I told him he should use his time to study so his grades come up.
Normally he tries very hard not to study. He will do his homework as quickly as he can, and find something else he'd rather do. I tell him often that school is important and he should take it more seriously, but of course he doesn't listen.
Do you make your children study everyday, or can they just do their homework and be done with it?
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16 responses
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
I don't have children, but as a tutor, I encourage kids to study each day after they finish their homeowkr. I write out questions for them to answer, or help them to make flashcards to memorize things, or show them where to find online quizzes or puzzles to help them learn facts. Obviously, they study more while I am sitting next to them, but many of them still study even on the days they don't see me.
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@hildas (3031)
4 Nov 08
My eldest three daughters I had no problem with homework or studies. They just got on with it. My youngest daughter how ever hates homework. Infact she just totally dislikes any written work. It is a fight with her to do anything. Shes about average at School, justs gets by and I keep on at her to try harder, but she does not listen.
She is like your son and has to do homework really quickly. I have give up with her. I am sure there is something in the world, when she is older, she will like and be good at. My daughter is 11 years now and I am hoping she might like something eventually. The only thing she likes is the computer and television.
I would just let your son do his homework for now. He will learn in his own way. The School will help him out if he falls behind to far.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I think it is our parental duty to continue to push and encourage our children to do their very best in every aspect of life, including acedemics. Not being able to do something, and not wanting to are 2 totally different things. The problems you and I are both facing is our children don't want to... but they're perfectly capable of getting far better grades than they do.
I don't think a parent is doing their child justice if they allow them to do this without making every effort to get them to do their best. I don't see how any parent can sit back and say "I hope everything turns out allright". We don't have that guarantee in life. If you don't get a good education and go to college, life is hard! How could a parent willingly put that on their child?
No one ever said parenting was going to be easy, and dealing with a child who doesn't like school or homework is just one of our challenges that we have to face and conquer! I choose to stand up and continue fighting for my child, his education, and his future.
I'm also having a problem with your last statement. "The school will help him if he falls too far behind". The school has hundreds of children, 20 or so per teacher. How do you expect them to have the resources to help each child who falls behind? How well do they know your child and the child's learning abilities and disabilities? Some children learn differently from others. Do the teachers there spend enough one on one time with each child to know exactly the best way for that child to learn and retain information?
My child is not the school's responsiblity... he's MY responsiblity. I have to make every effort to help him succeed, and if I don't, nobody else will.
@hildas (3031)
4 Nov 08
Yes I pushed and encouraged my older daughters and they have done very well. My youngest is impossible to talk too so I have given up with her with the fighting over School work. Yes you are right. The teachers do not have the time for the ones that fall behind in a certain subject, but there is classes for maths and things that my daughter once went to for her to catch up. She is average now. I could not help her with maths as I can just barely do it myself, so this was of great help to me. Certainly MY daughters are MY responsibility, but if there is help in School that I cannot give, I certainly will take it. My youngest daughter as I said will eventually like something regarding School and as I said I keep on at her to try harder. They will all learn what they want when they are ready. All children need Parental guidance and put on the right path in life. Your son will get there with your help.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I personally would not settle for this though, and I would not "give up" because of fighting. I'd go down to the school and talk to the teacher and explain the entire situation and see if there's anything she can suggest to help make it easier on you.
In order for me to not struggle so much I signed my son up for extra help after school. He stays late 4 days a week just to do homework and study. usually his homework is already done when he gets home. But since he's still having problems even with the extra help class, I set time for him to study at home as well.
His education is my #1 priority.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
5 Nov 08
My boys are 14 and 16. They know that they have to keep their grades up in order to participate in sports, so they take it upon theirselves to study when necessary. My oldest is very gifted and really doens't study much at all but he always gets 95% or higher on his tests. My 14 yr old does struggle, so he tries to study when he feels he needs to.
Then I have an 8 yr old. In 3rd grade all she has to study for is spelling and I test her every night on her spelling words. If she misses one, I make her write it 5 times to help her remember it.
I think that once kids get to middle school where they need to be studying, they need to be taught how to study. Some kids have no idea how to even begin studying.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Nov 08
It's good yours are responsible enough to know when and how to study to keep their grades up. If mine got good grades I would not worry about his study habits at all, but since his grades are bad I have to keep on him about it.
@gemini_rose (16264)
5 Nov 08
I am not a parent that will force my child to study every minute of everyday, when my children started school they could not read, but could count and determine their colours. I remember feeling mortified because most of the other kids could read, write, count etc and thinking to myself that I was a bad parent for my childrens shortcomings. But on review although I may be wrong for not learning them more they knew how to play together they knew how to share, how to help others and none of the other children did, they were pretty nasty children. All their parents did with them was work work work. So maybe I should have done more maybe not.
I send my children to school for 6 hours a day, they work hard. When they come home they should be able to relax and play, fair enough if there is homework to be done it should be done but other than that I will not make them do anymore. I would not expect my hubby to go out to work all day and then come home and do homework and in a way it is the same, for me anyway. I know that one of my boys is having trouble with his writing, he lumps all his words together and spells certain letters backwards, so what I sometimes do with him is tell him to write certain words for me but I make it into a game for him.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
6 Nov 08
At least here the children get a lot of playtime during school so it's not so bad. But my oldest is getting horrible grades, so I don't feel as if he should be able to play until he has studied and done his best on his homework, which doesn't usually happen.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
5 Nov 08
My stepson has to read one book a day even in the summer and on non-school days. He's only in 1st grade so he's still learning words and reading. We feel reading is a very important learning tool in our home. He doesn't have to try at his moms so we do what we can to make up for lack of learning there.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I would do the same thing, but all my kids love to read for fun, even the oldest who's having issues in school. My issue with him is actually paying attention and taking his time on his work.
@agrant10 (1476)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I have three children my boys are 19 and 15. They hate to study and use to just do their homework and move on. My daughter is 11 and she does pretty well, but did not have good study hadbits. I scheduled a teacher conferences for all 3 and went home and set some guidelines in place. the oldest one has to study for a 1 1/2. My other son 1 hr and my daughter 45 min. This time does not include their homework assignment. I have watched their grades flourish.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Nov 08
That's great that they have turned around so much by just a little extra time studying.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
5 Nov 08
My son does not really study all that much. He gets a few homework assignments per week. He does those and then he studies his spelling words for the week. If he is going to have a big test the teacher sends home a note along with some ideas for helping the kids study. He is getting all A's and B's so far this year.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I had two boys who disliked school very much. I did keep up with their lessons and tests. For the most part they had to study 3 out of 5 nights anyway. It was surely a battle. Both of them graduated from high school, on time. I had one rule that I never went back on, no grades lower than a C or they were grounded to their rooms until that grade improved. Now there was one time that my son tried, participated, and stayed after school for tutoring and still had a D. That was the only exception that I made. He simply didn't get what was being taught in that quarter.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Not understanding and not trying are 2 totally different things. I tell my son all the time that if he tried his best, I wouldn't be harping on him nearly as much as I do. He gets mostly C's, some D's, I push him to bring those grades up. I know he's a lot smarter than he is, he just refuses to apply himself.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
5 Nov 08
For the most part, my kids all just do their homework and that's it. If I see that any of them are struggling in a subject, then, I will make them study it more. For example, my oldest son was falling a little behind in Reading. It wasn't because he didn't understand, it was because he wasn't reading when he should have. He would try to read while doing other things, and tried to call it studying. I made him sit at the kitchen table each day after school and actually read for 20 minutes until his grade improved. It seems to have worked because now he does pretty good about puuting forh the effort to keep up jis grades without having to be reminded.
@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 08
I just make a schedule for my 2 eldest daughter and my son.
The schedule like below :
* Arrived from school after get lunch they must repeat all lesson that they have got that morning.
* After dinner they must do their homework or just read what guess will learned by tomorrow.
After they did their schedule then just they may do their pleasure.
@sudais2006 (349)
• Pakistan
5 Nov 08
i think that he is not study well, but he is thinking that he is just doing well like every student he is best in his eyes.
Prince Sad
@wujinbo (341)
• China
5 Nov 08
dont worry ,you can find your childrens 'interested and give him a lesson to tell him the importance of study .if he wont listen ,you must find a easy way to solve,for the unaccepted attitude makes your child worse and worse.or you can develop his interest ,he will love it and enjoy it....
@drewnel (21)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Not enough, My daughter studies quite a bit and generally gets A and Bs. But she also has to be pushed into studying. Fortunitly she likes to read and write book reports. My youngest son is gifted in math and science and generally does very well in all subjects, he is also gifted in music. He is lazy and often must be forced to do homework, quite often he is doing it at last minute just before leaving for school in the morning. My oldest boy is just plain lazy, he is above average and scoes well on the sat tests. He was in the 80th% in evry subject on the high school enterence exams but he gets some c grades because he won't study and/or apply himself. He says he wants to be a doctor, but I don't think he will wok ha enough for that. So you are not alone with home work problems. Social Studies is a lot of memorization of facts. perhaps if you went over his chapters with him and discussed the topics with him he would find it more interesting. you might also try quizing him on the chapters and/or making flah cards with names and facts etc.. doing these things would also give you some quality time with him.
@krajasekarece (30)
• India
5 Nov 08
see, its not study them in this age,please wait till 15 age.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Nov 08
It depends. My daughter does very good in Literature, Publications and Spanish, so I don't push them. Science, math and History tend to be challenging so we work a little more on them. Math and Science are NOT my strong points, in fact, she passed me a few years ago. So in this case, we work closely with her teachers to make sure that she is getting the help she needs.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
i do make it a point to study with them, i assist them in their assignments, not necessarily that i do their it, i just sit there and make sure that they are doing their assignments and i explain to them those they dont understand.
we also do some advance readings as much as possible.
i let them play once they are done with their assignments. and since they want to play, they would also make sure that they are done with their studies...