It;s The end of the world as we know it........
By sweetpeasmom
@sweetpeasmom (1325)
United States
November 5, 2008 4:27am CST
and I do NOT feel fine.
That song has been going through my head ever since I found out Obama stole the election.
Why are American people so stupid?? Did they not listen to anything this man had to say?? Did they not look up anything about him??
Did you see how the Black Panthers did people in Phillie?? I am scared that with Obama as president white people will not be able to walk the streets. SORRY
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58 responses
@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
5 Nov 08
Stole the election? With a landslide majority of electoral colleges and a 5% majority in the popular vote?
Of course you're racist, and paranoid, and incredibly unintelligent from the wording of your discussion.
By the way, I am not a democrat, not even an American. I'm just someone who recognises a fundamentalist bigot at 500 paces.
May your God bring you every single thing you deserve.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
5 Nov 08
Bethsmom, I assume you meant this as a response to the OP?
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@tahiti_rose (150)
5 Nov 08
Way to go Grandpa_Lash, a couple of billion people echo your thoughts.

@soccermom (3198)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Let me're going to stock up on canned goods, kerosene and a generator, and don't forget the batteries because this is a sign that the Anti Christ is coming?
I'm sorry that you live in such a world where you are still fearful of a black man with any power. Maybe you haven't noticed the skinheads that still run rampant in this nation, it is people like that we should be scared of. And dare I say people like you who inadvertantly spread hate.
As a nation ths type of attitude should be way beneath us. My suggestion to you is that if you hate being here so much, Canada is not that far away. As for me, I am going to embrace our new president elect, just as I would have done if McCain had won, and so my part as an American to see that our nation lives up to it's promise.

@soccermom (3198)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I was about 6 years old when Reagan was elected, but I do dimly remember some of that. Maybe we could find some of the people that thought that way and ask them how that worked out for them? LOL
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Are you old enough to remember all the people that thought Reagan was the anti-christ? lol Guess that passed when he did.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Nov 08
Let's face it the Republican Party put up the wrong candidate, then put on a lack luster campaign. The best candidate may not have been the one who won (the best ones from both major parties were all out of the running before the primary elections really got going), but the one who had the best campaign did win.
As for all your fears, some of them are understandable, but others are just wierd.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 08
One party over the other has gotten control over two powerful information influences.. the media and education (esp our colleges and universities)'s the eight year hammering of the media where the only issue that mattered is votes and thus to bury Bush and conservatives/conservativism.. All this makes the power of the people (voting) to be largely a popularity contest and peer pressure..
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I don't think ANY Republican candidate would have had a chance this year, because of Bush and because the Republican Party is in the White House.
I heard some news reporters say that they felt that if Hillary had won the Democratic nomination, she would have won the election too, and just about any Democrat that they chose would have won. Someone, I think it may have been Juan Williams, said this was like a "protest" vote.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I agree. The republican party did not put up a strong candidate and to be honest McCain's campaign was a mess. He was not a organized as he should have been. HE did not run a good campaign and it shows.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
5 Nov 08
You certainly sound like a racist to me. I highly doubt any white person will ever be treated as badly as the black people in this country have been treated in it's history.
I went to bed confident that Barack was on his way to being our next President. However, I woke up wondering if the republicans had figured out a way to steal this election, like they stole the last two. Americans came out in record to vote in Obama, FAIR AND SQUARE! Barack kicked booty, thanks to that record turnout of people that have had enough of the Bush administration.
Barack said ,"Yes We Can"....and WE DID!!!!
No one is forcing you to live in the USA. Feel free to move your racist butt to any other country that will have you. Just remember, the grass IS NOT always greener on the other side!
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Yes I have to agree!!Well said.YOU ROCK:)
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
5 Nov 08
It is hard for me understand why people jump on something negative when it is geared towards someone they do not like, but ignore all the negatives that were done by the people they like.
I am scared that with Obama as president white people will not be able to walk the streets. SORRY
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Sudalunts you are mistaken. You must have read the report on Channel Obama, (aka msnbc).
I SAW it on tv as it was happening. They were NOT dressed in black. They WERE dressed in Black Panther uniforms. One of them DID have a nightstick VERY CLEARLY in his hand. That one WAS escorted away by police. The one remaining was very rude and very loud and angry when a reporter just tried to ask about the uniforms and the nightstick and why they were standing there like that, as if to intimidate. The reporter was polite. The man was extremely rude and angry and told the reporter he had no right to be there taking pics of people! When asked about the man, taken by police, who had been standing RIGHT NEXT TO THIS MAN, he said I don't know what you're talking about. You see no one is here. I don't see anyone. I don't see a nightstick. You don't know what you're talking about.
Next, I would like to know WHERE in this country, in 2008, black people have been afraid to walk in the streets because of fear of hanging.
There have been isolated incidents in the last decade, but certainly not by the majority -- only by extremists on the fringe of society. What you are saying is similar to considering all Muslims to be like the extremists who reign terror on us all and swear to kill the US and Israel. I will post my reply to this discussion separately -- so please read that too, so you can see my whole viewpoint.
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@trell8402 (274)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Thedogshrink, I used to think that racism was pretty much gone for the most part too, but I was wrong. Being from GA, I learned that quickly. There are some counties in my great state (and I say this in sarcasm), that you couldn't pay me enough to be caught in when the sun went down. I have a friend from the middle region of GA that can attest to that. Not being stopped because you did something wrong, but being stopped just because you're a certain race. And even in my hometown, racism is still persistent. When my now best friend, who is white with multiracial children, moved from Maryland she was looking at a black Bratz doll for her little girl. This older lady walked up to her and said, "That's a colored doll you're looking at." And my same friend said she was talking about the election with someone, and she said she felt we were screwed with either candidate. The person she was talking to said, "well, it depends on if you want to be in bed with a n***** or not." So, as a black person, I do feel I have to watch my back, but I don't understand why there is a threat of Obama being racist against whites when that's exactly what his mother was. In my opinion, that's being racist against part of yourself. But I'm still young, and I may not understand the ways of the world yet like the older and "wiser"...
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I fear Obama because of his past voting record. I also fear Obama because he was raised as a muslim, and he has attended a racist church for twenty years. Can you really expect me to believe that he attended that church not knowing the messages that were being preached? He attended that church because he AGREED with the messages...
Let's stop here for a moment and turn the tables...
Hypothetically speaking...consider this and give me an honest answer...
Let's say that a white man that was raised as a muslim and has attended a church preaching a "white power" message for twenty years decided to try to run for president. This man refused to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, and refused to wear an American flag lapel pin on the collar of his suit. Let's say that he has a picture of Fidel Castro or Hitler in his campaign office (Obama had a picture of someone in his office that was a socialist or communist or someone...but I can't remember the person's name). Also add his unwillingness to serve in the military to the equation. NOW...stop for a moment and read all this again...take a long hard look at the hypothetical "candidate" honestly answer me this far would this "candidate" make it in the campaign for president??? Well wake up America....because that is what you just elected...
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@wanderer086 (759)
5 Nov 08
What are you talking about? There is rejoicing all over a lot of the world now that Obama has won. The European Union is happy about it because at last democracy has come back to America. If America did go back, which it wouldnt, maybe it would be justice for all the years that black peole have lived in fear. Whether you and your mad cronies like it or not this is the best thing that could have happened toAmerica and the world. I just hope that some nutter does not try to kill him before he becomes President. But them I suppose you do. I am sorry for people who areso narrow minded as you. And no matter what you say, you are a racist.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 08
...the world is happy because the liberal view has come to permeate so many news outlets the world over.. it's possible we may now truly begin in earnest the move toward one world government which will come to replace all "balance of power" and since power corrupts.. well, we will see how good or bad this can get.. or our kids will..
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
6 Nov 08
What do you mean democracy has come back to America? We are a republic and always have been, not a democracy. As far as Europeans being happy, they have wanted us weakened. Maybe now they think we will be. This is not the best thing that could happen to America nor the worse, it's just another presidential election. What about European countries like France and England, they have blacks in their country also. When are they going to start electing black leaders, presidents, or prime ministers? When are they going to follow our example and stop being raciest?

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
5 Nov 08
you are very entitled to your opinion but you sound so very negative. He is one black man in a house of white people....I think it is awesome that he had the strength and guts to fight his way this far. I am not going to say who I voted for but either is over and we have to unite and all work together. Just because someone had an opinion that differed from yours does not mean they are "stupid". I am sure you are upset and don't mean to be as harsh as you sound. I have a bit more faith in our people than to think that we will resort to the ways of the 50's and 60's. As far as small businesses being skrewed amd you really believe that? It's already really bad. And as for late-term abortions....I don't agree with them but we can hardly blame's been happening for a long time now...not his fault.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I like your post . and I am not gonna say who i voted for either . I have respect for both men . I am willing to see what Obama can do =) give him a chance ya know what i mean . People have the choice !
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
6 Nov 08
You must be kidding right? Did you forget Obama is half white? Has 2 little girls? And it is racist to think that all black people are alike or condone what each other do. Don't let one bad apple spoil a bunch. Stole the election? He won fair & square by a landslide victory and McCain conceded very graciously by the way~Did you even watch TV last night? But I imagine it was ok when the republicans actually did steal the last 2 elections? I'm sorry that some people are so narrow minded. Don't be afraid of black people they wont hurt you if you dont hurt them. Segregation in 2008/09? There are so many mixed people this is a melting pot. And if you dont like it you certainly can leave. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord..
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
5 Nov 08
You are saying that the American people are stupid because they do not agree with your?????? What you are some superior being are you? The world should see things your way? Get over it. Who do you think you are?
You are a racist if you think that just because a black man is president that white people are suddenly not safe. That is very racist. You have no idea what will happen because you are too busy thinking the sky will fall in and you have no idea if it will or not. You really swallowed the lies you were fed.
Just because the other side said the sky would fall in if you elect the Democrat does not make it true. It is called propaganda!!!!!!
@wickedstepma (940)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Exactly! Propaganda that gets swallowed as truth. And the term 'terrorist' has been thrown around way too loosly. Just because Obama's middle name is Hussein, geez. I believe that he will unite people. While I admit that he wasn't my choice in the primaries, once he got the nomination, I really listened to his platform. So many people hear things, and suddenly those things become the Gospel truth. Just because you read somewhere that something is true, please don't automatically believe that!
I was actually proud of the fact that I weighed issues from both candidates. I am a democrat, but would have been willing to vote McCain....had his platform been the best. To me "I can fix it" doesn't work. HOW will you fix it? Obama came out ahead in all respects.
I've been saying for months that it is really a sad thing that so many people simply wouldn't vote for Obama simply because he is black. And there ARE alot of black people who believe that they will get a free ride now. I guess they will have to be disappointed. He is going to be sure to be equal and erase the race card. I think the way I heard it put this morning was good...Obama is not the black president elect, he is the president elect who just happens to be black.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
6 Nov 08
In fairness to the people who voted for McCain, no one that I know of, no one with any intelligence at all were concerned about terrorists because of Obama's middle name. It was because of his MANY terrorist friends, associates and connections. It was a very legitimate concern that he might not have the best judgment, to say the least.
I also don't think there were that many people who would not vote for a black man -- altho I'm POSITIVE there were some. But those kinds were a small minority.
I like that you described the "negative" ideas of both sides. I agree that we have to put the election behind and support our President now. That doesn't mean we can't question what he is going to do, since we don't know for sure. It doesn't mean we can't let him know if we disagree with something -- we ARE Americans! But NO President should be so viciously attacked from day 1 the way Bush was. It only hurts us all, and hurts our country.
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@missgabbi (52)
• United States
6 Nov 08
There is so much negativity surrounding such a great moment in history... and as not only an American, but an African-American woman, I'm happy and excited that Obama is our president. Now, I'm sure there are some people that are going to assume that I voted for him because I'm black, but that is simply not true. I hate that the supposedly "greatest nation in the world" is full of complete stupidity and ignorance, let alone the lack of respect for other people's opinions and veiws.
He deserves the same chance to change things just as George Bush got. He's got that chance regardless of anything that you or anyone else can say--he was voted into office, you can't take it back. The only thing I forsee that has to do with race is the fact that so many people (especially in the part of georgia that I'm from) are judging him before it's time. And those people are just *waiting* on him to screw up, just once so they can crucify him in the public eye. That's not fair, but it's America. It's a sad fact.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
5 Nov 08
It sounds like you are very much afraid... Yet I think that you will soon find that your fears were groundless...
I am white and I voted for Obama as I believe that he was the better choice for president at this time.
I believe that Obama is for inclusion and collaboration. I know that the Democratic Party has a history of having people of diverse ethnic, racial, creed and socio-economic backgrounds work together well and that the majority of the Democratic Party will be very intent on preserving and expanding the rights, safety and equality of all people (not just Democrats, not just people of color) as that is what the Party stands for.
It sounds like your daughter's professor was a racist plain and simple... or else very much afraid of anything new...
You have been obviously reading and hearing a lot of things about Obama which were factually incorrect...
The voting record of Obama on Partial birth abortions is other than you said... He voted present which is not the same as a yes... which in fact is a way of saying that you don't want to be part of the decision...
He also voted against bills to protect against partial birth abortions because there was a law already on the books that protected unborn children against partial birth abortions and the law that he opposed would have replaced that one with another that was for turning the doctors who did abortions into criminals (which would have been unconstitutional and would have been overturned anyway) and also because it did not have any exceptions in the case of rape incest or to save the life of the mother (He is not alone in wanting these exceptions... many on both sides demand these exceptions.) His votes never resulted in any partial abortions as, let me repeat, there was already another state law (which had been already declared Constitutional) which was already preventing partial birth abortions. He is for the right of individual states to restrict partial abortions, etc. and has stated that repeatedly. He is far from being the murderer that some have tagged him as.
Many people who are pro-life voted for Obama... There have been Republican presidents and Congress and Senate and they did not choose to overrturn Roe v.s. Wade. The chances are that they would not be successfull if they had tried and would have, most likely, if they had been successfull in doing so, further weakened or taken away the privacy rights of all people not just in the cases of abortion as that Constitutional right to privacy was, in part, used in Roe v.s. Wade to get that law passed...
There are many who also consider pro-life to be against war, for taking care of the children once they are born (ie. providing better education than the flawed every child left behind which is now resulting in my area in high drop out rates, providing licensed child care so that low income parents can work and avoid becoming homeless, jobless, and needing government assistance, etc. and yes, even perhaps decreasing the rate of abortions as parents are perhaps more able to keep rather kill their unborn children.) and also to be for helping to restore the dignity of the elders and also of the infirm who are now getting harmed because of the economy...
Many people are also looking at the statistics which showed a 30% drop in the abortion rate under Clinton and a stagnation at that level under Bush. There is a clear connection between abortion rates and the economy. A worse economy= more abortions. The economy tanked under the Bush presidency and people, rightly or wrongly, do not trust McCain to fix it as he was not diametrically opposed to Bush in his economic policies. In addition, there are some economists out there that have stated that if McCain were to have freezed new government spending, we would have a major problem as it is going to take more and not less governmental spending on new projects, construction, education, etc. to get the economy moving again ...
The taxation plan which will give a bit of relief to the middle and working classes will not be a bad thing nor will it be a bad thing to have the businesses who are making record profits overseas exempt from paying their taxes here when they are based here or otherwise using tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. The majority of small businesses will get tax refunds contrary to the lies that were told in the campaign in the "Joe the plumber" charade.
There are lot of hopes that we have. Under McCain, it is highly likely that stagnation would have resulted. With Obama we have a chance to at least try something new and yet untried.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Nov 08
...yes, that is what the party says it stands for.. now with more control in their hands, perhaps we will see.. I'm not so much interested in the cover of a book (image).. but what works.. (It's not a matter of 'race' but of party degrees.) I can't forget that the oil and gas prices (thus food, etc) were likely directly influenced by the ideas of greatly escalating global warming... And world and national opinion the result of the last eight years hammering by the media, in the effort to "bury Bush" and conservatism. No other issue has mattered. It has been hammered home daily. One party having control and power over the other in two very influential information sources (the media and education) certainly must have results. If Mr. Obama was more of a centrist, albeit left of, it would not be so much of a concern for so many.. Government making drastic changes can bring about not just "changes" but drastic effects.. There is the positive and the negative of Mr. Obama's win.. some are concerned whether he now owes some folks from "chicago politics".. Hopefully it won't be like watching the United Nations seat dictators into positions on the Human Rights Council..
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Dear flowerchilde ... By the way, nice name.
Yes, that is what the party says and we shall indeed see.
I too will be interested to see what will work as there is much that has not yet been tried and as there is a new for new learnings for all people in order to get out of the economic mess we are in.
As far as the global warming goes... there does appear to be some truth to that... ice core samples showed early and now we have communities will have to move inland in an attempt to escape the rising waters... This is already happening. Animal species are already threatened... The problem was not informing the people of the problem it was the lack of action to solve it. The businesses that have responded to the need to go green have found that they have saved money and in most cases become more efficent of their resources and more productive. And the individuals who have explored going green in their homes have also saved money in the long run some even going off the grid and getting money from the energy companies for providing some electricity for others in the area. Clean technology seems to require at times an intial outlay of money and this should be absorbed perhaps by the government with the knowledge that this investment will in the end result in more profits for the companies, etc. We have seen this to be true in California.
In regards to Bush... there were too many things that he did against the Consitution of the United States for people to keep silent about it. It was not his Conservative views that people disliked as frankly he was far from being a Conservative with his background and his spending policies and was only packaged that way to make him more palatable to you.
I think that perhaps the media which by the way just is all of those on the radio, the television (regular and cable), the newspapers and now the internet are a mixture of people from the left and the right... There are people and stations that are labelled as being right wing and those that are labelled as being left wing and then there are the many who are not trying to swing either way but just to present the news the best way they can... There are far less of these than I would like due to the deregulation of the industry which created media monopolies and which reduces the number of newspapers, radio stations and television station which were able to dig for information that would give alternative views on issues and that would cause the larger news sources to explore issues more throughly...
I will say that we have to now protect net neutrality at all costs as we need a free flow of information in order to maintain our Democracy.
In regards to whether or not liberal professors cause people to vote in a liberal manner... This can say it better...
But the reason why people label themselves as liberal or conservative could just as easily be biological too... as those who call themselves Conservatives are said to have a bigger startle reflex than those who call themselves Liberals.
It seems that President-Elect Obama is getting centerist people on his staff and that Pelosi and others in the Democratic party are now reaching out expressing a desire to work together with the Republicans whether they be Conservative, Moderate or Liberal.
I believe that it will be important for all of us to be watchful and to defend the constitution... I believe that those who did not do so due to fears of terrorism, etc. under Bush were mistaken in that inaction.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Sorry, but you don't have any of us fooled. "White people will not be able to walk the streets" you say. You ARE a racist, even though you try and convince the world otherwise. You are afraid of black people and think that a black president will lead YOU a white person to be in chains (metaphorically speaking that is). Its time you came into the current century and realized that it doesnt require someone to have white skin to be a good president. And maybe if you could step outside of your white little box you would learn that people are good or bad based upon their morals, and their values, not because of the color of their skin. Its also time you realize that in the last 8 years the republicans were in control our country had suffered one set back after another. Thank the Gods Americans realized we DO need change and voted accordingly.
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@trudyanndac (100)
• United States
5 Nov 08
LOL!!!!!! Instead of worring about such stupidness...why not enjoy the fact that you got to witness history?
Stole the election?? (that was Bush)
It's sad that you think that race has anything to do with this. Not everyone is so simple minded! Obama is half white...he was raised by his white grandparents that should help you sleep a bit better at night. LOL!! If segrigation is coming back thenw there will have to be so many different restrooms that's it's ridiculous!! America is not Black vs.'s a melting pot of Latin, Carribean, Asian, African, Caucasion, and those who are mixxed (like me and Obama). We are all American, unfortunetly racism (as your post demonstrates) is still alive by those who are afraid of change.
Chill out...Change is going to come, but for the better!
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
6 Nov 08
we as black people do not want to repeat what happen to our fore fathers are you crazy what happen in the 50 should just be a time in history that should never be repeated.obama is the president you have to give him a chance you gave bush a chance and look what happen and he was a white man all blacks gave him a chance,color has nothing to do with it you, and your family have nothing to fear we as a black people don,t want to hurt anyone it.s a time america needs to heal from all this violents and crime it,s a time we as a people learn to live together as a people, and not because of the color of your skin but because we are human being and brothers and sisters.the same fear you are having we had it all our lives as black people, so if we can forgive why can,t you and let,s move on.i would never want to treat anyone the way my fore father and mother was treated it,s just not don,t worry it,s going to be ok he not just black he half white too and he bleeds just like you are me.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am so sick of reading posts from people saying that it's the end of the world, doom and gloom because Obama won. Some McCain supporters have turned out to be the sorest losers I've ever seen in my life. Why spread so much hate and evil rumors before the man has even served one day as president? You might be surprised to know that many Obama supporters didn't blindly vote for him. I have done non-stop research on both McCain and Obama and debunked many many rumors on each candidate. In the end after much much research I decided Obama was the right choice. And with as many people voted for him he didn't "steal" the election.
And do you really think as hard as he has worked to get this position that he would throw it all away to enslave white people. I mean come on now. He would be impeached far before anything happens that you have just accused him of.
Everyone needs to at least give the man a chance to see what he can do now that America has voted for him. Don't be so quick to bash him for things he hasn't done before he's even served his first day as president. You may be pleasantly surprised. He might not be all that bad. I'd be willing to bet 4 years from now we will all be just fine, if not much better off then we are right now.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Well, I am sorry that you feel that way. I THINK that you are referring NOT so much to the idea that we have a black President causing this, but for some of the things Obama has said and his wife have said that could be construed as racially loaded. Obama has NOT said anything like that during the campaign, but he HAS said things like that in his books.
However, I don't see that your daughter's professor could be right. In fact, I wonder if he was baiting the students to try to get them to think??? If he wasn't, or if he was and didn't make that CLEAR in the end, then I think I would have a word with him, and depending on how that went, possibly report him. That was very irresponsible and unfounded for him to say.
And for all those who jumped on sweetpea -- note that she was quoting her daughter's professor.
On the other hand, sweetpea, you also said you are scared white people can't walk down the street.
I believe that Obama's campaign, and particularly some of his past associations and comments, have incited a little racism towards white people. However, the majority of black people have expressed their joy that all can come together under this man -- that he will stand for everyone, not just black people. Obama himself, in his victory speech, assured us all that he will be President of all of us -- even those who didn't vote for him. He wasn't saying that in a negative way, as if to tell us to shut up and fall in line, but in a way that meant don't worry.
I don't see that there is ANYTHING for white people -- or black people -- to be afraid of from each other, unless it would be some rogue group like the Skinheads or the Black Panthers. And I think that is not going to be much of an issue either.
I DO worry a little for Obama's safety (and for our country should something happen to put Joe Biden in the White House), because of the one attempt that was thwarted.
I think it was fantastic that the FBI caught that before it happened, but I am very concerned that they caught it because it was pretty lame and not a serious, organized plot (serious in that they meant it, but not serious in their ability). I worry if someone else is more stealthy. But my worries are NOT founded in a belief that this country is essentially racist. I heard that when Obama was first running. People said no, this country will not elect a black man. They thought we'd elect a white woman before we'd elect a black man.
And I believe a LOT of the rhetoric during the campaign shows that the country is NOT ready for a woman as president, even as VP, unless it had been Obama's VP since he is very young, so she would not be likely to ever actually be President.
I said back then that is WRONG. People will have little problem electing a black man in this country, if they like what he says. And I have been proved correct. It was NOT just black people that voted Obama in. It was 43% of the white voters too - or more. And you have to remember that POLITICS played a HUGE part in this election, as well. I mean Republicans vs Democrats, liberals vs. conservatives and moderates. I voted for McCain, based completely on my political and economic viewpoints, NOT on race.
I think very, very few voted on race, except that it would seem a large number of black people voted for him because he was black -- so they said, but in reality if he were white they would have still voted for him, NOT McCain.
I'm really sleep deprived this morning and I don't think I'm being very coherent.
But believe me, there is reason to be concerned about some of Obama's very liberal policies. There is reason to wonder about the economy worsening, because of Obama's very liberal policies. There is reason to wonder about our troops and how they will feel if not allowed to finish the job that they are clearly almost finished with.
But there is NO REASON to worry about walking down the street!!!
I moved from Philadelphia in the past year, and I would NOT like to be living there still for MANY reasons, which is why I left. But right now, I was not at all surprised to see the Black Panthers there, because it is a VERY RACIST city, in both directions, to and from black people. But if I were still living there, I would not be at all afraid to walk down the street, even tho the majority of people I'd meet would be black.
Obama's policies are what we have to worry about. He ran a very middle of the road campaign, sort of centrist. It became MORE CENTRIST as the campaign went on. I don't know -- none of us do -- if that is what he was learning from us as he traveled the country and so is actual beliefs have changed, or if it was just done to get elected as I have heard
many of his supporters say (people who said that were all white upper middle and extremely liberal). If he actually remains middle of the road in his policies, we might be OK, and if he moves to the extreme left as he has been in the past, we will be in trouble.
Well I am rambling -- sorry -- and not making much of a point. Maybe I'll get some sleep and try again later.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Nov 08

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@liquorice (3887)
6 Nov 08
Yes, I can understand that.
They failed me for a short while too, but then lots of words splurged out of my brain! Luckily I didn't write them all down, just some of them...

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