Can bleach absorb into your skin?

@tlb0822 (1410)
United States
November 6, 2008 2:43am CST
I clean with bleach on a daily bases at my work. It's constant, because we use it to wipe down our tables, and bar. Well I can wash my hands with water, and soap but the smell doesn't go away. It makes my eyes burn, and my hands real dry. We really don't have time to put gloves or anything on. So I was curious as to whether bleach can absorb into your skin? How do you get the smell to go away? Is it safe to use that much without wearing gloves?
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14 responses
• China
6 Nov 08
Yup,it can hurt your hand,pls be careful.Thanks for sharing your experience!
• India
6 Nov 08
You need to be careful with it, it can irritate your skin, so always wear gloves and make sure it does not touch your face.
@kedves (728)
6 Nov 08
I think it can but I am not positive. but please be careful ok. you say there is no time to put on gloves? well why not just keep them on all the time ? before you start put them on and leave them on. bleach i am sure if used to much can affect your skin and you also risk more if you accidentally rub your eyes or your mouth.
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Yeah i try to be careful not to touch my face. Since I am a bartender, I'm always running around getting things, and wiping the bar down for the next customers, so i never get a chance to put gloves on. It is just so fast paced. Thanks for the comment, Happy mylotting!!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Nov 08
it can be absorbed. i am not sure though. so better use the gloves if you can. i think it will minimize risk
@aditya540 (328)
• India
7 Nov 08
see first let me tell u that bleach is not good to use on daily basis it should be used for 15 days interval,if u use on daily basis ur skin gets darken,may be u feel that i have talked something against the property of bleach because it whitens the skin by removing dirt but it is true and i have personally faced it. And coming to smell it is bleach property and u shouldn use hands u shud use a brush to paint over face and please keep the bleach away from eyebrows and eyes otherwise they will start burning and there is also a chance of loosing ur eyes..!! So please dont use it on regular basis
• China
7 Nov 08
What's kind bleach are you used for clean?usually,the bleach which direct contact combined with harmless chemical,but the bleach you have used affect your eyes and you feel burning,it means that some oxidation reaction is occuring,obviously your hands have affected by this bleach,you have no feeling with your hands only because hands not sensitive as eyes.for your safty,you must wear gloves when you are working,if it's impossibility,you need wash your hand more with fresh water.
• United States
7 Nov 08
Yes, bleach is absorbed through your skin and, besides making your hands extremely dry, it's not good for the blood stream either. Do you have to use bleach? Do you think your employer would use "Simple Green" all purpose cleaner or something similar? If you really don't have time for gloves, be sure to keep a lot of hand lotion available. A really good non-greasy one that I've found is Mane & Tail Hoofmaker. It's made to put on horses' hooves but it's fabulous on our hands too! If you contact the Mane & Tail company, they'll send you free samples so you can try it for yourself.
• Malaysia
6 Nov 08
I don't know from the scientific aspect, but generally speaking I think bleach can absorb into the skin if used daily. The concept is somewhat similar with wearing face cream. We apply face cream every day after washing our face so that the cream will absorb into the skin. The same with bleach. And it is more easier to absorb because your hand is always wet. Whatever it is , I suggest you to use gloves because it is very important for you to take care of your own health. I am afraid you can get long term side effect from having direct contact of bleach to your skin. You have to find time to put on gloves before you start working. I don't think wearing gloves takes too much of your time, if compared to the time you have to take in the hospital if you are ill. To me I use very warm water to soak my hands in it. While soaking I will rub both my palms together and make sure all the bleach is out from my skin. I am sure you can feel it yourself when the bleach is all out. At time after you have washed your hand thoroughly apply hand lotion so that it would get some moisturizer. This will keep your hands from breaking and over dry.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Nov 08
Take a good look at the night sky some time when you are out in the country where there is no artificial lighting. Then consider this. - Science tells us that the stars (Planets) in the Universe are situated at the same approximate distance apart as are the atoms in our bodies. Yes our skin is very porous, even though we see, and believe it to be water tight, it is not. I wouldn't dream of putting my hands into a solution of bleach. Take Time to put on the rubber gloves! It will reflect favorably on your health.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
You should tell the manager that you need gloves! I used to work at a bakery before where we used blech to clean the floors a swell. We were required to wear gloves for it for safety purposes. Anyway, I think bleach smells good, it's just that it does make your hands dry! So obviously, it is absorbed into the skin! Haha! just slather on moisturizer after washing your hands. :)
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Hi tlb! I really don't know. It sure is hard to get that smell off your hands! I clean my bathtub with bleach and I can't get that smell off my hands. So I can just imagine how you must feel. I'm sure it does get absorbed into the skin. I don't know if it can do any real damage. I know what it does if it gets on your clothes. I have plenty of bleach stained clothes to prove it! It sure can't be very good because it is very strong. When I am cleaning the bathtub it gets into my throat sometimes and it burns. Not only does it make my throat and eyes burn it makes me choke! I don't know, but I think we should check it out further!
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
6 Nov 08
Yes bleach in some way gets into your skin. If left alone in large quantities it can have different effects on different people. I have tried this once as one of my hobbies is doing photographic silkscreen printing. I needed to erase the chemical sticky film that is on my old silkscreen frame and I usually use bleach to soften it and later can be removed by spraying water on it. There were times the film was thick and I'd have to rub it to thin it down. I was in hurry and I used my fingers to rub them. A few minutes later the bleach had seeped into my finger skin and soften even my callouses. Normally it doesn't do much damage just some thinning and softening of your skin, but there can be harsh effects if its in contact with it a lot of times. Normally the skin affected should be washed heavily with water and rub them moderately to remove the whatever remains of the bleach. Cheers!!!
• Jamaica
6 Nov 08
Nooooooo....chlorine hardens your arteries, destroys the proteins in your body and it will also irritates your skin, so you need to make sure you wear gloves at all times. The smell will last for a long time after washing with soap and water but it will go away.
• Jamaica
6 Nov 08
Noooooo....chlorine hardens your arteries, destroys proteins in you body, and irritates your skin. It is not safe to use so much bleach without putting on gloves so try find the time for that. The smell wont go away for a long time.
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
Household bleach is usually hypochlorite which is an oxidizing agent and it would cause some chemical reaction with your skin on contact. Better to always wear gloves and try to minimize exposure. The irritating smell is chlorine gas (Cl2) and it has a very bad effect on your health so try to minimize the inhalation of fumes as well.