I'm a Conservative Republican for Obama!
By Guardian208
@Guardian208 (1095)
United States
November 7, 2008 11:09am CST
I truly am. Now, I didn't vote for the guy and I believe he was the worst choice of all the candidates of BOTH primaries, but now I FULLY support him. Let me tell you why.
He is the president of my country. that is how our system works. I don't support him, I didn't vote for him and I am disappointed he won. But now that the system has worked and he was chosen, he has my full support. His policies probably won't get my support. A lot of his initiatives won't get my support but he will.
The biggest problem that President Bush faced, and I believe one of the main contributing factors of our current struggles, is the lack of support from the Democrats and others on the left. They fought him tooth and nail every step of the last 8 years. They did not support him as our leader. They attacked him personally rather than fight against his policies. they WANTED him to fail to justify their position. They did not accept the election and undermined the very electoral system that makes our country great. They acted in a very "UN-American" way.
The time for personal attacks is over. It is time to come together as a country and move ahead. The debate about people is over. The debate about direction and policies now begins.
Unless Republicans want to become whining, critical complainers like many of the left had been during the last 8 years, it's time to grow up, embrace the system and what it resulted in, and get moving for the good of the country.
4 responses
@anakatora (77)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Thank you. It's nice to hear something that isn't attacking either conservative or liberals. I think it's great that we all have a passionate interest in what happens in our nation. I think we often call each other un-american although we are all very much interested in the direction of America. After all, America is what we the people define it to be.
I have to admit that this has been the first time I have been excited about an election, felt faith in our system -- and actually began to believe that our country is great.
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@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Thank you for your kind words. And after that, I'm going to disagree with you on one point, (sorry).
American isn't what we the people define it to be. It is what the Constitution defines it to be. Our country can not swing in the winds of current popular sentiment. It can in as much as we decide who our elected leaders will be, but everything has to be done within the framework of our Constitution. That's what prevents us from being manipulated by a person or group that would be in violation of our laws. That's what prevents us from being shut out of the system. That's what guides us in uncertain times.
So I guess I agree with you as long as we stay within the confines of the Constitution.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
7 Nov 08
So true. I apologize if I misunderstood your post. There are many who would disregard or even undermine the Constitution. You are clearly not one of those. I am sometimes too quick to defend it.
Thanks for the post.
@anakatora (77)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Well, I obviously don't disagree with that. I like the constitution. It protects me as much as the next person. However, there still is a lot that we shape.

@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Thanks for the quick reply. Politics is politics. The competition is over. Time to start thinking about the good of the country.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
I'm not for Obama and don't see any reason to support him just because he is the President of the United States. That being said, I do agree with your point, even if I disagree with your words.
The extreme left wasn't about disagreeing with Prs. Bush, or even about not supporting him. They were about hate. They hated him and wanted the country to suffer. They didn't just want him to fail, they wanted the country to suffer. They didn't want the country to suffer just because they didn't support the president, they wanted the country to suffer as punishment for electing Bush president.
The extreme left has become a hate filled, anti US group. The press refused to acknowledge any successes, in fact, they out and out lied, twisting success into failure.
I don't understand that kind of hate. I don't understand how someone can be so childish and moronic that they would cheer on terrorist attacks and economic problems just because they see it as justification or vindication of their hatred.
So in that we do agree. We cannot allow ourselves to become the enemies of freedom the far left has become, simply because they didn't get their way. Any American who bases their love for country on who is president never had an ounce of love for the US in the first place.
They are simply spoiled brats who can only have a smile if they get their own way.
@Guardian208 (1095)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I can't say I disagree with a lot of what you said. But I think where we separate is our meaning of the word "support". By support I mean to respect him as our president. To give him the honor the position deserves. To give him the benefit of the doubt until he gives me reason to object. To criticize him within our system of government and not from without. To put the well being of our country above my feelings of the man.
I will be wary of anything he does that undermines the freedoms that we are all entitled to as citizens. I will be VERY alert to things that smell of socialism. But not from the perspective of disagreeing with the man, but the policies.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
We used so say in the army, "We have to salute the rank, but we don't have to salute the person". Which really just means that we should respect the office, if not the person holding it.
Of course, there were those great officers who we saluted both the person and the rank. That is the only kind of president the US deserves, and what all presidents should strive to be. Whether or not Obama turns out to be that kind, is entirely up to him.