Do you prefer running on a treadmill (the gym?) or out on the streets?

@gicolet (1702)
United States
November 7, 2008 1:04pm CST
I've never tried running out on the streets. I've been running on the treadmill in my home 2-3x a week for almost 2 yrs now. How about you?
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11 responses
• United States
15 Jul 09
You know i have to say i prefer to run on the treadmill for the main reason of keeping my pace steady and watching tv while doing it. i find when i run outside i get distracted, trip and or can't keep my pace and it ruins the run for me.
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@shefair (90)
• United States
11 Feb 09
Strangely enough, I hate running outside. I would much rather do it on a treadmill in the gym. I have a weird thing about running off and not wanting or having the energy to get back home or to my car. If I am in the gym I can stop whenever I want, if I feel sick, tired, etc. I can just take a break and do something else. I also like to alternate running/walking with lifting weights. I am not much of a runner though - if I was I would probably enjoy the outdoor running alot more than I do. I have a heck of a time breathing when I run and just as a whole don't enjoy running - I just do it because I know I need to!
@kkthom3 (279)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Running on the streets can be nice, especially if you have a dog that loves to run too, but I tend to run into a lot of creepy guys when I run alone. So I prefer the gym because it is safer and you don' have to worry about the weather.
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• United States
12 Nov 08
I love running out on the streets, trails, anywhere not inside. I can't handle running inside. Going for an hour and half run on a trendmill I think I would pull my hair out of my head. I love it most when the weather outside is cold, and snowing or raining instead of sunny and warm. I love seeing the sights and the people who think I'm insane for being out so early in the morning.
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
12 Nov 08
For some reason I'm kind of scared to run outside. I'm scared of the air and pollen. I run inside on the treadmill for an hour with my ipod and while running all sorts of thing crosses my mind depending on what music I am listening to. Living La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin real gets me going though...can't think about anything at all whenever i listen to that music. Can't even pull my hair. lol I also think if I run out on the streets I wouldn't make it back home. haha
• United States
12 Nov 08
Aww, yeah, I see. I live somewhere where pollution isn't too bad, and I don't have problems with pollen or anything. I've had smoe really bad runs outdoors though where I had to walk all the way back that wasn't fun! I've never really run with music before though my coach in High School never allowed it so it's stuck with me through college so far. Maybe the next time I'm on a trendmill though I should try it.
• Singapore
27 Nov 08
We'll you've been missing out then. Running outdoors is totally different from running in the treadmill. You're more responsive to your environment and it is much more enjoyable than running stationary on the treadmill. What's keeping you from running outdoors?
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
29 Nov 08
pollution and pollen :(
@Toony182 (256)
• United States
18 Jan 09
I can't STAND running on a treadmill. I need to be outside, or on an indoor track. I love running on trails in the woods, and just watching the scenery and wildlife pass by as I run, like I'm in my own world... Can't get that on a treadmill :d
@gicolet (1702)
• United States
18 Jan 09
i're forrest gump! run forrest, run! :D
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
25 Jul 09
I've never tried running on a treadmill. I've only tried streets, trails, and tracks. I'd say I prefer streets. The track is nice but I hate going around in a circle. If a track could wind around more like a trail or straight like a street, then that would be good.
• India
22 Nov 08
street! tis beter n fresher!
• India
13 Nov 08
Streeeet! I mean running on the treadmill is soo boring and lighter then when you run on the road. So i like running on the street. It gives you real training but TM's arnt tht bad. They are good for recovery! enjoy your running
@candyorc (20)
• China
25 Nov 08
On the streets without a doubt for me.Fresh air make people peart and healthy.If you have pollen allergy,why not try to climb stairs?Maybe you will like it!Of course,running on a treadmill is a convenient and effective exercise to keep health.
@ottosun (51)
• China
5 Dec 08
I used to prefer running out on the streets, until last month a fierce dog ran after me and it almost bitten me in the heel. I have always feared dogs, even puppies. I don't like running on the treadmill(too boring). Now I have to running on plastic cement race track,it's quite safe but a little boring.