Anyone on Social Security Disability or trying to be? I want to hear your story
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
November 9, 2008 3:23am CST
I was responding to another discussion and the topic changed to disability.
I filed my first claim in August 2002. In May 2003 I was denied for the first time, even though they said I'd get an answer within 90 days. In July 2007 I was denied for the last time. After five years and three appeals, many doctors reports and tons of evidence, they denied me benefits. This entire time my health was getting worse as well!
I'm filing a new claim now and began to wonder about what other people have gone through in attempting to get Social Security Disability or SSI benefits. I want to see just how bad some of your stories are! I know mine was a disaster!
Would you share your story here? If I get enough horror stories, I'm going to use these statistics to see if I can make a difference in Social Security's indifference to disabled people.
Does anyone have a story to share?
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19 responses
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Yes, I have a story to share! I have filed for benefits in 2005 or 2006. They denied me, saying that I could work. I have been having problems with my back ever since December of 2004. I have been seeing an Chiropractor for this. I recently had an MRI, done to my back in July of this year. The results were abnormal. I am still seeing my Chiropractor for my back. I have limitations on what I can and cannot do for a certain amount of time. But, now, after getting the complete MRI done to my back, I have an Hernia Disc as of now. I experience low back pain on my right side that is very annoying! Sometimes, it comes and goes. My doctor feels that I should not work or do any kind of work as of now... So, right at this moment while I am speaking to you, I filed for SSI, again in August 2008, they denied me again, so, I am doing my appeal. I will not give up that easily. I have Binder and Binder acting as my advocates, they will be representing me while I file for an appeal. I have not worked since February of 2006. And I plan to not ever return to work either. Not with my back in the condition that it is in. I am now seeing an Intervention Pain Management doctor for my back pain. I had shot injections in my back last week. These shots are supposed to help with the pain, but it is no guarantee! So, many will look at me and say you are a very beautiful woman, and you look very young for your age... But, they don't know how I really feel having the lower back pain like I do. I even have had one doctor tell me that I don't need to file for disability. He was asking me why would I want to be qualified as being disabled.. I mean he insulted me at this appointment.. He was saying all kinds of things to me that had nothing to do with why I was here that day for an appointment with him.. He said that they were going to deny me my disability. He thinks that I can work. He tells me to get some treatment so that I can get an job and go back to school. He was saying how smart I was.. But, he is missing the point, with my back in this condition, I am unable to work at all! My chiropractor has said so numerous times.. No other doctor can speak on that. This man has been treating my back since December of 2004. So, if anyone knows me and my condition better, it is him! I just turned in my paper work where I am filing for my appeal. I really am scared to go through it. But, I feel somewhat confident just knowing that Binder and Binder will work on my behalf. I am glad to know this. I feel a little at ease. I don't want to be disabled for the rest of my life, I am sure that 99% of us don't. But, I can't help what problem that I have with my back.. It is my choice if I want to file for SSI or any benefits for myself! I have to have some kind of money coming in to support me and my family. I am not lazy. I did not ask for this to happen to me. I really don't know what has caused for my back to be in the shape that it is in. I have had many doctors ask me if I have ever had an accident or injury of some kind.. I tell them no.. Which I can't recall. I have fell a few times in my life, but, I don't know if this actually caused me to have this back problem. The last jobs that I did, in 2003 and 2006 were very strenuous on my back. I had to stand up for eight hours making lids to go on top of poultry boxes. And when I got home, my back was aching and so would be my chest. The other job, I had to bend making up beds in the hotel room. I has so many rooms that I had to clean up by a certain amount of time. I had to be fast, but my back would not allow me to be. I was in so much pain, while bending trying to tuck the sheets under the mattresses. While working, I felt very faint and dizzy. I felt like I wanted to past out! It really was scary. My energy was lost! At home that night, I could hardly go to sleep, because my chest was hurting real bad and I had a bad headache. My back was in so much of pain. So, now my doctor says that I should not bend, climb stairs, stand for no more than four hours. I can't kneel, crawl nor squat. If, I do, it will cause my back to ache.. Mentalward, I can't even stand up without doing anything, and my back will hurt. I can be standing still and my lower back will cause me pain. And I am not even doing anything to make this pain happen. I am 30 years old, and I am suffering from an Herniated Disc that may possibly be permanent. I will not go back to work because if I do, I may be in much worser shape that I am in now. I will not put my health at risk just to make a couple of dollars... No, my health is just too important for that. I guess Social Security feels that I can work, but I can't.. What job is going to allow me to stay and work with a back problem as this??? That is the main reason why my supervisor let me go on my last job, because I was unable to perform the job needed, because of my back pain.. Most jobs will want me to bend and stand up.. My doctor tells me not to do these things, so if I go out and get an job that requires me to to do this, I will be quitting or they will dismiss me. So, I am going to wait and see what Binder and Binder can do for me. I have also informed my Chiropractor that when he sends Social Security any medical records or paperwork on me, he needs to write or say that I am unable to work for 12 months or so. This may allow Social Security to consider granting me my SSI payments.. I told him that. He said that he will do everything to help me get my disability. He said that if I was his daughter, he would not allow me to do any kind of work, with the shape that my back is in. Even my physician, feels that my back is in bad shape.. He was the one that prescribed me the medication of Naprozen. For my back pain. And he also referred me to an Pain Management doctor to get injection shots in my back.. I maybe getting treatment, but that does not mean that the Hernia Disc will go away just like that. My condition is permanent. Social Security will just have to grant me my disability one way or another. I am not giving up that easily. I will fight for what is mines!
I was instructed by an claim representative from the Social Security office to file for my appeal. The first time that I filed, they denied me. And he told me during the second time, that if they were to deny me by chance this time, he told me to file for my appeal. He told me not to give up like that, and to go through it. So, now that is what I am in the process of doing now.. I just hate that I have to be taken through all these channels just to get my benefits.. Call it what they want, but I do have an back problem, that could possibly get worse, if I do any kind of work. No, full-time, nor part-time work. If, my back gets worse, then I will have to get surgery, and that will indeed cause me to become permanent disabled. How can I work any job, if my back is in pain from having surgery?

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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I know that they get 25% out of what case that they win for you. This is a one time fee. Your situation scares me! But they better believe that I am going to be on top of them like white on rice! I will keep in touch with them. And I will personally let Social Security know that they are acting as my advocates. I will keep a print out of every letter that they send to me. They did told me the process of how long all of this would take. I think that it is up to 24 months.. I hope that it is earlier.. They claim that they help others get the money that they deserve. I just hope that they can do what they say they can for me. I am very sorry that they were not able to help you like they should have.. At your hearing your lawyer advocate should have said something instead of being quiet. That is no way to represent you at all. They should have done a whole lot better with your case than they did! Shame on them! I hope that they don't pull this mess with anyone else! If they really want the 25% they must be making sure that they win my case! Because if they don't then no money for them!

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I was just thinking... I wonder if they get a raise for every person who files but gets denied! They encouraged me to file an appeal as well! Each time I was denied, they'd tell me to file an appeal except, of course, the last time when that was supposed to be the final appeal.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Hubby became disabled in 2002. He had Degenertive Disc Disease which I believe his sister also has. He fought for 3-4 years trying to get his SSA. He couldn't afford his meds or doctors, he got behind on his child support and for a while we got foodstamps and that was it. It was horrible. Finally, we got him set up through VA so he could get his meds and see a doctor and his mom took him to see a disability lawyer that had helped his late stepfather and he filed again. It took around a year to finally hear anything and he finally got his SSA...mostly b/c he had turned 50 that year and they decided his age was a factor.
Because of the hassle of trying to get it and falling behind in child support, they are now garnishing his SSA for back child support even though the kid is like 25, married and living on his own. We have 2 1/2 more years to pay on it before it's done. At one point before he got it his ex-wife took him to court to try to force him to pay and the judge was going to lock him up even though the only income he had was foodstamps and he wasn't able to work.
It's really stupid that it is so hard to get it. He paid into it all his life from the time he was old enough to work and yet it's like pulling teeth to get it when you need it. Personally, I told him to go up and check into the Stress Center and after 72 hours they hand you a check. We have alot of ppl around here that can work but don't want to and they get what some call The Crazy Check...yet they've never paid a dime in.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Well, I'm now 56. I BEGAN my claim when I was 50! My last appeals hearing took place when I was 55 and they STILL denied me benefits! I've worked since I was 14 years old. I even worked throughout my entire pregnancies! I came home after major surgery and got right back to work! Yeah, I've put in my time and now, when I need help, they're turning their backs on me.
It's not like it's THEIR money! We EARN that money!!! Well, some people get SSI when they haven't worked. My sister was like that. She had muscular dystrophy from birth and became completely disabled by the time she was around 30 or so. She got SSI right away but still had to be reevaluated each year in case she got better!!!! You don't get better with MD, you die.
I have fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, bursitis, IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, 'brain fog', and now, torn ligaments in one knee! I'm filing a new claim now and hiring a local lawyer. We shall see!
Oh, by the way, NEVER hire Binder & Binder to help in a disability case! They are disability lawyers, or claim to be, but don't do much at all. They took over my original case and told me I'd get a hearing from Social Security within 6 to 18 months. It took 30 months before I got a hearing!!! Yeah, you heard me right... 2 1/2 years!!! When I called Binder & Binder after waiting for 19 months and them telling me they hadn't heard anything, I called Social Security and was told that Binder & Binder were not in my file as being my attorneys of record!!! Once they got THAT straightened out, it took another 11 months to get a hearing date! Then, I got a flunkie of an attorney! She was horrible and didn't defend my claim at all. All she did was say what I could have said!
I used to do legal transcription from home. Most of the cases were disability cases. I can't believe how some of these people get approved!!! Some are faking, some aren't even American citizens but they are usually applying for disability through the company they were working for because of a work-related injury, not Social Security disability.
It makes me so mad!!!
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Oh, my, I just saw what you said.. I need to contact them immediately! There is no way that they are going to represent me and pull this string! I am sorry that you had to experience this with them.. Oh, no, something has to be done about this!!!

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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
Phew! I am so sorry that you are going thru all of this! I know what I have to say is of NO comfort...but do NOT think that in Canada it is any better. They will drag out your claim, procrastinate,force you to re-train (at your own expense), force you to go to hearing after hearing.....and if your shud ever be so lucky (and it's like winning the Lottery) to get "disability", you must be re-assessed every 3 months! Both my hands had to have the basal thumb joints removed, so had them done at same time....medical did not pay for the special braces that I had to have, so with NO disability, I could not get the braces, and had to heal (progress) on my own! Now I am experiencing difficulties...but I have had such a bad experience, I will not apply again!
I really pray that your claim is respected, and soon you get what you so truly deserve! Cheers!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Thanks, pergammano. I'm going to keep filing claim after claim as long as they keep denying me! I'll spend as much of THEIR money as possible when they send me for exams by THEIR doctors!
They say their doctors are impartial but that's such a crock! The psychiatrist they sent me to to evaluate my 'brain fog' issue talked to me for about 10 minutes, asked me about 3 questions and determined that I was 100% fine! How can anyone determine something like that with only a few questions???
The next time, I'm doing to look at the doctor like he was an alien each time he asks me a question and not even TRY to answer! Obviously, this guy has absolutely no knowledge of what this condition is like. He was like 100 years old and probably doesn't believe in fibromyalgia or the accompanying symptoms such as brain fog, IBS or chronic fatigue syndrome!
My typing might LOOK good, but if you saw how many times I've had to back up and correct my mistakes, you'd understand exactly what brain fog is. I used to be a proofreader and typesetter but my fingers just won't go where they're supposed to anymore! I also have WordWeb on my computer and open each time I come here to post discussions because sometimes I just can't remember how to spell things. I can get it right, it just takes twice the time it used to and I can't see ANY company hiring me since both accuracy AND speed are important. I'd fail a test in a flash!
Oh well, thanks for your concern. I wish you the best as well!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Oh, man! I MEANT to say, "The next time I'm GOING to look at the doctor..." not "DOING". There's a perfect example of my brain fog! Sorry!
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
10 Nov 08
The only way to deal with Social Security is with a good lawyer that handles SS cases. They already owe you enough back pay a Lawyer would jump on your case. I just hope you haven't waited too long between refiling. I was on disability for several years before I became 65 so I know what you are going through. It took me 2 years to get it the first time. I finally went to a lawyer and he got it approved real quick. Then after about a year they cut my SS off. They simply said according to their information I had become able to work. It took me another year and another Lawyer to get it back.
If you already have a Lawyer then he is dragging his feet to let the back pay build up all it will so he will get more money. If this is the case just tell him straight out to either get it settled or you will find another Lawyer that will. I don't know if you know this or not but if a Lawyer miss-handles your case they can also be sued for Malpractice just like a Doctor. Let him know you know this too.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Nov 08
After my final appeal, my lawyers abandoned me. They were Binder & Binder, the so-called "disability experts". Believe me, they're NOT! I hired them for my second appeal in April 2002. They were supposed to begin working on my next hearing and told me it would take between 6 and 18 months to get a hearing date.
I called them after waiting 19 months and they only said that they hadn't heard from Social Security yet. I called Social Security and they said that they didn't have Binder & Binder as my Attorneys of Record! In all that time, Binder & Binder didn't bother to contact Social Security ONCE!!!
Once they got that straightened out, it took another 11 months to get a hearing date, for a grand total of 30 months! That's 2 1/2 years!!! They are horrible attorneys!
I'm getting another lawyer this time... a local lawyer whose specialty is Disability. I hope I have better luck! I haven't been able to work since 2000! This is just insane!

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Oh, I forgot to add this. When Binder & Binder were obviously screwing up and ignoring my case, I would tell them that I was ready to see another attorney to sue THEM. That's the ONLY time Binder & Binder would get moving! I know that they knew I had a case against them.
Still, at the final hearing before the Administrative Law Judge, my lawyer didn't even defend me! She just sat there when the administrator from Social Security said I could work. Unbelieveable!
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@ms1323 (259)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I guess my family is in the minority. My mother has been on SSI for, jeez, I think 15 years. She had absolutely no problem getting on it, and she's totally faking! Or, at least she was faking. Now after years of pretending to be disabled all the time, she probably really is, to some extent.
My step-mother-in-law has some weird nerve thing that just comes and goes and she also had no problem. Even though 95% of the time she is completely unaffected by this problem...she's always out and about doing anything you can think of.
I have Rheumatoid arthritis, my pain comes and goes whenever the heck it wants, wherever the heck it wants. As long as I can take a prednisone (or 10) to control the pain, I can do anything. I broached the subject of disabiltity with my Rheumatologist a few months ago, he said he would rather work to keep me I guess I wont be getting it anytime soon. So far my feelings about Social Security Disability Benefits is: You'll only qualify if; A) you're a REALLY good faker, or B) you are on your deathbed.
I wish you the best of luck!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thanks, ms! I'm not a good faker, for sure! LOL I couldn't even get away with a tiny lie to my mother! She said to me once, "I can always tell when you're lying... it's written all over your face." So, maybe, my psyche absorbed that so it really DOES show on my face! Thanks, Mom!
I have fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis and bursitis. I have the accompanying syndromes of fibromyalgia such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and brain fog. Social Security STILL says I can work! I have most of the symptoms every day. I can barely get out of bed in the morning! I hurt constantly. I'm on Lyrica, Ultram ER and naproxen for my symptoms and they do help, but only a little. I'd be 100% incapacitated without them!
Still, Social Security says I can work. I'd LOVE to work! I've worked since I was 14 years old and have always loved it! Being self-sufficient and independent have always been very important to me. I'd be working if I could!
I used to be a proofreader. I simply cannot sit for more than 20 minutes at a time without excruciating pain! I need naps in the middle of the day because of the chronic fatigue syndrome and the fact that I never sleep more than 4 hours at a time, and it's not a very restful sleep, either. There are many days when I'm in such pain from the IBS or a flair in my lupus or fibromyalgia that I cannot move or even think! But, still, Social Security says I can work.
I told THEM to hire me, then, and see how long they could put up with me falling asleep at my desk or making mistakes because I was in such pain or spending way too much time in the bathroom or just sitting there, staring at the work and not really 'seeing' it because of the brain fog! Of course, they'd also have to put up with me being late often because of the pain I have every morning or missing entire days because the pain was simply too bad. They didn't hire me, naturally!
Oh, how I love this country! (NOT!!!) We work our whole lives and earn this Social Security money but, once we NEED it, they won't give it to us!

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@daceyp (327)
10 Nov 08
it must be something all around the world that these people who decided the out come of disability benefits are are pain(putting it nicely!)
i do get disability for my daughter but am haveing to fight them for the second time to get the mobility part to it.they say she doesnt need it but they should try lfting a very heavy child round because they have had a seizure or the meds are causeing them to be to tired to walk or causeing realy bad side effects and the doctors dont want to change till they have found another one.or getting them in and out of the bath because they cant do it.they are gonna have to start paying for me soon if i keep putting my back out.its also the looks you get for haveing a 6 year old in a buggy because yes she looks normal but she isnt.
then on the other hand there are people out there that get everything handed to them on a plate and can do everything i know can walk down the road clinging to her daughter but then the next minute you see her carrying realy heavy things and donig gardening with her daughter sitting there watching her.
it makes me sick!!!!!!!
i hope it works out for you and all the others that are haveing a crap time with this system
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I've seen that, too, where people get disability and there's nothing wrong with them! Maybe they know somebody in the system.
I think it's horrible that Social Security holds the very lives of people in the palm of their hands and decide whether or not they're going to help you, even when they have no medical training or background of any sort!
To them, it seems that it's just a job and we're nothing more than case files. THEY can work so why shouldn't we? I don't get it at all!
We'll see what happens this time. I have a friend who used to work for Social Security and she said I'd probably be approved the day I die! That's how they operate.
Good luck to you, too, with the mobility issue!
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@oriental (1050)
• Uruguay
10 Nov 08
I was also 56 when I applied for my Social Security Disability benefits. As a matter of fact this is not the official name of the benefit here in Uruguay, but I think it's quite similar to it. Luckily it was not very complicated to get it. On the contrary, when clerks read the medical report, they seemed trying to do their best to make things easy and fast for me. All the same, burocracy it´s not easy to defeat, so it took some months before I began to be paid. In my case it made no difference, as my company paid me an advancement during that time, to be returned once I got the payment from the whole period. This is not quite usual, so I understand other people suffering.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Jan 09
Well, I have been on SSD, and SSI before, and even though it has it's advantages since I am Married, it actually had it's disadvantages as well. Yes, you get a small amount of $$ each month, and sometimes Medical help, but at the same time you have to do almost everything they say even if you do not agree just to continue to get your $$, and if you ever make too much $$, they will usually try to remove you immediately off of it as well.
But why would you have had to File a New Claim? Unless you stop the paperwork and claim yourself, you should be able to go back to the original time you applied unless your Health has changed in any way. Personally, especially now since the members of the Political realm are wanting to cut so many things, it is becoming harder and harder for anyone with any Medical issue to ever get any Freedom. I think it is a shame as well.
Have you ever thought about getting a Lawyer who helps with people trying to get SSD or SSI? There are a lot of them around who are FREE unless you Win, and then they will deduct their Fees from what you are awarded. It might be worth a shot for you, and I am wishing you the Best.
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I am not on social seecurity, but my mom is - she got her first 2 cases denied, but then finally got approved.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
10 Nov 08
Well I am not an American so I do not know your system. In Australia it is quite hard to get a disability pension as the former government was trying to kick them all off disability onto unemployment benefits and try and force them to work.
I have been ill now to 2 years and I have been handing in medical certificates to the social security people here for over a year but they don't want to know. They sent me to rehabilitation which is doing nothing for me and while I am there they try and pretend I am not sick. It is pathetic.
Anyway here they have a work assessment and the guy who assessed me had me down as able to work 30 hours a week when I can barely walk and I just could not understand why. Even the rehab people agreed I could not work and that his assessment made no sense. So I started to do some research and found the government guidelines that the work assessors go by. I found that because my Doctor had said prognosis uncertain which to him means that he does not know how long I will be sick their rules say that means do not assess but assume person can work. I was furious.
Anyway I have talked to my Doctor and explained what I learned about how social security has a different definition of prognosis to him. He was really puzzled but now he is now using the terms on my medical certificate that mean that I must be properly assessed next time. So I am going to apply again next year.
It is hard but if you can find the rules they use to assess people by and then try and fit your documentation to match that it might help. I certainly hope it will help me as I am worse than I was a year ago.
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@littleowl (7157)
10 Nov 08
Unfortunatley I dont MW mainly as I have been on it for years because of my epilepsy which is classed as a disability in 1993 I also broke my back so thaat added to it plus all the other things that have followed..but am sure there will be a few horror stories for you to put infront of the board..good luck..hugs littleowl
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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
14 Nov 08
Back in 2003, I fell off of a 20ft. ladder onto a cold steel grated floor...wrecked my lower back for good, ripped apart my left rotator not supposed to lift anything over 7lbs., and according to my doctor...can now no longer work. About a year after that, I suffered a huge memory loss, and am taking medication (for life) in effort to prevent any "possible" future relapses.
In Ontario Canada here, we have something similar called, O.D.S.P. It stands for, Ontario Disability Support Program...given to those (who qualify) long term financial support.
Due to the nature of my former employment, I was not eligible for compensation, and was forced to go on Social Assistance. (Welfare) Believe me, I'd rather be working. One does not receive very much money while on this system, but has the opportunity to seek ODSP funding, by application. In fact, if one is on Social Assistance for any length of time, it is encouraged. However, if one does not meet what they consider being "disabled", then one will be turned down.
I've applied four times, appealed 4 times, and have still been turned down...
so, I can understand your frustration.
I wish you luck with it, in the most sincerest sense.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Hi mentalward! I don't have a horror story yet and I sure hope
I don't ever have one! I am just filing for the first time
now. But, I have a company representing me that represents
people that are on Public Assistance already. I am currently
on Temporary Public Assistance for 3 1/2 years. My case worker
advised me to try to get SSDI/SSI since now after 5 years
you are no longer allowed to collect Welfare. I worked my
azz off for over 35 years and all those people who sucked money
from the government for years and never worked a day in their
life got it forever and now I will be kicked off it in a year!
So this company is taking care of everything. They are acting
as my attorneys. I filled out the paperwork and got them the
necessary information from the doctors etc. Now they are making
the case and filing for me. If I do get denied they will file
the first appeal. They think I have a good case since I have
medical issues and mental issues, but I still could get denied.
My girlfriend got denied 3 times until she finally got it. It
is very difficult to get. I also have heard horror stories and
heard that you definitely need a lawyer even it it is a legal
aid lawyer. That is the best way to go. Have you ever tried
being represented by someone? You can get a legal aid attorney
for free and they when you get the retro pay they will take
a certain amount out. It is worth it to do it that way. It is
almost impossible to do it on your own. Everyone that I know
that finally did get it went with a lawyer. You can have all
the statistics you want and it will not make any difference,
they don't care. The goverment does not want to pay! They
make it difficult for a reason! If you want to talk to me
some more send me your email addy because my pms don't work
and we can talk more in private.
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@knowsalot (4)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Well, I think the problem lies in the fact that too many people that really aren't disabled apply for benefits. I hear a lot of people saying they have back issues. Well welcome to the real world. I have back issues too. Degenerative disc, misaligned hips, sacriliac joint pain. It is sever and I take pain meds to keep me going as well as doing exercises to stretch. Yes, they hurt like heck but it helps me get through each day. I think too many people are quick to apply for disability rather than trying to work. I'm sure I'll get all sorts of evil comments but it is the truth. Stop trying to get benefits for things that are every day aches/pains. My husband has a seizure disorder and qualifies for benefits yet he wants to work. He does not want to have to go on disability. For those of you in pain or with serious medical issues, I wish you well. For those of you looking for a free ride, get back to work, take your meds and do what the doctor tells you to do.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
I don't know much about american benefits but from what my friends say you probably have to get a lawyer.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
10 Nov 08

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Sorry, I'm getting my dates mixed up here. That's the brain fog talking! I'd have to pull out my file to get the dates correct but the time frames I've mentioned are all quite correct!
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
9 Nov 08
My daughter is on SSI and SSDI. She's been on the SSI since she was 4. It took 90 days for them to decide and she really had no diagnosis at that time. Then welfare reform happened and the rules changed.
Up until she reached high school it was pretty easy. Then I got a "congratulations, we've cured your daughter" letter from social security. So we started the appeals process.
First we went for a review where the person doing the review decided Leah didn't look disabled. Most autistics look pretty darn normal. Part of their decision was made using her latest IEP which made her sound better than she was.
The next appeal is before an administrative judge. We got a more accurate IEP, behavior assessment and the social worker from her school was present. A doctor in Ohio also gave a statement which amounted to giving his opinion as to her disabilities. He never saw her by the way.
During the time we were going through the appeals she still got her SSI. We did it without a lawyer because it would have come out of her SSI checks as she was already on it.
We won the second appeal.
When it came to the SSDI we didn't have to do anything because she had just gone through a review and they put her on it automatically. In two years time she becomes eligible for medicare if the rules don't change in the meantime.
Once she turned 18 the determining factors changed. It is different for adults. How independent is she? Can she make decisions? Is she able to handle her own affairs? Questions like that. When we walked into the doctor's office for the assessment Leah was frazzled after being taken all over because the driver got lost. The collar of her shirt was chewed up and the doctor noticed that. All of her t shirts are like that. Even though she's almost 21 I'm still her representative payee. She doesn't know the difference between buying a car and a candy bar. She can't do simple math.
With every review we get the same letter that says we believe she will improve. They also send my deaf nephew that same letter. He still can't hear.
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@hildas (3031)
9 Nov 08
I live in the UK, so the rules here might be different from where you are. Well I will share my story with you anyway, as It might be of help to you.
I have had severe asthma all my life, but I smoked and have now got myself COPD (permanent lung disease). Yes, more than likely my own fault and self inflicted, but I am unable to work (or breath properly now).
I had to fight long and hard for five years too, before I was awarded it. I had someone represent me in the end and it did help me get it.(I receive the lower rate).
I think it is awful that people are suffering enough, without going through even more hardship with no money.
My advice to you is to keep applying. If you are ill, you have to keep on. I do not get social security as my husband has a good job, but having my own bit of money is important to me as I want to pay for my presciptions and things myself as It is not my husbands job to do it.
You health has got worse and this is unacceptable. Making you apply over and over is just awful.
I wish you all the best of luck with this, but I mean it, do not give up on this. You are ill. Some people on disability where I am, are not really that ill and get a lot more money than I do. This is what makes this so hard for seriously ill or disabled people to get awarded it. My Mother says I should be getting a lot more money or the higher rate, but after waiting years to get it first time around, it would put me off begging for more. (thats how it makes me feel a begger and this is not right.) As long as I get enough to pay for my medications that is enough for me, as I could not go through all the nonsence again with them.