I got sick all of a sudden?

United States
November 9, 2008 3:58pm CST
For those who know I am trying to get pregnant I'm just wondering if maybe I am...I'm not of the signs really, but all of a sudden it hit me today I got really dizzy and went and threw up which is new to me and it was around 1 this afternoon, I have been feeling a little bit of sickness every other morning, but I'm just wondering if maybe that's just my body wanting to feel pregnant, like pregnant mode because of how bad i want it. Anyways I would like to know, I have missed my period which isn't uncommon since I'm irregular and I don't want to buy a pregnancy test because I'm afraid i'll disappoint myself again. I just want to know if this has happened to anyone.
3 responses
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Well dear, those are very classic signs of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be at any time of the day. I personally was sick from morning to night for the first 4 months. Dizziness is also common due to the extra blood our body is pumping for the baby. It is very possible to miss a period and to produce symptoms of pregnancy just out of want alone, however, pregnancy is a very likely possibility. The sooner you confirm it the better because prenatal care and vitamins are vital to having a healthy pregnancy. I would bite the bullet (I know how painful the negatives are, it took me 2 years to concieve) and take a test so you can start getting the best care for you and the baby. Good luck chica! I wish you the best! I was 19 when I had my first baby, she was born 4 days after my 1 year wedding anniversary! It was truely the best time of my life!
• United States
10 Nov 08
Is it also common to be really overheated and feel dehydrated a lot of the time?
• United States
10 Nov 08
It is common for those things, the body will need a minimum of 64 oz. of water to feel good each day esp. during pg. I was always hot, of course it was the two hottest summers of the world. I would not wait for a second missed period because if it is positive, it will show after the first and you want to seek prenatal care as soon as you find out. I personally would and have run right out and buy a handful of them! I always keep them in stock. My first daughter, I had a negative pg test one day, felt it was wrong so I took it the very next morning. To my great shock and bewilderment, it was positive. Same with my second daughter. One day nothing, next day a baby.
• United States
10 Nov 08
lol I think thats because they say its more your hormone level is higher in the morning so that's the best time to take it :D I have been drinking water like crazy tho and I dont want to be nasty, but now I have diarrhea uh, my body feels weird.. I don't have any money for a test right now tho thats what sucks
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
10 Nov 08
I would wait til you have missed at least two periods. I know what it is like to want to have a baby so bad and miss periods. It is such a let down. I always waited til I missed two periods than got a home pregnacy test. Best wushes in hoping you are pregnat.
• Defiance, Ohio
10 Nov 08
Oh trust me all to well. I know what you are talking about. I went from having normal periods to all of a sudden stopping them for almost a year. Now I am lucky if I get them every six months. Doctors have no clue why. But when I do have them, they are very painful and heavy.
• United States
10 Nov 08
ouch i'm sorry...I was really scared when it happened to me because I thought it was just stress and depression, but I don't know
• United States
10 Nov 08
Thank you, it's just hard because last year I went a year without a period then after I told birth control and got off of it, it started coming back, so yea
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
10 Nov 08
Sounds to me like you're being to have morning sickness. Have self confidence in yourself. You got to do a test to confirm whether you are pregnant. It's best to do it now than having to wonder and wait in suspense. Sooner you know the better, if you failed once - try again. All the best and good luck.. Hope it's good news..
• United States
10 Nov 08
Thank you