Can You Listen to Music While Reading A book?

@zhaychel (610)
United Arab Emirates
November 10, 2008 5:48am CST
My mom do this. She listens to classical music while reading her books. I can't help but be amazed on how my mother could grasp two activities all together. I asked her once if she still can concentrate the thought of the book she's reading and she directly me, YES OF COURSE. I don't know if I'm not really gifted but I can't do this together.^^, CAN YOU DO THE SAME THING TOO, READING WHILE LISTENING TO MUSIC?
17 people like this
70 responses
@moonight (249)
• United States
26 Nov 08
yes i can, in fact listening to music while reading make me get into the book quicker and easier, of course i listen the music that fits the book mood like what is happen there, but not turned on hihg, i play it in the background so i can still concentrate, but for school book i tends not to play music.because well what kinda of music i would like that can fits WWWII..?
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Nov 08
No, I can't do it. I need complete silence. I could not do it when I was a kid doing homework either. I feel everyone, at least my children, need to have silence while studying.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
There was once a scientific test regarding the brain that I took which actually said that reading a book or studying per se while listening to music make a person retain more information than just reading or studying in a quiet environment. I don't really know how true it is but they explained that the stress of doing two things at a time exercises your brain to work doubly hard, thus you retain more information than when the brain is at rest. We could safely say that the brain is like a person who doesn't know nor doesn't use his/her potential to the fullest. When faced with stressful situations, we often times realize that we are more capable of doing more than what we know. So, I guess that's the explanation of it. For me? Well, I could actually. I'm known to multi-task. I don't know, maybe I prefer the feeling of being too busy with many things all at once. I once had the opportunity to talk to several people online. There were several windows open and yet I could still remember and understand what they were talking. I also tried using my pc and my laptop at the same time. It was cool!
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I really appreciate your response, I just told my husband something very close to your explanation. I talked to him about how we have lots of pics and I should look through them bc I have some really cool ones. Then I added "but I will wait since I dont need another hobby right now. I have sewing out, writing on 4 different things, reading a few different books, raising my kids, being a good wife, teaching my daughter how to make friendship bracelets, making beaded necklaces, keeping up w/e-mail, starting a blog, keeping my house clean. I am sure I forgot a few along the way........but I really can attest to this. :0)
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I always did something very similar to that. When I was a kid I used to have the television going while I worked on my homework. It is better for me to have background noise than for it be so silent. I can concentrate better with some noise in the background than complete silence. My kids are the complete opposite from me. They put on the television and then they forget about their homework entirely. Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
@lilcee (2703)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Hi zhaychel. Yes, I like to listen to music or watch tv while reading. I don't like it too quiet. My husband can't do this but I can. I can concentrate on two things at once.
@zhaychel (610)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Nov 08
Lucky for you. Hope I can learn that too. There are thing that I can do at the same time except this one. ^^,,
@jakreza (23)
• Indonesia
11 Nov 08
i can't do that... haha
12 Nov 08
I can't do that too. Because, I think reading is a job that need alot of concentrate.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I can listen to music and read a book at the same time. I used to study while listening to music. I used to have a strange way of learning things by using the beat of the music. Now, I can't do three things at the same time, as music, read and listen to someone talk to me. I can listen to all types of music while reading. This used to irritate my mom, because she couldn't understand how I could learn something while listening to music. Now, my oldest child, can't do this, she either has to do one thing at a time, or she gets lost. I don't know how my youngest will be, she's just now learning to read.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I would rather have music playing while I read than to have it quiet, so yes, I can listen to music while reading a book.
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
Hello zhaychel. I tried listening to music while reading a book, I find it very difficult to concentrate, but maybe it depends on the type of music you are listening to.
@rvangeld (334)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I am a good multitasker, but sometimes other things distract me when I am trying to read. It happens to me a lot.
@slash23 (102)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Hmmm..well, yes! I can do both at the same time. Never realized that some people will actually find it hard to concentrate on a book while listening to music. Now that you've mentioned it... ;-)
@zhaychel (610)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Nov 08
I just found it quite difficult because the type of music i'm listening doesn't allow me to concentrate. ^^,
@Guyferd (14)
• Philippines
16 Nov 08
Yes.I can listen to music while reading.The music increases your imagination on what you read.
@unagie (122)
• India
25 Nov 08
i love listening to music while reading... it boosts my concentration...
@loveyevi (513)
• United States
11 Jan 09
Yea I can do both. But I usually find myself paying more attention to the other. So I either read and miss everything I had just read or read and not really pay attention to the music. This usually happens only when im reading something complicated. If its something real easy to follow I can do both and pay attention to both.
@reshadar (112)
• United States
12 Nov 08
yes - In fact, I think it's harder for me to concentrate if music isn't playing or the tv isn't on. Even when I was in school, I always listened to music or watched tv while I did my work.
• Philippines
12 Nov 08
I prefer listening to music whenever I am reading a novel or simply when studying. It motivates me more and it kills the boredom especially when the lectures I am reading are not that interesting to read. What I could not stand is listening to my favorite DJs while reading a book.
@chinna533 (309)
• India
12 Nov 08
yes some times.. it depends on such situation . I can listen to the music when iam reading book or newspaper.. but when its a tensed or serious situation for reading books for me there should be quite calm and a pin-drop-silence... but not all the time i can grasp both of then at the same differs... Happy mylotting
• China
12 Nov 08
No,i can't listen to music while i am reading books,especially when i study,i don't like to anyone bother me,and i never meet one who can listen to music and study at the same time ,if anyone who can do the two things at the same time ,he must have especial gift i think
@tanstar (59)
• China
12 Nov 08
i love music. i can do and love to do work with music on but just with songs i love and familiar not rock music or like~ i enjoy makes me happy and high efficiency in my work~
@daijean11 (211)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
if it's classical music or instrumentals, i's really's like i'm clearing my mind to put something new in it.. ..but if it's with lyrics, especially the songs that i want to sing along, i really can't concentrate..:p