I Repel People Deliberately
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
November 13, 2008 11:09am CST
Do you ever realize you are doing something, falling into the same pattern but can't seem to stop yourself from doing it? Especially if it's a bad habit of dealing with people in particular
Ok, so I am not the only one to be badly hurt, abused and bullied in this world but I have become extremely hostile to people and coupled with the fact that I have an extremely low opinion of myself the two are interrelated and I know I repel people, I put up barriers, my defences are so strong that are totally unpenetrable
I was waiting at the bus stop this evening and I saw this gorgeous person, young and very very attractive and I couldn's stop looking and yet when this person looked at me I turned away, they looked again and I gave them a dirty look! I am sorry I just couldn't help myself
Straight away I thought they'd never be interested in me, what's the point? Why smile at them because I know damn well they'll think I'm weird, or they'll give me a dirty look, so I snub them before they get a chance to snub me!
I have become so hostile to people 'offline' and yes I know I am doing it but I just can't stop it! I can't seem to break down the defences that I have put up, because I have got no self-esteem, I don't value myself or my worth
I am the loser I know that but I've been rejected so much in my life that I have started rejecting people before they have a chance to reject me
Do you repel people deliberately or undeliberately?
Do you find you are hostile to anyone in particular?
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16 responses
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I have been clean and sober for over 17 years. I wqent through treatment to treat these addictions and with luck I might add I made it. In treatment I learned about low self esteem which mine was off the scale at the bottom. I also learned what empathy was. I never cared nor knew othjers feelings etc prior to treatment. So now I have learnede to love myself as if I don't how can anyone love me. I have also learned to be aware of others feelings. So I do not repel, I attract now. Even with rotten teeth and a mouth with just a few broken teeth left and an ugly smile, I love myself and therefore others love me. I do not like hurting others at all anymore. Hope this explains my situation some in this are.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Anytime at all friend.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Thanks muscles.
I've met professional athletes in my A.A group even.
Dr's, lawyers, and fast food employees, and students, and young preteens even. I am around a lot in myLot.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Nov 08
Hi wolfie, We all have to love ourselves before we can love others, that's why self-esteem is so important. The things that we like or dislike about others are often aspects of our own character that we refuse to acknowledge. There are books that you can get which will help you develop self-esteem and you should try something because you don't seem very happy with yourself. The fact is that everyone of us has light and dark sides to our character and really there is nothing wrong with that, a perfect person would be impossible to live with. I've had people reject me as I'm sure everyone has and it doesn't feel very good, but that doesn't mean everyone will reject us. It's no fun being hostile to anyone and hurts ourselves so I try not to act that way. Blessings.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
Sometimes I make a rod for my own back, I have a self-fulling prophecy and it's a vicious circle, I have to break the circle but it's means leaving myself vulnerable again, my hostility is actually protection and I wear it like a comfortable shirt, if I take it off then I let people in to hurt me, I do it for my own protection, I do have the self esteem but it's buried, buried beneath the hatred and hostility I have for how people have treated me, double edged sword, sorry for the cliches but they truly explain my behaviour my friend
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Nov 08
That is what I learned as well.
If we can't love ourselves then we can't really love others.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
I do sometimes deliberately repel people. I just feel that I know more people than I can cope with. I am usually quite a loner and have trouble when trying to spend time with people because I just don't seem to be able to fit friends into my schedule. There have been a couple of times in my life when it seemed I had a few friends and I would be quite sociable but, it seems, I was within that group because someone else was rather than on my own merits. Now I just don't have time to be sociable. I have one "friend" who I occasionally go shopping with but I hate shopping. In fact I only made friends with that person because at the time I was looking for a sort of temporary best friend while my proper best friend was "poorly".
I think I might come across as being hostile to certain people accidentally. There are certain people who I just know are not worth my time. It might come across as me being a bad person but there is a saying, which I actually think I first got from you which is "no company is preferable to bad company" or something like that and I honestly couldn't care less if a bad person thinks poorly of me.
There have been times when I have been (or at least seemed) popular and that was quite nice but now I don't want to be. It is far too much effort to be that way. If people want a sociable, chatty friend who makes plans and has fun then that is not me. I'd rather just have a few people who know me very well and I do deliberately make it difficult for most people to get to know me because I just don't want them to.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
20 Nov 08
That is certainly true. You do come across as a nice lovely person here but some of us wouldn't call you confident from the nature of some of your posts. :)
It is hard to bring the same things to the "real" world as we have online sometimes but I find it similar in different situations. We might be one way with friends, another with colleagues and even yet another with family. If people know us for being a certain way then it is difficult to take one of our other personalities to a different situation.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 08
I am totally the opposite on the net my friend, I am not hostile, I am sure you agree that I come across warm, inviting, happy go lucky and somewhat confident, but it's totally different outside, I am the total opposite, if only I could take some of me what I am online to when I am offline, but it's just not that simple is it? I feel warm, I feel accepted, never rejected on Mylot, People like me they value my friendship and judging by the responses I have got in particular this discussion I have been given a lot of warmth, help, support and encouragement. It's like two different worlds isn't it, being online and being offline!
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
13 Nov 08

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
Makes perfect sense to me and that is exactly what is happening my dear friend, it's like cruise control the defences trigger every time it's like they are protecting me and surrounding me, and saying no you ARE NOT going to hurt Brian, I don't care what your intentions are you ain't getting a chance to get any CLOSER and I will attack you in any way to stop you coming anywhere near! I guess I am still not strong enough to manually remove the constraints and defences probably because I cling to them for dear life because I want to be safe and don't want to experience any more hurt and rejection, the defence mechanism also is permanent because I have made it clear to myself that I want to stay single for the rest of my life, I can't go through that again and it's a continual program which unless I change the defense system will stay. Thank you for caring!
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I can totally understand what you are talking about because I used to do the same thing. Now I just isolate because I'm sooooooo tired of people. I don't have patience for them anymore.
I, too, was bullied, mocked, teased, ridiculed and humiliated most of my life and now I'm on Disability because I honestly can't work anymore.
There are a few people in my life that I trust and that feels good. Old habits die hard, but, in time you will be able to trust (at least to degree). Because of our backgrounds we may never be able to fully trust people, but, have faith that with time you will get to a point where you will be able to let down some of your defenses and will be able to discern who to trust and who not to trust.
Are you seeing a therapist at all? I have finally found an excellent one who understands me so well and doesn't make assumptions about me. Talking to a therapist on a weekly basis is so helpful. It helps to air out some of the junk in your mind and even letting some of it go so you can go further psychologically.
I'm not saying it's easy because I still struggle on a day to day basis myself, but, just to let you know there is hope.
I hope I've helped you in some way.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
I am also on disability as well my friend, I had a big mental breakdown at work in 2003, I couldn't cope, bullied at work, hated my life, my relationship and the person I was with was a manipulating control freak, I was caged and since 2003 been with various therapists, I have been with one since March, long term. I have even taken a pyschology course to see if I can understand others and certainly me more. I am very wary of strangers but it's strange you know that I can be myself well I am comfortable on Mylot and talking to people online but offline I am totally the opposite. I have actually blocked people who have come close to me. The walls go up and I reject them, I don't want a relationship and I have resigned my life to being single. I also have BPD which doesn't help the situation in fact it makes it ten times worse. (borderline personality disorder) I find it easier to hate, although not healthy, if I push people away they can't hurt me or get close to me! Thank you for caring
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I'm so glad to know that you are seeing a therapist. I, too, have BPD. Have faith that eventually things will change, if even for a little bit.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@busyB4 (874)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I am very sorry Wolfie that others hurt you to the point that it has changed your personality to a bitterness. It also sounds like there may be some anger issues you still feel. I hope the therapy helps you, as you may be missing out on a happier life if you just let some in. I have had bad experiences too, but each of us really NEED other people in our lives, but true friends. They are rare and hard to find. It is hard to trust again once you have been hurt so deeply, but I think if you continue in your hostility and rejection towards others, you will be a very lonely sad man, particularly in your elderly years!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
14 Nov 08
You missed out bitter too and trouble is, I believe that! If I carry on the way I am going you are right, hit the nail on the head I will be a very lonely sad man! Reap what you sow as they say, I need to break out of the cycle but sometimes saying it sounds so easy putting it into practice is a different ball game, I did try a few times to open up but sadly I had to withdraw again as I left myself wide open again. Thanks for your response.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Nov 08
It feels sad to read through this. Essentially it's a reflection of most of us. I have been there but now I know what it takes. LOVE yourself and try to look at the brighter side of life. I have been repeatedly hurt but now I do not frown over the crooked nose I have. I rather appreciate the beautiful eyes. And trust me, that makes me feel so much better. I expect little from others and that gives me a sense of completeness when I love someone and do something. Previously, I used to escape now I face it. I get rejected but never mind. If that was what supposed to be let it be. There are so many avenues!
If the people in the gym do not talk to you, let go but if they smile at you why NOT smile back. That makes living so much beautiful! And remember, even the executioner be the happiest person on the world. It's just the way you look at it.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
22 Nov 08
I am forever the pessimist my friend and to me the glass is half empty rather than half full, I come to expect disappointments which in a way is good then I am not surprised if they happen. Sadly I do look at everything negative because it saves the disappointment. You'd think I'd be used to rejection by now, I've had it all my life, it should get easier shouldn't it? But it doesn't sadly, not for me any road. Thanks for your heartfelt response my friend ;0)
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
14 Nov 08
A long time ago, I went through the same thing - repelling people deliberately - it was because I was hurting badly from a broken 13 year relationship. He wasn't nasty with me, it was just that he'd wandered and been unfaithful with someone a lot younger than me. I felt betrayed, rejected, and was absolutely devastated.
It took me a long time to get over it; I kept people at arm's length for the same reason as you are wolfie - I didn't want to let them get near me in case I got hurt again, so I put up a brick wall to protect myself.
However, I eventually realized that this attitude was preventing me from enjoying life to the full - I was miserable, unhappy, low self-esteem, thought no-one could love me for me - you know.
I started making a conscious effort to be nice with people again, to speak and join in, and convincing myself that I was a worth-while person, and that I had as much right to happiness as the next person. Life is a risk whatever we do-you know the old saying "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". It's a fact wolf.
Slacken your resistance bit by bit and take a chance on people - they are not all bad. Move on from ones who treat you bad, there are plenty of nice people out there, believe me. Once I did this and got used to it, my life started to open up again wolfie, and I was happy to be part of living again.
Give of yourself and it'll come back to you.
Think good of yourself, and it will bounce off people you meet.
Think positive thoughts.
You are not the person you think you are - I've seen your qualities come out here at MyLot - you are a warm, kind, caring and intelligent person with a lot to offer. Go for it wolfie - you can do it! I know it. Luv ya. xx
@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
13 Nov 08
You don't have to do that you know. I guess it is a pity! Maybe the attractive one likes you so much and she feels a same way. Also, she may be very shy or something. As a guy, you should take the initative. Never wait a woman to go for you first. I used to think British guys are very gentle. You should know "lady first!" At this point, it means you should be kind of tolerant of their indifference sometimes.
Also, why are you so shy? You are knowledgable and good at sports since you go to to the gym everday. Meanwhile, you look good though you are not more handsome than David Beckham so far as I am concerned. lol
Next time, when you happen to see an attractive woman, just talk to them anyway. You don't mean she must become your girlfriend or something. It is just a talk, which may let you know you are actually brilliant. You should appreciate yourslef more. Just have a little faith. Once you lose the way, as you know, you lose yourself! I gotta go out to face the nacissistics again now! haha
Have a nice day!
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@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
21 Nov 08
Oh really? Glad to hear that anyway! It is the bare truth though! Have a great day! I just turned my computer on by the way! haha
@omar0913 (942)
• Legaspi, Philippines
14 Nov 08
I have been as well rejected sometimes, but I just think of them as not the one for me. Now I am married to a woman whom I never courted, the truth was she's my best friend. But I loved her so much, more than I loved my self, she's really was the one that was meant for me. In your case, the only thing that I can say is, there's always a blessing for everyone that we all can say it's ours. you need more patience and self-control, treat all the people around you like how you treat your self psitively. For sure,the one for you is yet to come...Thanks and take care...greatest blessings my friend.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Nov 08
You know wolfie sometimes when I listen to you I think I am
listening to myself talking. It is so hard to believe how
similar we think and how so many of the things that you do that
I do to. I will hurt me first before I will let you hurt me!
Sound familiar? I have done that so many times. I will also
snub someone first before they snub me for the same reason that
they will never like me! What a defeatest attitude! And yes
it comes from so many years of being hurt by so many! I just
don't want to be hurt anymore! So I will reject before before
I am rejected! I have actually gotten stronger in the last
year due to some therapy and the fact that I will not take
crap from anyone any longer. But I am still healing from so
may old wounds and it does take time to heal. I still don't
have all the answers so I am still searching and I still
wearing a shield to protect my feelings in the meantime.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I was very much like Kashigurl, shy, withdrawn, and did not believe in myself.
Somehow, you have to allow that wall to come down, even if it is one brick at a time.
The thing is, you have to stop rejecting yourself, wolfie, because when you reject others, that is exactly what you are doing. I really think the book Kashi mentioned will help.
On line, you can hide, and be the person you would like to be. Push through and let that person come out in your daily life, offline. Remember, let the wall come down, just one brick at a time, and before you know it, you will be smiling at that attractive person waiting at the bus stop. It's just a smile, right?*S*
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
19 Nov 08
Yeah, Wolfie, I know. That is the challenge, though, NOT to put more bricks up than you take down. *s* Been there, done that, and I know it takes a very long time. I just hope that you will challenge yourself to keep taking bricks down and not replacing them.
@Nahsik (205)
• India
14 Nov 08
Well i have been through this several times.
truly speaking i go through this almost every month!!!
You wont beleive me but deliberately do repel people who do just the dame thing as that happens wuth you.!!
Well, just the same i too feel hostile to a few of them!!!
Well my father says thats a part of HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY !!!!!
@efarmer (184)
14 Nov 08
Well I dont repel people deliberately. but people just cant accept me I guess. It is not that I am so unacceptable but I guess it is the way it goes. some people attract others while others repel. I cant help it. but I think you need to get out of the dumps and think about the people you repel how they must feel. so one request is please dont do it deliberately, if it happens undeliberately then welcome to the club. just think about how you feel when someone does that to you
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov 08
Sometimes we get trapped in our ways and it is very hard to break out of it, especially when you have been hurt in the past, it's a defence mechanism and everyone is treated the same, potential bullies or potential hostiles, it's a habit I am aware of that needs changing but I'm working on it!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
5 Dec 08
Unfortunately I am an open book. My face shows what is going on in my mind. If I don't like a person I immediately transmit what is going on inside me by my gestures. So I do end up repel them after all.© ronaldinu 2008
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
13 Nov 08
I'm not hostile but I generally don't let people get close. They make overtures and I don't accept or don't reciprocate and eventually they go away.