I Guess Public School Is Just Too Good For The Obama Girls

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
November 13, 2008 1:43pm CST
Public schools, according to Obama are good enough for poor and middle-class families, but not for rich families like the Obamas. In July, when he addressed the NAACP's annual convention, Sen. Barack Obama expressed his devotion to American public schools, vowing he would not "walk away from them" by supporting school choice program. Obama would go onto attack McCain's support for the school choice program in Washington, D.C. The Time magazine asked "Should parents be given vouchers to enable them to send their children to any school?" Obama answered: "No: I believe that public education in America should foster innovation and provide students with varied, high-quality learning opportunities." But are the Obamas going to enroll their two girls into a D.C public school, no. The two prospective schools for his daughters: Sidwell Friends, where tuition is $28,442; and Georgetown Day, where tuition is $27,445. Obama's vision of America, a place where poor children remain trapped in public schools, where rich and powerful children do not have to.
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41 responses
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
13 Nov 08
. After speaking to my 17 year old daughter this is what she had to say about Obama's decision. With being the daughters of the president I am shocked that he does not have them home-schooled for thier safety. The Obama's have made this decision so thier daughters will have a social life. Where security is neccassary for them. How many children in public schools live in the white house. He is a target and so is his family. He made this decision not as a president but as a father. If the American people can not see why this is vital to the safety of his family shame on them.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
With the way things are today, any child can go to a public school and be shot or killed. Happens everyday to average people...so now, tell me again why they are so much more important than we are.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I highly doubt that the Obama's decision to enroll their children in private school has anything at all to do with the safety and security of the other children or as someone mentioned, they would have teachers come into the White House to teach them there. The Obama girls were enrolled in private school in Chicago well before Barak began campaigning for President.
• United States
13 Nov 08
You are absolutely right any child can be shot and killed but they are not targets of groups of people that want to kill you just because your father is president.
• United States
13 Nov 08
I really don't what's wrong with him sending them to public school. I see what you're saying that he sounds hypocritical and like eh's not following through with what he says. But I'm pretty sure that I would do the same thing. I've been in private school all my life because I love it. it's not event he education that it offers but for me int he interaction. Private schools always have less students so it's easier to make friends and get involved in everything and know everyone and what's going on. I'm definitely sending all my kids to private school because it was the best experience of my life. I'm sure that he's still going to help the public schools of the nation, but it's not a crime if his kids don't go.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I'm going to post this under you kayree because I want my response to be SEEN. You guys have NO IDEA what the public schools are like in Washington, D.C. YOU would not want to send your children there...I would not allow my children to attend the majority of them. I lived for 49 years just outside of D.C. in Maryland and I KNOW what the area around the White House is like...I KNOW the school district these girls will be living in. I KNOW the funding problems D.C. schools have, the lack of quality of education, the CRIME. It's not elitism or snobbery that is responsible for the Obama's interest in private schools for their daughters, or for George Bush's decision to send his girls to private schools...it's common sense. The Quality Counts report, a publication from Editorial Projects in Education, which publishes the trade magazine Education Week, rated the 50 states and the District in six areas of education performance and policy in 2008. The District was ranked 51st. in the report. Would anyone on this board really want to send their kids to one of those schools?
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• United States
13 Nov 08
I read a neat article once by a liberal pointing out that none of them with the means were willing to sacrifice their own children on the alter of PC by forcing their children to attend the rotten public school system. Can't say I blame them.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
You are, of course, correct. I'd like to add that I really don't think 0bama cares what is fair or not. It is just a position he takes like any lawyer does in a court room.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I do not blame anyone for sending their children to a private school, what I do not understand is all this talk about making things fair for all Americans. What is fair about the Obama sending his girl to private school while preventing others from getting out of public school system.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
14 Nov 08
And this is what makes America so great - that we have free choice as to where our kids are educated. We pulled our kids out of the public education system, way back when 'forced bussing' started. It was not because of racism on our part, but because we despised the stupid judges that thought it was such a grand idea, and were using a Hitler type back up to enforce it. Our kids got better grades and learned more and faster than the ones in the public system, and if I would have needed to work two jobs to pay for it, I would have done it. President elect Obama, has the same right as the rest of us and shouldn't be criticized for his choice. Many, many parents are home schooling their kids, because of the vilence and other things that are in the public system. I could tell you some things you wouldn't believe, and the teacher's hands are tied, in doing anything about it.
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@kareng (70441)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Just one of the first things that he will be found to be hypocritical on. He's a politician and said whatever it took to be elected. Now the truth will come out. The public will see that he is NOT the man they thought they were voting for. We are in for a tough next 4 years.
@kareng (70441)
• United States
14 Nov 08
We will be lower at the end of these four years and maybe not even have many of our "civil" rights that we have now. Some of you people are so closed minded.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
14 Nov 08
It is not hypocritical for his children to attend private school because they are, for all intent and purposes celebrities.Also, if I'm not mistaken, his children have been in private school up until now. If we're in for a tough 4 years, kareng, what would you call the last 8 years that have brought us to such a low point?
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Can you imagine what a disruption to the school it would be to have the Obama girls in a public school. The Secret Service would have to be there with them and the media would be a constant problem given the historical significance of his presidency. I think private school is smaller and better equipped to handle this and for the safety of the girls, I think any parent in his situation would do the same thing. It isn't the same as abandoning the public school system. His reasons are not because he doesn't think the girls could get a quality education in public schools.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
The point I am trying to make is Obama would not put his children in a public school, either D.C or Chicago, but is willing to fight against school choice that would allow parents to remove their children from horrible schools like D.C or Chicago.
@Zezlol (409)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Nov 08
I have to agree with janeives43. How is it hypocritical? His will to improve public education does not, by any circumstance, mean that he has to send his own kids through the system. If you have the money, why not send your kids to a school that offers the best education and more safety? Inevitably, attending a private school will allow his children more opportunities in life. I see nothing wrong with public schools and I, too, want them to improve. But I'm moving to the states next year and I'm going to a private school. If I can go to a school that prepares me better for college, where they pay more attention to your abilities and areas of improvement, why the hell should I go to a public school where such benefits are not offered? Sacrificing his the future of his children just so that people will not call him a hypocrite would be stupid. I support him on this one.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
You and Jane are not understanding my point, Obama is opposed to school choice yet Obama because he has enough money is practicing school choice.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Nov 08
We all know how bad the public schools are. It is very telling that 0bama does not have enough faith in a public school education to let them teach his kids, yet the only help he is going to give te schools is more money, and perhaps more power to indoctrinate our kids into what the liberals want our children to be. 0bama got major donations from the NEA, so he owes them big time... as well as several other unions. You can bet that he is not going to require the teachers do a better job, and he knows a good education is a rare thing in our schools. 0bama talks the talk, but he won't walk it.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Throwing more money at the public school problem is like pouring more water into a leaking bucket. The money is not the issue the problem is the NEA.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Money is part of the problem, but better screening and monitoring of both teachers and school administrations is also a key issue.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
This is so typical of him, and it was predictable. I was for the voucher system. I hope after 4 years in the White House, one of Michelle's personal assistants write an expose. They will probably send them to Sidwell Friends. It is a very swanky school.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Well some will miss my point yet some will get it.
• United States
14 Nov 08
Obama is the one who said he endorsed public schools. My point is, why doesn't he send his own darlings there? He is against vouchers because he does not want the middle class and poor to choose a better school like he does.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
By the way, I think some of your readers are missing the point.
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• United States
14 Nov 08
First of all, even though some may think it's not the point, Obama hasn't even taken office yet. He has expressed a desire to improve public schools, but he can't do that until he does take office. Second, I am against school vouchers, too. School vouchers are a Republican dream. The point of them is not to provide an equal education, but an excuse not to spend money and time on righting what is wrong with the public school system. Most private schools are religious schools. The idea of vouchers are only a way for mostly Republicans to get around the Constitution by subsidizing religious instruction. School vouchers were never meant to help low-income children receive a better education. That is why most Democrats do not support them. With all the talk about Socialism, I am surprised that any Republican these days could express their desire to have vouchers. Obama is right in sending his children to private school; as are the parents of any "famous" person. Somehow, I think everyone realizes that.
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• Israel
14 Nov 08
I don't see vouchers as a Republican thing, but I do see it as a way of subsidizing certain religious schools, mainly Christian ones. It's not aimed at the home schooled or the Buddhist schools. Low income people don't have the $5- 10,000 per kid to add to the voucher to pay for the private school. I knew a kid in private school about 15 years ago. It was $8,000 a year for the first 6 years then went up.
@GhostCat (313)
• United States
14 Nov 08
The man has not actually been elected to the Presidency yet. Remember that the electoral college elects our president and I do believe that the electoral college meets in December, and although Mr. Obama is certain to win the electoral college vote he is not really our president elect until the electoral college has voted. And on that note, do you think we could have a month or two without a lot of blaming and harassing of the Obamas, before they ever get to the white house. For a Few hours after the election it seemed like the entire country was excited and energized no matter what their politics because, after all, we had actually done something very unexpected of the United States and something we all had a right to be proud of no matter how we voted. Looking ahead to the future I think it would be safe to assume that Mr & Mrs. Obama and their children will need all the protection and good will this country can afford them for their own personal good will this country can provide. I'm not saying that we should not criticize him. But let's criticize him on real things, not on want to protect his children. Let's see if we can't work together and see if we can get our country back on track, we have a huge financial crisis, we need desperately to create jobs for a lot of people, we need to solve the energy crisis, we need to do something about health care for almost everyone in the country. Public schools have been good to many of us. If public schools are in trouble it is inherit on all us (the public) to help fix it, to actually hold the schools and the teachers accountable and to see that the teachers do not have to spend so much of their day disciplining children and keeping order in their classrooms that they have no time to actually teach. It is time we put the public back in public. Good luck for the future
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Actually Bush got that courtesy until he went and lied and carelessly got us into a war which has lost many lives and cost us billions of dollars and the disrespect of most of the world! Even a good portion of the original Bush supporters were pretty fed up with him over time. Bush rightly earned all the critisism he got.
• United States
14 Nov 08
say it
• United States
14 Nov 08
Why is Obama an enemy toward school vouchers and choice? If he truly cares about children getting a good education, the voucher system seems to me to be a good starting point. Competition between public and private schools for the education of children would probably force bad public schools to cleanup their act. I realize the NEA has a huge lobby and are doing everything in their power to stop the use of vouchers, but there's a time when doing the right thing is more important than getting money from lobbyist. As far as Obama sending his children to private schools, I don't blame him.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
14 Nov 08
This reminds me of that movie "lean on me" based on a true story. Was it a New Jersey school? I don't remember. Anyways I don't think it's competition thats going to take the schools to clean up. Kids are the ones that want that. it's teachers and a very strong man that is willing to stand up for a school. We need another principle Joe in schools that need the help.
• United States
13 Nov 08
I agree with your point. He made a big deal in the race about "not walking away from the public schools". But the whole time his kids were in private school. Now he is going to send them to private schools in Washington DC. No big surprise there. He is rich so his children should have choices. But the middle class and poor well you are just left out in the cold. You can't walk away from public schools, but he can and did. Other presidents have sent their children to public school, why can't he? Because it was all talk. He definately does not walk the walk. But he sure loves to talk the talk.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
Actually I homeschool. That is how much I believe in the public school system. All I am pointing out is that Obama was hypocritical when he was talking about the public schools. Especially when he put down the voucher program. It would have made it possible for a lot more children to go to private school. Seems he would want that chance for as many American children as possible. Guess not.
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@Zezlol (409)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Nov 08
Come on, look around you. Do you honestly think that kids who attended public schools are set on the same level when applying to universities as kids who attended private schools? Private schools offer so much more, if you have the opportunity to send your children to one: take it. It's wise for him to send his daughters to a private school, especially considering the fact that he's the first black president of the United States and there are still a lot of racists out there. It's safer for his kids and they're almost guaranteed a better future (career) if they graduate from a private school.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Obama is all for making things fair. So what is fair about Obama using taxpayer money, because that is where is salary comes from, to send his two girl to a school that 95% of all Americans could not even afford.
@miamhae (339)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
Ha ha ha ha, every body have right to choose from what school they can afford to enrolled they children. I guess obama's right to say that he believe that public school in America should foster innovation and provide students with varied, high-quality learning opportunities. if he say he didn't believe in American public school, he criticize the million people study in public school. People can do where ever school there choice for their children as long as they can afford the expenses, but for the people who's not afford a tuition and other expenses its better to stay in public school that the quality of learning opportunities are same as in private school. Obama's girls are not ordinary student if they g in public school, its make put the school in danger, not like private school that give a tie security because the school have budget for it.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
13 Nov 08
"Ha ha ha ha" - I fail to see what is funny about this discussion or any of the responses. If Obama feels that our public schools aren't good enough to send his own children, then maybe he should do something about it - besides sending his own children to private school.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I don't believe that Obama is making a statement against all public schools by choosing not to send his daughters to some of the lowest ranking schools in the country. The problems with D.C.'s public schools cannot be fixed in a year...probably not in ten years.
• United States
14 Nov 08
I think private schools are easier for the secret service. Sasha and Malia will have 24/7 protection and many added security features would need to be added to public schools, which have more students.
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• United States
14 Nov 08
What more security measures would be needed? I went to pick my granddaughter up from kindergarten the other day and was locked out and the front desk had a security monitor at all the doors.
• United States
14 Nov 08
Say it again people just dont understand.
• United States
14 Nov 08
IMO Obama's little girls are definitely candidates for private schooling. They are not ordinary little girls they are very, very high profile children and their safety is the number one reason why private schools would be the better choice. I also think that for "normal" children if the parents can afford to give their children the benefits of private schools then why not. I am a product of a private, all girls, school and my brother went to a public co-ed school and there is no question that I received a much better quality of education.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I also went to a private school and believe them to be better. HOWEVER, Obama is being very hypocritical in saying that poor kids SHOULD NOT be given the vouchers to go to a better school. He says Public schools are fine and kids SHOULD NOT be given the opportunity to go to a Private school. So, if Public Schools are so great, I agree with the thread-starter that his girls should be going to one too, not some fancy dancy one that no normal person can afford.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Nov 08
I'm going to give this one to Obama I think. First, he's right, our public schools are krap. Second, they are first and fromost, parents. the concern for their daughters comes heads and shoulders above public perception or avoiding hypocrocy, These children of the president, the most at risk person in the country. his children would make tempting targets for someone who really wanted to get to him, be it domestic assasine or foriegn terrorist, think some islamic jihadist is going to care that they are only kids? I think not. they are too easy a target and as a parent, i would have made the exact same decision.
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• United States
14 Nov 08
Several news articles about this boil it down to security. Apparently, public schools aren't very receptive to kids who need bodyguards with them, or the culture of celebrity that is bound to follow them, at least at first. The Secret Service has insisted upon the most secure environment possible, and they didn't see that in public schools. It's not the school that isn't good enough; it's security.
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• United States
14 Nov 08
Name me just one president that has sent "their" children to public school. Maybe back 60 or more years ago they did. Because of JFK, Robert, MLK and the attempts on Ford, Wallace and Regan make it apparent as to why A PRESIDENT should NOT send his kids to public school. It's a security issue - not - a money issue! Obama is more "down to earth" than any president we have had in a very long time. I'll do anything I can to help and promote him as Our President.
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• United States
15 Nov 08
Uh, unless I have read wrong - he has been threatened already! Don't you see that he knows some peed off Republican or KKK or just a redneck might be out to harm him? Would you not do everything in your power to protect your children? And - face it - he plans to push for equal rights for us all. That will hopefully mean that some of these "big guys" in charge of the world banks get knocked down a notch or two! Give him a chance, at least his family ties can't be linked to the richest people in the world and he didn't make money off of oil while we were paying out the rear for gas - like Bush, Chaney $ McCain did!
@messageme (2821)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I think he has his own personal choice where he wants to send his kids just like you and me. We should have our own choice and we do. I have no money and could never afford a private school, but I think that would be were I would send my kids if I could. Just because he is president they make this public and I don't think they should. Where he sends his kids is his choice and what the heck does that have to do with anyone else. No one else should even worry about it, it's not your kids their his. He has money to send them to private so yes they would probably get a better education, but tell me how is that any different than how this world has always been? The more money you have the better advantages you have. It's always been that way and it always will be.
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• United States
14 Nov 08
As soon as somebody starts doing good some one has to come with alot of negativity. So what? if you had alot of money you not put your kids in public schools either. If macain felt so passionate about public schools maybe he should put some of his grand and great grand kids in public schools.Or maybe he should become a teacher. Macain has alot of time on his hands now cause he is not the president, now he has more time to become a teacher see your problem is solved NEXT.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Nov 08
It sounds to me like he'd like all those choices available in the public schools without parents feeling they had to look into alternative education for their kids which are huge tax burdens on communities. Why don't we just give the man a chance before trying to judge him so harshly.