Contact or Glasses

@Beruang (1309)
November 14, 2008 3:55am CST
I am shortsighted. I stated to wear glasses when I was 14. I wore that for 4 years and then I stopped when a friend of mine introduced me to contact lenses. From that point onward, I have gained back lots of the ability that I had to forgo when I was wearing glasses. With the lenses, I could go back to playing soccer and swimming and I can do many activities that was limited to me by my glasses. I have been using contact lenses for more than a decade now and I would find it very awkward if I am not wearing it. I took out my contact lenses at night and I switch back to my glasses to watch TV, read, post on myLot and many other things. However, with the glasses, I would not be able to do those activities for a long period since after a few hours of wearing the glasses, I would feel very uncomfortable and normally when that happens, I would just take off my glasses. There are times when my eyes are not that well and I can't wear my contact lenses and I still have to drive to work. I would feel very less confidence compared to when I am wearing my contact lenses. I would drive slower and I had to be extra careful with my driving as if I am a driver that just got my driving license. What about you? Do you wear glasses and contact lenses? How about sharing your experience here. Cheers!
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24 responses
• Indonesia
15 Nov 08
i have a minus eye. i wear glasses since i was 14th too n i still wearing a glasses till now. but i only use it occasionally, when i need to read sth from far distance. i dont like wearing glasses nor contact lens lol. i never finding it hard not to wear my glasses even when im riding or driving, coz its a small minus, i still can see well. but when it comes i have to read a small letters, then yeah i will put it on.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your preferences here. Cheers!
@judinbo (312)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
before this i wearing a glasses but now, my eyes are going the doctor advise me to wearing special contact to avoid my eye getting worst...i hate wearing contact because take much time to wear it..n i must take care of it carefully
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
I know they can be quite troublesome but in your case, they are going to save your eyes. So be nice to them. P/S: please accept my friend request. Thanks
@judinbo (312)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
oh ok bro
• Canada
14 Nov 08
Sometimes contacts can cause irritation and in this case glasses would be better. Although I think that contacts look better...On some people that is. Some people look great in glasses.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
15 Dec 08
I would go for glasses. I used to wear contact lenses for long periods until I got a severe eye infection and I could not use them anymore. Now I have opted for an eye laser operation and I got rid of the glasses once and for all.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
16 Dec 08
Thanks for the response. Laser treatment sounds good. something that I might want to consider. Cheers!
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
15 Nov 08
I wear glasses.i don't prefer wearing contact lenses.I might forget to remove it out before sleeping.The main problem with glasses is you keep it somewhere and not able to remember the place its kept.I don't wear contact lenses because some infection may enter the eye.
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Yes, contact lenses must be cared for carefully. Cheers!
@gauthami (137)
• New Zealand
15 Nov 08
Hi i m longsighted..i started weraing glasses when i m 12 yrs that time my point is 1.5 and 2 but its ok..and i can see without glasses also but not much clearly..and at the age of 17 my cousin told me about contact lenses.i thought why not i try..started wearing contacts it was really comfortable but my eyes have different cylinder number so it was so difficult to wear contacts at some stage and again at 20 yrs of age my sister asked me y not take laser treatment..and i went to doctor he tested my that time my point is 3.5 and 3.75..something like that he determined i can have treatment in average cost and now i m glasses free,lenses freee..i can see everything perfect..u can also try this lasar..but go to specialist...
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your experience here. Yes, I would also like to know how much your laser treatment cost was. How long did it take to recover? Cheers!
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
hi I'm a nearsighted. i started wearing glasses when i was 8th yrs old until now and I'm already 21 yrs old..I also try contact lenses when i was 13th yrs old.Now, im still using contact lenses for almost 6th yrs but i take off at night then i use my glasses in watching and reading..When i was 20 yrs old i heard about laser treatment or surgery..And i went to one of the doctors in our town to ask some detail about that laser treatment..the doctor explained and showed me the exact procedure. I was amazed on that treatment but my problem is the cost its too expensive, I cant afford it but i want to undergo into that laser treatment...And additional problem is my point on the right 8.00 and on the left can still be treatable by the laser treatment? how much the cost of your laser treatment?
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• Philippines
15 Nov 08
Hi beruamg(468), were totally the same, i am a nearsighted. when i was 8 yrs old i got started using eye glasses up to second year high school..but on my third year, i heard about contact lenses so i consulted my doctor if i can shift to contact lenses and she said yes..i was so happy then coz' when I'm using it as if id never had an eye problem then.. the feeling of using eye contact lenses is very satisfactory,the way is clear, everything is clear,You don't look weird,and old not like using glasses...just like you,at night i take off my contact lenses.. and i also suffer from some side effect like redness, tenderness & I take it off then i will use my glasses.. Now, i am graduating student on nursing course..its very hard to have like this kind of eye problem. you are not totally confident in doing something that you wanted..There is always worry in your mind..
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your story here. I will take them off if my eyes are itchy or red too... Cheers!
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
14 Nov 08
I am shortsighted and it did not start to bother me until I was in my late teens. Apparently that is when your eyes finally stop growing so I guess that last growth spurt did something to my eyes. I have always worn glasses to see things in the farther distance as I can read without glasses at all because my eyes focus close to me. My sister had bad eyes too and wore contacts as soon as she could afford them. She has had to go back to glasses as she has got older and can no longer wear them. Her eyes are very nearsighted to the point she cannot see at all without lenses and luckily they have high refractive index plastics now otherwise she would have really thick glasses which she would hate.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your experiences. Yup those high index glass is a good alternative now. Cheers!
• United States
14 Nov 08
I don't wear either but I need glasses or contacts for better vision. I was tested in kindergarten for my vision and had 20/30 vision. I never wanted to wear glasses because I thought all of the kids would laugh at me. When became a teenager I use to wear colored contacts which did me no justice. I already had trouble with my vision and knowing the damage that wearing contacts could do, I wore them anyways and for days at a time. My eyes became really bad after not cleaning the contacts but instead acting if they were mines. Now I still don't wear either but I am going to get glasses. I do not think that contacts are for me!
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
That's why cleaning the contacts properly is a must. Cheers!
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
hi i still prefer to use eye glasses. i have tried using contact lenses for almost two years. i find a lot of disadvantages one is my eyes got irritated every time i put off the lenses, then i felt it weird at times when the lenses got misplaced from the retina of the eyes. although it is really convenient because you can do a lot of activities without the hassle of the eye glass. thanks
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Some eyes would not be able to stand the contacts. Cheers!
• United States
15 Nov 08
I wear glasses. I don't want to wear contacts, they just scream eye problems to me. Many people that I know end up with eye infections from wearing contacts.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
You need to be extra clean with your lenses. Cheers!
@judinbo (312)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
bro, i wanna know, when is the best time to make a post??
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Any time is a good time. Cheers!
• China
15 Nov 08
i have been wearing spectacles from the age of 8! i know its been from a very young age and initially i used to get too frustrated with that extra fitting on my face but as the years passed on i started getting used to it and now i feel very incomplete without wearing one! i dnt know about contacts though but i have heard a lot many of my friends say that one has to be very careful while using it! but i think its all a matter of practise! after wearing glassed for so many years now i dont have any problem wearing it and even doctors adviced me against contacts. may be what i think may not b accepted by all but all the same this is what i feel
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
No worries. We are entitled to our own opinions. Thanks fro sharing your preference here. Cheers!
@Zezloler (497)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Nov 08
I can't see farway objects (I'm really not sure if that's shortsightedness or longsightedness, I always get confused with it), and I've worn my glasses since Grade 4. I'm in Grade 10 now and my eyesight has gotten worse every year, mostly because of genetics (everyone in my family has bad eyesight). For those years, I've never worse contacts, but I've tried them this year because I felt that they would be more convenient for sports. Personally, I don't like contacts much. It's not only the sticking-my-finger-in-my-eye bit that bothers me, but it's also the fact that I don't really see any benefits in wearing them, except to look better and sports like I've already mentioned. Obviously I don't play sports all the time though. xD If I liked and didn't feel awkward wearing lenses, I would probably switch between them and my glasses. For now though, I think I'm just going to stick to my glasses.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
That is called shortsightedness. It is easy to remember as they are always the opposite. Anyway, contacts need time to get used to. But then not all eyes could get used to them. Cheers!
• Morocco
15 Nov 08
Since i was 6 i was wearing glasses, they are pretty much a prt of me know (15 years now). i can do everything while wearing them (but sweming and taking shower of course), and for Contact ? i don't know but i never imagined myself wearing them, and i will never probably. Good Discusion by the way ! ;)
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing your preferences! Cheers!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
14 Nov 08
I am short sighted and my left eye has better sight than my right eye. I have daily disposable contact lenses of two different strengths. When I don't have seem in I get a star burst some of sight because of the differences. I would need to hold a book really near my face to read it with my left eye and further away for my right eye. Wearing contact lenses makes my sight perfect and they are so incredibly comfortable. I got glasses for reading when I was ten years old and my eye sight got worse. By age 18 I had to wear my glasses all day. I used to go out in the evening without them but seeing things far away from me wasn't easy. At age 20 I decided after talking to wearers that I would get contact lenses. I got two week disposable ones in Australia and monthly disposable ones in the UK. Years ago I tried out daily disposable contact lenses for a holiday. I liked the convenience and comfort so I made sure I had them from then onwards. I have an eye test every year at an optician and buy my contact lenses from the Internet.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
Thanks for sharing that story of yours. I am wearing disposable to as they are more comfortable that the permanent ones. Cheers!
@orevro (715)
• Philippines
14 Nov 08
My parents didn't believe me when i said that my eyevsight was getting worst until I had to get eye glasses. When i started going to college, my cousin introduced me to contact lenses. I feel more comfortable wearing contact lenses, it's also a plus since it's an image booster. I can wear different colors of lense in any mood I'm in.I need only to clean it once everyday. Eyeglasses need a lot of maintenance, you have to be careful not to misplace it..
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
That is really awesome where you get to wear those colored lenses! Cheers!
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
I wear both. Usually I wear glasses at home and contact lens when I go out. To me, I prefer wearing contact lens because it's more comfortable than wearing glasses. However, you have to becareful when dealing with contact lens as it can easily cause eye infection.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
Yes, you are right. Our hands must be really clean. Cheers!
@SultanaH (80)
• Hungary
14 Nov 08
I started using eyeglasses since age of 11. Every year my eyesight would get worse. Then at 18 I tried my first contact lens and never look back ever since. And my eyesight doesn't get worse as much as when I was wearing glasses. Eyeglasses gave me eyestrain too. Never happened with contact lenses. Now I'm thinking of going for Lasik.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
That's the same problem I was having with my glasses too. I am scared of lasik and I do not know why... Cheers!
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
14 Nov 08
Hi Beruang! I haven't tried to use contact lenses and I don't think I will, because I'm scared the thought of putting it on my eyes. I have been using glasses for years and my eye sight wasn't really bad. I only use it when I'm in front of computer or television and when I go out but not when I'm cooking or doing something here in the house. Actually I just got a new glasses with higher grade of lense. Thanks!
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
15 Nov 08
At first that was my problem to but now it is just a routine that I am used to. Cheers!
@goodkat (63)
• Romania
14 Nov 08
I don't have vision problems myself, but somebody in my family does. She went to a laser operation and her vision improved a whole deal, but it's not completely cured. Sometimes lenses irritate her eyes, if wind happens to bring a bit of dust on them. That's why she chooses to wear glasses, rather than lenses.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Nov 08
Thanks fro sharing that story about your friend. Cheers!