I'm Sick of the Twilight Hype!

@vicki2876 (5636)
November 16, 2008 8:06am CST
I am so sick of the hype I will refuse to pay anything to see this stupid movie now. I hope it tanks! By the way for all you people that like the main guy. He said he hasn't washed his hair in 6 weeks and it is gross. And he looks like that too, greasy! I may have been interested, I read a lot of horror and vampire type stuff, but after this craze, forget it.
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10 responses
@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
16 Nov 08
I just saw a disscussion about those who are excited about this movie. I have never noticed any previews here in mex. for it. I know nothing about it. Does it have anything to with the series the twilight Zone? :)
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
Here in Canada it is huge. It is the same old story line. Young hot vampire who is in love and junk. Blah Blah. LOL
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@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
18 Nov 08
Sounds like something I can miss for sure. I always liked the half hour specail latenight called the twilite zone. Ever heard of this one you might find some of it a bit better. :)
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@jakeb1 (562)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Personally, I will not watch this movie in theatres. I will wait until it comes on television. I do think that it will be the #1 movie in the box office though because of all the hype and all the kids wanting to see it with their parents.
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• United States
17 Nov 08
HAHA! I was thinking the same thing also. I'm also a horror and vampire book fan also but man, This movie Twilight has been getting hype for months now. I never have read the books but oh boy, just because I like vampire books I got 2 Twilight books for my birthday awhile back and I didn't even ask for them! My mother-in-law gave them to me and said " Oh, they are going to release a movie from those books" . Even seniors know about Twilight now! I'm not sure if I want to read the books now because of the hype. I think Twilight was mainly made for the Harry Potter fan's because they guy you mentioned ( Mr. greasy hair) is from a Harry Potter movie and girls like him or something.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
HEHEHE I completely agree!
• United States
17 Nov 08
Thanks for giving me the best comment award. :)
@banadux (630)
• United States
16 Nov 08
My fiance loved the series, but as soon as she got a look at who they had playing the different characters she started complaining. She doesn't like the girl and doesn't think the guys are attractive enough to fit the descriptions in the book. I guess they are trying to crank this movie out and make sure it doesn't land near another Harry Potter movie because surely no one would watch it if they had to choose between the two.
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@Galena (9110)
16 Nov 08
you're being odd. people see the films they want to see. they don't only see one film a year.
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@phyrethyme (1267)
• Philippines
20 Nov 08
I know how it feels. Last year, there was a Fall Out Boy concert here in the Philippines. Everyone kept talking about it and stuff. People were going crazy.. I got sick of it and all. As for Twilight, I love it but then it is tiring when everyone keeps talking about it. I'm still going to watch it anyway. Don't worry. For me, Twilight isn't the only vampire book/movie I know. :) There are books I love, The Nightworld Series and The Vampire Diaries.. Have you read them? They're old though. Anne Rice too.
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
21 Jan 09
6 Weeks?! He must have stayed in his coffin that long. lol! Well i'm not really that sick but i got convulsions when Titanic was the hype. I mean i have nothing against the movie but if you see the trailer over and over again plus Celine Dion singing the theme song on MTV... you'll get seasick. Going back, maybe some people are just forced to like Twilight the movie just for the sake of being a fan of the book.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
22 Jan 09
BAHAHAHA My sister has the same Titanic and Celine Dion them song irk!
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
22 Jan 09
Yeah, i've never watched the movie (...yet) but with all the hype, it felt like i've seen the movie too!
@Galena (9110)
16 Nov 08
oh so what. it's JUST a film. no big deal. I'm looking forward to it because I enjoyed the books. simple as that. the actor looks nothing like the Edward in my head, but it's a cheesy book and the film looks cheesy too, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. but grow up, hoping a film fails is pathetic. if you don't like the idea of a film DON'T GO TO SEE IT if you don't like the idea of a book DON'T READ IT. Stop being pathetic and thinking that every book and film has to appeal to you or else. I don't like action films or chick flicks. so I don't watch them. I don't sit there hoping that films not to my taste flop. because that would be pathetic.
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@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
lol so much for it tanking. To your dissapointment its gonna KILL at the box office. I just got my ticket a week early and the theatres are almost full. Facebook has groups of people all getting together to go early and stuff. its gonna be absolutely rediculous.
@glords (2614)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Hmm I haven't heard the hype but the previews look pretty lame. The book was pretty fun, I learned about it from my high school students who LOVE the twilight books. They are fun but defiantly juvenile literature. I guess the movies never are as good as the book.
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• United States
16 Nov 08
I liked the book but I have a feeling the movie isn't gonna do too well. Like the movie Eragon, I think it's gonna fail.
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