Why do Christian missionaries convert people in my country to their religion
@choudhary03 (943)
Hyderabad, India
November 21, 2008 2:44am CST
I never understood why christian missionaries came to India and why they are converting people by false promises. In India there were only Hindus (worlds most peaceful religion) and then came muslims who introduced Islam.
During British rule we got Christianity and they are converting many Hindus by offering them various promises etc. Hinduism never asks anyone to convert into their religion then why is this happening.
In North Korea there were 100 percent Buddhists now there are only 50 percent of them. I dont understand it how can any religion proclaim that there dosent exist Hindu god, or Buddha and only christ is present.
They never try to convert a muslim in India because if they do we all know about its consequences, then why Hindus. I certainly believe they are receiving funding from Vatican to convert people for their own profit.
Another question is why these missionaries say to the converts to remove all Idols and scriptures of Hindu God just because they got converted. These Britishers gave India its Independence but left their religion in India which has the worlds oldest religion (Hinduism) and the most civilized country of the ancient past until British came.
I like to have answers to these especially from Christians.
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13 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I am a Christian and I also don't understand why so many Christians feel it is their mission to convert. If I were to go to India on a "missions" group, I would want to help people, not convert them. If they wanted to hear my beliefs I would tell them, and if they wanted to know more I would tell them, but I would never tell them that their religion is wrong. Not all Christians have this mindset of the conversion crusades. Unfortunately many churches encourage their congregations to do this and tell them they are saving lives. I don't think that they are savings lives, I think they are disturbing them. To be a good evangelist, in my opinion, you should show Christianity by the good things it has done in your life and by the good things people are doing because of their love of Christ. Not convert people as if we are some type of international cult looking for the weak people to take advantage of so we can feel good about ourselves for saving a life.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 08
I respect your point of view very much Sir. I respect your thought.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
22 Nov 08
If only world leaders grasp the essence of your marriage we might not have any wars.
May you live happy for centuries with blessings of Allah and Jesus.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
22 Nov 08
That would be mam. Hehe but thank you. My husband is Muslim and I am a Christian and we are very much at peace with each other's religions and don't try to convert one another. :)
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Hi choudhary,
Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved from our sins. As Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, we are to spread His Good News all over the world. Many have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and have been saved. It is out of love that missionaries come and tell of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
I pray that you will give your life to Jesus Christ. He is the only One Who can save you.
May God bless!
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 08
He is the only One Who can save you (This is atrocious). If he is the savior let him be, why do you want others to get converted. When you are saying this do you deny the fact that other religions do not exist. Or do you deny the fact about the existence of Hindu gods, ISLAM, JEWS, PAGAN, SIKH, Buddhism, etc.
Why do you people try to convert others or people from other religion. Why?. Why do you convert Buddhists and Hindus. Why not Muslims?
We accepted ISLAM and now Christianity (These all people were Hindus once).
Please don`t do this to my India (Hindustan). Now we are having fresh trouble because of this. I know that you people are rich and get funds from many organizations we are a poor country please dont take advantage of it and convert people by offerings and dream castles.
This is what i am talking about. When you say these words you are denying the fact that other religions exist.
Do read Hinduism and try to grasp a bit about the VEDAS, UPANISHADS, etc which will give you a knowledge which will be a drop of the ocean. Again Hinduism never ever converts people from other religion.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
23 Nov 08
JediMind: - How can Christianity deny the fact about the existence of other religions. I believe this is what you guys are saying to Hindus before conversion. There is a true god it cannot and certainly be Jesus. He might be one door (which can lead you to the Supreme) but the real god is what you have mentioned The Supreme. Even ISLAM worships Prophet who is a door (which can be opened by devotion) to seek ALLAH.
But Hindus worship the Supreme (ALLAH (ISLAM), father (CHRISTIANITY)Lord Krishna. We never worshiped prophets we adored and loved them but at the end we worshiped the Supreme Lord Krishna.
I am very sorry if i hurted you or to the matter any religion but this is the truth. I am speaking out because of your comment.
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@jedimind (200)
• Singapore
22 Nov 08
i think Christianity denies the fact that there are other gods besides God Himself, because Christians believe that there is only one God. Of course we don't deny that other religions exist, how can we? There are so many other religions out there. Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and what not. Rather we are just saying that there is only One true God
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• India
24 Nov 08
I want to know why the Hindu swamijis go to US, UK, Australia, I mean the rich christian countries and convert Christians to Hinduism and swindle their money too making false promises ?
Britishers came to India in the right time.If they had not come at that time the Muslim kings would have converted all the hindus to Islam by force.
About civilization, if you say that only the hindus are civilized , the whole world knows the truth.Among the thousands of answers I can give here on this.one best example is Only in India people still sh1t on the roads and on railway tracks.Great civilization choudary !
About Idol worship, there is only one GOD who is omnipresent and nobody has seen Him and on what basis you make images based on your imaginations and call it as God, which is meaningless to a sensible man. You also make the idol of human genetic organ and worship. I cant imagine the Creator GOD will ever forgive human beings for insulting GOD like that. And if Christians dont agree with this kind of believes you people want to attack Christians ! Great civilized people.
Happy myloting choudary... Have a nice day..

• India
25 Nov 08
Dear friendz, since you people are unnecessarily against Christians, I am just telling some truths which may appear to be bitter to you. I am not at all against Hindus, they are my brothers and I love them.But I dont agree with their false beliefs. There is some thing like kutty chatan in kerala. It is kutty satan, a negative spirit.No devotee of it is happy. If the devotee some how could not treat it properly, it will take his life. Evil spirits are like that. But GOD is not like that. GOD is loving. God is a father for everybody. HE has no religion.HE loves every one. But He wants His children to know Him and should not get misled by the satan. Satan pretends like GOD and finally ditches man.
What proof you want regarding GOD's presence ? If you go near to HIM by humbling yourselves you will know Him. In sugar can you show where the sweet is hidden ? Likewise taste and see, GOD is sweet. Christianity or hinduism or any religion can help us. Only GOD is Supreme. When you people attack and burn christians ruthlessly in the name of religion and hindutwa, you should know there is a creater Father GOD is watching everything.He is watching our discussions too.
I have told about the nature nature calls on the roads with pain. Indrajit has not visited Africa. I have visited africa's most premitive places also.But those poor people never do this on the roads. Only in India. When somebody makes false claimes about themselves I pity them. Lets agree the truth as truth. Chrstianity has not done any thing bad to Hindus. Those stories are made by BJP guys for their political gains.
If you people have read Vedas, you would not have hated Christ. In Rigveda it is clearly metioned about the coming of Christ to this world as a saviour of mankind. If you respect those verses you will not hate Jesus.
I may say Ice cream is sweet,soft,nice ; unless you taste it, you will not believe it.
Creator God loves all His children and wants them back. There are many who got misled by religions. But GOD wants His children to love Him back. Thats what Bible is telling. The proofs are plenty, but they are spiritual.Unless you give a honest thought to it, you may not see it.If you want the proof, GOD can show it. But dont hate Him. Afterall we all are His children.Religions would have seperated us, but GOD will not seperate us.
About worshiping genetical organs, if your children worship your genetical organs and ignore your presence how would you feel ? GOD is living and present every where. You dont need to see Him by doing poojas to an idol of genetical organ. This is a sensible truth.Just think. I am not talking against hinduism here. But about some practices which may not take you close to GOD.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
Unfortunately India was the richest country of Ancient past (Micheal wood documentary) Kohinoor Diamond was ours. We are still poor because British plundered us for 200 years. Yes in our country side we still lack facilities which people of developed world have. One of the peaceful religion of the world.
Please have a pleasant mind dear GlobalSheen you are talking about a religion which is as old as the Earth. Don`t mistake me but in the holy Scriptures of Hinduism it was mentioned us not to convert any person from other religion. Also it was written in our scriptures not to disclose our "Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad gita, etc" to a third person (other than Hindu and we remained a closed society) .
As for as Muslim kings converting us,read about king Tanisha my forefathers worked for him as senate he worshipped Hindu gods, Emperor Akbar married Hindu and worshipped Hindu gods. There were bad kings but they all said Hinduism is rich and worshipped hindu gods. Hindu and Muslims are still friends and we have friends such as IRAN, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, ISRAEL, RUSSIA which are predominantly Muslim as our friends.
As for as Idol worship goes they are our gods. Please read about our scriptures which date back to centuries and centuries before christ was born about who god is and how he looks. Dont forget that Buddhism founder was from our country.
Lord Siva is the destroyer and he is one great god worshipped by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, etc. Who are you and who am i to speak about the world`s oldest and most documented religion of the world which is it self surrounded by mystery.
I am not against any religion perse i am against conversion. Please stop conversion SPREAD LOVE NOT RELIGION. INDIA is the only country which gave shelter and loved JEWS.
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
24 Nov 08
Your post is filled with a lot of angst and I really don't understand why you would have so much anger toward an entire civilization with a very rich history. Unfortunately people defecate on roads and railroad tracks because of a lack of toilet facilities and proper sanitation, in the countryside they don't have running water, there are a lot of poor and impoverished people in India. And as for Hindus converting Christians in the Western world, I really have never seen that and there are a lot of Indian immigrants in my area. So I have no idea where that is coming from, I don't think that anyone would convert to Hinduism because they want to make the big bucks owning a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts. You can do that without being a Hindu.
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@Galena (9110)
22 Nov 08
I don't really think it's fair.
who are they to assume they know better.
any of us are just as likely to be wrong, but we're all our own souls and finding our own ways in the world.
they should take care of their own soul, and leave others to find their own way. anyone wanting to be a Christian will seek it out.
unfortunately, they think they know better than anyone else, are more equipped to make spiritual choices, and that what you beleive is their business.
I think it stinks.
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• India
24 Nov 08
I agree with skysuccess. No where Christians are hating any body. And I can not understand why these people hate christians.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
22 Nov 08
I assume the word "Nothing is Fair In This World" would hold much truth for your post here.
I am wondering if you have heard of Billy Graham and his crusades that he had done worldwide, is he being unfair? What about Mother Theresa who had tended to the abandoned lepers and unwanted children in India and thus bringing Hindus to Christianity unfair, offensive and dogmatic? Does letting people know about Christianity so wrong and offensive? I am just thinking that you are reacting probably because of some negativity which resulted from some misunderstanding from your part.
I can assure you 110% that the people who walk into Christianity are free will individuals even till today. I don't know about others but let me assure you Christ did not come and offer Himself to just only the righteous BUT to all the SINNERS including me. I am stinking but He is alright with that. How can anyone beat that?
@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
"Anyone wanting to be a Christian will seek it out" exactly. Thank you Galena for understanding my concern. I am not against Christianity i am against conversion. No body in India hates any other religion. We had been loving people and still we are loving people of different religions especially Hindus.
Mother Theresa "we welcomed her we never asked her to come here" ok she came why spread religion. She came when we got independence from British and then we had host of problems not only this lepers issue. There were millions and millions (approximately 30 million) of Hindus dying on the border WHERE WERE YOU PEOPLE AT THAT TIME BRITISH DESERTED US WHOLE WORLD DESERTED US and you talk about lepers at that time. Why did not christian organizations raised their voice why why why why?
You people attacked countries and killed thousands and thousands in the name of crusades and you talk about religion conversion.
Skysuccess in India the equation is different there are no free will converts otherwise what the heck are these missionaries doing here. When christ came for sinners like you fine why convert people of other religion who have different beliefs do you mean to say other religions do not exist dare not. We are not hating Christians we are hating conversion. Why dont you guys clean up your portfolio then try to clean up the portfolio of the world. You guys are not clean and you started on an ambitious mission of cleaning up of the whole world. How PITY
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
22 Nov 08
First of all, I think you should direct your questions to the Hindus in your country who have accepted Christianity. Who seemingly to you have been coerced by "false promises" - which I am wondering what were they (false promises)? I am sure all the Christians here would want to know what is being falsely promised? Do you think Indian Hindus would be so gullible? Did the former Mother Theresa "lie" to all the Hindus then?
No offense, you seem to be very confused here.
1. I think you know that the British's purpose in your country was not to spread Christianity.
2. Whatever happened to North Korea is simply not relative to your Hindus who accepted Christianity.
3. Are you sure that North Korea was 100% Buddhists as claimed by you in the first place?
4. Where is that belief of yours that the missionaries are receiving funds from the Vatican?
Look, if you are displease with whatever just voice it, this is a discussion and you need to bee organized and factual. You need to be responsible for what you post and mind you as much as what is annoying you - you should also take it up with the relevant people and not invite flaming and dissents from various people. All for what? Doesn't your religion - Hinduism teach about living in harmony with people? I think being in good spirit is important and I do not see that in you here. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why you fellow Hindus have given up their faith to become Christians.If Hinduism is really about peace and you profess to be one then BE LIKE ONE!
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• India
25 Nov 08
skysuccess, these people are just misled.Nobody is giving any money for getting converted. It is a cookedup story. This young boy doesnt know the actual truth.
I want to challenge all those who tell that christians are giving money for conversion to SHOW ME ONE MISSIONERY who is giving money for getting converted to christianity, I will bring thousands of people to grab that money. These are utter lies. Satan is the father of all lies.Today the foreign funds are flowing to Hindu organisations which are supposed to be for the poor.
They have planned attacks on christmas days. Christrian churches they are attacking. In Orissa more than 60000 people are attacked and became homeless. The reason they are telling is conversion. The actual reason is political. These politicians are making these stories to get the votes of all Hindus. There are good number of Hindus who are high thinkers and dont believe these guys.There is one party here called the BJP is making all these kinds of stunts, uttering lies, attacking churches, mosques, justifying it with lies. Some weak people just believes all these and vomit those lies in public like these. They can not understand the GOD's love now. One day they will open their eyes to the truths. Then they will speak truth and will stand for it.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
25 Nov 08
People who never were capable to own a car are owning a car these days because they got converted. (Ground reality). Churches built on real property worth millions of dollars. Huge functions and pomp celebrations. How do you think these are all a possibility.
For god sake please keep out political parties from this stupid discussions. BJP appointed George Fernande's a christian as Minister for Defence and Armed forces which is a huge responsibility equal to being President of India. Why are you making this political (see you are freaking out and spilling the beans because world is knowing the truth).
India (especially Hindus and Muslims) likes Christians. But conversion should be stopped. I hope the whole world knows the ground reality which is happening in India and awake to voice their concerns.
1)Please dont mislead people why christians would be sending funds to Hindu organizations and believe me IRS of developed world is very stronger.
2)Why challenge everyone i am here to prove you are wrong.
3)Hindus in the history of mankind never became terrorists or crusaders. You know who became.
4)I am an young boy in search for the truth as to why worlds greatest religion needs to convert people. Are they stating or proving the fact that other religions do not exist? Answer to this question very clearly i am satisfied.
5) Answer my question how much you know about Hindu literature. We have proof about existence of Hinduism. Dig into the history please about science, worlds oldest language (Sanskrit hindu language), religion, vedas, upanishads, literature.
Christians have done much good to India i thank them for it but i oppose conversion. Dont make the law interfere into this.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
Skycuccess i am asking my question to the people who have converted them. I like the root not the branches which will sway as per the wind flow.
2) False promises are many in the form of money, salvation, riches, not going to hell, false preaching. Most importantly they are spreading hatred against Hinduism and informing people falsely or aptly to say preaching wrong about Hinduism.
3) Mother theresa did help lepers, when she came to India to help why spread her religion. We are helping afghans by laying roads, bridges, hospitals, etc we are not spreading our religion perse. We are also based in Congo etc (where christians are present) where we are not converting any christians despite helping them for years.
4) British did a great harm to my country which Indians did forgot and continued with life (Nature of Hindus peace loving people). Even Gandhiji (Mahatma) was displeased about Mother Teresea putting up her mission.
5) I am sure North Korea was 100% Buddhists.
6)Lets speak rationally how a convert in India who is poor gets a car overnight. Also say foreigners from Australia, USA, British, etc organize huge meetings with pomp and show. How are these thousands and thousands of missionaries thriving in Poor India. Modern Churches on prime land worth Millions of dollars. Incidentally i had a conversation with my friend who spoke crystal clear about these practices.
7) I am still in thought that relevant people are answering my post. I did voice and i am getting replies or say comments for my voice.
I am peace loving person and i live in harmony with all religions of my country but i stand up and say STOP CONVERSION. STOP CONVERSION, STOP CONVERSION, STOP CONVERSION. STOP CONVERSION.
I am a Hindu and i also like ISLAM and i will be one thats what my LORD SAI BABA said.
Stop Conversion and spread love. Spread Love not religion.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
22 Nov 08
I personally feel that one should do as he pleases without hurting or treading over others, and,that religion is one's personal choice.however i do have some personal experiences to add here - regarding conversion by the church!
My maid is a Hindu and has been living in a lower class area consisting mainly of huts and shacks since 26 years.she says the area was full of Hindus , which has become peredominantly Christian with 2 new churches having been built by the missionaries.That apart, she is being coerced and sometimes threatened and blackmailed into converting, by not only the church but the new converts as well, so much so that she is planning to leave the area and move on...now acts like this is what brings in hatred and communal violence- why not live and let live?
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
Thank you Kiran for shedding light and explanation to foreigners. They are from developed countries and do not understand the ill practices which are happening here.
Please tell me the place where this is happening. This is what precisely brings in hatred. We had enough with Terroists, radicals and ISI. This should not creep up a new problem.
I went to a place called Shirdi where people living in Huts do proudly tell that they are Hindus and display utter good faith. May be people in this region do not sell their religion for money.
Also i am in dilemma as to why your post did not get any reply may be it is because truth and nothing but the truth is present.
Thank you for supporting my view
Voice against religious conversion
Stop Conversion Stop Conversion Stop Conversion.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
24 Nov 08
I would like to add here that one should have the freedom of practicing any religion that they want to, but at the same time there should be no forceful conversions .I also feel that Hindus need to do some deep thinking about the whole matter so that people do not resort to conversion for monetary purpose.
The incident i mentioned happened in Bangalore , and the best part is that all the church burning etc; carried out by the miscreants, seems to have no effect on this particular church and its converts.They live in a world of their own.. I dont like the idea of what the Hindu militant groups are doing either, attacking churches and missionaries...that is not the right way of solving the issue.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
Absolutely Kiran I salute you for adhering to the values of Hinduism.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Nov 08
What do you have against people being offered a choice?
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 08
What do you have against people being offered a choice?
Can you please elucidate that sentence.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Nov 08
You talk of how great it is to be Hindu, and I'm glad that you feel that way about your religion. However, shouldn't the people of India have a choice in what religion they want to be?
Do the missionaries of Christianity force Hindu's to become Christians?
The people of India deserve to learn about as many religions as they can, so they can make choices based on what they learn. The way you write, it would seem that you think all the people of India should just be Hindu and that's that.
Also, aren't you doing a little missionary work yourself? You say that Hindus don't ask people to change their religion, but if a Hindu converts to a Christian denomination, you seem more than willing to try to help them come back to Hindu, or at least hold on to Hindu customs.
I commend you for holding to what you believe, and for speaking out against something you feel is wrong. However, shouldn't we all have the freedom to decide which religion (or none at all) is best for us? Shouldn't that decision be based on exposure to the various religions and denominations, instead of simply because of some idea that India is for Hindus only?
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 08
Yes in a democratic country such as ours (Worlds largest democratic institution) our constitution gives right of choice (religion) to people. But why don`t you try to preach it to a Muslim? Why only a Hindu? Till my birth to this date i never heard a christian trying to preach to a Muslim then why Hindu in particular.
When you convert a person from one religion to another you are telling him that your religion is good for nothing so come join this and god will do good. When you say this are you denying the fact (proven) that Hinduism is not good for that person which was the only religion for centuries for the whole world.
I am not saying bad about Christianity, i am trying to tell you to stop doing this in my country Please. We had enough problems. We worship mother nature and Hindu gods.
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@genie82 (65)
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
i know there's a big explanation on that. but then, it's very hard for me to express my opinion for that I'm not good at it. maybe, i can direct you to a website ( i hope you'll visit it and ask those questions you have), that can answer all the questions that you have in mind regarding religion. http://www.esoriano.wordpress.com/
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Nov 08
A person that truly believes in the religion that they are following would not be converted...couldn't be. As for the Christians trying to convert people, I was actually unaware of that but they are not the only ones that do that. There are other religions that go door to door seeking for people to join their religion. It's pretty annoying really. They feel it is their "job" to spread the word when really, religion is a personal choice. I am not a Christian. In fact I don't subscribe to any religion but I am very spiritual. I think that Hinduism is a very beautiful religion. I think those that converted over to Christianity simply must not have been very faithful followers.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 Nov 08
Thank you sid for understanding my concern. I am not against any relgion but i am against conversion. Weak people (aptly to say poor people, unfortunately many in my country live in poverty) do change and these missionaries in my country are just capitulating that.
Stop Conversion please voice it.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
25 Nov 08
Christian missionaries were task to preach the gospel of the good news but be aware not all missionaries followed the teaching of Christ, some of them for self interest that include to earn money from their members and become rich. Observe those missionaries that give Bible highlights not for money but for Christ. I don't understand also those people sell the words of God by asking offering after few words.
• India
26 Nov 08
I liked choudary when you ask to spread love. I repeat with a small addition Spread love not hatered.
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@ralphido (841)
• India
2 Dec 08
Well, there are two sides to a coin..
Christian missionaries lend their helping hands to impoverished and suffering people in any part of the land. These people may have to fight over a crumb of bread or a loaf of meat so as not to die of hunger and keep themselves alive. The Christian missionaries show them goodwill and give them shelter, food and cloth and all they ask in return is that they have a little faith which the people are willing to give them readily..
But It is also true that in ancient times such practices where held where a overtaking civilization forced their gods and beliefs on the captured civilization but such practices are now virtually non-existent.
Those who complain of any such incident relating to conversion has not thought about what difficulties someone would have had to face to be willing to give up his/her own gods and beliefs.
@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
6 Dec 08
Please Help India and eradicate poverty and i love dying seeing my mother land flourish irrespective of religion.
Thank you do the good work. More than that tell them also about the great Freedom fighters of ancient past which India had. I love when some one comes forward and helps my fellow Indians.
Try not to undermine other religions and spread love about other religions also, so that we dont have a religion or people of that religion who hate my Mother (India). See thats why we want everyone to be Hindus so that they can defend the Mother (India).
Love you dear carry the good work.
@tennissandgirl (196)
• United States
21 Nov 08
Like some PP said that no one is forcing your people to join their religion. Your people are given information about Christianity. I love all forms of learning, so I would take that information I learned about any religion, pray about it, and make an educated decision that bests suits my life. So Christianity is not for you, that is fine, but what you are implying is that all religions stick to themselves. If this were the case no one would have religion because even if we are merely answering questions that someone is wondering about we are helping guide them on their spiritual journey which is how someone is converted.
Now, I'm not saying that this happens all the time, but by guiding someone and answering their questions about God, life, faith, etc you are helping educate them so that when they make their final decision it is informed.
You can believe however you want, but don't speak for an entire belief system because you don't know the hearts of all those who are Hindu.
@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 08
Tell me some questions dear which Hinduism (Worlds oldest religion) cannot answer. Is there any question in the world which Hinduism cannot answer or to that matter Buddhism cannot answer.
What are you guiding. When you say that Christ is the only answer you are denying the fact that other religions do not exist.
To be precise you are just capitulating on weak people for your own interest in a disguise. I dont understand what is the necessity for you people to convert a Hindu. Do you deny about Hinduism and its existence? These people in my country are offering various forms of promises for getting converted.
What questions about GOD, LIFE, FAITH are you answering which cannot be answered by HINDU.
Why dont you come to INDIA and convert Muslims into Christians, Why Hindus in particular?. because they are poor and weak. Please stop this conversion business in my country. Please.
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@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
22 Nov 08
Before entry of Christianity and ISLAM INDIA had only one religion which is Hinduism.
I am just a lame person with full of questions and believe me there doesnt exist a single living person in this world who knows everything about Hinduism. It is a vast ocean and my knowledge doesnt translate even to a drop in that ocean.
I suggest you read about Swami Vivekananda. In the year 1893 when west did not recognize Hinduism and its existence, Swami Vivekananda was given only five minutes to speak at the parliament of world religions, but to everyone`s amusement he spoke continuously for hours. After which he received a standing ovation and applause for hours. Please do read about him the easiest way would be (Wikipedia).
Most ancient monastic order in the world, the Vedic order of sannyasins is Hinduism.
@tennissandgirl (196)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I was merely stating that you can't speak for others. I said that you don't have to believe in Christianity. That's fine. It isn't for everyone. I do not know anything about Hinduism so instead of jumping my case, why don't you educate me so that I know more about it. You are stating that Hinduism is the one true faith, tell me what makes it so.
Obviously you just skimmed my response, otherwise you would have know that I was not attacking you, I was assuming a lot but not attacking. There could be many reasons why Muslims aren't converting, why don't you ask a Muslim if they have been approached to become Christian. I am guessing that a lot of them may have. This is only speculation as I do not live in India. I can not speak for a Muslim. As such you can only speak for yourself and your concern while valid is just that, a concern.
Many believe that Christ is the only true way, but that is what they believe, it does not have to be your way. You have that free agency to choice how you believe. Show me an example of someone being forced to convert to Christianity.
If you want people to be open to Hinduism you first must be open to the fact that everyone has a right to believe, practice, and preach how they see fit. I look forward to learning much about the Hindu faith from you! I hope we can teach much to each other!
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
22 May 09
Hello chaudhary03!!!
Well I have got some of such missionaries coming even in my house to spread about Christianity. My family is Hindus. It seems that you are Hindu, so it would be offending to say that again I don't believe in Hinduism. Again, there are many truths in Hinduism too. But now, Hinduism I think in really corrupted now. The worst thing about the Hinduism for me is the killing of the innocent animals and worshiping the god and even the Muslims and other religion. I don't understand how can such violence be the dharma.
Why I believe in Buddhism. Well here is the reason http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2016880.aspx?p=1#2_19446902
Last time I was asked to listen about the Christianity by the missionaries. I rejected them, because I was so busy that time.
I have strong logic in Buddhism and even the evidences. If again such missionaries come to me and try to lure me with some physical temptations, I won't hesitate to hear it. But will surely share my knowledge about the buddhism. No one can lure me to Christianity really.
When the British came to the India, they knew that the strongest point of the India was their religion. Rather it was some tactics to rule over India and that's why Christianity was brought there in India. No people in the west knew more about the truth of earth than the people of the east. Rishis in Hinduism, well Lord Buddha learnt many things from the Rishis on his path to the enlightenment. Rishis are the highly knowledgeable people about this world through their insights and still not perfect. But then Rishi was that perfect and Buddha was not satisfied fully with any one. And therefore his powerful insights and meditation led him to the real truth of this world. And for everything there is logic and reasoning in this religion. That's why I believe the most in the teachings of Lord Buddha and no Christians can lure me....
@choudhary03 (943)
• Hyderabad, India
24 May 09
Regarding killing of animals or offering sacrifices in hinduism, they were created by common man and no god asked for an offering. Even in christianity initially god (father or so) accepted sacrifices of lamb and not grains. No where in hinduism animals or creatures accepted animal sacrifices.
Buddhism is always in greater plank. there is nothing to say about it.
Good that you are open to hear about all religions. Hinduism is the art of living and Rishis never gave animal sacrifices to god.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
24 May 09
That's what I say. The Hindu religion is not pure already. And also the Buddhism here is mixed with Hinduism. While actual Buddhism doesn't convey the existence of God, but now everything is mixed. Not only Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity is also not pure. With the time line, everything is modernized, that is not fixed.
But still the truth is one. It doesn't matter any religion. We are a living being in this world with many other living beings and so there is relationship of one to another. That's why, if we really want to live, we should live in harmony, peace and love.
Yes, you are right, its men who brought the false system of sacrificing. They are brought by some clever people falsely claiming that the god would be happy. And so, people are already in darkness. Not only in Hinduism, there it is also with Islam and other religion. In the name of punya, erasing their sins, they are committing the greatest sins.