Can HubPages earn more than Triond?

November 23, 2008 4:59am CST
I used to be an active writer in Helium but I found out that it cannot earn much especially after a few months. Your old articles tend to end up in somewhere not so accessible. Then I followed the advice of few myLot members and went for Triond. So far, I must say Triond pays okay but not much especially for a beginner like me. Today, I got to know about HubPages, which according to some, pays a lot better than Triond. I'm wondering whether HubPages pays better or Triond pays better? And I'm also not sure what kind of topic will be suitable for HubPages. Any hub experts here mind to share their views? Or if you're a strong supporter of Triond, maybe you can enlighten me on which is better?
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@chocsie (259)
• Greece
27 Nov 08
Never heard of HubPages before, going to check it out now. I have a Triond account and I think it takes too long. You can do well with a good article. Mine is ok, but I can't manage to get views. I'm planning to add it to my MMK signature. What do you all think of Triond? And does anyone have any information about HubPages?