Am I Being Unreasonable?
By Mickie30
@Mickie30 (2626)
November 23, 2008 6:04pm CST
I really need some help and advice. I am feeling really low right now and need some advice from people who don't know me. For the past month my husband and I have been friends with a married couple who moved to our Church. During this time these friends have come into our lives and tried to change things. When they first came round to our house they told us that this needed moving and that needed moving there. Basically they were telling us how they would have the house arranged if they were us.
They would say things to us totally out of the blue without really thinking about them. Really offensive things like after we tidied up all day we had them over for dinner and when we asked if the place was tidy they said it looked lived in. One day they came over and the wife who I will name Sarah thats not her name, but I don't want to say her name. The man I will name Mark. So Sarah said to us do you think Mark is attractive because I think he is above attractive looks. I didn't know what to say so I just agreed.
I sing in the choir at Church and I have insecurities about singing that Sarah knows. So she turned round to me one time and said that I sung too quietly and always relied on her to sing louder. I stopped doing that so last week I sung the wrong part by accident and she's there waving her hands at me. Then she said to my husband that she was only trying to help me and just waved one hand at me which is a lie.
Knowing my daughter's 3rd birthday is coming up Sarah invited herself around to make all the food and said that Mark and my husband would move all the furniture and then I could invite everyone round from Church. She decided this and then pushed it onto me without asking if that was what I wanted. Then one time my husband asked her what you needed to open a bank account it was just a question. So she turns round and says that her and her husband will come round one day and sort all our finances out. We only asked her what we needed to open a bank account. I think you may get the picture by now?
The thing is we don't know if we are making a fuss or not but, we feel very pressured by them and they keep inviting themselves round.
Now fast forward to tonight and why I am feeling so depressed. My so called friends told us we were going out with them to take my daughter out. I took my Avon book so I could have a look at it whilst we were there. Sarah snatched it off me as soon as I got it out of my handbag without even asking if she could have a look at it. Mark was sat at the same table and started firing questions at me about why I got up in the mornings and things like that. He came to the conclusion that I gave more attention to the fact I love acting rather than my family which is not true. I then got up and went to see what my daughter and husband were doing as I had, had enough of Mark firing questions at me and trying to do his so called psychology on me.
When I went to sit back at the table Mark had gone over to my husband and Sarah was sat there reading my Avon brochure which she has not given me back. So I started talking to her and she moved seats to exactly the same chair. Oh she's pregnant by the way. When I asked her why she had moved she said it was more comfortable which was also a lie because the chair was exactly the same. So I asked her if I was talking too much and she said no. So I asked her if I talked too much in general. Which she replied, "To be honest, yes you do." she said. Then she threw this Bible verse at me knowing I was a Christian, "You must understand this, my dear brothers. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."
So am I the one being unreasonable or is these people? Also is there a name psychologically to define people like this? Or is it just me being unreasoable?
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36 responses
@KaMlBob (786)
• United States
24 Nov 08
If I were you, I would tell them that the friendship you guys have together feels unhealthy to you. I know it's a bold thing to say, but they sound like total control freaks to me, how dare they? You do not need friends like that. If she is so Christian, why is she acting like that? Do not ask thier opinion about anything anymore, they are not honest, they are judgmental and cold. THE ANGELS LOOK DOWN UPON THEM AND SHED TEARS FOR THE LACK OF COMPASSION THEY SHOW!
(I love to say that!)Sometimes it does apply!
@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Nov 08
Thanks so much for your advice. I think you are so right this so called friendship has to end for my own health because right now I feel dreadful. Thanks so much I cannot thank you enough for your support and advice that I need right now. I only wanted to offer a hand of friendship to these people and I have never had to end a friendship before but, even my none Christian friends are not like this. All I can do now is pray they don't hurt anyone else. Thanks again.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
24 Nov 08
They sound like a phyco family. I would just put my foot down. When they say something you don't like say something. When they invite themselves tell them your going out of town. As for saying they are going to help you go over your finances with you, just tell them "no, I didn't ask you too, I just asked what I needed to open bank account." just simply tell them what you are telling us.
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@livewyre (2450)
24 Nov 08
They certainly sound manipulative from what you say, but then why do you bother with them? They seem rude and they invite themselves over - looks like either one of two things.
Either you are being over-sensitive, or you are letting these people walk all over you. You need to steer conversations away from letting them talk about you and deflect back on to them. Don't give them more information about you than you need to. Don't give them chance to criticise you, don't ask their opinion. Assert yourself over questions you don't really want to answer. Either tell them you don't really have an opinion or deflect the question by asking a question yourself...
On top of this 'closing the door' behaviour, I would pick up with some old friends, make plans to go and visit old friends or invite them over - make it clear that you are not reliant on this new friendship.
I doubt there is anything sinister about their behaviour, they are just insensitive people who are not going to be very good friends in the long run.
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@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Nov 08
Thanks so much for your advice. I think the reason why I bothered with them is because I wanted to offer friendship to them as they seemed to take an interest in our friendship so I didn't want to be rude and wanted to be kind and offer them love and friendship. Unfortunately they abused that friendship and proved they were not worthy of it. I just needed to hear that I wasn't being selfish or unkind by rejecting that friendship. Thanks for your advice.
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@livewyre (2450)
24 Nov 08
No I think you have judged it right, they have gone too far and you need to apply the brakes just so that you are not completely steam-rollered.
I am very cautious about friendships which is a shame, but it keeps me from having nightmare 'friends' that are more trouble then they are worth.
The friends that I have, I would generally walk on coals for, but of course, they don't require me to...

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I'd put an end to this friendship right away. It seems like they're trying to be nice, but really they're just more interested in being nosy and trying to push themselves upon you and your husband because your family is like goodwill to them. Tell them you're not interested in speaking with them anymore and just be done with it. I feel as if you keep speaking with them your life will just get worse and you'll have to deal with them being annoying for quite some time before you just snap.
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@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Nov 08
Yeah I know what you mean. I just wonder why they are so different to what many people class as the norm. I mean I would never sit in front of someone face to face and insult them in such a way. To me that is cruel, insensitive and immature. To me that is not a good example for a Christian to set.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
24 Nov 08
There are nice people out there!
I feel like this couple is trying to be nice, but they're definition of nice isn't what many people consider nice.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I call them .. psychic vampires. Pretty much a classic case from what you've described. They push your buttons and feed on your fear and discomfort, the suck all the energy out of a room leaving you depressed, they drain you of your self esteem leaving you wondering what's wrong with you. You either learn to put up some mental barriers or get rid of them. May I suggest the latter.
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@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
24 Nov 08
I HAD a friend like that once and thats what I called her! Anyway we are not longer freinds. You cannot have people like this in your life or they will bring you down.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
24 Nov 08
try not to be very nice. Next time, tell them that you dont like what they are doing. If they read to you bible verses, tell them that you know those and that s why you are telling them how you feel.
they are just slowly putting themselves in your lives. Tell soemboy you trust from the church about it. Atleast you have somebody to turn to when they made a big fuss about what you told them or what you did.
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@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Nov 08
Thanks I think that is a good idea although I am afraid they might think I am telling tales as I did try to talk to a leader about this and she said that if I had a problem I should be talking to them and not her. That was when we first started to get to know them and I had my doubts, but I didn't want to hurt them. I just feel like all this is my fault because I should have done something sooner, but I wanted to befriend them and give them the benefit of the doubt. Now I feel that it will be like going to tell tales to the leader, but I think I need to talk this through with the leader and that is not something I cannot avoid. I just hope that people do not think that me and my husband are to blame that this couple doesn't start to tell lies about us to the Church. I feel so hurt at the moment. I am sorry to pour this out so publicly, but I just didn't know what to do. Usually it is me that listens to people because I have also trained as a counsellor which is why it also hurt so much tonight when she said that I talk too much because I don't think that I do. Now I am wondering if I do. Anyway thanks so much for your advice and support.
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@KaMlBob (786)
• United States
24 Nov 08
That'a a good idea, telling someone at Church about it, like the minister!
Maybe the minister will create a sermom on it that will hit home to these control freaks and they will rethink friendships...maybe a sermon on "what a good friend really is".
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@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
24 Nov 08
Hi friends,
These are church going people??? I think they belong to a cult. These people definitely have something wrong with them. I would stay as far away as I could. They are not right in the head.
Stay far away.
Good luck
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
24 Nov 08
You know you are exactly correct. Their behavior sounds extremely cultish
• United States
24 Nov 08
sweetie , i think you need to get a set of new friends ... anyone who tried to slide into my life like that - would make me think quick as to they have motive .
if they dont like the way you keep house - thats ok , they don't live there .. you do , and don't worry what they would do - or how they would put things ...doen't matter what they would do .. its your house , not theres ..
next time they tell you u should do it this way ( meaning theres) tell them , no thank you i have under control ...
you take the lead in your life - don't let them slip in and take over , your an adult ... speak up don't be ashamed to speak your mind .
if they don't like it - too bad , so they move on to the next victum
@Mickie30 (2626)
24 Nov 08
Thanks I understand what you mean about getting a new set of friends I feel like I have been so foolish in trusting them. I had the policy of not letting anyone walk all over me again, but I have done it again. Thanks for your advice I think you are right about them moving on to the next victim.
@worldbestwriter2008 (1633)
• Philippines
30 Nov 08
In your situation, try to be strong..and keep the spirit of God within you..Be firm.
@DiDeCo (50)
• Canada
24 Nov 08
Oh dear, there are rather worrisome things going on. Never ever let others see your finances unless it is a reputable establishment, identity theft is a huge problem. If they wish to change your house around tell them no. Or if you find their house worthy of living in, make a joke of exchanging houses. There are people in our lives who wish to live our lives for us.
Mine is a family member, saying no doesn't always work, in my case I had to sit with this other person and put down the rules.
@alyssa_c (440)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
That sounds incredibly, incredibly irritating! I don't think real friends would change your life in such a drastic and open way. Our family are friends with people who can be too nosy sometimes but never to an extent such as this one. They are trying to take control of your lives and if this would continue your family will be soon at their mercy. Maybe that's why they've transfered to your church, because the previous one they're in kicked them out.
Oh, and be very careful about that bank account! Take care!
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@ShortyAkbar (384)
• United States
24 Nov 08
You should just stop hanging out with them. You shouldn't have to put up with people who make you feel bad, especially if you haven't known them that long.
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@Paula1966 (1102)
• United States
24 Nov 08
These people sound pushy and manipulative. Friends should support you, and not make you feel bad about yourself. If they are making you depressed, then they are not really friends. I think it may be wise to quit asking for their opinions and input. Otherwise, you are playing into their hands.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
24 Nov 08
First off yyou are not being unreasonable. These peole are the ones being unreasonable. It sounds like they are trying to take over your life. It also sounds like a bad horrer movie. With friends like that who needs enemies. These people are not your friends. friends would build yuo up not tear you down. If I were you I would not invite them into your home again. I would not go out with them. i would be polit if running into them at church. I would also talk to your minister about the problem you are having with them so some one else is awera of the problem they are causing you. You might ask him to check with the other church they come from to see if there was a problem there and they were ask to leave. When God saide to turn the other cheeck He didn't mean to let some one walk all over you a second time. I think she should also look at her self before giving you advice. The bible tells us to remove the mote from our own eye befor looking for the speck in some one elses eye.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
I think that you should stop seeing these people for a while and give yourself a break. Obviously you are stressed out and seeing these people will not help you relax. Get rid of them. If you are not comfortable with the idea of telling them off directly, you do not have to tell them that you do not want to see them anymore. Just pretend to be busy with something else and avoid them for your own good.
@dvirtualist (399)
• Philippines
24 Nov 08
Obviously, these guys are trying to run your life. Do not allow anyone to decide for you, say NO sometimes. Your old enough to decide for your own family. Don't let them ruin your family. Stay away from this kind of people, I think, their just aiming for something in your family/home. Friends are just there to give you some advice but not decide for you, to support you in every decision you make but not to decide for you.
@zeenath9 (3)
30 Nov 08
i think u are reasonable in getting disturbed,people like mark n sarah are very selfish people who give a damn about others feelings these people should be kept in their place ,they should strictly told we like it our way i and as u said they decided how ur daughter birth should be celebrated u should have strictly told them that u don't want it that way u want it ur way.if we don't allow people to rule us how can they rule us.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
24 Nov 08
There is something extremely creepy about this family you are talking about. I bet if you said "we can't be friends any more" they would probably to something sycho like be head a stray puppy. I'm not trying to scare you, but its the truth. There is something very very wrong with them. I don't know if you have the money to move but if you can I would do it and make sure you don't let them see you doing it and do not tell anyone where you are going that would turn around and tell them.
@NikkiLuvsAlex (319)
• United States
25 Nov 08
I am a Christian as well but it sounds as if your new friends are overbearing and annoying. Maybe you could try avoiding the sometimes so that you could have some peace and not feel criticized. Some people just behave like this. Sometimes being pregnant makes women b!t@hy too. She may not be able to help herself right now.