Verbal abuse from students
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
November 25, 2008 8:11am CST
I really cannot understand to what extent our children arrogance can be up to.
Well this incident happened to me yesterday. I asked my class to separate their desks in order to give them a test. Only a couple of students obliged while I had to separate the others myself. I accidentally dropped a pencil case of one of the students and he started calling me names saying that I was stupid etc etc. Immediately I sent him to the Assistant Head who is in charge of discipline. The student got a slap on the wrist. I thought that the student was going to be given an expulsion or an after school but he was only given a half an hour detention during break. I remained perplexed by the Assistant head decision. Sometimes it is us adults that are giving wrong signals to our youths.
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40 responses
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
Schooling isn't quite what it used to be. I feel for teachers these days. They, you,
have to put up with way too much from these kids and you can't do anything about it.
It is sad.
When I was a kid we didn't dare talk that way to our teachers. If we were disrespectful
we got a strap on our hands. And then they phoned home and I got a beating when I got
home too. From my dad. Not a good thing, by the way, but my point is that we were
too afraid to talk back or we got it twice. And then we got restricted to stay in the
house and not be able to play or talk to our friends.
Now a days all the school can do is send the kid home and hope they will be better
behaved the next day. It is just a holiday for the kid to be sent home and not allowed
back for a day or two. Can't they think of something better to punish these bad kids?
Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend,
Have a good day, Chris 

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@lilisor (205)
• Hungary
25 Nov 08
I'm appalled to hear such things about nowadays students:( ... I have to agree with you Chris, when I was a student I wouldn't dare to talk ugly with my teachers.
I wasn't afraid that my father would do to me, I was afraid of a moral discussion! When he started to lecture me, I was ... ashamed of myself! It's so sad that students have no respect for teachers and some of them, don't have respect for their own parents:(
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
The parents are usually the ones that cause this rebellion in school. The kids that
are really bad in school usually don't have a very good home life either.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
Hi ronaldinu, Things have changed so much in my lifetime that I would say it is a complete reversal from when I went to school. Back then the teacher had a great deal of power over the children, and unfortunately many abused that power. I often wonder why we cannot find a happy medium. When I was a child, the parent almost always sided with the teacher unless abuse was very obvious. While I don't agree with corporal punishment, I feel that many parents are not spending enough time with there children and teaching them proper behaviour. In this case that you mention, I am inclined to agree with you that this action by the assistant head may not do much to curb the problem. Blessings.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
25 Nov 08
I would have put him into detention and make him write "I will not insult my teacher" at least one hundred times, and make him do some work such as helping the janitor by cleaning the toilets and not only that, told his parents. Wait until that student joins the police force, insults his boss, or joins the army and see what that attitude gets him. I guess nowadays the teachers have to obey the students, not the other way around.
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@Volkus (202)
• Romania
25 Nov 08
To have a silent or an educated class you have to be very exigent. Even a little rude. That's it, we must follow the moving. I'm not saying that we must be as bad as them (i'm talking from the point of view of a teacher) but just to be a little more hursh...
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
27 Nov 08
Yeah.. school and students nowadays is no longer the same like before.. teachers are not as respected like before too.. As of actual fact, nobody likes schooling, and the reason they attend class is to meet up with frenz and have fun.. And whatever they have learned in school, are all the bad habits from frenz.. I guess it's part of the peer influence, and to them, they think it's cool..
And even when they are expel, they dun care much too, as that's what they want in mind.. Or maybe, they think that the school dun dare to do anything to them, because their parents will complain against the school..
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
27 Nov 08
look at society nowadays we are all to blame for the way children act.I think things should be like in the old days....child disobeys he/she gets the ruler. Maybe then the kids will have more respect for their elders.
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@jayyerex (224)
• Canada
26 Nov 08
I really think it begins in the home. Kids know that even their parents cannot do anything to them or punish them sufficiently if they are mouthy or disrespectful. So why should school be any different for them? Teachers have less power than parents do and if the parents won't or can't do anything then the teacher is doomed. I refuse to believe that these are bad kids. Kids are a reflection of ourselves. We are teaching them these habits and behaviours. We are the ones as parents that need to set the good example. Unfortunately most of the time circumstances dictate the way we interact with them. If both parents are working then there is no one to be there for them when they have a need. So they are forced to look to other sources of guidance, namely the television or internet. Do you see where this is going? My wife and I have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that there is always someone home for them. We have purposely made many sacrifices in our working lives so that we can take the time to be parents and educators for them. It hasn't been an easy ride but I believe they have grown up so far with an excellent sense of self esteem and a very positive outlook on life. If there is to be any progress on this issue I believe that it is imperative that we spend more time with them. If we can do that then we can change everything for the better. Stronger punishments only lead to stronger resistance. we need to change the way we think and address their problems before they become problems. Those are my two cents!
@messageme (2821)
• United States
27 Nov 08
THE PARENTS!! What about all these celebrities on tv? Paris Hilton, Britney Spears...these are the people our kids look up too. They are not setting a very good example.
I truely believe the parents have some of what their kids turn out to be like, but society has more. Kids see people or things on tv and they want to do that or be just like this person and their really isn't much parents can do anymore...Heck we can barely discpline a kid any more these days without human services getting called on you. Kids know this!!
One day I was at the store and a kid started mouthing off REALLY bad to his mother and she said you better watch your mouth before it gets vinigar and the kid looked at her and said if you do that I will call DHS on you and tell them you did other things to me...What kind of world is should not have the right to do this and lie just to get the parents in trouble but because the are kids, more people are bound to believe them because in the old days you could...NOT now!
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
26 Nov 08
Yes, and we are ourselves to blame for this. In the name of rights and abuse, we have handed out too much independence to our children without making them aware of their responsibilities. If you don’t take me in the wrong perspective, then I must say that the western system where students call teachers by name, where children call relatives by first name is to a long extent responsible for this deterioration in values. Here in India (and I would again say that pls don’t misunderstand me) its still Sir or Ma’am for the children and its still Uncle or Auntie for the kids. I firmly believe such forms of address to adults instill a sense of respect and discipline in children. I am extremely sorry at your humiliation and yes, the student deserved nothing less than expulsion from the school.
Tell me something…I have heard of community service as a form of punishment in many countries of the west. Shouldn’t there be something similar for rowdy children like cleaning classrooms or mowing the school lawns? Corporal punishment is never welcome, but there should indeed be something which can act as a deterrent to such behaviour.
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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I must say that many kids today lack proper descipline. When I was a kid, I would not even dare talk back at my teachers even if they are being unreasonable. I'd rather not risk being ask to white "I will not talk back again" a hundred times over on the board! LOL
@1corner (744)
• Canada
26 Nov 08
Frankly, I'm not surprised to hear this, although am definitely saddened by it.
When exactly did this start happening? My uncle is also a teacher, and I recall his remark about how disrespectful students were, back in 2003. (He teaches primary school). He's got a few more years to go before retiring, and gotta say, this can't be good for his blood pressure. I myself worked with kids in the '90s, and found a few who were the same. But as it wasn't a teaching position in school, I had more freedom, I felt, to deal with that behavior directly. Got to see a dramatic, yet incomplete, change in the kids' responses before leaving a year later. And yes, the administration too wasn't as supportive as I'd expected it to be.
You're absolutely right about adults dropping the ball on this one. We shouldn't let them get away with such behavior, 'coz it doesn't bode well for our/their future. Choosing to ignore this now teaches them nothing constructive.
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@shyama86 (73)
26 Nov 08
Hi Ronaldinu, I really feel for you. But we cannot blame only the students for this kind of behavious. We elders are also to be blamed especially the parents. They give too much freedom to the kind and never bother about their manners at home as well as in school. The children also have lot of stress and strain.
Now try to be friendly with your students . Try to understand their problems. the time is changing and hence you cannot expect the same respect and regard you had for yr teachers frm your students. You should deal with such rough and tough characters with care and love and make them realise what they are doing is wrong.
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
26 Nov 08
Indded students are usually more abusive verbally because some of them just don't know the effect of their words. I know it because I still remember my childhood when two students with not a very good relationship would start to throw bad words to another and that would leave psychological wound inside the every children. I believe that the teacher has the very big responsibility to tell and to educate the students about this. Giving punishment for students who considered abusive not only verbally but also emotionally, could be a good start.
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@leomermarie (108)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
I am a teacher too. It is hard to discipline pupils today because parents are demanding it. Some parents will suggest to a teacher not to discipline their child instead to understand them. Other parent think that their child know better than the teacher and should not be told what to do. But still, few parents really work hand in hand with their child's teacher.
Teacher sometimes receive verbal abuse from their pupils. What a pity? However, learn to deal with it and pray hard. Show your love to your pupils too. But try to talk to your pupil that abuse you verbally afterward and share your opinion. If it happen again, report it in written paper to the principal. Let the principal sign it and keep your copy. So that if it happen again to the same pupil, you may show your report to their parent.
Try to have other part time job different from teaching, so you have other flavor for a day.
@Zezloler (497)
• United Arab Emirates
26 Nov 08
Aw, that's horrible. =(
Unfortunately things have changed and children are losing respect for those older than them. If I compare my class from Grade 6, for example, to one now, I can definitely see the difference. o_o I completely feel for teachers today and what they have to go through with students. I honestly have no other word to describe their behaviour than disrespect. It's terrible. _
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@scarletwitch12 (562)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
I guess kids really are different nowadays. I agree that as adults we keep giving kids mixed signals as to how they should deal with people in authority such as yourself. It is hard to be an educator under such circumstances and I feel that very little is being done to address it.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
26 Nov 08
Just the other day my daughter came home from school telling about numerous incidents that took place where the students disrespected the teachers. Many times this is just overlooked and even the parents don't take things seriously. Have people ever stopped to consider this is possibly the reason behind the shortage in teachers. One teacher that is new to our school this year and seems to be doing a great job even made the comment that he has noticed we have a great deal of mouthy children in our district. It's time for adults to stand up and take control of all situations in which we are involved. We must refuse to sit back and listen to these children as they disrespect authority. That is the true problem.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
26 Nov 08
My goodness I could not believe a student could be that ill-mannered. How could he be so impolite and dishonoring a teacher just like that! I can't really believe it could happen! I've always been exposed to a class with teacher as being well respected and honored by students so I'm shocked to hear your story. I myself do teach in a Sunday School class where students especially the new ones are sometimes misbehaving and noisy but when they hear me talking and telling them to stop they do obey and shut up. I'm so sorry to hear a child capable of being so much more when he grows older. He could do worse things than that. And the Principal did not even give a stiffer punishment. I wish that boy had been detained and his parents summoned to be informed of his misbehavior. That boy and his parents should ask apology from you and they should write a promissory note that it will never happen again before the boy could be accepted in your class again.
@walkthetalk (1307)
• United States
26 Nov 08
I agree so much. Rules should be set for student, the kids should follow those rules.
When they are broken, this is the punishment. No exceptions. At all.
Rules are made to be followed. If the school doesn't make a large group of kids follow
them, things will get out of control fast.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
26 Nov 08
It sure is. Parents seem to coddle their children more these days. They bail them out of all their problems when they are children then when they are adults they find themselves bailing them out of jail.
Sorry to say but I think part of it is from so many mothers working and being too tired to spend quality time with them. Then they buy them all kinds of stuff they think they need when all they really need is strong morals, guidance and love.
I have seen many parents march into school blaming the teachers when their children aren't doing well in school.
My daughter had a friend and when they get in their little fights the mother would get right in the middle always blaming my daughter as if her child never did anything wrong. She acted like a child herself when she got herself involved in children s squabbles. Parents need to teach their children consequences and accountability.
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@Purtle (274)
• United States
26 Nov 08
My mother is a teacher. It really is terrible how the school deals with kids as far as discipline goes nowadays.
The reason they don't seem to do much is because they don't want to have to deal with angry parents and things like that.
The problem is however, is that they are sending bad messages to the kids by not taking the right disciplinary actions and making the children think that "Oh, if I do this its not a big deal." Etc.(you get my point right?)
As a son of a teacher, I really feel for you. A lot of the crap you have to go through on a daily basis is terrible.
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