Oooops sorry son!

@Humbug25 (12540)
November 29, 2008 1:23pm CST
I always check my pockets of my clothing before I put them in for washing. I never check my son's clothes because they never put things in their pockets... until he started junior school. 'Where are my Pokemon cards mummy' I hear him call out one morning before school. 'Where did you leave them?' I replied. 'In my school trousers' he calls back. 'Oh, well they will be nice and clean now then' I tell him! LOL. I hasten to add that I always check all their pockets now!! What have you accidently washed? What is the worst thing you have ever found in your child's pockets before washing their clothes?
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21 responses
@riyasam (16556)
• India
30 Nov 08
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
30 Nov 08
i did recently wash my husbands trousers containing rs1000 in can imagine the mayhem it caused.i do check the pockets but attimes i do overlook.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi ya riyasam I can only imagine what a problem this must have caused. My mum used to say that it was the only perk to the job, checking my dad's trouser because she would keep what money she found in his pockets LOL Thanks for responding
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Dec 08
I think the best thing I ever washed was a five dollar bill. I try never to put money in my pockets and I rarely check for such things because of that. Well, one bill got through and I was glad to find it at one point. I don't recall washing anything else.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Dec 08
Hi ya celticeagle I too have washed money, ain't that a pain? Thanks for your response
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I don't check pockets, never did - unless it was something obvious that I could feel without actually checking them. We've washed all kinds of things over the years, but mostly money. I remember one time I was doing laundry and I found money in almost every load. My son, who was like 10 or so at the time, complained that I got to keep it all and it might not have been mine. I told him that since I do the laundry I get to keep it. He said he'd do the next load, but since it was the whites I didn't think he'd have much luck. He got $5 out of that one! They learned their lesson very early and rarely leave stuff in their clothes.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi ya reinydawn My son has only just started to leave stuff in his pcockets, I am still waiting for the penny to drop and the message to get across to him. He's only just got into the habit of putting his clothes into the washing basket! Thanks for your response
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
30 Nov 08
HAHAHA I laughed so hard after reading this discussion because I understand COMPLETELY! I hate laundry. I have three children but I make my 13 year old daughter do her own, but even still I do laundry every other day at the bare minimum. I never ever check pockets because I don't really put anything in mine and if I did I would remove it before I took off my clothes. The children never had anything in their pockets either, until this year, my nine year old has been putting stuff in there and leaving it. I have also wrecked a rare foil Pokemon card and there is a very clean five dollar bill out there. I told him he has to check his pockets before putting clothes in the wash, because I don't check. But I know how costly those darn cards are, so I will be digging in those pockets to make sure there isn't anything in them. I feel your pain. LOL
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there vivki2876 Yes those darn cards do get expensive, how did your son take the news of the foil one? I know those are the really expensive and most sort after one's aren't they? Thanks for your response
@Anne18 (11029)
30 Nov 08
I only normally get tissues in my children's pockets!!! Well you know what a mess they make in the washer and the bits that get on all the clothes...
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi Anne18 Yes I do know what a mess tissues leave, only too well! LOL Cheers Anne
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Hey there humbug25, I wanted leave you comment about the time my mom misplaced her ID card and later realized she left it in her pocket and washed it with her cloths but thankfully the ID card was still in one pace lol.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
8 Dec 08
Hi apples99 Phew! That was lucky eh? Cheers apples
• Canada
30 Nov 08
I remember once when I was about 8 I was playing outside our duplex and there was a tar truck out there with no one around so I played with the tar peices and put some small ones in my pockets LOL well my mom didn't check my pockets and the tar was all over the washing machine when she took out the clothes lol needless to say she started checking my pockets before putting them in LOL my son and daughter rarely put anything in their pockets So I haven't had this problem yet.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there StrawberryKisses Blimey your mum but have been lost for words! My boys don't tend to put much in their pockets either. It is my eldest that will out of any of them! I think it is aroung the age of 8 years old that kids suddenly discover they have pockets, my son will be 8 next month! LOL Thanks for your response
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Nov 08
I never thought that we have so much in common despite living in a different country, until I read this post. My 8 yr old son is a Pokemon enthusiast too. He has alos the Pokemon cards and a Pokemon school bag etc. My mum used always to check my pockets when she put my trousers or jeans into the washing machine while my wife does not. This usually means that we hear a rattling sound of coins inside the washing machine. © ronaldinu 2008
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi ronaldinu Yes we do seem to have a lot in common apart from being highly intelligent LOL Actually my son's school have recently put a ban on Pokemon cards in the playground because they are causing too many arguments! I guess that your monetary loss to the washing machine is your wife's gain LOL Thanks as always for your response
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
30 Nov 08
This is a great discussion. It is funny to see how the responses from around the globe are so similar! We are all the same you know? Anyway I for one am a constant pocket checker. I am often transferring things from pocket to pocket as I change clothes but I am always checking before dropping them in the washing machine. In the past I have washed money, phone numbers and important papers. Never anything electronic (sorry hibiscus_mel). I usually drop that stuff in the toilet!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there shamsta19 I am really enjoying this discussion too, some discussions seem to bring people together with something in common. I think it proves that we are all as daft as each other no matter where you are in the world! Thanks for your response
@tessah (6617)
• United States
30 Nov 08
crayons and gum are always fun to find melted all over everything after a drier cycle i always check the pockets. rule around here is whatevers found in clothing while doing laundry, belongs to the one doing the laundering. i make a fairly decent income from this rule
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi ya tessah Oh yeah there has to be perk to the job eh? We say in the UK, 'Finders keepers, losers weepers'!! LOL Thanks for your response
@tushark1 (117)
• India
30 Nov 08
This is great discission.....some years before i never used to check my or others pockets before place it to washing...but from last 2 years i started to do it. Because one day i kept 500 in my pocket and without checking i give it for washing. and after that i realized that i 500 is in my pants pocket...from that day i always check my or my sons clothings before give it for washing....But still now i did not find any worst thing from my sons pocket.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi ya tushark1 Thanks I am glad you like my discussion. Only the other day my son left a marble in his pcoket and it made a terrible noise in the washing machine and I was worried the glass door was going to break. So I am still not checking his pockets because that is his job to do!! Thanks for your response
• United States
30 Nov 08
I accidentally washed my ipod in my pocket. I was so disappointed because the last time I remembered was my daughter palying with it so I got and placed it in my backpocket. I can no longer use it. I learned my lesson the hard way.;-(
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there hibiscus_mel (loving the nickname!) Oh no you must have been so annoyed. Do you have somewhere warm you could put it like an airing cupboard where it might dry out? I dropped a remote control in a bowl of washing up once and after 6 months of drying out it worked! Thanks for your response
• United States
30 Nov 08
btw, It is really interesting/funny reading some of the responses to this topic. haha :p
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
I am so glad you are enjoying it
• United States
30 Nov 08
Aww, that sucks for your son. I have had many valuable things get ruined in the wash. I remember when I washed a pair of white capris with some dark, navy blue pants and ended up having my white pants smeared with blue. Also, the other day I forgot that I had my eyeliner and my chapstick in my pockets and put them in the wash. They were all melty and mushed up from the heat in the dryer and the moisture of the washer. Leaving kleenex in the wash is not too good of an idea either. It shreds into tiny pieces and then scatters all over your clothing and makes in IMPOSSIBLE to get off!!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hello sennawork Yeah a tissue is the worst huh and I think we have all done that!! A chapstick and eyeline must have been pretty messy though and I guess that your clothing is now ruined? Your white pants could always be dyed! Thanks for your respponse
@shonali (1286)
• India
30 Nov 08
well i dont have children....not yet ...and now this post of your will make me check their pockets in the future when i do have them ..... though i have accidently washed my own pants without remembering to take out things from my pockets too as i am labelled careless anyways so i kind of take it for granted.... but mostly the things that used to get washed were just some extra money .... but once i had a piece of paper on which i had written some very important information and that got accidently washed away and i started cursing my i started being more careful from that day on
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there shonali I usually check my own pockets before I wash them but the other day I forgot I had put my nose stud in my pocket and it didn't feel like there was anything in my pocket so I washed my trousers. There it was sitting in the drum of the washing machine after I had taken the washing out. I was lucky it hadn't gone down one of the holes in the drum! Thanks for your response
@aidenw (632)
• United States
30 Nov 08
i don't have any kids, but the things i most often put in my pocket are money and tissue. so you can guess what i most often wash accidentally. the money usually don't get damaged so it's not a problem. but the tissue OMG, is a nightmare 'cos it shreds to pieces in the washer, so i usually end up having tissue crumbs all over my other clothes in the washer and it's really hard to clean. i really hate it when that happens especially when i have a whole bunch of tissue in my pocket like when i have a cold or allergy (i usually put it back in my pocket after blowing my nose - gross i know, sorry!). so what i do is try get off as much of it as i can and wash the whole load again! so you see i'm still like a kid but i only have myself to blame
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi here aidenw, liking the new avatar!! What I would do if I were you is get some sticky tape, what do you call it in the states, scotch tape? Anyway, make a loop with the tape around two fingers so the sticky bit is on the outside and then touch the clothes with it and the tissue bits will stick to the tape and come off the clothes. Mind you if it is a lot (which it usually is) then you are just as well to throw it all back into the washer and do it again! I have a friend who is the only person I know who can do this but she has left tissues in pockets on many occasions and her kids too but the tissue always comes out in one piece, go figure!! I have seen it with my own eyes!!! How can this be? She doesn't know how it happens either! I also have another friend who never gets a hangover no matter how much she drinks but that's another discussion!! LOL Thanks for your response my friend
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• United States
29 Nov 08
Now that my oldest son is 15, I make THEM do their own laundry and supervise the process (I still remember being horrified my first year in college at how many girls had no idea at all how to do a load of wash - all of my kids will be able to take care of themselves when they leave home!) but there have been some rather nasty surprises in pants pockets along the way. The very worse, I think, was the time my daughter left a handful of crayons in her pants pocket. They went through the washer just fine without even coming out of her pocket - but the dryer! Oi! Everyone's clothes had melted in wax color stains, including one of my favorite t-shirts.
@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Nov 08
Hi there chameleonsdream Oh no what a disasster. How many times did you have to rinse your machine through before it was ok to use? It must have really damaged your dryer too. Thanks for your response
@scorpio19 (1363)
29 Nov 08
Hi Humbug, My two oldest are pretty good, they don't leave anything in their pockets but my 9yr old is a terror for it, I too have washed pokeman cards (I've also gone and asked kids back for my best pokeman card when my sons been done! with the swop And ended up sorting it out with the boys find elastic bands, bricks and marbels nothing as bad as me washing the pokeman cards though, just annoying having to pick it all out of my washer...oh and tissues, jeez couldn't yer just kill em for that
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@Humbug25 (12540)
29 Nov 08
Hi ya scorpio19 Oh yeah the darn tissue! I do blame myself sometimes for not checking but you try to trust them that they have emptied their pockets but sometimes you just don't have the time to check for yourself. Cheers scorpio
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Your story is very funny humbug25. Especially this part "'Where are my Pokemon cards mummy' I hear him call out one morning before school. 'Where did you leave them?' I replied. 'In my school trousers' he calls back. 'Oh, well they will be nice and clean now then' I tell him! LOL It really made me laugh. I didn't expect that would be your answer to your son. It's really funny. Anyway, I accidentally washed my sister's money on her trousers. I never really check them at first. But now, I learned my lesson, so I always check them out.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there aisaellis I am so glad that my discussion has amused you and brought a smile to your face. My usual response to my kids when they ask me where something is, like they will say 'where are my marbles' my reply is usually 'where you left them'!! Thanks for your response and keep laughing and smiling my friend!
• United States
29 Nov 08
Well im still in high school but i always accidently leave stuff in my clothes all the time. My little brother does it more times than anyone though. Then he looks really confused and acts like he is not himself no more. I try to tell him not to leave stuff because our mom always doesn't check our clothes they just go right in the washer when she organizes them by color. Has anyone ever done that before?? I try to do the laundry sometimes when i have time but then she's like ill just do it because she doesn't want me to mess up the clothes. Anyway, I think i've left plenty of stuff in my clothes like my wallet or a piece of paper with some writing on it. Usually it doesn't get destroyed so i don't cry that often because of it. Does anyone cry over leaving stuff in their clothes when they are finally washed???
@Humbug25 (12540)
2 Dec 08
Hi there sainjagdeep and welcome to mylot I once did cry when I was younger because I left my pocket money in my pcoket and my mum washed my clothes with it in. It was no good, ruined. I asked my mum for some more money but it didn't work as she said it was my fault I left it in my pocket! I was very upset! Thanks for your response and happy mylotting