Herbal supplements for anxiety

@zenguy (15)
November 29, 2008 8:15pm CST
Has anyone had any luck with herbal products for anxiety and panic? I've been trying Valerian, and it seems to be somewhat helpful.
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3 responses
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
30 Nov 08
I've heard that St.John's Wart helps anxiety but never tried it so I can't honestly say it helps. When I did have anxiety I went to talk to a counseller and she gave me an exercise to try out because I wanted to try this theory rather than take pills. She told me whenever I started feeling like the walls were closing in to do this... Name 5 things you see in a room 1) Chair 2) Phone 3) table 4) TV 5) Computer Name 5 things you hear 1) Hubby fiddling around with the tv 2) Computer running 3) Me typing on the keyboard 4) Fridge running 5) Myself breathing Name 5 things you feel (not meaning emotionally but phsyically) 1) My legs touching the chair that I"m sitting on 2) My shirt touching my torso 3) My pants touching my legs 4) My hair touching my face 5) My fingers typing the keyboard Now repeat the steps of seeing, hearing and feeling again and soon you'll be alright! Good luck and I hope this works for you because it did for me. I also went and seen a hypnotist and that helped a bit as well. Have a great night
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@zenguy (15)
4 Dec 08
Wow, that sounds a bit like Buddhist insight meditation. Thanks, I'll give that a try next time I feel like trouble is coming.
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
6 Oct 10
I like chocolates, and i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates.
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
30 Nov 08
I have heard St. Johns Wort is good for depression and anxiety. But I think it depends on the severity. It is also a good idea to talk to your doctor about risks before taking anything, expecially if you are already taking any kind of perscriptions. just to be safe.