Being a young single mother
By monismama
@monismama (16)
United States
December 1, 2008 2:56am CST
Well, I am a young single mother. I had my daughter when I was 19. It has been so hard. My daughters father left me when I was 2 months pregnant. It really suprised me when he did because at first he was so happy, he called everyone in his family to tell them, he told me how he was going to take care of me and our child and all that good stuff. I should of known to begin with. He had two other children from two other girls. He always made it seem like they were the bad guys... not letting him see his children and such and I felt for him. He seemed like such a good guy and I couldn't understand why they would be doing that to him you know? So, me being me I opened my heart up and let him in. I ended up with a broken heart and left overs (not saying my child is a bad thing she is the best thing that could of ever happened to me).
I guess my whole thing is, I don't understand how guys can do this.
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28 responses
@rockgroupie2 (280)
• United States
1 Dec 08
It doesn't matter what age you are, being a single mom is very hard. And getting hurt happens at any age.
I was 40 when I gor pregnant for the first time. I was elated because I thought I would never become a mother. I did not want to get married again and really didn't want to live with the father. When I was 4 months pregnant, he physically assaulted me. I didn't see him again until my daughter was 5 and he had to appear in court about child support. He told all kinds of lies about me to the judge and got out of paying the 2 years of back support my daughter was entitled to. She met him once, on that same day. He would call occasionally, not to speak to his daughter, but to complain about the support payments. I finally blocked his phone calls and we haven't heard from him since. Not even a birthday or Christmas card. He is supposed to be paying for my daughter's health insurance, but signed her up for a policy that was only good in the county where he lived, some 6 hours away. Since it was in his name, they wouldn't even talk to me on the phone and all paperwork would go to him. If there was a problem with a claim or I had a question about coverage, I could not speak with anyone at this company. He cancelled that policy and tried to get her coverage with another company. The same was true because he was paying for the policy. All paperwork would go to him. I finally told him not to bother.
Now I have become disabled and can no longer work. I have severe back problems and have had 7 surgeries. My nerve and spinal cord are permanently damaged. We are trying to live on my disability income and his support payments. which is proving to be impossible. I've recently applied for Medicaid because I just cannot afford the payments for my daughter's health insurance that I had purchased for her. It will be interesting to see what happens with that.
To answer your original question about why some men act this way, I have no idea. It is unfathomable how a person could father a child and then turn his back on that child. Our children may be better off than having such men go in and out of their lives. Perhaps that is more damaging. I just don't know. My daughter is 8 now and is a very happy little girl. She has a "father figure" in her life and just adores this man. He treats her the same as he treat his own daughters, who just happen to be her best friends. His wife is my best friend. She is loved by many people, so life is good for her.
Please make sure that this "man" pays child support for "his" child. Your child deserved that.
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@alyssa_c (440)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
I feel for you, Monismama. I have lots of friends with the same problem. I am even worried that my baby's father would soon disappear completely as well as we had a disagreement weeks ago and havent't heard from his since then. Guys can be jerks sometimes, and great actors when they're out to win you over. But once they have you in the palm of their hands they'd show their true colors, which aren't all that nice. I'm not saying all men are like that though. Maybe your guys just isn't ready to face reality and all that talk was just for show.
I hope that you would be able to work it all out. Be strong for your baby. I'm sure she's your source of strength and joy.
Enjoy your stay here at myLot =)

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@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
1 Dec 08
i was 17 when i got pregnant and 18 when my son was born.
my sons father was the one who wanted a baby, he pestered me to have a child with him and i eventually gave in, i was around 2-3 months pregnant when he decided he didn't love me any more and left me for someone else.
my son is now 10, i don't feel i had it too hard though as i have a wonerful family who have always been by my side through it all.
i don't understand how men can just all of a sudden change their minds about fatherhood and the children they hve created, but i feel that it is just an immiturity that is in some men and they feel running away is the the best solution for them.
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
1 Dec 08
Why didn't you pursue him and sue him? Such guys shoud be taken totask. They do it because they can get away with it. They need to be taught a lesson. how many girls have been left in the lurch like this. Why do girls get fooled by such unsrcruplus boys? they are cowards. If he has done it once and gotten away, he will do it again.
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@Volkus (202)
• Romania
1 Dec 08
Hi there, my eyes are filled with tears when reading what you wrote...My girlfriend had an abort and i know how difficult it is. She was in a relationship with a guy, and now i hate him. I don't want to imagine how she suffered. Sometimes, she regrets that she didn't kept the child. We were toghether before she was with that guy. I become so sad when i encounter something related to this...You are a great person. Keep it like that! Raise your childrens and may God be with you!
Have a nice day!
@employmentdep (126)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Monismama, you are one of the most valerous woman around the world. I have two friends, one of them has 3 beatiful girls but the difference is that she is widowed and she had suffered the nightmare of the violence in our country. Since then, she had has to mantain her family but, at the moment she is a succesful woman in the society as well as in her job. The other friend, she has 3 boys two of them are twins and the eldest son, has suffered cancer since he was three years and after this her husband left her alone with her three boys but she overcame against her owns problems and she also is an other succesful woman.
I also wonder, how guys can do that against women?
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@gemjeweled (133)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
Hello there!
I'm a single mother too. I got my kid when I was in my early 20s - that's the time when people of my age at that time were trying to catch their first job. I continued my pregnancy and did not work for a year until my baby is big enough to be left in the care of other people.
Like you the father of my daughter had left us. I don't have any news from him since the day he left us. Perhaps he had a family of his own.
I think that guy who fathered my baby does not want responsibility on his hands. I believe that is why he left us. Since that time I never got anything that will help me with my kid.
But of course, not all guys do that. I have some close friends who had married responsible husbands.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I think some guys get a thrill out of getting a woman pregnant. Crazy!! I don't know why people do this. I had my first baby at 17 and his father left me for my sister. It hurts at any age. Let that be a lesson to you. Don't believe anything you don't see with your own two eyes!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 Dec 08
[i]Hi monismama,
I guess the main reason is they are not ready for the responsibility, I have known a lot of friends who are in the same situation but they were able to handle the situation perfectly without the support of those guys...It's really hard to find a responsible and sincere guy but I know you will be able to meet someday! [/i]
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
1 Dec 08
Hello, monismama.
Life is not easy, specially if you do not take the best choices. Having a child at your 19 was way too risky. You should know that you were too young. I am sorry about it. Some guys are really stupid. They have the children and then desert the mothers, leaving the children behind. They do not even care about their children, how could that be? I mean, if I had one child, no matter with whom it was... I would raise it. I would accept my responsibilities. I was there too. The child didn't just appear.
Are you still in touch with the father of your baby?
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
1 Dec 08
Being a single mother is a tough job... i know how you feel as i have friends who have the same dilemma.. your guy isn't ready to face the reality, i mean he's not yet ready to be a father.. they are coward! the best thing you can do is to be strong for your beautiful baby.. i hope you would be able to find someone who will love you unconditionally, someone who is responsible and God-fearing..
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@kedves (728)
1 Dec 08
HI, personally being a father I do not and never will understand ANY man who does not want to be a part of their child's life. for me it is the best thing to happen to you .. their love their laughter their energy even their tears are all moments to cherish... I don't know is it just their own fear makes them run ? is it their own fear or responsibility? is it their own immaturity ? who knows and frankly who cares because THEY are the ones to lose out.. I know it is hard and at times you will wish things were differently .. but stay strong always stay positive and always feel proud of yourself and your child :) and never let these losers get you down :)
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@medney1988 (560)
• United States
2 Dec 08
i will say what my dad has always told me. why buy the cow when the milk is free?? my sister has two kids from two different fathers and right now she isn't with either one of them. a lot of women give too much too soon and then wonder why they can't get their boyfriend to marry them or why men keep leaving. you cant give all you have in one shot. men need to earn our love, respect, and our generosity. just keep that in mind for the next relationship. i'm sorry about your situation but you have a beautiful daughter out of it.
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@chiaeugene (2225)
• China
2 Dec 08
i am really sorry to hear you in this state and at this young age. you should be enjoying your life as a young adult but now you have a child to take care of. while having a child is a blessing and the feeling of being a mother is really good cos i experienced it as a father too. But now you have more worries on how to raise the child financially and emotionally too. Bringing here up in a single parent family is tough but it is possible. You will find comfort and happiness in your daughter, this i am sure cos she will be your motivation, just like my son is to me. I hope you will find someone who cares and love you and your daughter soon.
@monismama (16)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Well i had to write this as a comment to your comment. lol.... sorry.
i dont know what im doing on here yet, but im sure i will figure it out eventually! lol.
I thank everyone for all their kind thoughts and discussions.
I guess I should be more descriptive....
His first child he had when he was 16 and her mother didnt want him around (which this part is true because i do talk to her).
We worked together for a few months and we rarely talked, he ended up getting my phone number from my sister (she also worked at the store we worked at). He called me one day and I was shocked.... we began talking all the time and he would have me talk to his son a few times as well on the phone. at this point he was with the mother of his 2nd child. At work we would go on breaks together and just hang out he began telling me how things were getting harder with his son's mother and she was growing distant... he was asking me for advice, and I had told him he just needed to discuss it with her and try to work things out. about a month later he was upset on break and he told me she told him that she didnt love him anymore and that he needed to find a new place to live. I was his friend so I offered to help him find a place while he stayed at a friends house. after a few weeks we began getting closer and eventually being a couple. We ended up getting an apartment together across the street from where we worked... everything was fine. we had his son quiet a bit because his ex always seemed to be drunk and asked me to come pick him up a few times while nathan (the father of our children) was at work. About 4 months later is when we found out I was pregnant. He was so excited and as i said he called everyone in his family to let them know. well, as i said he ended up leaving me when I was 2 months pregnant to go back to his ex (mother of his son). She played just as many games as he did with me because she felt as thought I stole him away from her, which I never did.... I made sure they were broken up before we got together. We tried going to court and the attorney said that he was able to get joint custody even after he told them he didnt care about her and after i told them he wanted me to get an abortion... i didn't think it was fair for him to get any custody of her and it scared me so we dropped court... yet we still kind of kept in touch. he saw her for the first time when she was 3 months old... i let him have her over for a few hours while i went to a friends house and when it was time to bring her home he threatened to not give her back to me, so I had to go over there and take her and told him that I was going to be there everytime he saw her from then on and he said that I was being crazy and my emotions were getting in the way. blah blah blah.... well he didnt really see her very much after that (maybe 3 times) and then i got a call from jamie (his 2nd childs mother) and she told me that he left her for her cousin and they ran to washington (we live in colorado). ever since then me and jamie have actually gotten pretty close... i could actually consider her a friend. we try to get the kids together (Jayden who is 6 and Armoni my daughter who is 16 months) as often as we can. she is going to help me with child support... going and getting everything filed and such, she is going to do it for herself also.
I honestly dont know why i fell for his lies..... i should of seen right through it, but honestly he is a really good player. he has done this many of times and knows exactly what to say. its disgusting.
But I am happy that I have my daughter and I know its going to be rough but she is my world and I dont know what i would do without her. she is my rock and she makes me so much stronger than i used to be or ever would be without her. I dont regret the things that have happened because i got the most precious greatest gift out of the whole thing. He is missing out, and he will realize it one day, but it is already too late. he has hurt his 3 children way to much already.
@chiaeugene (2225)
• China
2 Dec 08
yes, and after seeing what he has done, i would have kicked his a$# too even though i am a man and it is sad that he caused so much damage and harm to his own children and partners. he does not deserve any pity and dun forgive him cos he is unlikely to change his behaviour if he comes back to you. You deserve someone better and you will find happiness for yourself and your daughter.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
1 Dec 08
You are not alone. Let me tell you my story. I became pregnant at eighteen a couple of weeks before graduating high school. I still graduated. My fiance and I fought alot, but a week before my baby was born we moved into an apartment. He was controlling, he had anger problems, and would not help. Around my son being five months old we split up. I had no job so I had to move back in with my parents. I applied for family assistance. He ignored me for two months without any help. We finally talked and he started seeing my son on the weekends and giving me money every month. I got a job and still continued to struggle. My fiance and I finally made amend a few months ago. He said he was sorry for the way he was. He takes anger management, counseling, and other stuff. He has changed so much. We are still living separated though. He has no job. I only work part time. I have been doing better now that gas prices have gone down. I don't recieve any help anymore. I support my son alone. Even though I am engaged I practically feel like a single mom because I am the only supporter.
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I am not sure how they can do that either and I am not sure that there is ever going to be an answer. Please, if you are able. Do not let him get away with not being responsible for what he helped to create. It is so difficult for women to understand that that the father has a responsibility to that child just as the mother has and too many times when the man walks away the woman lets him. DO NOT LET HIM DO THAT. Make sure that he pays what he is responsible for, even though that does not make him a father to that child in any way, it might teach him that he has some responsibility in what he was so careless in creating. I had four children with a man who I eventually married and he never paid me a penny for their care and was never a part of their lives and now has 10 grandchildren who he doesn't even know. I have asked the same question that you've asked here. I have not been able to understand how he could walk away, but I do know that it has been his loss.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
3 Dec 08
Hi friends,
I have always had the most respect for single parents. This is a tough job trying to raise children in these times. And to have to do it on your own is unbelievable. How these parents can just up and walk away from their children I will never understand.
But to all you single parents out there. Keep your chin up. You're doing a great job.
God Bless
@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
As I read your post that man, your daughter's father seems to have one strategy to hook and lure young woman like you.He feels he is a movie star who is collecting first born babies as his trophy.Those kind of men should be sentenced with castration.Because he is not fit to be a father.I hate this kind of person who is spreading illegitimate children.Fortunately we don't have them in our family.Bearing the child could be the best thing that happen to a woman's life but having a complete family life could be the best gift of parents to their children.Since you are in that situation,you better be careful in the future.The best thing you should do is take care of your child.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
2 Dec 08
hey moni i felt realy sad after reading ur story...i dont have any idea guys do sucha things with girlz...may b everything looks ok when relationship is all about s*x and fun...Sory if any gentlemen here..but even in my coutry boys have same idea of relationship...they just want to enjoy..they want beautiful girl on bike behind their bak..watching her every other guy get shud jelous esp their own frends,dats what they want...but it comes to long time commitment..and responsibility they just vanish...i ask this question to my few male frends they told me attraction get feds away after 1-2 years..and then without attraction long term commitment is imposible thing.this is what explnation i got from my male pals.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
2 Dec 08
although this explanation is reduculous...i feel they are just imature to take parents always tot me that never take anybody seriously dat much easily...especialy when u building relationship..take ur own time..1 year 2 year before getting serious..wtch if ur relationship sustain in up n down..guys those are mature and are ready 4 commitment know how to handle situation these up n downs...make sure u urself and ur guy is ready 4 relationship before taking serious steps like marriage and children
@ohwowzers (30)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Unfortunately I am sure this happens a lot. When my mom was pregnant with me my dad left her but he wasn't happy to begin with. He knew about me (of course, that is why he left in the first place) and I know that my mom wanted to just handle things herself but his family found out about me through her hen I was three in the hospital (I was severely anemic at the time). Not looking for a sob story but, if you can do andyou want to do it, be strong and be a good mom. You can't control what other people think and choose to do. (well okay, there is the courtroom who can handl the financial part of it at least if that is one of your concerns!) I don't talk to my dad.I am a young mom myself, not single, but obviously I have a horrible father. Whatever. I am happy and doing the thigns I want to do and I am a good mom. In the end, that is all that matters. Don't ever forget to an support from those wo do care abut you and your daughter, because I'm sure there are many others. :D