what do you do if your girlfriend doesnt interest you intimately??

December 2, 2008 2:13am CST
i have problems with her because she has an attitude problem. so when she wants to make love am not in the mood because we just had a fight. i mean making love after a fight is good when it is not everyday. what should i do????
5 responses
• United States
2 Dec 08
If you are in a fighting relationship you should be a boxer or a wrestler, not your boy friend or girl friend. The problem is nobody lives by the rules of discipline. If you mean something stick to it. Set a way you want to live and what you will put up with and what you going to give in to. People has a tendency to do the same thing you let them get by with. Can't no one tell you what to do because we don''t know what you like. You may love the attention of the break up make up as well. How much are you willing to take. If it enough to make you leave then why go back over and over again.
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• United States
2 Dec 08
...Kick her to the curb!!! Cause you know if you weren't hittin that spot she likes she would be out looking for someone who could...
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Sounds like my last girlfriend. Ultimately we ended up breaking up. I'd say to you examine if you really want to be with her. Sit her down and talk about how you feel. if she is anything like my last, she won't understand and just continue to have the same attitude. If she truly cares about you she will make a change to bring you closer together. And not to sound harsh but if she is not willing do do these things, and she's not intimate enough, end it before it gets worse. I hope things aren't as bad for you as they were for me. I was posting for like six months over this girl, and everyone here told me the same thing, let her go. What is wrong with these women and their attitudes anyway? What are they so mad at all the time? Don't they realize how it drives people away?
2 Dec 08
you damn right i mean if you ahead and smack them they start complaining to the cops. and they are the one with the drama like crazy. i mean when am not there like i leave and go spend a night at my boys she like calling all the time. sayin sorry. so i come back she starts again.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I have been there trust me. If you cannot work things out with her or she doesn't change for the sake of your relationship, your best bet is move on before you end up getting hurt like I did, or worse than it has to be. I am sorry but I am back on my single thing again. I can't sacrifice my happiness for someone who is never going to be satisfied anyway, and then she wasn't pleasuring me at all in bed anymore, because I stopped feeling her as much because of the attitude. Sounds exactly like my ex(es). Life is too short man.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
2 Dec 08
I sacrificed my music, my friends, my free time for her and she didn't appreciate either. Is your girlfriend named Malissa? Sounds exactly like what I went through. I guess there are just a lot of bitter women in the world.
• India
2 Dec 08
Just mutual understanding will solve this issue, otherwise it's no other way then breakup with her. Either you have to sacrifice or she has too, now it's upto you...
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
2 Dec 08
Your sanity, cut it loose man.
2 Dec 08
i sacrificed my music my friends and all that stuff whats left????
@o_utsider (371)
• China
2 Dec 08
You can talk with her about this.Then find the midpoint.The husband and wife must understand each other. Maybe it can be better~!!!
2 Dec 08
for a whole year we have been talking and she goes back to do what she does best make me mad. and then i get we fight i leave she cries. its like a routine