fears on baby bath time
By spoiled311
@spoiled311 (5500)
December 3, 2008 12:21am CST
hi everyone!
as you may know, I am already midway on the fifth month of pregnancy. I don't have worries about labor and delivery. I am already trying to fix up our finances so that we will have money for the baby's delivery. We have already prepared his stuff and people are also helping us, giving us stuff that we may need for the baby's coming.
But there is one thing that concerns me though, and that is baby's bath time. Yes, of all the things that should concern a new me, it is giving a newborn baby a bath. I just know that the skin of newborn babies is slippery and with the water and soap during bath time, there are lots of risks involved. I dunno if I know how to do it. I have been reading books, but I think someone will have to demonstrate it to me. And then I will need a lot of practice.
Anyway, people tell me that it is okay, that even a new mom without prior experience of taking care of other people's babies will just find her maternal instinct and know how to care for her baby. And that a mother will just simply learn on the job. But I am worried.
But I continue to pray that I would be able to take good care of my new baby when he comes to us early next year. I pray that not only will I be able to feed him, nourish him, nurture him, but also bathe him as well.
What about you? Did you experience any or all of this?
Please help this new mother.
good day and God bless you all!
17 responses
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
3 Dec 08
I think all new mothers experience fear about one thing or another. I worried that I wouldn't wake up during the night when the baby cried, since I am a very heavy sleeper. But I did. I woke up even when he moved around and didn't cry or make much noise.
As for newborn baths, just do sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off. You don't even need to use soap. Just lay the baby on the table on a towel, and use a wet washcloth to wipe baby's skin with warm water. Once the cord falls off, use a baby tub, right on the table and only a little water, and very little soap, if any. Get all supplies- tub with a little water, towel, washcloth, etc, ready before undressing baby, so you won't have to walk away to get something. Then undress baby, place in tub, clean, then wrap in towel, dry and get dressed. Most important thing to remember is ---Never walk away from baby during bath time. You should always keep one hand on the baby.
You could get a doll and practice in the baby tub. It may feel silly, but it will help lay your fears to rest. In the hospital, ask the nurses to show you. When I was in the hospital, there was a 24 hour baby care channel on the TV, so if they have that, you could watch the instruction on bathing your baby.
I know my saying it won't do much to make you feel better, but honestly you will do fine. Congratulations!
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
3 Dec 08
Let me tell you that what you feel is totaly normal. I think I never knew fear before I had my son. It was so many things. What if I drop him, what if I brake his hand or squash his head but look he is 5 and he has all his bones in place. It is normal.
Now I belive that you are going to be shown how to bathe the baby in hospital try and give the baby a bath in hospital so the nurse can show you the right things to do. Also soap is not that important expecialy there is no need to put it directly on the baby (apart from the head) squirt a bit in the water and that way the baby ont slip. Also put the clothes that you take off the baby in the water for suport or a towel.
And remember you dont have to wash the baby every day you can use wash cloth to give the baby a wipe and maby wash it every second day to start with untill you are confident.
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@aprilsue00 (1991)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It is natural for a new mother to worry about having her first child. I know I did. I was scared out of my mind. But as soon as the baby was born everything fell into place. It was like I had been taking care of infants my whole life. The bathing is pretty easy you just have to be careful. Luckily you don't really have to bathe a newborn all that much maybe three times a week. Well I wish you all the luck in the world and I know you will love being a mother.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
3 Dec 08
I did not think about my baby's first bath when i was pregnant... but after i gave birth... i spent three days at my mother's house... and she taught me how to give my baby a bath... it also helped that my husband studied caregiving... and baby baths was one of the things they studied... so he knows what to do...
I guess you should ask advise from your mother and mother-in-law... because for sure they know what to do...
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@NikkiLuvsAlex (319)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I can understand your fears and concerns as far as bathing a newborn baby. I have four children. Congratulations on your baby boy. Newborn babies are extremely slippery during bathtime from the soap and you can easily drop them if you are not careful. The fact that they like squirming around so much during bathtime doesn't help either. I would suggest going to the store and buying one of this little plastic bathtubs that they sell for babies. They are portable and you can place these anywhere. I used to put mine on my bed so that the baby won't get hurt if I had an accidental slip. Try to wash the baby somewhere with carpet or padding underneath so that he can stay safe. When you are going to pick up the baby, have a towel handy. I used to have to hold the child by one arm and immediately wrap them in a towel with the other. Bathtime shouldn't be too much of a problem, just steer clear of areas with hard flooring to avoid any potentially dangerous accidents.
@monismama (16)
• United States
3 Dec 08
I myself didn't really know what to expect. but just as others have told you, most of the 'instinct' will just come to you.
what I did when I had my daughter for bath time was get in the bath tub with her and hold her. i sat indian style and layed her in my lap as i washed her with little water in the bath tub. once she was clean then i would have my mother or sister (for you probably the father of your child if you're still with him mine left me before i had our baby) come and get her out of the bath lotion her up and all that, while i finished cleaning myself. so in a way you have time for yourself as well.
i never used a baby bath, i wouldnt even know where to begin using one of those. lol. i personally believe that taking a bath with your child is HUGE bonding time.... and it also made me feel more comfortable knowing i had more control being in there with her.
but honestly its all up to you and how you feel... it'll all come to you and you will see what you are more comfortable with.... don't worry
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@laila675 (528)
• United Arab Emirates
3 Dec 08
i'm a first time new mom and actually didn't thought about it before i gave birth. It only worried me when the nurse asked me if i know how to bath a baby then i started to think about it. coz in the first place i don't have anyone at my side here as i'm miles away from my mom and in laws. i mean it's just me and my husband only. so to my relief the nurse told me to come and teach me how to bath my baby.
As from my expreince, first thing is that remove all your fears coz will never be able to do it. the nurse thought by holding her by my full left arms supporting her back and holding her in between legs and wash her using your right hands. then turn her amd and do the other side. better to ask assistance so it will be easier for you. and be sure to have everything you need right next to you. just be possitive and everything will go one smoothly. Good luck and congratulations!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
3 Dec 08
Congrats to you. I am 1 week from my delivery. It is with my second child. Bath time was a bit of a worry for me to. But after the 1st weeks it was a breeze. It was easier for me to use the kitchen sink. I felt it gave me better control. Just follow your instincts. I found them to lead me in the right direction.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 Dec 08
nice of people to just kinda ignore yer worries and tell you that yer "instincts" will kick in. how very helpful. being nervous over such things is normal and shows yer going to be an attentve caring parent.. and the more practice you get, the more like breathing itll become for you. my best advce is to get one of those infant tubs that you sit right onto yer counter. it only holds an inch or two of water.. has a molded little bed-type seat for yer baby to lay comfortably in, leaving yer hands free to wipe off a days worth of pee and poop and vomit so that your little one smells all fresh and clean. yes, babies do get horribly slippery when wet and sudsie.. and these tubs are invalueable until they can sit unassisted on their own in the bottom of a big peoples tub with a sponge under their tiny butts so they dont slip. theyre only about 10-12 dollars so getting one wont break you. i ish you luck and happiness, and congrats on yer motherhood to be 

@jadegoat (89)
• United States
4 Dec 08
All new Moms have anxiety about something. AS far as the bath goes just pick up a baby tub and get on of those yellow teddy bear sponges for it. it will cradle your baby while they are in the bath and you control were all the water and soap goes on the baby. Congratulations an you baby. Try to relax and enjoy motherhood. It will come easier than you think.
Mom to 3 human 16,5,4 year old kids and 7 goat kids. :)
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
I felt the same thing you are feeling right now when I was still pregnant. Now my baby is two months old. I was not the first one who bathed him but it was my aunt. She knew how to bath a baby because she already has a 7 year old son. My first time to bath my baby took place on his fifth day. He is already stronger than after the day he was born. As days goes by I was used to bathing my baby so trust your maternal instinct and it won't harm your baby. Just always cover his ears by folding them using your thumb when you bath him/her to avoid water coming to his/her ears. Also don't take too long bathing the baby. 5-8 minutes will do.
@scraperfly (66)
• China
4 Dec 08
Hi, Spoiled311, Congratulations to you! For you will be a mother next year.
I do not have a baby, so i do not have the experience of feeding child. So here i will telling you something about myself when i was i child. I did not like bathing when i was child, just because the temperature of water is too high, my young skin can endure. But i do not know how to tell my parents, for i am so little. They just thougnt i did not like bathing, but did not know why. So when you have the child, pat attention to the water temperature, it is a detail.
@missparanoia (85)
• Philippines
4 Dec 08
I'm 24 now and have two kids. when my first child was born i was scared to hold him, so yes i was even more scared on bathing him. When we arrived home from the hospital i didn't really held him much at first. At first we'd do it both, of course then it would get crowded. Then he bought this plastic tub and baby support_which was such a relief! from there not only have i had the confidence to bath my son by i learned to bath him on my own, i had to learn bathing him alone because dad needs to work, right! the bath support was such a help. Well, i learned that you really don't have to be scared, just be careful. What i do is i prepare the clothes first, the tub(right on the counter with rubber mat under the tub and the bath support in place), the water(warm), then i undress my child and place him on the support. with two hands free, i bath my child with ease.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 Dec 08
It is funny the fears we all have when we are having a baby. I was terrified of bathing my first born, in fact I did not for the first week the nurses in the hospital did. But you know once I did it once it was brilliant and all my fears went away. It is a daunting thought but just go steady and you will be fine I know you will!
@sanjo0679 (225)
• United States
3 Dec 08
When I brought my daughter home from the hospital, I had no idea what I was supposed to do with her. My mother had passed away the previous year, my sister and my friends lived pretty far away. My husband was no use whatsoever even though he had two boys from his previous marriage. Thank goodness his mother and sister were near, otherwise, goodness only knows what I would have done. They taught me how to do everything. When they gave her the first bath, I cried through the whole thing because I was afraid they were going to hurt her. (Gentle women they were not.) It didn't take me long to catch on to everything and I could bathe that baby in a matter of a few minutes even with her screaming at the top of her lungs. Babies don't break, I learned rather quickly. You'll do fine. It's amazing how fast you learn the tasks of motherhood.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
3 Dec 08
I just gave birth a month ago and I also worried the same as you. I have a lot of nephews and nieces. I have seen my sisters give their babies a bath. Well, I thought it was easy but when it was my turn to have my own baby, I was quite afraid because I thought that my newborn baby is very delicate. I might do something wrong. Well, my husband and I did not give him a bath for three days after he was born. The first person to bathe him was my older sister. We asked her to show us how to give him a bath. Now, my husband and I help each other in giving our baby a bath. My husband carries him and I am the one washing him. We cannot still make him lean on the tub because his bones are still sensitive and weak.