Bad Behaving Children
By bestboy19
@bestboy19 (5478)
United States
December 3, 2008 5:12pm CST
Have you seen the commercial where the children are arguing with their mother. Then a man comes on and says "no one teaches you how to be a parent, and children don't come with instructions." When I was growing up, children didn't behave so badly as they do today. Schools didn't need resource officers, and if there were unruly children, either the teacher took care of the matter or the principal did. Have things gone wrong because mothers are no longer at home giving their children parental guidance? Or is there some other reason for the bad behavior of children today?
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13 responses
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
3 Dec 08
Actually, bestboy, I blame Arnold. Okay, not Arnold specifically, but television and popular media that promoted smart-*ss children as heroes who should be emulated. Until the mid-70s, most family sit-coms featured kids who were essentially well-behaved, and though they might occasionally disagree with their parents, they were ultimately respectful, and most of the time by the end of the half-hour, they had learned that their parents had been right all along. Somewhere around the time of Different Strokes, there was a sea-change in that. Parents were hopelessly out of date and stupid, kids were with-it and usually knew best, and the main character who got the most laughs was always the young kid/teen with the smart mouth who put adults in their place. Unlike in earlier shows, where adults usually ended up being right and kids ended up learning their lesson, since the late 70s-early 80s, rude kids rule the airwaves, and real life kids have taken their cue to this as socially acceptable behavior.
This obviously isn't the ONLY reason - but images presented in the popular media and supported by peers and most society can be very difficult to combat, even by very good and consistent parents.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Have you noticed that two of the reruns that have passed the test of time are "The Andy Griffin Show and Leave It To Beaver"? Hollywood does seem to try to influence all of us with their bad behavior and then say they're just reflection society. When these two shows I mentioned were on, there wasn't the bad behavior there is now and actions had consequences whether it was a sit-com or a drama. I agree that television does play a part, but I think children really want to be disciplined. They might put up a fuss when it's happening, but later in life, they'll be grateful that it did.
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Bart Simpson was a dirty word in our house. My rule was NO SIMPSONS ON MY TV - EVER. My brother was living with me when the kids were younger, and he grumbled about it mightily, but since I was paying the cable bill, he accepted it. When I really got fed up with it, I canceled cable and we had no television at all for a few years. My kids aren't angels by any means, but most adults comment very favorably about the courtesy that my (now teen) children show them.
@savak03 (6684)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Hear hear!! You tell em. In my house when my kids were growing up we did not watch programs like the simpson's even if it was done like a cartoon. Of course my kids grumbled about it but now that they are parents they use the same criteria for censoring what their kids watch.

@savak03 (6684)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Actually I haven't seen that commercial but if I had I would have taken umbrage at it. In case you haven't noticed schools are no longer allowed to spank an unruly child. For that matter parents are seriously limited in how they may discipline their children. Therefore it doesn't make any difference if the mother stays at home or goes to work. The government has taken the place of the parents in deciding discipline.
When you think about it realistically, it takes more than one income to provide the necessities of life. I don't think it's fair to say that mothers are not caring for their children properly when they often have no choice but to go out to work.
As far as the the commercials assertion that kids don't come with instructions, I beg to differ. The Bible is full of instructions on how to raise and train our children.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
You would be surprised what you can do with a one income household. When my father retired in the 1980's, his yearly income was less than 20 thousand dollars and this was after working for more than 30 years with this company as an inside salesman. As a child, we tithed, had everything we needed and most everything we wanted, traveled all over the United States, got the house and the add on paid off long before his retirement, and bought a new car every three years. My mother was a stay at home mom.
You are right about the inability to discipline in the schools. I wonder if the ACLU ever thinks about the consequences of their actions or the parents who where so quick to sue a school because they thought teacher was too hard on junior. If the parents had been allow to be harder on junior, maybe teacher wouldn't have had to be and maybe he wouldn't be in jail now. To me it proves that government should butt out.

@Ithink (9980)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I personally think it is a mixture of things and of course it depends on the family and circumstances. I know in our family we had gotten to where we were afraid to put our foot down because of OCY (Office of Children and Youth). We were turned in for swatting our sons butt when he was about 2 because he kept going out into the road. Then they were called by neighbors like every freaking month. So they assumed there really was something going on. It was insane and nerve wrecking!
I finally got smart and denied them entry and so when they came they had to bring our local police who knows us and what we really are like. WE do have a problem child and the officers stuck up for us in court so ... The last time they came was when this problem child said that my hubby was going to hit her with a stick. Problem she had been in lock up for about 5 months. Anyways just having them call on you here raises a red flag and your name is onfile for 1 year. I finally got tired of it like I said thou and told them enough was enough.
However if you get someone that is really scared of them they might never discipline their children. You also have some kids when they dont get their own way threaten to call OCY, so parents give in. Unless your my aunt who in that case told her daughter to go for it and while waiting for them to come, to pack her clothes cause she would be going with them! She never tried that again.
So anyways, the above, along with some of the shows you see (TV is no longer a real good thing), another thing is they have even taken the power from adults in school. Kids are learning there are no boundries in most things that they do.
Some might also be the parents IN SOME families are to busy to pay attention to the kids, be it working or just going out. This is quite common where I live for some reason. Never fail to see kids walking around town even in the middle of the night.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It's a shame that parents are afraid to discipline. I think it should be pointed out to the OCY what has happened to children since they and the ACLU started butting in to families lives. I know that there are some cases when an organization like these is needed, but things have gotten way out of hand. You're right about television. As I said earlier. On the shows we watched when I was growing up, there were consequences for actions taken.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I think that parents nowadays generally have a laxer attitude towards their kids. Let them be kids, and I want to be my child's best friend.. well that seems to be the motto. A best friend cannot dish out punishments as discipline. Voila! In fact nowadays bad behavior is rewarded. I want something, want to go somewhere, I simply cause a ruckus and my parents will give in. I misbehave and I'll get rewarded for stopping my misbehavior. Yep, that's how a kid once laid it out for me.
Now, it's also very difficult to discipline in public, even give a time out, much less a quick smack on the butt. No, people immediately cry abuse. How dare you do that to your child, how dare you sit your child in the corner and won't let it participate in this fun activity. He/she was just having fun and got a bit too excited... yeah! Parents are afraid of the public response. It's a darn if you do and darn if you don't.
In that kind of an environment it's no wonder that some kids think they can do whatever they want. This kind of behavior has always been around. There was always a 'tough' guy in the crowd so to speak. But now it's spread and even kids who normally would do fine are less controllable. Top that with the fact that the schools' ability to act is more and more taken away... well, of course they won't behave there either. If a child is punished in school, you wouldn't believe how parents who otherwise never show up can suddenly stand in the principal's office complaining how unjust their little darling was treated as he/she could not possibly have done what he/she has been punished for...
Part might very well be that the parents are not around as much anymore as they used to, with both parents working. But usually the person responsible for taking care of the child should apply discipline as well. It's not always done there either. It's up to the parents to enforce it. Some parents don't want to disturb the precious time they have with their children... Yes, there is some responsibility, too.
I wonder what effect the economy will have on this as the parents who are unemployed are forced to stay home with the kids and tolerate their behavior more often than usual.. or those who still work, with everything being more expensive, they can't afford to spoil their kids as much anymore as they used to.. they'll have to learn to say no to things, can't offer that many rewards for stopping misbehavior... we might see a shift in what is considered good parenting;)
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Maybe parents who have to stay home with their children will see that the teacher was right and their little darling isn't the little darling they thought they were.
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
4 Dec 08
Of course if the mother or father is outside the house most of the time, it's hard to gt to disciplin the kids.
Plus the rules, the laws are such that you can not punish your kid.
if he's too noisy the neighbour can call 911, so he gets hat he wants and when he wants cause you, as a parent have your hands tied.
And at 14 they can leave the house, the government willtake care of them.If it's a pregnant girl, she'll find assistance and you don't count anymore as a parent.
What tools do you have a sa parent to calm them down?Not much.
They don't care about school, or you, o the house, only what they want.
Pretty hard out there as a parent.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
It's hard but not impossible. You have to let them know (from the beginning) that you love them and you are the boss. If you say "no" it's no, and don't be a parent who doesn't follow through. You give the children mixed signals when you don't follow through on what you say. Children want to be disciplined. I think it shows more love for a child when you do discipline than when you don't. Children need that love.
@auntpondie (172)
• United States
4 Dec 08
the problem in my opinion is that parents cant even spank their children anymore without someone yelling abuse. we have let the children take over and they seem to run around like crazies because noone will do anything about it. i spank my children and get on to them when they are wrong because that is my job. its up to me to make sure my children behave and they know if they dont what will happen. parents have become afraid of the kids rather than the other way around and thats sad. we have shows like "the nanny" on tv telling us how to discipline. its up to us as parents to discipline our children from the begining to prevent all this madness. i hate to see children misbehave in public and the parents do nothing.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I wonder if things are getting so bad now that people are beginning to see what a mistake that was (yelling abuse). As I said, when I was growing up, the teachers disciplined. Now they have resource officers in school.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
3 Dec 08
well, i also wonder why and i can make the comparison.
i guess one reason is that, in families before, most of the time, the mother stays at home and takes care of the children. nowadays, most women work and leave the caring to a helper or a nanny or the grandparents and other relatives. the helper and nanny are sometimes negligent, but the grandparents are usually spoiling the kids. there is no check and balance. most of the time, the kids are no longer obedient to their parents because they don't have a relationship. all they think of their parents are money making machines who earn for them to feed them, buy their clothes, send them to school, and buy all their wants. that is the image that most parents project to their children. little to they know that kids also need their presence more than material provision.
there should be a balance, don't you think?
good day and God bless you! :-)
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I don't understand parents who think things can make up for them not being there for their children. I heard a story about this rich kid whose jet setting parents were always off to somewhere. When he was asked what he wanted for Christmas, he said, "my parents." I believe parents who are there for their children and teach them right from wrong, love their children more than the one who just buy them things.
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
3 Dec 08
Opps You are 57 Guys So Me are only 18 But i agree with you when i was in school we don't do anything bad & wrong only only doing some funny things & we proud ourself my mother also a Prinicipal in School & She Tells me all rules & regulation
have a nice day.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
You should be grateful you have a parent who disciplines. I wonder about the parents who don't. Do they think their children will stop misbehaving when they reach adulthood? They have not been taught to behave. I'm afraid some of those parents are going to be visiting their children in prison and wondering what went wrong.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Well I know from my dad that kids back in your day got the hell beat out of them for being a smart mouth. They have laws against that now. lol. They want you to slap junior lightly on his hand and make him stay in a corner for 5 minutes.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I don't believe in beating the hell out of your children, but I know from experience that a spanking is a good way to discipline some children. I'm very grateful for the discipline I got from my parents. I'd hate to think where I'd be otherwise.
@briggah (171)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Parents are too young and/or they have no control. I grew up with both my mother and father working. In school we were yelled at for even whispering when we were not supposed to be talking. There were a few kids that everyone knew was bad but that was about it.. Seems now adays you have to try and pick the good kids out of the class. I was never hit by either parent and when my father yelled we listened and knew he was serious. We also knew that there may be a chance for him to whip our butts if he wanted too. It never happened but we never tested him to see if it would. So I'd go more towards parents being too young or even single parents. Not much planning is done to have kids. It kinda just happens..
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Many parents today are too young and probably grew up in day care where they didn't have their mother teaching them how to behave. So now these mothers don't know what to do with junior when he gets a little age on him, and they don't want to be bothered because it's hard work rearing a child. Both your parents worked, but they took the time to discipline you. Todays parents either don't take the time or (because they weren't taught by their parents) don't know how to discipline.
@sachinkr9 (140)
• India
4 Dec 08
No I have not seen this commercial. But I can say the bed behaviour of childern are depends upon there atmosphere so parent always try to give there child a better atmosphere
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
The parents who really loves and cares their children will try to give them a better atmosphere. It's sad that some many are not doing that.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
4 Dec 08
i dont know from wich country u r from...but in idnia here problem is same...nt just bad behaviour...children are no more children..they behave like adults...they are no more inocent...its tragic realy...Even i ma nt able to undertand reson..but it may be our telivision...
no it snt mom ar home i thin..because my sister is also at home full time..but my nephew is just disaster...he keep insulting every now n then my if we go their home ...just after sitting there 5 minutes ..he asks us when we are leaving...some time he beat older people than him..his brothers n sisters ...n aunt also for no reason at all..she fell so embrass everytime ...n she dont know how to handle this .:(
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I'm from the United States. How old is you nephew? Your sister needs a firmer hand and the ability to say NO! His family should let him now that there are consequences for his actions. Maybe they could take him to the jail and tell him that's where he's going to end up if continues behaving badly. Whatever they do, they should let him know that he has to abide by their rules as long as he's living in their house.
@scraperfly (66)
• China
4 Dec 08
For now is a open society, children can see and learn much themselves. They are all very little, and can not distinguish right from wrong very clearly. If parents and teachers can not guide them timely, they will in the wrong way. Bnt educating them is not ouly use a rule, diffient childeren can use differnt methods.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Children shouldn't learn for themselves. The parents should be there for them with love, guidance, and discipline. I think parents who don't discipline don't show much love for their children.