I Want To Share A Real Picture Of Human Soul ?Dont See If You Are Afraid Of It ?

@Ganesh44 (5547)
December 4, 2008 1:08pm CST
My Dear Friend With my lots of reasearch finally I can find picture of human soul . I have not added it to the discussion as it can be the property of that website . SO I thought better to give you link of real picture of human soul Please see human soul photograph here (Please dont open if you are afraid of seeing a human soul) http://dangerousintersection.org/?p=535 It is a real picture of human soul ...... Very very less number of people have seen soul before dying ,so today I made you to see human soul alive lol Please/Leave your remarks on it ? Thanks Ganesh
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17 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That's a very inventive piece of art, and on closer inspection I find it rather silly. The sign around its neck says "original sin", implying that babies are born with sin but babies are born with perfect souls. Their elders corrupt them. Have you looked in the religion part of that site? Pretty cynical. Yes, you were funny! I thought I would see some fantastic photo of soul leaving the body, although I knew it would be impossible. Thanks for making me laugh!
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend The picture is took with the help of electron microscopy imaging technology . Yes I agree with you baby's are born perfect I also wonder why such a remark is put on this unique picture of soul . No I do not try to make fun , I was serious about it . Now the question that is in my mind is , why the creator of website inserted such silly remark on such a serious photo ...... Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend Read the first few lines from the website . " Would you like to see an actual photograph of a human soul entering an embryo at conception? Here it is (in a low rez version): ' I think picture is real ,but comments they put has really devalued the hardwork of someone who took this real picture . I am going to contact the owner of this website soon . Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@karubod (603)
• India
5 Dec 08
It seems like a graphic is it real photo..?it has wings..
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend Ohhh the image is taken with the help of electron microscopy technology . The picture is real picture of soul . It is a very rare picture of soul .... Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@karubod (603)
• India
5 Dec 08
hi ganesh ...is there any message to be given in that photo ?actually that soul is having some notice board like thing on the stomach or it is his/her cloths ...by the way it is male or female lol...
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I know that you have responded to others telling them it is real, but to be honest I agree that it is not. The witty commentary is sarcasm really and the other images on the site that the person linked to, well... they are very sickening to be honest, and nothing that I could imagine would be made from a person with religious beliefs. The technology you speak of, while it may be real, does not mean that this photo was taken from it. No offense to you and your beliefs, but I thought I would share my thoughts.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Dec 08
After I first responded to you I saw this on the link that you have provided. It is about the site that the picture originally came from. Pixwit is a collection that is really worth visiting for anyone with a subsersive streak and no fear of hell. As you can see, this text alone makes the site appear to be full of nothing but photos that have been edited. The other photos on this website are sickening in my own opinion. You may email the webmaster, and I hope he can tell you what the picture is of. You can't always believe what you see on the internet.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
Dear Friend I think let us waite for reply form the owner of the webiste showing this photo as I got his email and wrote to him .... The written remarks of website on this particular photo are The first few lines of the website says' Would you like to see an actual photograph of a human soul entering an embryo at conception? Here it is (in a low rez version): " I think we need to have faith in efforts of others ..... Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend The first few lines of the website says' Would you like to see an actual photograph of a human soul entering an embryo at conception? Here it is (in a low rez version): " I have written a email to the owner of the website regarding the same , I will paste the response as soon as I get from him ...I think then only all will agree that picture is real . I wonder why some one will put human soul picture on his website saying it is real .....I think it is real ..... Yes no problems I appreciate you sharing your view ....not a problem you are most welcome .... Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
• United States
5 Dec 08
This is a collection of art. And, on the site it tells you that there are witty captions under some of them. They are NOT real.*S*
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend Just read the starting line on the webpage it says "Would you like to see an actual photograph of a human soul entering an embryo at conception? Here it is (in a low rez version): " Please read it carefully ,save and enlarge the pic ,you will notice ,that electron microscopy technology has been used . Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@savypat (20216)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Joke? right. I do llike the web site, will put it in my favorites, ift should be good for an idea or tow for discussion. Thanks
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
My Dear Friend I am not joking , save the picture on your desktop and enlarge it and read it what is written on it . You will find that it is a real picture of Human Soul . Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
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@babyorchid (1737)
• China
5 Dec 08
hey, Rinku, how are u these days? i am a little busy with my online shop ..so i seldom here now. Real picture of human soul? wow, i dare not to open this link...too timid..lol about soul..i think it's people's mind and spirit. The spirit of what u believe in. If u do believe god exist, then it does. take care best wishes
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Dec 08
Hiii Orchid I am fine ..how is life going at your end ..... Online shop ?? I think I need to have a chat with you on this rather asking here ......lol ..... ha ha ha lol hey dont be so afraid I m sure you would be able to see it yes ..... Yes GOD definelty exists .....GOD is very great yes .... Thanks for your response and such a nice information...! Happy Mylotting Take Care Ganesh
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
11 Dec 08
...looks like 'he's riding on a spermatozoa..
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
5 Dec 08
HA HA HA HA!! Give me a frickin break!! That goes to show people will believe anything! HA HA HA!!!
@Mitraa (3184)
• India
11 Dec 08
Really Ganesh, you have posted a great fun! A soul can never be seen or photographed. As we can never see electricity / software / light etc; soalso we can never see the soul! Be sure of it please! And that thing which is seen, can never be a soul! Thanks!
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That picture is a little strange.
• India
23 Oct 09
It is just clever computer graphics.soul is a non-physical entity.it can never be photographed by any kind of technology certainly not "holygraphic technology".if ur joking then it's ok otherwise if u really believe this is true u need help...
• Malaysia
9 Dec 08
hi ganesh i feel like watching MIB man in black cheers
@arunmails (3011)
• India
8 Dec 08
where it is..... my browser shows that it is a broken link......
• India
11 Dec 08
ya , you are correct. i don't remember the country name, but in that country they researched on finding the human soul. they are succeeded in their research and finaly the find the soul. i already saw that one.....
• India
5 Dec 08
Are you serious now?! Cut the joke…if you are a true Hindu then you must know and believe that the soul is formless, eternal, indestructible, continuous flow of energy. What the picture depicts is an Anglican idea of angels with wings but a queer expression on his face, denoting (maybe) the influence of Satan, too.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I hate to say it but I don't think you can take that picture seriously...if you look at many of the others photos on that Pixwit.com site you'll see none of them are serious and are spoofs..did you for instance she the parody ones of Sarah Palin? This is probably nothing more than something made up with the help of Photoshop--I don't think the soul would be entering at the moment of conception with a sign around it's neck saying original sin, which is a Christian belief
• Philippines
5 Dec 08
haha... well it interests me though and it made me curious that's why I open it... very interesting but I think it is not truly captured... but it is worth pondering for... it was a nice thought... very interesting... üüü