How Much Do You Read
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
United States
December 4, 2008 1:34pm CST
I am a avid reader. How many other avid readers are out here on myLot? How many books do you read in a month? How many in a year? Do you read traditional print books or online e-books? What about magazines? Do you prefer to read them online or in print format?
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41 responses
@naveensingani (61)
• India
6 Dec 08
i won't prefer for reading books. if i feel alone i prefer for reading book. i prefer for the magazines and stories book like horror or thriller stories.....
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Dec 08
You are reading though, so that is good. Thanks for your response.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Dec 08
That's great. Reading everyday is such a wonderful habit to have. Happy reading. Thank you for your response.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Dec 08
well I am an avid reader and sometimes I can read up to 7 books in a week depending how much free time I have since I have kids. LOL I read both ebook and traditional print format. Magizines is a not so much thing for me and I usually read them in print format.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
7 Dec 08
Seven is great. I wish I had time to read seven. I am shooting for one a week for the coming year. I do read a lot of magazines though, both in print and online. I still haven't really tried the ebook thing. I like holding a book in my hands. Thanks for the response.
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@Anne18 (11029)
4 Dec 08
I don't read enough.... I do read loads on the pc, children's school books etc. I don't read magazines, only read the free newspapers that come through the door.
I haven't read many books this year, which is digusting as I used to read at least one or two novels a week, even after having four children.
A few years ago I realised that I hadn't read hardly any books in the year so my new year's resution was to read 52 books the following year. I did it over the year as some weeks I have more time to read and if a book is really good I can read it in a couple of days. Now I got to 46 books, which was very good as the year before i only read about three books!
Now this hasn't happened since so I'm going to do it again next year, try and read 52 books, my aim is to at least beat 46. I keep a list and a comment about what I thought ot the book. They are going to be print formant as I do like to read in bed and our pc is not a lap top
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
4 Dec 08
You gave me a great idea. I too used to read more than I do now. I think I will also challenge myself to read 52 books in the coming year. We can do it. Mine too will be in print form, as I don't have a laptop either. I read a lot of artilces online from a content site that I write for occasionally, but I am missing reading the amount of books I used to read. So maybe we can team up for this 52 week challenge?
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
6 Dec 08
Last year it was my resolution to read more and I have to proudly say I kept that one.
Because I do not have as much time as I would like and I have to get some sleep for my job I try to read on average two books a month. It depends on the book. The ones I am reading now by nicholas sparks I can kick out in one to two days. So sometimes I average 3-4 in a month.
I like to read traditional books. I checked out the e-books stuff and it's not for me. As a hopeful future writer I have to admit I love to look at the jackets on books and read all the bios with their pictures...I am a sucker for the traditional when it comes to writing.
I subscribe toWriter's Digest and Glamour mag....covers everything a woman my age should know in the world fro fashion to news to publishing...
I wish I knew how many I read in a lifetime.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I agree, reading does help inspire us in our writing. I also subscribe to Writer's Digest and several other magazines. I too love reading the jackets and author bios. E-books just don't compare, in my opinion. I'd like to know how many books I've read in my lifetime too. Wouldn't that be interesting to know. Thank you for your response.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I read our paper online (the local news), lol. I love classic literature as well. I especially love Charlotte Bronte. I almost always end up losing myself in whatever book I am devouring at the moment. Thanks for your response.
@shonali (1286)
• India
5 Dec 08
oh i used to read a lot since my school days ...from enid blyton to hardy boys and nancy drew books, and then i came into college so i was allowed to read adult novels like those of sydney sheldon, daniel steel, robin cook, grisham, dan brown(recently) i love nicholas sparks romantic novels out of which three have been turned into movies.... i loved to read and still do love it but dont read too often now a days as i should say that there are a lot of other things on my mind now other than books.... thats how grown ups speak i guess...but i do read whenever i do get some time..mostly when im travelling as i travel a lot.... but reading is a very good habit... your imagination and creativity becomes much better by reading and i always advice all my friends to start reading even they hate reading !!
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I understand that. It's great you encourage your friends to read. I have several friends/relatives that I try to inspire to read. Thanks for your reply and happy reading.
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I love to read. I would say, I average 2-3 books a week, depending on how hectic my schedule and the length of the books. I would usually read before I go to bed, during my lunch break at work, and whatever free time I have. I prefer books in print, though once in a while I would read an e-book if I cannot get a copy of it in print or if it is not available in print. Add to that I usually finish 1-2 audiobooks a week, that I listened to while driving back and forth to work daily. So that would be a total of 3-5 books a week.
I don't read magazines nor newspapers. I'm on a constant diet of fiction books, and my current addiction is paranormal romance novels. Still my reading taste is pretty eclectic and I would pretty much read anything that I find interesting.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
4 Dec 08
You go girl. That's a lot of books. I want to try to print an e-book, but not sure it it is worth the cost of paper and ink. I too have very eclectic tastes in reading material. My favorite though is historical romance...with actual historical details. Happy reading.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Thanks for the advice on the e-book reader. Two of my favorites are Bertrice Small and Linda Lael Miller. Yours?
@wayz12 (2059)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I wouldn't recommend printing out an e-book. Download a good reader like Adobe Digital Editions and just read it on your laptop or computer. The cool part is that you can adjust font sizes, and it doesn't really have that much of a glare.
Who are you favorite historical authors?
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Dec 08
printed books of course
I get 3 books at a time at the liabrary and I get to keep them 3 weeks most of the time I get them read before time.
They are pretty thick so takes awhile and lately I have got ones I have already read and I just think they are new.
GUess I will have to find more Authors that I like!
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I know what you mean...I have to keep finding new authors as well, because I've read all the old ones have written. I love the library but hardly get to go, as it is a quite a distance from me. Glad you love to read too my friend.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Dec 08
i love to read. besides my wonderful family and friends, it's the one thing that brings me true pleasure. i don't read magazines much, and i don't do to much online reading. i like to go to the book store and find something i want, buy it and just dive right in. i would say i read at least 3 books a week. that depends on my work week. but i try to get in at least 3 a week
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That's great. Do you buy new or used books? Books have gotten so expensive I often have to buy used to support my habit, lol. Thanks for responding.
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@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I don't have much time to read because my kids and my job. I'm lucky if I can get one a month.
Although, I do keep a look out for books on CD. I deliver pizzas, and if I find the book I want to read on CD, I pop that into my CD player and "read" it that way.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I know, sometimes our busy schedules make it difficult to find time to read, but I still try to make the time. It's great you are able to listen to books on CD though. Thanks for the response.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I love to read but generally only have time to read about one book a week. I prefer paperbacks but I asked for a Kindle for Christmas. Presently reading "The Perfect Summer" by Luanne Rice and "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. I'm usually much more of a mystery fan but I always make an exception for Luanne Rice and I'm reading "Twilight" to see what all of the hype is about. Really not into magazines that much but when I do read them, I prefer print format.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I heard "Twilight" is a great book, but the movie is subpar. It is one I am looking forward to reading. I like print magazines over online as well. I fear the furture is going the way of online though. Thanks for the response.
@kitttenskysong (676)
• United States
4 Dec 08
I can get through at least twenty a month, but then I read more than one book at a time. I like print books, because I can't afford any ebooks and I have a lot of print books.
I also listen to them on cd
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
4 Dec 08
Thats alot, you sound like me, lol. I prefer print as well, not only because of the cost, but I love holding a book in my hands. It's relaxing. Thanks for responding.
@kitttenskysong (676)
• United States
4 Dec 08
There is nothing like holding a book in your hand. But I've liked to be read to since I was a baby, that's why I like books on CD.
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@gtdonna (1738)
6 Dec 08
You are so much liek me, I read 20 or even more...everywhere I go, from bed ot bathroo, even if is it just to the supermarket, I have a book with me. Sometimes, I have a book in virtually eveyr room of the house and in my laptop bag as well as my desk at work. So that means, in the space of a day I can read one book or parts of several books.
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@thecrazyjogger (3178)
• India
4 Dec 08
ewll normally with university its 2 books a month
otherwise its 4 to 5 books a month!
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That's a good amount. I know it's hard to read for pleasure while in school. Thanks for the response.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
"Twilight" is on my list of want to reads. I am currently in between books, but the next one will probably be "Highland Bride", by Bertrice Small. 28 is a good number of books. Thanks for your response.
@kylanie (1205)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I read quite a bit they used to tell me that I could read a book in a days time but I need to find one that will keep my interest wether it be mystery or romance I think they are mostly the same and I can read for hours never heard of ebooks but will check it out thanks.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I love historical romance, with actual history, the best. I also enjoy a good mystery. I too can read for hours. Thanks for your response.
@Charente (113)
5 Dec 08
I love to read also. If I'm reading for pleasure, I like to read print books or even listen to audio books. I read I guess about 6-8 books per month. I don't read magazines much. I generally just flip through them and may be just read an article or two if it is about something that interests me.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
6-8 books a month is great. I had no idea how many book lovers we have here at mylot. I think it's fantastic. I don't listen to audio books, but may have to give them a try one of these days. Thanks for responding.
@halynn (1809)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I too am an avid reader. I read a lot of books. I enjoy all different kinds too. I also like reading magazines. I like Good housekeeping & other magazines like that. I can read 2 mid size books a week (if i'm no too busy). I read traditional books, i've actually never read an ebook.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I prefer traditional books as well. It's too hard to read on a computer screen. The words seem got get all jumbled for me. Besides I like the feel of holding a book as I read. I read magazines both in print and online though, because articles are short. Thanks for your response.
@laura850511 (108)
• China
5 Dec 08
I haven't bought books for a long time,because I find reading on line is very convenient and save money~ But the feeling is different from reading in hand.
I remembered the old time in school,the books either bought or borrowed attract me deeply~Sometimes I read it until wee hours, But now it doesn't happened!
In fact,I yearned for those days~~
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
You should pick up a book again. There is a certain magic in holding and book in your hand, reading, and turning the page. Thanks for your response.
@saichandtalluri (1486)
• India
5 Dec 08
i read more storey books and puzzles because i love them very much on the internet also i spend much time solving puzzles
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Story books are good. It's good you can read on the internet. What type of puzzles do you like? Thanks for your response.