That's just dumb.
@camomom (7535)
United States
December 5, 2008 8:00am CST
Do you have a child in elementary school? When do they have recess? At my stepsons school they have recess and then go to lunch. There have been times when he comes home from school and asks for snacks because he didn't eat lunch at school. His excuse is usually that he doesn't have time to eat because they were late coming in from recess. He has said that he just wasn't hungry once. He gets free lunch but he shouldn't waste the food regardless. We just think it's crazy that they get recess before lunch. We feel that they should get lunch and then IF they have time to go for recess, then they get recess. We think eating is more important then playing. Yes, excersize is important but not on an empty stomach. Kids need nourishment to help them focus and learn. What are your thoughts and how do things work at your childs school?
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11 responses
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 Dec 08
What time do they get in from lunch?
In my years in elementary, and until now. They still let us out for lunch at 11:30am and we come back and start classes at 1pm. I think it's ok for that because we eat out.
There's nothing wrong with 11:15 if they still start their classes at 1pm. Plus as you said, there's recess so it's ok to come home at 4pm. We also had recess in the afternoon at around 2:40pm, it was only for a couple of minutes.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
My stepson has lunch at 11:20 to 12:20. I actually don't know if that includes recess or not. They get out of school at 3:05pm.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I think I'd be more against recess right after lunch. Running around like wild people immediatly after eating isn't good, they could get themselves sick to their stomachs.
@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That is how it is here and how I had recess when I was in school. No one ever got sick as far as I know. Food gives you energy and recess lets you work off a little of it before to return to class all hyper.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I understand that they have to split up the lunches, it does make sense but you'd think they'd have another way to do it. I think eating should be the priority. They eat, they get energy, they play, they burn off some energy, they go back to class, they learn better.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 Dec 08
It actually depends what time they have their recess, I've gone through my elementary and high school years with the same recess time and it doesn't really have any impact on my lunch (so does my brothers and everyone I knew who's in school).
Our recess was around 9am and it's over by 9:20am, so it's such a short time to be eating something that could make you too full. Usually it's just a sandwich or some chips. It has been like that ever since, I don't think it's the school's problem on your step son's case. Maybe he just doesn't like eating during lunch time, instead he'd rather play or something. Perhaps their recess is too heavy too.
But as far as I'm concerned, there should be a recess in the middle of the day because we all need breaks too, specially for these kids who aren't really disciplined enough to stay put for several hours straight, they need something to break the routine so that they won't end up bored and unable to concentrate.
Happy Mylotting!

@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
He starts school at 9am and gets out at 3:05pm. He gets lunch and I think recess at 11:20 to 12:20. I agree that there should be recess, I never said they shouldn't have recess. I just think it should be after lunch. It's only happen a couple of times that they came in late from recess and he didn't have time to eat. It's not his doing if the teachers don't bring them back inside in time for lunch. When he has the time, he does eat and usually wants seconds.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Since there are so many classes, they have to schedule things accordingly. They don't want all the classes on the playground at the same time. Plus they have to plan around each classes other activities such as specials etc.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with recess just before lunch, actually you would think all that running around would make them even hungrier. It does with my kids anyways. Perhaps he just doesn't have a midday appetite.
My kids have no appetite at all in the evening. Some kids have no appetite at breakfast. It's the way their metabolism works, they only have an appetite when their body needs energy. So perhaps he just has no appetite midday for the most part.
With my kids, since they have no appetite in the evening, they won't eat much of their dinner. Then of course at breakfast the next morning they're starving, so they eat a very large breakfast. Aside from the school lunch, and perhaps a snack at school, they don't eat anything else, so there's no reason for them not to be hungry at supper, which keeps getting later and later in the day in hopes they'll eat it. It's just the way their bodies work, they only need nurishment in the morning.
I'm the opposite. I won't eat a single thing all day until at least lunch time, even then it won't be much, but come dinner time I can't seem to stop eating.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
5 Dec 08
My son never wants to eat breakfast, half the time he barely touches his lunch, and by the time he walks through the door after school he is starving and wants to eat the rest of the night. I am like you Katsmeow, I don't eat much in the morning and then I am hungry all night.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
Food gives you energy. I don't think they should go back to class with all that energy to distract them from their lessons. He only gets in trouble at school after lunch. He's never gotten in trouble at school before lunch. He eats lunch and gets all his energy built up and has nowhere to put it. He needs to do something with it before going back to class.
What about the kids with health conditions, like diabetes? They shouldn't go out and play and let their blood sugar go low and then eat to try to fix it. They should eat a healthy lunch to stabalize their blood sugar or maybe raise it a little bit and then go out and play and regulate it. My fiance was told to NEVER excersize without eating first.
My stepson has a huge appetite all day long unless he's upset about something, so that's not the case for him. He asks for snacks and seconds for every meal at home. He's also hyper and energetic all the time unless he's sick.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
6 Dec 08
In our school we have also recess before lunch. Our classes start at 7:00 and will end in 3:00 in the afternoon. They are spending 8 hours in school, thinking and analyzing different subjects and we must admit that too much thinking will make us hungry that's why we have recess in the morning around 9:30 am and lunch breaks around 12:00 pm. This way, we are catering the needs of the students physically and mentally. There are really times when they are coming late because there are too much students to be accommodated at the canteen. Try to analyze the schedule of your son. Maybe, there are still few subjects between recess and lunch and try to take a look at the canteen and the school's population. This way, you will know better why your son was not able to eat at school.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
There are no subjects between recess and lunch. They are back to back. He's only in 2nd grade so they only have basic subjects. He starts school at 9am, recess and lunch at 11:20 to 12:20 and home at 3:05. I want him to have recess and lunch just in the opposite order.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
That's exactly my thoughts on the issue. That's why I think they should eat first and then play.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
5 Dec 08
Oh I'm so glad you brought this up. My daughter's school does things weird too. They have lunch first for a half hour (sometimes less), then they go back to class for a half hour and then they have recess, yet another half hour. When we were little I thought we had an hour for lunch and then we went right to recess. My daughter is always complaining that there wasn't enough time to eat all of her lunch.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
We always went to lunch for 45 minutes(including recess). We would have to eat first and then if we had time we could go play until it was time to go back to class. I see nothing wrong with it that way. I don't understand the break in between that you mentioned, That is strange.
@miraclefreebies (3043)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I think it is kinda backwards. To me both food and exercise is very important for kids, and anyone else, but like you said, they should eat first before they go and play. It just makes sense because running around on an emptying is just not good for a child's health. They should make sure the kids eat first before they play. I was very dizzy at times from not eating, but now I make sure I eat first because I get active for the day.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I agree that it isn't healthy for them. I think maybe this is why so many kids have diabetes and hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Their blood sugars don't know what to do with the scr*wy ways the schools are doing things. I remember in school being very weak and tired before lunch. After lunch I'd be just fine.
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
5 Dec 08
That does sound ridiculous. I wouldn't want my child to starve. If my son doesn't eat at a particular time and make sure I offer food untill he eats. I agree that should move the time for recess to another time. Lunch is more important for a growing child.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
I agree, thank you. I think excersize and blowing off steam is important also but they have to eat
@cadman1 (96)
• United States
5 Dec 08
I completely agree. Our bodies naturally need food for energy so it only makes sense to eat before playing. I know there is a problem with the scheduling and coordination at some schools when it comes to lunch and recess, but I totally agree that they should always schedule the lunch first. If I was you I would start a petition with other parents with children at that school and try to get a change in place. If enough parents threaten to remove their children from the school, then they would most likely comply because the less students, the less funding you get.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
6 Dec 08
THANK YOU!!! I agree with you 100%. My problem is that he's not legally my stepson yet. No one at the school wants to listen to me.