Favoritism in the household

@lumenmom (1986)
United States
December 9, 2008 9:31pm CST
How do you feel when you see clear cut favoritism in your household or among certain relatives? I live in the house with my daughter 6, my sister and her 4 children 12, 10, 9 and 8, my dad and his wife. It is so clear who the favorites are and it sickens me to see how differently everyone is treated. Of the children, my sister's oldest daughter and youngest daughter are favored. I must admit the oldest is a good girl, rarely causing any trouble but the youngest is a bully and ALWAYS does mean and hateful things to get everyone else in trouble. She's very proud of her mean nature. She is smart enough to be sneaky so she's not caught in a lot of things but she is caught in enough and she's allowed to get away with everything. My sister's middle daughter gets the brunt of everything. She has ADHD and they won't get her medicine which she needs. That causes her behavior to be off the hook and yes, she can get on your nerves but she literally gets blamed for EVERYTHING and gets yelled at and spanked several times every single day. Her mother talks to her like she can't stand her. Grandma is the same way. They both treat my daughter very badly also. My child is very good, I have never had the teacher call from school and every parent that has had my child has said she is a good influence on their children. This is mainly because she is sensitive and acts like an old soul. But in this house she can do nothing right and they go out of their way to hurt her feelings. I know you can't always treat everyone the same but I hate that the kids are treated so differently.
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8 responses
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
10 Dec 08
From my experience, favoritism creates major problems when the children get older. Perhaps you should have a talk with the other adults in the household and work out a way for the favoritism to stop. I know it can be very hard, but all children should be treated the same.
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@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I can see where it would cause problems as they get older. It is already starting to happen as the 3rd child is starting to get very resentful and she comes to me a lot asking what did she do so wrong, or why did she get a spanking. She now knows she is always the one singled out and in her frustration she's starting to yell and scream more which gets her into more trouble. She's the main one acting out at school. Her disposition is more cynical whereas before she was more carefree. Whenever I try to speak up for her I am accused of defending her. I am really worried about her. As far as my daughter it is a constant battle because my sister and her mom (my stepmom) resent the closeness of me and my daughter so they do and say things to"put her in her place". Fortunately she has me to help her deal with those "darts" but they still hurt.
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• United States
18 Dec 08
There is nothing wrong with having a closeness with your children/child. And favoritism is something that unfortunately happens when there are more than one child involved. But, what I find sad is that with the one child, you allow them to be a lil irresponsible most of the times and allow them to tell you what they are and is not going to do! Sometimes talking to a child as an adult, is something that needs to be watched more carefully, for as they might, the child, in turn think that they are one! As for the mother who may be a lil hard on the "third" child, may not see that at times, that she is. But, what she do see is that the child may be so sneaky, conniving, and so stubborn, that she may get a lil frustrated easily with that child more, seeing that there are more than just the one. As I said before, unfortunately, favoritism is something that will happen in every household rather they want to believe it or not. We are human, not saying it is right, but, it do arise!
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
10 Dec 08
That disgusts me that your sister won't get that medicine for her daughters condition. It's something that she really needs. I guess there isn't much you can do about everyone else's behavior but you could get you and your child out of that house immediately. I wouldn't stand for them treating my child like that.
• United States
18 Dec 08
This is the step-grandmother talking now.....the sister is waiting on a medical card so that she can pur her kids back on the medicine and this sister knows that....also her daughter is no angel either....she is sneaky...lies and also starts trouble when her mother is not looking.....she talks back to her mother, tells her to be quiet and various other little things. She does whoop her child when she don't want to bother specially if she is on the computer and the child is asking her questions and she never mentioned that I do a lot for her and her child.....I am the one with the house that they live in....one that put food on the table for them to est....one to keep the gas and electric on so that she can use this computer to do whatever so called money she is making on it....she never mention that her husband is the one that got her to be a panhandler, hussler, beggar....while he do his thing in the streets and leave her and the baby homeless....and no I will not see her in the streets as long as I got breath and a home to share.....I got 10 grandchildren and I do show favorite to the oldest granddaughter....I have no job living on my disabled husband income from social security......and this is the thanks and graditude that she is chowing me and her father.....also the time that when her child was little I brought the bady a pind one piece snow suit and her daddy sold it and other items in the home for his purpose......now tell her what should she do about a three times (that he left her)to do about that? I don't ask her to do nothing but to keep the place clean and she don't do that cause she is looking at the other sister to do it because yes she has 4 kids to her one......they all should be keeping the house spotless....the other daughter do work and have a car....and she do some things with her kids.....now I know who the corparate is in this house they all need to get out and leave me and my husband alone to enjoy our last final days together...she needs to get a job and quite complaining about what she and her child don't have....if she can sit at the computer all day and write about all this she can get a sit down job and provide for she and hers......and I know this is going to cause a big flare up but she started this discussion....and not facing her reality of life...
@prasanta (1948)
• India
10 Dec 08
What's really new about it. It was, it is and it will remain. Actually, certain things we need to connive at. That is the secret of happiness.
@prasanta (1948)
• India
24 Dec 08
Dear friends, I am very much on the topic -- "Favoritism in the household". I am telling it is very common, found almost everywhere. Thus, we should not care for it. Clear? Good lies in that attitude only. Otherwise, we will be frustrated.
• United States
10 Dec 08
What on earth are you talking about?
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I want to reply to this but I am not sure what the message is.
@shonali (1286)
• India
10 Dec 08
i guess there is some kind of favourism in each and every houseold.... sometimes its major...sometimes its minor....and veryr arely its not there at all ..... there is favourism in my house too...but its of a different kind...and in a different way ....it has always effected me but not anymore.... cos i dont give a damn anymore.... i am the only child so my family consists of mom , dad, me.... now you will be wondering how there can be favourism in such a household..... we are basically from another state currently settled in a different state...so we have no one here that we can call relatives.... just friends..... more the reason not to have favourism..... but my dad is one of a kind..... he is very attached to his family.... meaning his brothers and sisters (lookin at him i thank god im the only child) and also their children..... now these are 3 brothers out of which my dad is the 2nd son....so there is one elder and one younger...... the eldest ones daughter and me dont get along where as the youngest ones daughters and i get along.... we are the outgoin party people...where as the other cousin is a studious freak or nerd..... so every one likes her and no matter what mistakes she makes they go unnoticed anyways.... and most of the time we get blamed for any mistake as its kind of taken for granted that if there is any mistake happening then its definately our fault as we are the so called black sheep... she was always favoured more than us by everyone...but now things have changed....and changed for the good...i clearly mentioned to dad about all the favourism that was happening till date and how i was burdened with it and so he realised his mistake and has stopped with all that blaming me-complimenting her routine :)
@shonali (1286)
• India
10 Dec 08
well for me i knew there was hope somewhere but i dint know when i would get the result..... of my wait but i guess it finally paid off..i dont do anything.... absolutely nothin.... and my dad now hates that family he used to talk so high about cos now they have betrayed him in so many ways ..... we used to keep telling him that no matter what your family is always family..... but he never used to bother..... now he is bothered and that makes me happy :)
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
10 Dec 08
Gosh, you described to a tee the attitude here. I am so sorry to hear you had to go through that. It is painful to be black sheep and definitely not good for one;s self esteem. I am glad things have changed for the better for you. Maybe there is hope here but right now I cannot see it because people don't want to see the error of their ways.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Dec 08
We not only see it we deal with it on my husbands side of the family. Our children have never been really been nice to by his parents or family. They never got the presents that the other grandchildren got or get. In fact about a week ago, one of my teens asked me why they didnt get Christmas gifts from them but his sisters and brothers kids do. I actually didnt have an answer without being mean so I didnt say anything. She asked again and I said, "You would have to ask them". I figure she is now 16 and maybe she should ask and let them know how she feels. In our home I really try not to play favorites with any of them. I do believe however that there will be times that certain ones need some time with just mom or dad. That there is times that you can share something with one only. Just make sure you dont exculde the others if they want to join in or make time for the others in something they enjoy too. Yes it can be hard but it needs to be done.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
11 Dec 08
We have dealt with this for almost 25 years so as adults we just dont have much to do with them even if they are his parents. He will still go over and help with things when they ask thou. Guess parents are always your parents. It does make you mad to see your children hurt. What these people dont seem to realize is that one day the children are able to show how they feel. With mine they dont really want anything to do with them and they dont take the grandbabies (which is then their great grandbabies over) to see them. There just isnt that family feeling with them. I feel it is their lost.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
11 Dec 08
Gosh I am sad to hear your children go through that.It amazes me how cruel people can be. I already know this Christmas is going to be something to behold because step-grandma came into some big money and she's already mentioned things she will be getting for certain grandkids. when she talks about going shopping she tries to make sure I am not around. I know her capacity for favoritism in this area.... when they were all much younger she went out and bought all the kids some nice pj's and house shoes, that is all but my daughter. She brought the bag out and pulled out something for each child (at the this time the girl who is being treated badly now was one of the favored). My daughter was the youngest (about 2) but she understood she did not get anything. She asked grandma, "where's mine?" Grandma had the audacity to say they did not have any in her size. My feelings were hurt for my daughter but there was nothing I could do but be angry.
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@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
10 Dec 08
While I was reading your discussion, I felt that my heart seemed to break in pieces. Admittedly, I do have a soft spot for children in my heart. In fact, I was so fond of little kids that I was even assigned in the NKP Department (Nursery, Kindergarten, Preparatory) when I applied and was hired for a summer job for 2 consecutive summers. Aside from this, my spouse and I decided that I resign from my work as a branch accountant so that we'll be able to have a child. Thankfully, I got pregnant after being married for more than a year. In particular, I want to revolt against the malpractices of elders in your house towards the child with ADHD. On top of this, I feel sickening by the fact that he or she is even yelled at, spanked, and blamed by elders. Children who have illnesses or diseases, aside from ADHD, should be treated more delicately because they are experiencing difficult childhood already. I must admit that I myself have seen and experienced the effects of favoritism in our household. From various stories told by elder relatives, I've learned that my dad preferred a boy for their firstborn. I'm the eldest, by the way. I guess this is the reason why my gap with my younger brother is less than a year. I saw pictures of my dad and my younger sibling which were more in number than pictures of my dad and me. Up to present, he seems to be treated as the eldest child and his decisions seem to undermine that of mine. Also, he never cooks his food and he is even served by our mom and younger sisters as if he was a customer in a 5-star hotel. Further, my youngest sister became a spoiled brat because of the defective disciplinary actions made by our parents. I was sent by my parents to school here in the city ever since kindergarten with my aunt's family. As a result, I endured more discipline with them but I am grateful for this. But since I couldn't return the past and relive it once again, I just live with it. There are still more instances where I suffered from favoritism from relatives but it will hurt me even more if I try to recall them all over again, leading to mental torture. I just hope that all of these things shall come to pass and will be eliminated in the soonest possible time.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
10 Dec 08
You bring up another aspect of this that also goes on in this family....the favoritism of the males over the females. I have two brothers (one step and half) and the sun rises and sets on them. The baby brother had a child (she's now 3) who comes over all the time and only because she is his she is automatically treated like a queen. She is the "other favorite". My sister has 3 girls and one boy, but her boy has severe ADHD and gets treated bad as well. Both the the boy and girl are better on meds, but if they are not on meds there are ways to interact with them to help them focus, ex. giving one task at a time, not too long doing one task, etc. I took the time to educate myself for them but when I try to share and explain things, I am being too soft. They believe wholeheartedly in spanking (beating?) these kids. They mainly treat him bad because they expect him to recall things like normal people. I am noticing that he's lashing out more and more because of how he's treated.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
11 Dec 08
I've seen this type of extreme favoritism before...I hate it! I know how you feel. Maybe some of the family don't realize how extreme the problem has become.Maybe you could sit all the adults dowm and tell everyone how you feel and what you see.Maybe they will express their own feelings but they'll realize a little more how they are acting. Maybe you could suggest a way for everyone to handle problems with the children the same way and as a unit. Good luck..this is a tough situation.
@Thumper11 (662)
• United States
10 Dec 08
That is so sad that the children are treated that differently. I am not a parent yet, but I don't think that I could ever treat any of my children different than the others. I can't even treat my animals different. I hate making a difference in them. If one gets a treat, they both do. I can understand adults treating adults differently, but children will suffer from this difference for the rest of their lives. How Sad!
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
10 Dec 08
I have always heard people talk about this type of treatment in families but this is the first time I have seen it up close and personal. I am a firm believer in fairness and equal treatment, at least to the best of one's ability but it is sad to see this disparity in the home.