famous sicilian locations

@eric_v_b (261)
December 11, 2008 12:14pm CST
Please share some of those beautiful Sicilian places you have visited in your lives. From the seaside, to the temples, to the volcanos, and not forgetting the gorgeous cities.
3 responses
@pino_s (25)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
I have walked on top of Mount Etna, the view from up there is beautiful, you can see the sea and many small villages. I have to say that it was one of the best experiences in my life.
@eric_v_b (261)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
I have also been there and you are absolutely right, the view there is quite magnificient. Have you seen all the destruction that the Etna caused; there is a village completely covered by lava, you can only see the church tower.
@vito_s (34)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
I have seen that destroyed village, it is pretty astonishing to see such destruction; nonetheless people still live around it. The land around that volcano is some of the richest in Sicily, many things are grown near there.
@pino_s (25)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
Yes, I was there too, but I did not really stop to look, I was passing by there with my bus, but we couldn't stop and get out to walk around until we got to a certain point. One day I will go back and then I will check it out.
@vito_s (34)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
Have you ever seen Palermo at night with all the lights illuminating the city, it is simply beautiful. Actually all of Sicily's big cities are gorgeous at night.
• United States
11 Dec 08
I have not seen Palermo at night, but I was in Siracusa once and the night was beautiful there. All the city lights reflected over the water; from the sea, it looked like a real mirror.
@eric_v_b (261)
• Canada
12 Dec 08
Vito is absolutely right, all Sicilian cities are beautiful at night, especially when everything it lite up. Nonetheless, I like it better during the day, when there is all the action going on.
@pino_s (25)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
After what you just wrote Benny, it reminded me so much of Siracusa; I really miss it, one day I will go back. You are right, that city is very nice at night, but during the day it is even better with all the people in it.
• United States
11 Dec 08
The "Valle dei Templi" in Agrigento is by far one of the most beautiful places in Sicily, it is amazing to see such historical artifacts like those ones still standing today. Did you know that outside of Greece, Sicily is the place where you will the most Ancient Greek artifacts.
@pino_s (25)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
Yes, I have been there once, it is quite astonishing to see all those ancient greek temples on those hills. It makes you think alot, because these people were able to build structures that still stand today, and nowadays people can hardly build things that last 50 years.
• United States
11 Dec 08
Haha, you are right, these days people can hardly keep buildings from standing more then a couple of decades. But that is the American mentality, why build something once, when you could build it cheap and make money, and make more money when you have to rebuild it.