What cough mixture do you use?

@Anne18 (11029)
December 11, 2008 3:23pm CST
Some of you will know that I have had a cold/cough bug this week. The children have been coughing as well. I always take Convina cough mixture, husband swears by Meltus and we always use Tixilix for the children. What cures or helps your cough?
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15 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Dec 08
When I have the cough from a cold I use one of two things. One is honey and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with some hot water or the herb horehound in a tea with honey and lemon juice. They both work well for me. Most people don't like the taste of horehound in a tea but I have grown to like it. You can also get horehound candy this time of the year around here and it tastes better than the tea and I believe works just as well. i don't like to take over the counter cough syrups because they can make you sleepy.
@suzzy3 (8341)
15 Dec 08
We always try to get Benlin if we can it coats your throat and stops you coughng almost at once.Venos is very good if you hot it up it works a treat,those are the two we use the most and also vicks is very good as well.My daughter used tixylix for her little ones as she says that works very well.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 Dec 08
i always make it mandatory for children to have chicken soup in the mornings,in winter.they are more susceptible to get cold,as they to go to school and there are different type of children there.we use corex for adults and tixilix for chidren.
@Humbug25 (12540)
14 Dec 08
Hello Anne18 I too use Tixilix for the kids as it is the only thing that seems to work for them so that they can have a decent nights sleep. I will use anything that I can lay my hands on that is lurking in the medicine cabinet but normally opt for vicks!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Robitussin and hot honey lemon tea. I also eat lots of soup.
@rrowenaa (834)
• Philippines
12 Dec 08
I hope you're feeling well now Anne. I seldom get cough or colds. But whenever i have it, i'll just drink calamansi juice and more water. I don't rely on cough mixtures that much.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Dec 08
thanks so much for best response my friend
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Dec 08
vicks voporub, it is amazing, kills the cold right away.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
12 Dec 08
I still like Watkins, works for me sand my whole family like it.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
12 Dec 08
MOst of the time, i'll be using, Woods.. hehe ^_^ But most of the time, it does not work for it.. lol =D It works for my family that thus that's the standard we have in the family.. And so if i have a cough, i will let it self heal and forcing out all the phelgm inside me, drinking lots of warm water as well as keep exercising till i'm short of breath.. hehe ^_^ Though it's dnagerous, but that's the only way for me to cough out all my phelgm in the most natural way.. haha
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
12 Dec 08
I don't think we have any of those brands here in the U.S. Usually if we have a cough we'll just use cough drops. I love Ricola cough drops. We do have Robitussin cough medicine in the cabinet but it doesn't seem to work very well.
• Australia
11 Dec 08
I usually just ride it out I think medicines cure one thing and interfere with another part of your body but I do enjoy sipping lemon and honey drinks .Honey is a wonderfull healing agent. cheers.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
12 Dec 08
Buckley's. It tastes awful and it works is the truth! I've always thought that the reason it's so effective is because you're afraid to cough again if it means tasting anymore of the awful stuff. It smells like hair dye to me. Yuck!
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
12 Dec 08
My child have been coughing for around three weeks now and now I got the cold myself, I hate winter for this. However I gave her lots of syrups given by the doctor and honey with warm water which helped her a lot. The worst time is when she is sleeping, she will start caoughing all night, I used to wake up several times in a night, where I gave her to drink, rubbed her vicks but sometimes with no results.
@Thumper11 (662)
• United States
11 Dec 08
My dad always mixed up a hot toddy for me and to this day I use them... about a tablespoon of honey, about a shot of whiskey... for a child.. use half a shot.... some lemon juice... about a tablespoon... and some water, just enough to help you mix this.... Make sure that the water is hot.. mix it all together good. The honey will help it coat your throat and sooth you. the whiskey will help the cold/ cough.... the lemon juice helps the cold... and the water makes it easy to drink. It's very good. I have made it and had to substitute things.. I had to substitute lime juice for lemon juice, moon shine for whiskey.. but it usually works pretty well.