Rant Alert: Really Ticked Off
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
December 13, 2008 6:13am CST
Okay folks...this is a rant as I'm so pissed off. Being on disability benefits can really suck. I try to supplement my benefits by writing for various websites just for living expenses...uh..like bills.
Now some of my friends might remember I had started a discussion some time ago asking advice about a good DVD/VCR combo...At that time I had come into a little extra money and had the means to buy one and wanted to get a good one, but unfortunately since it wasn't a real exorbitant amount of money I had gotten I had to keep dipping into it just to pay extra bills...so I had to nix my plans. My VCR while the video is perfect...there's no sound..I've done everything hoping to fix it ...but nada..so can't view my hundreds of video tapes. My DVD player I've had for years I knew was pooping out on me..reason I had started that discussion to ask people advice for a good DVD player.
Now you have to realize I don't watch much TV to begin with...without cable, TV is kind of lame.....so I relied on watching movies from time to time as I just don't have much time to watch "entertainment" as I'm too busy working my friggin butt off writing, writing, writing for websites to earn that extra money...but hey, I'm human and on and off I like to pop in one of my DVD movies and watch...and yes can play my movies on my computer but I don't want to wear that out...that's all I need to have my computer poop out as that would be a real major expense to get fix and wouldn't have the means to do so...so forget playing my DVDs on my computer.
So anyway...Last night I was in one of those restless moods...spent a long day doing outside errands, then still decorating my place on a Christmas theme...pounded out some reviews for other websites (SharedReviews), did a blog entry at Today.com, did a review at Ciao..on and on...so now being restless wanted to settle back and watch one of my DVD movies....one problem..........IT'S NOT WORKING.
When I popped in one movie the DVD player couldn't "read" it...okay..so grabbed another movie..same thing...popped in another....nada..Bottom line ...My DVD player has died on me...waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
I can't watch crap now....
Like I said I rarely "allow" myself "FUN"..I'm too busy working my friggin butt off, so like crap is it too much to ask that on occasion I want to settle back and watch one of my movies...but now I can't...this REALLY sucks.
Okay maybe you're laughing...this isn't a life threatening issue...the world isn't going to blow up, no one has died, mayhem hasn't occurred...but I deny so much FUN in my life just to work my butt off....for peanuts in writing work...I'm so pissed off it's not funny...I want to watch my movies....waaaaahhhhhhhhh..and now I can't.
There's no friggin way I can get a new DVD/VCR player unless I have some unknown relative that croaks and leaves me money. Yeah, right, sure.
Okay..now it's your turn to rant...What's bugging you? What are you fed up with? Rant....rant.....rant to your heart's content...I'm all ears...let's be miserable together

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44 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
13 Dec 08
I am sorry pyewacket, that really sucks and I am sorry that you cannot afford to get another I hope that some luck comes your way soon. I have a kind of rant, something that has been slowly ticking me off for the past week but it is a bit of an odd rant. Mine is the pettiness of the people that live in my town, I have always been an outsider here, not being born and bred here kind of made things hard for me when I moved here but I managed and did have a few friends. Well over the years I have struggled to make friends and although I do not mind having friends it would be nice to have a few muckers to go out on a girlie night out with, have a brew with etc. So anyway I recently started to add a few to FB in the hopes that I could build up some sort of commaderie with them, I see them at school too so I thought it could be nice. But oh no as usual they have their cliches and even though they have added me on fb none of them will talk to me LOL I have tried everything but no one wants to know and I just think it is really petty of them. Thats my rant told you it was not anything special!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
People can be really petty and snooty right? I sort of have the opposite problem in a way. I even did a discussion here a few months ago how I felt I was being ostracized due to my religious beliefs..I'm talking about people who have known me a good long time in the building I live in...like at least twenty years, but now all of a sudden since they know I'm on the pagan/wicca path now I'm "evil" and avoid me....sheesh. I'm still the same person they knew years ago, but no doubt they have images of me bending over a cauldron saying "boil, boil, toll and trouble" or some such nonsense

@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
14 Dec 08
Hi Gemini_rose,
I also moved to a small town about 11 years ago. I have not even tried to get friends here. I sort of stick to my old friends from the city. It is true. Unless you're born here, you'll always be an outsider.
Well you know what Gemini_rose, I look at it this way. It is absolutely their loss. They are missing out on a kind person just looking for a friend.
So hold your head up through town, and snub them all. Its their loss!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Dec 08
Oh Dear Pye I am so sorry that this has happened to you
Have you tried putting a cleaning Tape in it as that could be the Problem due to the fact that it is not reading the Disc
Try it as it might work
Here in the UK you can buy the DVD Players quite cheap I will eventually buy a DVD Recorder but that can wait a while as they are coming down in prices
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I'll see about getting a cleaning disc for the DVD sometime next week....hope that will work

@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
13 Dec 08
Let me just say that my problems are far bigger than yours. lol
And I cannot even write a review. lol
You won't be wearing your computer out by watching movies on it.
The only part wearing out would be the DVD player... and you can watch a thousand movies before that happen.
DVD players are dirt cheap these days.
You should be able to get one for $50.00
And even a combo DVD - VCR player should not cost much more than $100.00
It is a question of getting your priorities right... and buying what you need rather than what you fancy. That's what I do these days.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Mac computer lesson 101...our drives are all built all in one into the monitor...no separate tower..there is no separate DVD, CD player, or burning DVD/CDs on Macs..it's all in one...so the good chance is I could burn out the whole system by watching movies continuously on my computer by playing them back..I'm VERY protective of my computer as repairs would be out of the question

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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Can you watch your movies on your computer? I do this sometimes. Also, Have you cleaned your DVD player recently? It is possible dust is preventing it from reading the disk. I really hope the problem is simple so you can watch your movies. I hope the rest of your day goes better for you.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Yes, I can watch DVDs on my computer, but since I have a Mac computer the drives are all integrated into the monitor itself (no tower)--which means it's a all in one deal..can play DVD/CDs and burn DVDs/CDs in the one disk drive..so don't want to wear it out.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Hi Pye, I understand completely. When you have very little and you are always working and thinking, there needs to be a time to relax and renew. So a seemingly minor thing like a VCR/DVD player become a very big thing, a necessity, as it is your only outlet.
I'm so sorry this has happened, and especially now.
I saw a VCR/DVD combo on Overstock for $44, and I think free shipping. That is still a lot, but it is the cheapest I've seen for the combo, even at Walmart, so I thought I'd mention it, just in case you come into a little extra money in the next week.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I'm supposed to get paid by Ciao next week...but whatever I get is going toward Christmas things....uh, like a tree..LOL. I've never been without one in all my life, and I'm like a little kid who looks forward to the whole Christmas thing..even have most of my apartment decorated all nice for the season.
Did you get paid by Ciao yet???? I wrote them asking if since they changed their policy of how they pay (or not pay in this case) if what we earned in the month of Nov will be affected and they said no...
@tamarafireheart (15384)
13 Dec 08
Hi pye,
I don't blame you, its not fair, after working so hard and you can't even watch your movies, I know how you feel as I have so many video tapes here that I can't watch because my VCR don't work anymore and I can't buy another one because they don't sell it in the shops anymore and I don't have these movies on DVD, then because the weather is so bad the picture on my tv kddeps scrambling, we have sky tv and have a dish so when the weather is bad the picture is bad, I have to keep going behind the tv and switch everything off wait a while and swith it back on to get sky back but sometimes it don't make any difference, I give up so I can't even watch DVD anyway. Bright Blessings.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I know..they don't really make VCRs alone anymore...most are combos now of a VCR and DVD player/recorder. As far as TV...I still need to connect my converter...in February they are switching from analog to digital signals...if one doesn't have a digital TV or cable won't be able to get anything without that converter...so hoping to start connecting it to my TV next week.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
13 Dec 08
That is such a drag. I'm sorry you aren't able to chill out after a hard day like that. I know how important it is to wind down! I hope you're able to get something soon!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Thanks...keeping my fingers crossed that something will come through for me....LOL
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
13 Dec 08
I have a few things to rant about. A tiler who was supposed to start work has delayed by a month. Since he is a good worker and is a trusted friend I have to shut up my mouth and wait for him.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Dec 08
That's terrible you've been waiting a whole month...hope you get the tiling done soon
@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
13 Dec 08
I have nothing to rant about, but I understand why you do. I'm living comfortably on my Social Security (at an income level that most people would consider impossible), but I've been at a point when I wasn't even sure how long I would have money for groceries. Okay, I do have a rant. I hate that some people who have millions of dollars just use it to live as if they were kings and queens when so many people are in real need. Whenever somebody asks what you'd do if you suddenly came into a million dollars, all I can think about is how best to use it to help other people get out of their poverty.
I went to your profile, wondering if I could find your today.blog. I write for them too, plus AC, and just starting with DailyArticle. I can live comfortably for now, but a little less every year as the cost of living goes up, and since I don't have full Medicare coverage or life insurance, I'm trying to put some savings away. So it's worktime now, on an article that needs to be finished.
I sent you a friend request. Love that you play the theme from Gladiator and have my favorite quote from Lord of the Rings.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Actually I do live comfortably with my benefits, but just doesn't allow for "extras" if something comes up. I hear ya about rich folk...some months ago I did a discussion about a person who won one of those vanity license plates as it had the number "one" on it...know what he paid for it??? 14 million....yeesh
I just posted the link to my today.com blog on my profile...under "pyewacketsworld blog"--laughingly most of my blog has to do with the positive aspects of Law of Attraction...heehee
Glad you like the Gladiator theme and the saying from LOTR

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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
13 Dec 08
could the lens be dirty on your DVD pye?
that'll make it do that sometimes.
VCR-go to salvation army if you have one nearby.i got an almost brand new one for $2.00.nobody wants them anymore.
what am i fed up with..
my state.they seem to be sitting around thinking of new and creative ways to tax a people already broke.hmm,#1 worst state for unemployment,let's kick 'em in the cojones a few more times.people who think bush is bad has never met his ugly
brother,our governor.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I took a look to see if there were any goodwill or salvation army's near me....nope..they're too far away from me to travel--since I don't have a car I have to walk everywhere...LOL
Well as far as politics...our governor has declared drastic budget cuts for hospitals and police/fireman.....yet the NY govt is going to spend $4 million to change the signs saying Triborough Bridge to Robert F. Kennedy..figure that one out.

@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
13 Dec 08
When it rains it pours it seems. I thought I was the only person that the bad things happens to and they seem to come in bunches. Right now I don't have a rant but maybe later in the day I might. hahaha I have had that same problem with the DVD not reading the disc but not sure what the cause was. If there was anyway I could help you out I would. Maybe call a store today and ask them about the DVD player, tell them what it is or is not doing and see if they might can suggest something without seeing it. I hope your day goes well and that you have a great weekend.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
During next week I'm hoping to get maybe a lens cleaner...just hope they aren't too much...I mean yeah, it wouldn't be as much as a new DVD/VCR player, but even if the cleaner is more than five that would suck....LOL
@general1star (149)
• United States
13 Dec 08
DVD players are so cheap these days. Their like Bic lighters, they crap out and people just buy another one. I realize that you cant afford to do that. When you get another one eventually don't go all out for the more expensive one. It has the same chance of crapping out then a cheaper one that works just fine for a few years. Walmart, Target, K-mart will have what you need. Watch for the sales too companies are desperate for you x-mas bucks!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I hear ya. Years and years ago, I got a really expensive Sony Walkman cassette player (never seem to have luck with Sony..LOL)...hardly lasted a year. I next got a real cheapie store brand (Walgreens) for under $10..it's STILL working..LOL
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Dec 08
oh Pye, you wouldnt want to get me started. im manic depressive
never happy, you know. so sorry about your player. i know what you mean. most of us on disability are coming to our ropes end with our worn out stuff we cant replace
and it just keeps getting worse. i tried selling some things to help with my move but everyones a bit in the same boat so didnt get much. perhaps you have some antique or collection? you could sell as hard as it is to let go of those things. 

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I keep seeing those dumb adds about selling your gold jewelry...don't even know if I have any...LOL. Most would be old stuff I still have of my mother's and wouldn't mind selling but don't even know if it's real gold..mmmmm...maybe need to start looking for it..LOL
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Careful pye. Some of those places are a rip off. They take your jewelry & never pay!!!

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
13 Dec 08
HI Pye: Oh I'm so sorry sweetheart! That sucks!!! you go ahead and rant away!
Trust me I understand! I was in the middle of making some icing this morning
and my mixer got really hot/stinky hot CRAP!!!
Needless to say I had a wee fit there, neighbor had no mixer of course, I've
no money to go buy one and just got mad and threw out the mixer and the un
finished icing...LOL!
I could've run out to the farm and used my Dad's but I WAS NOT HAPPY!!!
so yeah I understand ! I hope you get enough $$money$$ this month in your
earnings to get one;
it just sucks doesn't it? And for me, this is not a good time of year for
my mixer to poop out on me, I need the darn thing!! AARRGGhhh!
think I'll just go lie down for awhile, as I am getting nothing else done;
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Yikes that really is rotten timing to have your mixer poop out...unless you just go back to doing it the old fashioned way..do you have a whisk? Or how about one of those old fashioned egg beaters? I never have a mixer believe it or not...would do everything with either the whisk or my great-grandmother old rotary hand-held egg beater....gosh, that thing is ancient....sure don't make things that last like that anymore...like my DVD player--it's about five years old so really not all that old

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Hi darling; Yeah if I didn't have so much pain with arthritis I'd do it that way
too I could do that easily enough years ago but even now when I do any sort of
cooking/baking that requires too much use of my hands, I have to stop what I'm
doing and run my hands/wrists under hot water at the sink, grit my teeth for
several minutes and then try to finish; Then too the back and neck pains all join in the fun for everything I do, but no I just cannot do the old ways for that stuff
any more tis easier just to chuck it all !! LOL!!
The weather changes we are experiencing here too is just tearing up my body in more
ways than you can even imagine; when the weather goes from one extreme to the next
its just brutal on me Yesterday we got up to like 57 or so degree's then it
dropped really bad the sleet, freezing rain and dusting of snow came this morning
we are at 8 degree's with a wind chill of -8 here...UGH!
As it gets colder and colder during the winter I have to stop often and go scald
my hands/wrists so I can type or just to help relieve the pain, some days I won't
be able to type at all and those days are really hard on me...you should see
my hands when I wake up of a morning...LOL! Not pretty at all not pretty;

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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
13 Dec 08
I think every time we have extra money, something, like the car or the house breaks, or I find out that hubby forgot to pay a bill and we have late charges, or have been driving uninsured. I have two cd players that do not work, and I have all this terrific, mostly Christmas music. Hubby ruined a tire on his spare car, while checking on stuff to fix the radiator on his truck. My other pet peeve is waiting on men to do anything.I am really sorry about your vcr and dvd players.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Dec 08
My combo CD/Cassette and Radio doesn't work..well except the radio part....I often would hook up one of those personal CD players into the stereo system and could play my CDs that way...same with cassetttes...by hooking a personal cassette player into the stereo.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Do you ever consider watching TV shows on the computer? Many shows have full episodes online now for free. Whenever I miss an episode of my fav shows, I go online usually to the channels website (nbc.com, cbs.com, etc) and watch it there. Maybe you can find a show you would like and watch it on your computer :)
I don't have much to rant about today since I only have 1.5 days of work until christmas break! But I guess I can complain about the cold! It's soooo cold, my legs are freezing, and it's gonna be this way all Christmas week :( So much for watching my nephew play in the snow! It's too cold and he's at that age (1.5) where he won't wear a hat and gloves, just rips it off.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Hmm, you never know, PBS could be online now too :) You know what I used to do (pre-laptop) when I wanted to look at my computer for long time and got sick of my chair... I'd pull the monitor REAL CLOSE to the edge of the desk, and my keyboard would then reach down to the floor... so I'd grab some pillows and lay on the floor in front of it :) Only trouble was I had to look up. Hey, you could always move your couch in front of your computer desk ;)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Funny thing I really don't watch much TV...LOL. But do miss watching my movies...so many here have suggested watching my movies on my computer, but one, don't really want to wear out the DVD/CD drive..which not only plays back but burns DVD/CDs...it's an all in one deal, and two....I sit in front of the computer for long stretches of time...the last thing I want is to sit more.....have one of those hard wooden captain's chairs as my computer chair...ouch my tushy...
I don't recall if the PBS stations show things on their website....that would probably be the only things I wouldn't mind watching

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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Just wondering if you ever clean the heads on your DVD or VHS machines? I had the same problem with a VHS player before. Someone suggested a head cleaner and problem was gone. It played again for a few more years.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Actually my VCR is kind of ruined..I took out/rented a tape from the library...it jammed up in my VCR and that's what caused my problems with it and doesn't work now. As for the DVD player...it doesn't "sound" right...the mechanism that makes the disc spins makes a horrible noise and racket....like it's worn out..never made those noises before..LOL
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
14 Dec 08
I am sorry to hear that. Have you joined Freecycle in your area? If not, do so, and list that you are looking for one. Also, look on Craigs List. You can post that you are looking for one and check the Free stuff.
Right now I am not fed up with anything personal but I am fed up with some people who have hurt others whom I know but I cannot get into it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Dec 08
My one friend would drive me anywhere in a minute....uh, but alas she sold her car a year ago...she had to pay for "space" in the underground garage and got too expensive for her to keep doing that
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Yes there is a Freecycle in my area, but doesn't one have to pick up whatever it is personally? Since I don't drive or have a car would be hard to do that.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Do you have public transportation in your area or know others who can dive you? For years I did that when I did not have my own car. Also, I have dropped stuff off for people when I was giving away stuff when they had no car. It can't hurt to ask.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Frustrating indeed living off of disability isn't it? People think a little bit of money to buy these things isn't a big deal. Yea, right. I often sit here making out grocery lists to try and feed two of us with no more than $35.00. So enough extra for a DVD player? no way.
But, here is a thought for you - can't you pop the DVD into your computer and watch it there? I do that often when the other TV is in use here. Another thought - have you tried Ebay? Just out of curiosity I checked for you and I see some as low as $15.00 being sold on there. There are quite a few of them for less than $50.00 on there also.
As for what I'm fed up with - money in general. I have $68.00 to last me a week. Feasible in most circumstances. But, I have to ship presents, I have a prescription to pick up, I need a few groceries, AND I haven't bought my guy a single gift yet. Drat! I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to manage this and not end up overdrawn.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I'll check out ebay, but right now even the cheapest DVD/VCR couldn't buy. Yes, I can watch DVDs on my computer but since I have a Mac computer it works differently..the CD/DVD drives are all in one...meaning I can playback CD/DVDs and burn them all in the one drive which is built in the monitor itself...no tower...so I really don't want to overuse and wear out the system...
@conbill (369)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Rant I'm out of work so I know where you're coming from. I don't know where you live but in a lot of places there is a website called freecycle. You post items that you need or items you have to give away. It is all free. I live in Ohio and my one daughter lives in PA and they have one there. She has gotten a working washer and dryer, a playstation 2 for her kids and etc. maybe you could check it out. I am interested to hear about the sites you work for and if it cost anything to start. I have no income at this moment and would be interested in anything that could make me money without having to invest to get started. Sorry I'm not ranting but thought maybe this information would help.
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@conbill (369)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Yes, I got a 1989 minivan. It runs good and the body is in great shape. The ladies husband passed away and she was going to sell it but thought she'd rather give it to someone who really needed it. I guess that is what you call the Christmas Spirit. I hope someday I will be in the position to help somebody like that.
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