A True Christmas Story

December 13, 2008 8:22am CST
This happened to me as a young teenager and every Christmas I always remember the story and I want to share it with you. Money was always in short supply at our house but I must say we always had enough to eat and I never had to go to bed hungry. It was Christmas Eve and one of dads co-workers came by for a visit and a coffee. When the phone rang I was the one to answer it and I couldn't recognize the voice right away because she was crying hard. Finally I heard, "May I speak to Bill?" I called to my dads friend and told him his wife wanted to speak to him. In a very low voice I told my parents that Betty was crying very hard. When Bill got off the phone he told my mother he was very sorry to waste his coffee but he'd better get home to see what he could do about the mess there. Dad asked what was wrong and he told his story of how they have 16 relatives due to come in the morning for Christmas and Betty had just taken the turkey out of the bag and it was rotten right through. We lived in a small town and one grocery store but my folks knew the store keeper so after Bill left my dad phoned but as it turned out they weren't home because they'd gone away for Christmas. I remember my folks talking and the next thing I knew dad was on the phone to some of the people he knew asking for turkey, stuffing and gravy donations for this family and why. Next thing I knew dad said get coat and boots on and off to Bill and Bettys we went. Dad explained that after the food was ready we'd be making pick ups so sleep well it'll be OK. I will never forget the relieved looks on their faces. So next day Betty cooked her potatoes, vegetables and whatever else she had to cook and my family gave some meat and collected a small amount from many different houses and everyone had lots to eat. People were more than willing to help and even thanked my dad for the call in asking assistance to this family. I will never forget this I'm sure. Does anyone else have a true Christmas store to share?
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17 responses
• United States
13 Dec 08
It's people like your father that make good Hallmark movie stories. I would watch it and cry too. At first I thought that I didn't have a story like that. I am still hard pressed to find one in my history but you have given me my task for the day and days to come. I will look into my past for for the selfless acts of others that I have witnessed no matter how small.
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
There are many times we do little things that don't mean much to us because we just do things not thinking about how much it really means to others. Here's a good example you answered my post. You're not even on my friends list, therefore you were thinking about me and my family otherwise you would not have answered my post. So there you go!!! You made me very happy to see your kind words Thank You.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Dec 08
That was a wonderful story of giving and sharing in the Holiday season.....I do have some wonderful stories but not like that! I remember one Christmas at my parents...there were about 30 people there and a big storm came up....we all ended up staying at my parents...there were people all over sleeping....you had to step over someone just to go to the bathroom. The next morning I made more pancakes then I'll ever see again in my life....good thing my mom had tons of food because it was two days before we got out....all the car froze up and one of my folk's neighbors came over and one by one got the cars started so we could be on our way....but it was so much fun! We played games...ate tons...and just hung out..all the kids had time to play with their gifts! It's a wonderful memory for me.
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
That's a Christmas Story with a ton of good will as well. I'll bet you didn't want more pancakes for at least half a year after that!!!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Awwww...that is so special! Thanks for sharing that here hon. My grandparents were the same way as your dad. Of course their time was during the Great Depression. But they owned a working dairy/ranch, so food was always in supply. My grandma would usually end up cooking meals for a number of the neighborhood families at both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was just their way. Also I remember my dad telling me about how there was this one particular girl that he went to school with that didn't have a very good home life because her family was beyond dirt poor. My grandma would actually pack a second lunch for my dad to take to school just so the poor girl wouldn't go without food. I know that's not really a Christmas story, but I think the lesson in it is the same. Hugs to you sweetie
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Yes...my Grandma was the BEST! Both of my parents were equally as kind and giving. I need to be nice too as they are up there watching my every move as well. LOL! BIG hugs to you!!
• Canada
17 Dec 08
So that's where you got your kindness and being a loyal person, from your Grandma. I had a special Grandma too and she'd do anything for anyone at anytime. I owe my being a good person to her, Grandpa and my dad. All three are gone now but they're watching over me so I need to be nice. Take Care. (((BIG HUGS))) back at you.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
14 Dec 08
This is a wonderful story and I too will always remember it as you told it. I have always helped others. There is a family nearby that the eldest son came to visit the children and we were putting up our tree, decorating it and so forth. I asked the child did they have their tree up yet and his reply shocked me and I felt bad. He told me they didn't have a tree or anything. That they didn't have the money for one. I called his mother and asked her about it. Her reply was heart breaking, their lights were shut off as she had not the money to pay it. She also told me they were not having Christmas for the same reason. She had no money to buy anything for her 3 children. I was beside myself. I went to Walmarts and got them a 6 foot fake tree with all of the decorations. I bought all of the dinner for them, I also got everyone of the children gifts. When I delivered everything I gave the mother the $150 for the light bill and and $100 for her to go out and purchase something for the children for herself as she knew more of what they needed. This is all I knew to think of to help them. Other than calling the air force base nearby and told them the story of this family and had them put on the list to get something from the soldiers. That's it. Everyone out there has problems, I know there are many in fact. Always go to a lonely older person and help out around the house or yard, as they could use the help. If you know of a family that needs a little assisstance do what you can evn if it's calling on others to help them.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
Actually this people are the neighbors that no one likes around here. They are so not friendly and quite rude to others most of the time. I have had my problems with them as well. It's the children I felt bad for. I couldn't see them not having a Christmas. When I went to the store. I go to the commisary, I know everyone there as I've been here for 12 years, I told the cashier why I was back, since I had bought all of my things needed. She said for me to talk to the manager about it I did and they gave them the turkey. It was a blessing to get some help with their things. At that time I just used my bill money they could wait another week.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank the Lord you were in a position to financially help these people. I have never had enough money to be able to give that much. It must have made you feel good to be able to help. You're a very good person to have done all that. These people will never forget what you did to help them I am sure. Thank You
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Dec 08
That is such a sweet story. I am a sap over that kind of caring activity. Just hearing you tell about it brings a tear to my eye. Truly! I don't think our family has anything like that connected with Christmas, but my mum came from a very large family and each of the children had a whole handful of their own kids too, so when everyone went to grandmum's at the same time, we pretty much needed a fairgrounds to make room for them all. Fortunately, one of the children actually lived next door to a fairgrounds. In fact they picked up some serious grocery money every year by changing visitors to park on their property during the fair. Once when one of the families could not find a house to rent or buy during the housing shortage after WW2, instead of letting them be homeless, the whole "clan" got together and built them a house in just one day. It wasn't a palace, but it was as good a home as most anyone around there had at the time. Even the kids helped by carrying lumber. One uncle knew how to plumb and another how to wire and one was a painter by trade. My mum planted a garden. At the end of the day, you would never have known that home had not always been there. Nobody asked for or expected any pay for helping out. That was just what family did.
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• United States
17 Dec 08
It sounds like you all have quite a huge get together. lol We use to as well but we all went to my grandmothers house. There's so many in the family that we use to just draw names and get one present each year. You are right about families. They help because they love you not in expectation of anything in return.
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
You are so right my friend, it's just what family did to help others. You came from a good family as well. I hope you have a Great Holiday Season. Take Care.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
17 Dec 08
Hi, moondancer. Well, that is the way it is with most families, and that is how it should have been, but in ours, I think they were more concerned about not being embarrassed by the others. There wasn't a lot of love there, and it has been a long time since those people got together. Now many of them have been long deceased. Some of the cousins try to stay in touch though. The internet sure helps with that!
@MichaelJay (1100)
13 Dec 08
What a wonderful story about family values and selflessness. Years ago this story would not have been uncommon as folks had different values. With all the economic doom and gloom around now I think money will be in short supply and if once again we're able to help our neighbours then maybe some good will come of it all?
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You for being here and Yes I agree with you.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Ahh, Thanks so much for sharing that story. There really is a Santa Claus. This time of year does bring out the good in people. I believe that most people are good, kind and helpful. I can't think of any specific Christmas stories to share. It sounds like you grew up in a nice town. Merry Christmas, may this year be the best ever.
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones as well. My Christmas will definately be good I will be with my daughter , son in law and my two grandchildren. It just doesn't get any better. Take Care and Thanks for being such a good online friend this last year.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
13 Dec 08
wow this is wonderful as you know I am a writer and I have many stories which you can read if you subscribe to my e-zine, I love your story and I would love to use it in my e-zine as a christmas story, email me if you are interested.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You very much.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Dec 08
that was great . and when in small towns people do help one another sorry I have nothing to share.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
You have lots to share just not a Christmas Story. Thank You for the time your shared here with me. Take Care
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• United States
13 Dec 08
That is a very nice story. It makes you realize there are still nice people around.
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
As I just said it stuck with me over the years and I do remember how grateful they were for the help and not one person denied the help.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
27 Dec 08
Hi Grandma, and thanks for sharing your story. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. He did the kind of thing that we should all be doing, in caring for our friends and neighbors.
• Canada
28 Dec 08
Yes that's for sure. Thank You
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Wow that brought tears to my eyes. It is truly a inspirational story and I appreciate that you posted it! Merry Christmas!
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• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You for your kindness and Merry Christmas to you and your families as well.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Hi Grandmaof2! What an absolutely beautiful story! That was so nice of your Dad to that for his friend! And to get all those people to help this family out for Christmas! That is definitely the true meaning of Christmas! Your Dad must have been a really wonderful person to be that caring and generous for putting his friend and family first by making sure that their family was taken care of for Christmas! That was such a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. It is nice to know that you had such a lovely family to grow up with!
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You for your response. Yes my dad was a very good person all the way around. I wish he could have shared some of his common sense and loyalty with my mother but that's a different story. Dad was good and taught us well.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
14 Dec 08
This is a beautiful story. Back during our childhood communities came together and helped when their neighbors were in need. You don't see this kind of love now a days.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
You're so right, sad isn't it? I still do what I can for people but I don't get around very well and I stick close to home.
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@GardenGerty (162772)
• United States
13 Dec 08
That is a very touching story. I think a Christmas that expresses caring is the Christmas my hubby was ill and dying, and his company gave us gifts and made him the guest of honor at the Christmas party.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You GardenGerty. That was certainly nice of your husbands company.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Dec 08
Our Christmases were all the same, the family around the tree, having plum pudding, making the Christmas cake before, bowls of nuts, oranges, getting the magazines from England, wondering why one issue was missing and did the nurse really marry the doctor, etc. There was no altruistic deeds of helping a poor family out. We did give canned goods at Whitsunday but no great donations. In fact, we were the ones in the family who were poorer than everyone else. They were middle class and we were working middle class, almost there and not quite. There was the time I thought I heard Santa Claus land on our roof, but that was all. So now Christmas story to share.
• Canada
17 Dec 08
Thank You for your response.
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• Jamaica
15 Dec 08
I was disappionting for you and the other, how would anyone forget a situation like that. A lot of other people had similar experiences even myself when i was young money was in short supply at our home, our parents would save the biggest chicken for christmas, so we always had a good christmas dinner.