It aint easy loosing weight around your waist
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
December 13, 2008 10:19am CST
I wonder why doctors and health people think that by sheer will power and not eating as much, exercising, eating the right food, that the weight you have to lose will mysteriously disappear in proportions? So you will gradually get smaller in all places, especially your waist? Does not work that way. I lost weight in my legs and my arms, and mostly in my face. I looked like an emaciated owl, and yet my waist that should have gone from 40 to 35 only went from 40 to 39 and a half. Yet I look proportioned, but it seems that any weight goes to my waist and not all.
Do I have to look like a concentration camp survivor so that my waist is down to 35 or less? What is wrong with me?
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21 responses
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Firstly, everyone has a certain type of body shape. I have an M shape and no matter what i do my theighs look larger than the reast of my body.
On thing i've done to keep my waist small is by belly dancing . You move your upper body waist area without moving your hips. This will strengthen your waist muscles.
If you go to You can do all your measurements and find out what body type you are and you will understand why certain body parts dont slim as you would like them to. And it will tell you what clothes to wear that will complament your better body parts.
If yoiu got rid of most of your waist fat you might still not have the measurement you want because it's your body shape in the beginging.
There's alot of tummy fat that just doesnt go away no matter what you do .. And that is from stress, foods you've eaten in the past that isnt able to be burnt.
Just make sure you get your shape determined then yoiu can understand the beauty of your general body shape and it will be easier to deal with your diets.
Good luck! Hope you try the website.. it really opened my eyes to the beauty of my body shape and i dont strive to be a different body shape anymore because i knwo now that it's just not what i was born with. And i appreciate the uniqueness of my own body shape adn what it is.

@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
14 Dec 08
LOL. Well I guess I might just have to buy some sometime.. :)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Dec 08
I will check out that web site. I have a definite waist and a bust line. Trouble is I have a large bust and large hips, so I have to lose weight all over, but I am also large boned and that does not help.
I have not checked my weight but my proportions are getting down there.
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@chandana1 (56)
• India
14 Dec 08
hey dont worry, dont concentratae solely on your waist first if you are really obese then concentrate on losing your weight.
i like to tell you two important tips that are really hard to believe but gives you some good results when you follow them sinceerely.hope you follow them.
1) collect the rain water
note.: pure form of rain that doesnt touch the earth and any other obstacles like buildings. store the pure rain water and daily morning take 2 spoons of water with a pinch of turmeric powder. it is a tip from ancient ayurveda that doesnt have any side effects and very good for health.
2)second important tip that you have to follow was fill one glass with water.the glass should not be made of any metal. the glass should be made of glass so that the water inside is very much transparent and you can see talk to the glass with water before you sleep with great love that you are going to drink that water the next day morning and when you drink the water enters your body reches every cell and cleanses your body and passes the message that you remain healthyto each and every cell and you lose your wight. do this daily night and the next day morning with cool mind and grat love drink that water.
with the second tip you can wish anything about your health not only weight lose but also any wish regarding your health.
be sincere while trying
wish you all the luck
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Wow. That is very interesting. I saw something about how water changes its composition when you send it an emotion. Some monk did an experiment on that i think. Very cool.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
13 Dec 08
I believe when losing weight, it is lost all over, but to tone, I do have something that may help..I got this tip from a lady who taught exercises on TV years ago, and she mentioned how her Mother had a good waist and it was from her always painting,..The stretching up to paint, caused her Mothers waist to be trim. When we put in our clothes line, I asked for the clothesline to be up to where I would have to stretch to hang clothes and I believe that, though I don't have great abs, my obliques are not bad..Find something to do where you have to stretch, and see if you can make it fun, then you too will have a trim waist..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Dec 08
I did try it, not the clothes line, we still use our dryer, but I decided to stretch to the each side and touch alternative toes, and found that it does work. My waistline is getting to be more defined.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Dec 08
Thanks for the BR and I am happy to hear it is working for you..The best thing about the clothesline trick is, I really like the smell of outside dried clothes, so it forces me to do these whether I want to or not..So, as long as you have motivation, your waist will not go back...:)
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@sun2day (1062)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
13 Dec 08
Ia am finally back after being able to retrieve my password. It is good to be back.
Yes, you mentioned losing waist line weight; I really think that is one of the hardest places to lose weight. As someone alluded to earlier as you get older and not as actived as before your metabolism slows down, and that tends to make it difficult.
I have a problem with my weight also. I know things I can do to take it off, but dont always stick to it.
Presently, am usuing less sugar or sometimes none at all, and not eating heavy meals after 6 pm, just light snacks.
I blend raw oats, with apples or bananas or any othe fruit in the mornings prior to breakfast. I have been doing that for about 2-3 months, that is good for my cholesterol.
I do some walking also, not as often as I would like though.
Dont hive up, keep on trying!!!!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
14 Dec 08
I will do that. It is just that loses everywhere else, but. I will think about the banana before breakfast.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
13 Dec 08
The only time I ever lose weight in the middle is when I cut out all sugars and starches. Plus avoid High fructose corn syrup which depaosits fat right n your waist.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Dec 08
I check to see if the stuff we buy contains that horrible corn syrup. I have a whole bunch of candy recipes and do you know that they all contain corn syrup? That does make one bad. NOt only do i have to contend with bad teeth - well do not like candies that much anyway, but when they put it in regular food that is supposed to be good for you!
@tdavis (117)
• United States
13 Dec 08
As was said before nothing is wrong with you. My family has a lot of belly and love handle fat. I can lose it by dieting and exercise, but every year that goes by it gets harder and harder. It is like the TV commerical, unless your in you twenties or a professional sports figure, buy larger clothes.
I can suffer through 6 to 8 weeks of a diet, but with in several months afterwards it's back. The latest thing I have tried is the common sense approach, all things in moderation. I reduced sweets, and sugars, reduced the portions of food and increased the meals per day. What is hard for me is i am a type A personality, in the evening I get bored, and start thinking of eating, I search the kitchen several times before i break down and eat something i shouldn't. Its one of those things I have to keep working on.
Good luck, keep trying different things until you find what works for you.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
16 Jan 09
I am losing inches, but not weight. Well I did lose a little, but then Christmas and New Years happened. I guess I will have to step on the scales every day.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Nothing is wrong with you, your normal. Its so much harder to loose weight asyou get older. I want to loose some weight too. It just doesn't want to leave me, it wants to hang onto me. As we get older our metabolism slows down, we don't burn calories like we used too. Drinking green tea is supposed to help speed up your metabolism. I drink it all the time, it doesn't seem to be working for me. It is a healthy tea to drink. Good luck with the weight loss.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
14 Dec 08
yes, i have problems too with fats. well it is part of aging i guess. hard truths about life. besides that i hardly get any exercise at all in my life now. cause i st most of the time in front of the comptuer when i get home from outside. that is my usual habit. i am trying to have a diet of fruits. i have added it to my regular meals. let us see how this apples diet will help me to lose weight or get rid of the fats i have now.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
14 Dec 08
For many years I struggled to lose weight, often starving myself for days at a time, only to lose five or ten pounds. They say the weight that gathers in the waist area is due to sugar intake. Not sure if that is true or not but just some information I have heard over the years. Anyway, after years of struggling and finally becoming classified as morbidly obese I had to give in and have weight loss surgery. More than 2 1/2 years ago I had gastric bypass and as a result I have lost 145 pounds and I am currently maintaining that loss. Not sure if that is something you may want to look in to but could be an option for you.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Well suspenseful we are at the age that we are not ever going to have that hour glass figure again if we ever did. I have a book about honey and apple cider vinegar that suggest you take a teaspoon of raw honey and the undistilled apple cider vinegar a about 3 times a day to speed up your motabalizim. This is also supposed to give you more energy. I know that you have to be careful with the honey so i don't know how you would adjust for it. I keep forgetting to take it so I don't know if it would work for that.
I do know that when a person tries to take off weight the body get concerned and tells it's self that it is being starved so it conserves all the fat it can get. That is why when a person get to a certain weight it seems to stop coming of. I wish I had better news but that's all I know.
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@balacancer22 (1148)
• India
14 Dec 08
I really feel the same way as you feel even though i have the same waist as you have.. i dieted nearly for six months and lost a couple of inches but it was really difficult since i ate only a lite diet which consisted of only proteins and vegetables and it was really terrible and i felt like hitting everything that i got in my hand and i was really benefitted by that,but now i have again gained the weight that i have lost due to bad diet....happy mylotting...
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@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
14 Dec 08
i share the same problem with you! my face is the first part to lose weight then arms then if i am lucky, my tummy! I'm not really that chubby, but my tummy looks really huge. if i wear a tight shirt, i can probably pass as being 2 months pregnant. waah!
@maverickwarrior (260)
• India
14 Dec 08
haha it is true that the waist fat is very hard to get rid of...unless you get the fat in the waist burning there is no way to get rid of the fat there..there are some exercises that are focussed on the abs(sit ups,crunches,captains position,twists etc) ,you have to keep on doing them so that your abs get heated up..then you will find the fat burning and melting down from your waist..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
16 Jan 09
Maybe you will have to do exercises that target that area best. maybe a doctor would suggest some exercise that would work for you..if you hadn't probably already asked.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
13 Dec 08
Sometime I don't think always what we eat but it's when we eat. WE usually get up and have something like a bagel or cold cereal and toast maybe some fruit. Then we get hungry and have snack with some coffee. Then have fair sized lunch. Then we have this heavy or big supper. That was the way we did things for years because The man and the kids were all home in the evening and that was the time for the big meal of the day. Then about 3 or 4 hours later we would go to bed and have all that food just setting there being slowly digested and the energy the the food produced was stored as fat because we weren't using it. I have since learned that the big meal should be in the morning when we have the whole day to use the energy that is produced, and each meal should get smaller as the day goes on with the fruit in the evening.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
13 Dec 08
You have to make sure that all sugar sources are cut to get proper proportions.
Add some apple cider vinegar to the water you drink.
Also, detoxification may help...
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@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
14 Dec 08
I have had the same problem. Trying to lose inches from my waiste, only to look in the mirror at someone who seems to have aged five years, because of the thinner wrinkled face, yet my waiste had not even shrunk an inch.
@HealthWerks (29)
• United States
5 Mar 09
It may not be all of a mystery. I could just be a build up of cellulite and water and other dieting by-products that your body isn't digesting or metabolising properly. I strongly recommend the book "L.A. Shape Diet" by Dr. David Heber, M.D.,Ph.D. Nobel Prize winner and Director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. It explains a lot of some of the problems you seem to be goin through. I agree that with age your metabolism decreases and this can be solved just by eating properly and better nutrition. I know being 40 I had a problem with weight loss, losing the pounds and not the inches and still having "love handles" and the "spare tire" around the waist which most men get. This I discovered was cellulite and water retention. Yes men do have cellulite LOL. After getting on a program that my girlfriend got me on I lost 25lbs and also dropped 2 pant sizes in 2 months without any excessive dieting, excersise and starvation techniques. My girlfriend lost 112Lbs before we met on these products and as skeptical as I was I saw her pictures. It's an incredible feeling being able to fit into the clothes I once did and also being able to be complemented on that I look 10 years younger than I do. These products gave me a new lease on life. I invite you to check them out at or you can contact me directly for more information. I just love sharring my story to people who are in the same position as I was 3 years ago.
Thanks for your post,
Your friend,
David R Cobb
Personal Wellness Coach
Herbalife Independent Distributor
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
13 Dec 08
huh? emaciated owl?hehehe dont know never seen that!well i guess its the way you do exercise i guess.

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