Are We Prepared For Barack Obama To Mess Up?
By Rozie37
@Rozie37 (15499)
December 14, 2008 5:34pm CST
This may sound negative or even silly, but we need to keep in mind that President-elect Barack Obama is very much human, just like all the rest of the world. He can only do so much and go so far. He is not a miracle worker and certainly is not God. He is a very well spoken, intelligent, educated, and talented human being and can make big changes for our country.
I am not attempting to be a kill joy, I just want to keep it real. The other day, I thought, what will happen when Obama makes a mistake? I know one of the first things that will be voiced, especially, in cyber space. We should have never voted for that "N." I for one am not at all prepared for that kind of attitude, are you?
Although, I had to learn to see that word as a weapon and thereby ignore it in my personal life, to have it become a common phrase again, in my day, would cause me to want to scream at the top of my lungs. This is why I want to suggest, that we as Americans begin to pray, not only for Barack Obama, but for our nation.
This election has marked a major milestone in American history and we want to continue to win as a people. Not only African Americans, but next time maybe we can have a Hispanic president or even an Indian or Asian president, as long as they were born on our soil and have the best of intentions for all Americans at heart, and of course, fear the Lord, I do not care who it is.
And yes, we can also have a woman president. I have no problem with that. Maybe it can be me. I just want this country to continue to move in a positive direction. But we still need to be aware of the potential pitfalls that we may encounter. Let's go forward into 2009 with our eyes and our hearts open for change.
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22 responses
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I think he will do just fine, I was having some thoughts about what the Gov, did in llinos, I was hoping he wasn't link to that. He said he didn't have anything to do with that. but I hear they have a lot of coruption going on in the politics there. But I think Obama will do a good Job being the President.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 08
I know that he will do the best job possible. It is the racist that I am concerned about. I remember not too long ago, in the news, they had arrested two guys who were planning an African American killing spree, which would end with the killing of Barack Obama. They were planning to just charge at him with a hail of bullets. These are the kind of plans to we need to be praying against.
Some may not rise up until he makes a mistake, but then there are those real sickos out there that feel the only excuse that they need is the color of his skin. I do not know about every one, but I will never be prepared for that kind of thing in my day.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I won't lie, I wasn't going to answer this. Like I said, i don't expect him to come out doing miracles and changing the economy at the drop of a hat. I just don't. But I expect he give it his very best and sadly, as with all humans, he will mess up at times. Its the way of the world.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Hey long time no see! Happy Holidays I think he will do just fine, No one is perfect though. I think he will do the best that he can.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 08
Hey MarciaScott,
I know that he will certainly do the best that he can. I am talking about the people who already do not like him, blowing every little thing that he does, way out of proportion. We already got a taste of it during the elections, but once he takes office, they are going to be all over him. All I am saying is that I am not prepared for any kind of racial uprising, so I am starting my praying early.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I would vote for you Rozie. Rozie for President, sort of sounds good doesn't it. I am so hoping the Obama turns out to be oe of the best Presidents we have ever had. Somebody is always going to talk, no matter who won. I hate the N word as much as you do. I grew up in a very mixed neighborhood. I see people as people, it doesn't matter their race, religion, or whatever. I am of Native American ancestry, I am mostly white though. What gets me is the number of African Americans who use the N word and call each other that. I don't get it. I think we all should have more respect for ourselves and our fellow Americans. We are all in this together. We have a mix of all kinds of people here, it doesn't matter about color. Our new year is coming quick. We as a country need change, we need to come together as people, One Nation Under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Amen to that Vicky! How are you. I hope all is well!
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 08
I am also mixed with Native American. Caucasian and African American, also. I recently did my family tree and it was quite enlightening. But where I come from, whatever you notice when you first look at a person, that's what they are considered. I really believe in my heart that African Americans embraced the "N" word to kind of take the sting out of it.
It's kind of like when a person does not use profanity and someone curses around them, it actually hurts your ears. Believe me, when I was younger, hearing the "N" word, for me, was a license to destroy. Now that the Lord has worked one me, even my Caucasian friend's can use the word and it does nothing to me.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
15 Dec 08
It's hard to keep racism out of it. Like you say about cyberspace and the hordes of morons dropping the "N" bomb. However, seeing that it's meaningless rubbish perpetrated by people who voice opinions of disdain via the net simply because they "can," I think it's safe to assume that race isn't really their beef. People were (and still are in some cases) yelling, "Murder George Bush! He's a stupid redneck," etc. I doubt they're all redneck-hating murderers; they're just chumps who use the nameless/faceless venue to act like the @$$holes they've always wanted to be.
When idiots choose to be nasty, they muster up enough courage to say the one thing that wins the "shock value" prize. Nothing is off limits online, including the President, no matter who it is.
That aside, I don't think anyone is prepared for a Barack Obama failure, simply because that means America's failure. There's always a group of "I told you sos" waiting patiently -- but that's for anyone. Not to harp, but it was the same way with Bush. People neglected the fact that our soil has been void of terrorist attacks since Sep. 12,2001. Instead, they picked out other "failures."
Race, gender, creed, culture, and whatever else aside, it's politics. Any missteps Obama has, there will be people saying "I told you so." Anything he does right, it's the "I knew it" crowd in the spotlight. Then, rare as they may be, you have people who don't buy into the hype and continue to do the best they can as citizens of America.
IMO, internet culture has ruined the media and warped the criteria by which we judge not only a President, but a human being. It's hard to ignore, but I think you have to ignore what's being said while focusing on what's being done, all the while living your life responsibly and being true to yourself. That's a hard enough job in itself without having to be bogged down by people who would rather point the finger than lend a hand.
Here's to an awesome 2009! :)
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
17 Dec 08
I know what you are saying, but I just feel that we are not strong enough as a people to over come something like that yet. I pray that we are, but there is still so much hatred in this world. So much race on race crime, that it is just a volcano waiting for the least excuse to erupt. I think that we are at a point of fake tolerance and mere pleasantries and that at any moment, every thing that any one has ever dared to hold back is going to blow up in our faces.
It is not just a black and white thing, it is literally an entire nation of different cultures. I am not saying that the differences are back, but under the wrong circumstances, things could become real ugly. And not just in cyberspace either. I am talking about the real world. It is like a calm before the storm. The haters are not going to just go away quietly and sit and lick their defeated wounds. They feel that they are entitled to have things their way. This is why I am saying that we need to pray and stay alert.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
17 Dec 08
I definitely agree with a lot of that. People do always feel as if they're entitled. But I can't say I agree with it to the same extent. The percentage of violent people in this country is relatively small. The percentage of outspoken, yell-in-your-face people -- the ones who curse and verbally abuse you if they don't get their way -- is relatively high.
At any given time in America, we have countless volcanoes that could possily erupt: Religious, racial, political, territorial, cultrual, etc. For some odd reason, Americans have extended limits. As a country, we've never rioted. We've had one war with ourselves. Now, particular areas of America are prone to violence, rioting, killing -- overall criminality. But the country as a whole doesn't react negatively to the actions of a few.
Take a look outside of America and you can witness countries where the volcanoes have blown and the lava continues to constantly flow. If we were ever at that point, it was decades and decades (and then some) ago. The stuff we're seeing in 2008 isn't any worse than the stuff from 1908 or 1998. If anything, it's infinitely better. The negativity is brought to the forefront more often due to the net and 500 channels on your HDTV and your iPods and god knows what else.
America has always played sides. We've always been a country separated. Nobody will ever change that. Jesus or Allah or whomever you believe in could float down on a cloud right now and "people" still wouldn't change. They would make excuses to justify their behavior, blame it on someone else, and try to sneak into paradise.
People are far too passive aggressively sissified in America to ever erupt. I think we'll always complain and moan about any and everything. But when it comes to actually trying to demolish one another, that stuff's confined to certain areas of the country. It's not going to spread IMO.
@dearlot (175)
• Brunei Darussalam
15 Dec 08
no! i have hope and faith in Barack Obama! i believe eventhough human has his limits but no! Obama can do it and exceed his limits and bring us to a much greater nad better world with his leads! I believe that he can change US and make a difference if he cant do it in one year i dont mind there is still three year to go, take its slowly but progressively. I wont be dissapointed if he make the least change as long as he did ! I believe he CAN! 2009 here we go!
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
15 Dec 08
He WILL mess up as we all would if we were president, because as you said: We are human! However here's something that just might help America, all those rotten people in other countries who hate America and want to kill all of us LOVE Obama! For some odd reason they just LOVE him and with that in mind, maybe there's hope for us Americans! Maybe they'll go a little easy on us from now on, lets hope!
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
17 Dec 08
I pray that you are right. I have seen them turn on their beloved for no good reason though. Remember these are some of the same people that will turn on their own daughter's and kill them, if they feel that the family honor has been disgraced. I never understood that mentality at all.
@trinale (1479)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Trust me, the only way we will know if Obama makes a mistake is if the press is no longer in the tank for him.As you said, he is only human, and my personal opinion, inexperienced and frequently appears to to be a poor judge of character. All I can do at this point is pray for him and hope he makes wise decisions in the future.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Yes, we all have to pray that he makes a good President, I am sure he will. Happy Holiday Ed. I haven't seen you in ages. good to see you are still active here.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
23 Dec 08
Rozie, what a great discussion you have started. At first I did not know where you where going with it. I am glad you said the things you did. I am not sure the "N" word will be used but I am white and have not had to put up with the hatefulness have have just for the color of your skin.
I do agree we need to move forward as a county and look at the man and not at what color he is or his nationality.
I am so proud of you for starting this discussion because I know you did not vote for him and you thought he was not the best man for our county. Now you have come a long way to say "OK you are in office I support you" Great job my friend.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
25 Dec 08
I have always liked him, I just didn't feel comfortable voting for him because of his views on gay marriage and abortion. It is real eerie to me the way people seem to think that he has all the answers and that he alone can make such a big difference in the world. You know how in America, they have a way of building you up and then the very same people will rip you down for the slightest misstep or what they perceive to be a mistake. I know that he is already feeling some of it, because of the Rick Warren decision.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Rozie I had not been keeping up with the news. I looked up Rick Warren and it does make me wonder if Obama is really for gay rights and abortion or did he say these things just to get elected. On the other hand did he pick Warren because he needed a pastor and Warren does a good job? We are not to know. I will be keeping better track of Obama.
You are right us America's put to much faith in one person when we should just be putting all our faith in one and that is our God.
I do think it is not just American's I think it is human nature to put total faith in our leaders or the one's we have faith in.
@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
15 Dec 08
You are absolutely right that he is just a man. Regardless of his education, common sense, talent and all the other good things he has going for him he is ONE man. Being the president is not a figure-head job, but he does have a congress and senate he has to work with.
I think a lot of people will forget that his speeches have been full of "this can't be fixed short term" and will begin to demand results right away and will get really nasty when they don't get them. That is a shame, because what he's facing is the worst crisis in American History since the great depression and it's not going away over night. I hope the majority of Americans realize that, and that any short fall in their expectations has nothing to do with his race.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 08
I am just trying to prepare myself for reality. When I was a teenager, my teacher's were able to convince me that racism no longer existed. When I got out into the real world, it was very shocking for me. I do not want to see Obama become a target in any way. But I am afraid that this is bound to happen. I am usually positive about things like this, but I want to be prepared for this. It will have a profound affect on us all as Americans.
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@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
15 Dec 08
I'm not an American but I believe in the strength in the American people in general. They have been into tremendous circumstances that greatly challenged the people and the nation, yet, they are still dominantly strong as a nation. I am sure if anything happens out of the ordinary in the Obama administration, Americans can still hurdle and emerge victorious at the end.

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@camomom (7535)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I think he has very good intentions and has good plans, but he himself admitted that we may not see any of the things he wants to do come into reality anytime soon. We may not even see the changes in the next 4 or 8 years. It may happen with our next president. Face it, he has a huge mess to clean up and he's only one man. We all know that past presidents have made mistakes, why is Obama any different from them? Why should people be harder on him? He IS only human, just like all of our past and future presidents. I'm sure mistakes will be made but look at the horrible ones that came from the last administration. Can he do any worse? I don't consider him a "N", as you put it. I see him as an American, a man and a human being. I think that word should be banned from our vocabulary. Besides, he is half white which means he is not a "black" man. He is a person. I'm sure that if everyone traced their lineage back to the beginning, that they aren't all 100% "white" or Caucasian or whatever they think they are that gives them the right to judge others by the color of their skin. We all have other races and cultures in us whether we want to admit it or not. What does that make us? Human beings, people, Americans.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
18 Dec 08
I understand what you are saying and I totally agree with you. But, there are a lot of people in this world who are not able to see things that way. Not only is he the first African American president, a lot of people put too much confidence in him and not only that he is coming in at one of the worst times in our history. I am almost 100% sure that if some of our former presidents were cosidering running at this time, they would have skipped it.
I am not saying that there is any thing so great about Obama, but I am saying that most people do not deliberately take on a task so great. You have to come in with something that you know will work. This is why I am saying that we need to pray for him and be prepared for some mistakes. Of course he has good intentions, but again, he is still human.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Sounds like we agree. I think he'll do just fine though. Maybe mistakes will be made but I don't think it will be too bad, I hope not anyway. I wish racism would just go away.....
@Richard_Uther (229)
• Argentina
15 Dec 08
There's a saying about love, I can't remember it exactly, but it goes something like "There's no such thing as a perfect person, just the perfect person for you". I think this applies to Mr. Obama as well.
People shouldn't be thinking of him as a perfect man, but they should be thinking he's the perfect man to fix your current situation. Seeing the issue from an outsider point of view, I think that's the case.
Will he screw up from time to time? I'm sure he will, he's not jumping into an easy situation, far from it. In fact, I don't think you can expect him to fix everything during his mandate, just hope he pushes things into the right direction.
As for the fear of the Lord thing, I'll have to disagree with you, I don't think religion should play a factor when choosing the right person for a job, even if that job means representing you as a citizen. Just my opinion of course, don't take it the wrong way.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 08
Well now, that is one of the beautiful things about America, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect yours. All I am saying is that there are a lot of people out there that are pretty much worshiping him and thinking that the sun rises and sets on his head.
Then there are those that hate him just because of the color of his skin. Both of these leave wide the opportunity for disaster when he screws up. I just want to be sure that we all take this into consideration beforehand. Because this has never happen before, it will be a first for a whole lot of things. I want to be prayed up and prepared.
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@sitaramnayak (70)
• India
15 Dec 08
yes but i think he can do liitle for us & other countires because of the economic meltdown caused
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 Dec 08
very nice post, I am not american but obama or any president in these troubled times needs all the help they can get.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I think we should always all be prepared for any of our leaders to "mess up" because they all will because they ARE human and all humans have flaws. I hope you never EVER have to hear anyone say that awful word about our new President or about anyone else no matter what mistakes they may make. I'm very much looking forward to the coming new year with hope and optimism. Things have been pretty bad, both in the country and the world as well as in my personal life in 2008 so I'm telling myself things have to get better. Part of the reason for my optimism is the fresh start we're getting with the new Administration. I know I won't agree with everything they do even though I voted for them and was happy and proud to do so. I certainly know those who didn't vote for Obama won't agree with everything. I just hope everyone gives him a fair chance and I hope he in turn keeps the promise of being open and honest with the American people. Out of over 300 million people in this nation there were only a small handful who even wanted the job of President and fewer still that made it to the point of actually vying for their party's nomination or trying to get on the ballot as independent or third party candidates. I know I wouldn't want it for all the money in the world! The President doesn't have as much power as many think he does but he is the person who will represent us to the rest of the world and who will guide our policies here and abroad. I'm with you, Rozie, we should all pray for our country and our President and all our fellow Americans and open our hearts and our minds to a brand new day and a brand new year.
Happy New Year!
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
28 Dec 08
Thank you. Happy New Year, to you also. I have already stated that I certainly do not envy Barack Obama and I am sure that there are many who, like you said, would have loved the position, but not for such a time as this. I did not vote for Barack Obama, only because I did not agree with his views on gay marriage and abortion. I have very strong opinions on those subjects, as you probably already know.
That being sound, I am proud of him for making it and certainly hope that he keeps God at the forefront of everything that he does. That way, he will make the best decisions for our country and the world as a whole. I just don't want any petty sideline drama. There is just too much to be dealt with, to waste time on little stuff. I know that there are those that will want to criticize and scrutinize every little thing that he and his administration decides and the media will want to take it and run with it. But hopefully there will be more sticking to the important issues of the day and not so much to Obama's personal life. We do not have time for that. One good thing that I like about him is that he does not play in to a lot of that mess.
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
15 Dec 08
As you said, he's only human. He's a very educated man, but he's still human. I think people are going to react stupidly when he takes office because they are going to expect miracles. The economy didn't go down the drain in one day and people are going to have to be patient and realize fixing this country will take time. I do think we will see changes with him, but I'm prepared for things to take time. I know many people in this country will be spouting ignorance about race as soon as something goes wrong, but that is like I said, total ignorance. I wish Obama the best of luck because I do think he can accomplish good things for our country, but there will be a lot of damage to undo.
@general1star (149)
• United States
15 Dec 08
Even Elmer Fud would be better than what we have had for the past eight years. I trust Obama will do a good job even if he makes mistakes which he will. The country can't get any more down than it is and he has a mess to clean up. He needs to start by rebuilding the respect for the U.S. that we once had in the world. I am counting the minutes until that man moves out of the white house.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
15 Dec 08
I totally agree with all you had to say. We should know as Americans that he's not going to resolve all of the problems that are going on with us in one day it is going to take some time. And yes like you said he will make mistakes and we are just going to have to understand that he's not perfect. I just continue to keep him in my prayers asking God to protect him and to also help him in making the best decisions needed for our country as much as possible.