Help, I can't stop eating chocolate!

@liquorice (3887)
December 17, 2008 11:54am CST
I'm having a very chocolatey day today. I have eaten a kit-kat, a wispa bar when I was out shopping earlier, I've drank a cup of hot chocolate, and now I'm steadily working my way through a 100g bar of Tesco Amazonian dark chocolate. It's so delicious, rich and bitter (which would be a strange combination if it were a person, but in chocolate it works well! ) I don't normally eat quite so much chocolate, and am blaming it on the weather and the proximity of Christmas. What was the last chocolately thing you ate? Do you sometimes have chocolatey days? (Or is every day chocolatey? )
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25 responses
@mkmoney (468)
17 Dec 08
eating too much is very bad you will become very fat you need to slow down! i eat it once in a while becuase eating too much makes me sik!
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
Yes, I know! Don't worry, this isn't a typical day for me. I'm just having a chocolatey day, it happens once in a while. I might have to stop soon anyway, (as there won't be any chocolate left in the house! )
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• United States
17 Dec 08
Yes, it is true that chocolate can be very bad for you when you eat is constantly and in large quantities. Trust me on this, my mom used to be a chocoholic, eating it whenever she could get her hands on it, I mean bags and bags. I know that the normal person only eats a couple candy bars a day ( on a "very chocolatey day") but either way it all depends on what your body can tolerate. My mom is now alergic to it and almost all other products with milk in it. She hasn't been able to eat chocolate for about 15 years. She tells me all the time to watch how much of it I eat but sometimes I can't help it. I just crave it and I wonder if there is something in it that my body needs more of. Don't you crave things that you need? I'm not saying that you need choclate per say but maybe there is something in it that your body is trying to get because you are lacking it.
@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
Thanks for that information about your mum, I will try not to eat too much. And yes, maybe when we crave chocolate it's because our body needs some nutrient that's in there.
@celticeagle (168932)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Dec 08
I love chocolate! But I have cut down alot. I do mean ALOT! I am trying to lose weight and the chocolate is not something I can do. I used to go to the convenience store across the street and get several chocolate bars and ig out but I have made myself get out of the habit. Just a thought but you may have a deficiency. Do you take vitamins?
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
Thanks celcticeagle. That's good that you managed to cut down a lot. When I was living abroad many years ago I used to buy large chocolate bars in packs of five. That was a killer! I have certainly improved since then and don't buy so much, or (normally) eat so much of it either - Today is (hopefully!) an exception. Not sure if I have a vitamin deficiency, it's an interesting thought. I've often wondered if cravings are related to deficiencies... I do take a multivitamin every day though.
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• United States
18 Dec 08
I am very sorry I can't really help you. I can't stop eating it either... Maybe we need counseling or something...LOL i too love the way ti tastes.. I have been addicted for years...
• Philippines
14 Jan 09
honestly, i do not believe that we should be so worrisome about taking so much chocolates daily. it is good for the body. it is a healthy food to be ingesting. every member of my family loves chocolates so much. of course, we observe a balanced diet day in and day out. for as long as we observe an intake of a good amount of fibrous foods everyday, there should be no trouble there at all. fruits and vegetables will easily take care of this daily requirements. so we proceed with our chocolate intake daily without even noting how much have we already consumed. so far, no problems have been encountered.
@liquorice (3887)
12 Jan 09
Never mind Louise, lol! Yes, maybe we should go to chocolate counselling.. I too have been an addict for years, but to be honest I don't really want to give up, so I don't have much hope of actually doing it! I should just maybe exercise a bit of moderation sometimes (although easier said than done! )
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• China
18 Dec 08
wowo. becareful your teeth dont be get fat for ate too much chocolate.haha I love chocolate as well.but i am really very easy to get a i am not eat chocolate too much. my friend told me if i want to get fat i shall eat more chocolate,hehe....because i m too skinny cheers
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@liquorice (3887)
12 Jan 09
Yes, I do fear for my teeth when I'm having a chocolate binge... Yes, chocolate is probably a good way of putting on weight. Enjoy!
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
17 Dec 08
Well I love choclate too, but don't eat that often, altough these days are the peak times for eating chocolate. Well I sometimes have chocolate carvings and eat some, but I am not that type that I will eat chocolate all day :)
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
Yes, I think cold weather makes me want to eat chocolate even more than usual. I don't normally eat quite so much chocolate, sometimes I have a little bit, but today I've just having a bit of a chocolate binge! Will have to make something healthy for dinner to make up for it.. Those chocolate cravings are hard to resist. I'm glad that you don't eat chocolate all day though, it's probably quite a silly thing to do!
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• Malaysia
18 Dec 08
yes!!!have chocolately days.... haha.........uncontrolable!! but now become weigher and weigher, got to reduce the number of having chocolate^^
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
Yes, chocolate rules! It is unfortunate that it makes you put on weight, as it is hard to resist!
@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
Yes! :( Good luck!
• Malaysia
19 Dec 08
haha^^......... strongly agree with u! Now planning on how to loss weigh But i think it is a tough path.....haha
1 person likes this
17 Dec 08
I have literally just finished a bagful of chocolate covered peanuts. I kid myself into thinking that this is healthy choice, after all nuts are good for you. Hmm, perhaps not in such quantities and covered in chocolate. Ohh but they were yummy.
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
Hmm, I also like to kid myself that nuts are good for me. I really like dry roasted peanuts, and I tell myself that I'm getting so much protein. I tend to ignore the fact that they've got so much fat and salt.. Still, have to try to have all these things in moderation. It's hard though!
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@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I usually have a couple chocolatey days a month. Sometimes I have to stop and think just how many things I had with chocolate in them. Hmmm, I haven't had any chocolate today.........
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
Yes, it's good at certain times of the month. And ice cream is too! It is surprising sometimes when you look back and see all the chocolatey things that you ate. I wonder if you rectified your situation of not having had anything chocolatey...
@katemeow (847)
• Singapore
18 Dec 08
you are so lucky! I am dying to have a caramel filled kitkat! I was actually planning to buy one downstairs but decided not to because if i buy the chocolate i would also buy something nice and salty to go with it like POTATO CHIPS! haha. I love eating chocolate and potato chips... sigh! I wish they weren't so unhealthy :(
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@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
Ooh, a caramel filled kitkat, that sounds nice, and I've never come across one of those - don't think we have them here. I know what you mean about something sweet leading to something salty. And I find that it also works the other way round! I also wish that they weren't both unhealthy things...
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
17 Dec 08
every day i can manage it but if i eat to much before bedtime, i cant hardly sleep. its up an down all night
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@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
I can relate to that! I've noticed that things like chocolate, and especially coffee and cola really affect my sleep. Best avoided too late in the evening :(
@wjcp2008 (106)
• China
18 Dec 08
I don't have chocolate often.But if I am really depressed,I will buy many and eat them all.
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
That's good that you don't have it very often. Yes, chocolate is good for depression. And it is certainly addictive; once you have one you always want to have more. (Well I do anyway! )
@UK_Shree (3603)
17 Dec 08
Hiya, well I do like chocolate but usually end up feeling guilty if I eat too much of it and then do no exercise that day! I try and control how much I eat - the last chocolate I had was a bar of Wispa, saw it in the supermarket and I couldn't resist it!!
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
I try to do some exercise, but it probably won't be enough to counteract all of today's chocolate, lol! Oh yes, Wispas are impossible to resist. Especially as they hadn't been around for so long. You have to make up for all of the ones you would've been eating if they'd have been available, . (A great marketing ploy from Cadbury's perhaps? )
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@Ysabel (1201)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
oh, its every day chocolatey for me! i can stand a day without it! and i am not saying one bar, its literally chocolate bars! i can do it while watching tv, or even if im busy at work, i can still have a chocolate bar on the side. i can also have chocolate for dessert. i am indeed a chocolatey person! yum-yum!
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
I'm glad that every day is chocolate day! Yay! I guess you'd describe yourself as a chocoholic. I know quite a few other chocoholics (myself included sometimes), and I bet you were glad about the news a while ago about scientists discovering the healthy properties of chocolate. I think it's mainly dark chocolate (which contains anti-oxidents), but that's fine with me, lol! (I know that there are still unhealthy aspects, like sugar and fat, but everything in moderation..) (By the way, I like the way you spell your name Ysabel, very unusual and pretty. )
@fatsanta (84)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I am OBSESSED with Kit-kats. I dont have a chocolate day unless i feel really depressed. Then i just buy one bar and eat it at my house =p.
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
I go through Kit-Kat phases as well. They're very addictive! Yes, chocolate is good for when you're feeling down or depressed. It has some ingredient that improves your mood, which is why women tend to turn to it when they have pmt. I admire your restraint just having one Kit-Kat!
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I also have those times when i love to eat chocolate, i think that was a couple months ago and that i could say that i really gain weight because of that chocolate craving. Its like a seasonal Anyways, we had this experience, it may help you stop eating chocolate for a while. You can see the story here . That was a cadbury chocolate and after that day i didn't eat that kind of chocolate again.
@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
I think that mine is a seasonal craving too; I was getting into the Christmas spirit, lol! I'm a bit scared to read that story actually, I'll probably read it after I've had my dinner... I'm not sure that I want anything that stops me eating chocolate permanently, it makes me feel good! Thanks for your answer.
@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
Darn, I couldn't resist having a look, and yes, that is really disgusting! Luckily though, I think I like chocolate too much for even that to put me off, phew!
• Romania
18 Dec 08
Hehe... I love chocolate! I eat something sweet everyday (and of course it must contain chocolate!) :) It's not that much (though you shouldn't go by my views...), it depends what else you're going to eat today and how much chocolate (yesterday actually, since you posted this question 14 hours ago I see...) Yeah, these kind of days happen to me, I don't know why... but they're kind of rare now...
• Romania
22 Dec 08
Hehe I let them happen whenever I'm in the mood, lately I didn't care about eating too many sweets... :) I know it's bad... I neglected my diet, but ahh well, Christmas is coming, how else are we supposed to get into the holiday spirit other than by allowing ourselves to eat sweets and not stress so much? :)
@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
I think that most things are ok in moderations! Yes, that day I went a bit mad, but most days I don't have that much - what you have probably isn't excessive either, although of course, I don't know exactly what you mean by "it's not that much", lol! I don't have lots of days like that day (maybe I could call it chocolate day), so I don't feel too bad about it. It was fun though. Maybe I should actually plan a chocolate day every so often. Although maybe I won't be in the right mood on that particular day. Hmm, maybe it's best not to plan them - just let them happen naturally!
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
That's a lot of chocolates! Don't make it a habit please :) There are days also that I feel like eating chocolates but not that much. The last chocolate I ate I think was Hershey's Truffles, I love it! It is really delicious ... yum ... :)
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@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
Yes, I don't do it very often, and since that day I haven't eaten much chocolate at all! Hershey's Truffles sound nice. I haven't tried them, although I've tried Hershey's chocolate a couple of times. Thanks for your answer.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
18 Dec 08
Hi friend,I love chocolated too and sometimes eat non stop when I have chocolates at home.My first job is to finish the whole lot of chocolates if I have it at home.So I dont buy chocolates and keep at home.Even my teenage daughter eats one or two but I eat a lot more than her.Chocolates are so much addicting and we can never give up the taste and flavour of chocolates.Even the very site of chocolates tempt us.So better dont ever buy chocolates again. thanks for sharing.happy mylotting.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
17 Dec 08
The last Chocolate thing I had (notice how I capitalized the word "Chocolate!")was a warm, right-from-the-oven chocolate brownie about 3 days ago! Mmmmm! Yes! I definitely have Chocolatey days too. They are especially related to my hormonal cycle!
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@liquorice (3887)
17 Dec 08
Hmm, a warm chocolate brownie sounds so nice! Although I couldn't eat it right now, not after all the other "Chocolate" (lol!) I think that my chocolatey days are probably sometimes related hormones too, but are sometimes due to things like the weather (and whether I need to comfort-eat to get warm!!). Other times I guzzle chocolate when I need energy, or want to cheer myself up if something annoying has happened, or just because I've already had some chocolate, and the caffeine in it is making me want to eat more and more!
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@lotdj11 (73)
• Canada
18 Dec 08
If chocolate doesn't affect your weight, why don't you worry about it? If it does, then eat first because you can't stop and after that you have to do some exercises. If you don't like exercise, then you have to make up some excuses for the sudden chocolate habit like it's christmas time. Besides if chocolate makes you happy, just keep eating a small piece everyday. Someday you will become too busy to forget eating chocolate.
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@liquorice (3887)
18 Dec 08
Thanks, there are some sensible suggestions there. I figure that one chocolatey day won't effect my weight very much. But at the time, it felt like I just couldn't get enough chocolate! I just wanted more and more I like your idea of a small piece of chocolate each day. It could be like a special treat. It's an interesting theory about people eventually becoming so busy that they forget about eating chocolate, but I'm not sure that this would make me very happy!!
@liquorice (3887)
21 Dec 08
Yes, you're right. My chocolate binge only lasted that one day. I haven't had too much since then - just a little bit each day. I've read a lot about how dark chocolate has some very good ingredients; namely anti-oxidents, and this is really good for chocolate lovers, lol! However, I've no doubt that there are also some pretty bad ingredients in there that should be avoided. Thanks for replying back. :)
• Canada
21 Dec 08
I was saying that you may forget eating chocolate someday because I don't really think you will continue eat so many chocolate everyday until 2010. Because first of all you would become tired of eating sweets. And it's not good for both your weight and teeth. I used to eat chocolate too, until the other day the news said some of the chocolates' ingredients have some issues.
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