My self-centered boyfriend

December 17, 2008 3:04pm CST
My boyfriend brokeup with me because he thought i wanted us to break up which is stupid and jumping to conclusion. He first complained that when he calls am watching tv and don't listen to him and then i ask him to repeat is statement or question, but when he calls and am watching tv i always talk to him and share whatever am watching with him so therefore he doesn't completely feel left out, the fact is he doesn't like to talk on the phone so he just uses me not listening as excuse to stop calling, but we have a long distant relationship so it cannot survive without some phone time. He didn't stop to think about me and that i will be hurt, after he stopped calling me i ask him what was wrong he said he didn't feel the same way so we should break up, so i said ok because i did'nt know what to say or do i was shocked at his decision and confused as to why he made that decision all he could tell me was thats what i wanted.Do you think that he is confused or has he found some one else, is it normal for a man to have such a child like and self centered behaviour. Whats your view on all this.
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18 responses
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
18 Dec 08
First of all how old is your boyfriend? I really don't think guys are ready to settle down when they are under the age of 30. Honestly! You'll notice as you start reaching your 30s that you'll find more serious men at that age. Secondly, that's why I say long distance relationships never work. Unless you've been with a man for a long time that lives close or you've been living with them, and I'm talking a couple of years not months, enough time for you both to get to know each other and really learn about one another. Then he suddenly gets a job elsewhere and has to live a long ways away.. then it's not going to work. You are lucky if you can find a young man that will stick with you through thick and thin. Good luck
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
18 Dec 08
Yes you're right it does depend on the guy I guess. You're lucky that you came across a guy who loves you at that age.
• Jamaica
18 Dec 08
he is 31 years old, thanks for your comment we haven't lived together but i still think long distant relationship can work with someone who is understanding and you must be entirely in love with patience.
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• United States
18 Dec 08
thats your opinion but me and my husband have two beautiful children and he is 25 and we have been together since he was 21. so you may have known a couple of men who acted like boys well they are men out there under the age of 30 who act like men!! i say it just depends on the guy!
• China
18 Dec 08
it;s relly hard to say that .i'm also very sad now , i quareled with my bf the day before yesterday ,just for small thing.he lelf that night and didnt come back for 2days,i dont know waht to do now .
• Jamaica
17 Feb 09
Sorry i took so long to respond.....just be strong and hang in there dont leave if he is tired of you and want to leave let him do so, he probably is cheating thats what i get from what you said, but the key point is be strong and see how it goes if he is cheating you will find out because the relationship will slowly die. just prepare for the worst.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
17 Dec 08
Well, I must admit, if my girlfriend watched tv while I was talking to her on the phone, that might be a little annoying. Can't you either pull away from the tv when he calls or at least ask him if you can call him back? That is especially true with a long distance relationship, since you can't physically be together. What I would do is give it a couple od days, call him back (with the tv off) and tell him you don't want to break up. If he asks when he calls, he would like your full attention, you should agree to that. If he says sometrhing and you have to ask what he said, it is easy to think maybe you do want to break up with him. Because you're more interested in a tv program then in him. Show him in the future you're more interested in him.
• Jamaica
17 Dec 08
I do sometimes tell him i'll call him back but he just simple gets upset, i do not want to break up, he should be more understanding i am not more interested in a tv program and asking him to repeat does not mean am not listening it could mean i didn't hear whether watching tv or otherwise.
@bluemars (952)
• Australia
18 Dec 08
The thing is whether you are talking to someone in person or on the phone I really do think it is all the same, it does not change all that much really. If you enjoy the person's company and really look forward to seeing them it would mean that you would be dying for any chance to talk to them even over the phone especially for a long distance thing. Also if it is real love you would try to work through things and not give up so easily. I think maybe he did you a favor because why would you want to be with someone who is too lazy too talk on the phone with you or does not know how to appreciate even the smallest of times with you like just chatting on the phone for half an hour. I would not think too much about him if I were you because it is obvious he thinks too much about himself and will never think about any girl the way you want and the way you deserve to be treated. All in all I think it is a good think and you should just move on too, you deserve better than that and in time you will get better than that too. Keep busy so you do not think about him and in time you will get over him and then you will realize how much he does not deserve you and how he would never really measure up to what you really want from a man. I would stay away from the cowards too. Laughing out loud.
• Jamaica
18 Dec 08
Thank you, i totally agree with you, your encouragement is highly appreciated.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
17 Dec 08
I think there are several issues to consider: Firstly if this guy doesn’t like to call he shouldn’t be in a long distant relationship as this cannot work without calling. He should find something a little closer to home That said however, since this guy is making an effort to call you maybe he is really interested in you and you should make an effort to give him your undivided attention when he calls. In addition to which it may be considered either an insult or lack of interest on your part if you always ask him to repeat when he is talking On the other hand he could just be using this as an excuse to break up as he may just be disinterested or maybe has found someone new. My reason for saying this is that his reasons for breaking up seem a little "half baked” as if someone is fishing for excuses to justify his conscience and actions Still the possibility exists that your action has caused him to loose interest .Maybe he did stop to think about how it would hurt you but he felt like he couldn’t go on anymore and felt he needed to end it. One last possibility exists; maybe this guy has feelings of inferiority and has been through a rough time in the past. Maybe he was similarly ignored by other women and this was like deja vu, so the first sign of a repeat was what got him scared and running for the door. Maybe it was somewhat premature of him to just stop calling you like but different people handle situations like these differently, it depends on maturity and experience. All in all I think you both made mistakes and you should think about getting back together and each making a commitment to change what wrong and moving on.
• Jamaica
17 Dec 08
If someone have past experiences they should talk to their significant other about it and try to look pass thier past and look to the future and try to not use past girlfriend to judge the present one.These are good points i 100% agree with the point that this whole thing is "half baked".
@piya84 (2580)
• India
18 Dec 08
I think he is imature guy..with lot of insecurities...such a people want lot of attention..n they draw conclusions with little littel way u move on..
• Jamaica
18 Dec 08
Thank you, i agree.
• Netherlands
18 Dec 08
Long distance relationships are very very hard to maintain. The fact that he would call you on the phone when he didn't like to use the phone was important. This meant that he did like you to do something that he didn't like to do. I can understand the tv thing. It is kinda rude to watch tv when you are on the phone. However next time you can understand that a person may not like that. I am sorry that you got broken heart and I hope you heal fast and get a new boy. Hopefully one that lives closer so that you can have an easier time of it. ;) Keep your head up though there are always more men around.
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
That happens to me also. My husband would sometimes get mad when I am watching TV and I can't react to what he is saying. I think that is normal not just for men but also for most people when they want something to talk to they need our attention. In your case, I don't know why he ask for a break up. We can't really say unless you will hear his reasons. Ask him to clarify things between you and him. It may also be that he has found another woman.
@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
11 Jan 09
I think that with a long distance realtionship keeping the connection going anyway you can is the thing to do. Not everyone can call so keeping your connection alive via iming texting or email is the thing to do. It's hard to know what your boyfriend is up to. I guess that people do fall out of love for various reasons I guess you just have to make your wishes known though.
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
18 Dec 08
update: you should also be able to test this quite easily: ask him point blank next time you talk, whether he has found someone else or not. If he's evasive he has, or if he lies to you you should be able to tell, right ? Best of luck :D
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
18 Dec 08
well, the way I see it, at least from what you are describing, I would say your ex boyfriend very likely found someone else, it has little to do with you watching TV while on the phone. Of course he might not say that directly to your face, but that's what this sounds like to me. Hope you find a much better one next time. Peace :D
@dralon (88)
• Zimbabwe
18 Dec 08
Try to talk to him one more time, let him know you are serious, you care about this relationship and you are hurt by what he said. He owes you the truth, if he thought you wanted the break up and you show him that you dont then there is no need for the breakup, is there? Unless he is just using that as an excuse and has deeper issues elsewhere. Try and get him to open up to you and be honest, there may be another girl lurking around somewhere, but he must be honest...
@dralon (88)
• Zimbabwe
18 Dec 08
Well i believe there is some thing else the matter, these small issues that he is mentioning are just the tip of the ice-berg. If you really care for him try and give him 100% your attention, tell him how you realley feel and note hi reaction. If he was genuine that he felt rejection was coming from you then he may chnge is he is using that for an excuse he will not. Be brave and confront the issues now rather than later. Good luck...
• China
18 Dec 08
you need a patient talk wit your should tell him your feeling and what you really want ,and also,you should pay petience to listening.lovers should show respect to each other
@rsa101 (38323)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Well being far from each other perhaps makes a big difference. I guess it's really to hold on to a relationship that only a phone call could ever be your only link. And his feeling of frustration over getting your full attention over whatever you are doing at your end may just add to his frustrations. Yes I know this is quite hard on you and that you're watching TV is really simple problem that could be solved but I guess your man maybe just wanted to feel free from this kind of feeling that is why. So for you I guess you just hae to accept and move on I am pretty sure if it's not for you then it's not for you. Moving on would probably the best thing that you can do with your life right now.
@cathya (704)
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
Its really hard to handle a long distance relationship, it needs a lot of patience , understanding and prayers. On my case i should say am also in a long distance relationship but we try our best to see each other at least twice a week. But most of the time we communicate only over the phone. Like your ex-boyfriend, I also get irritated when am talking to my bf and i sense that his not listening to me or he's busy doing something, i tend to hang up the phone and wait for him to call me and then we start arguing but we never end the day without patching things out. maybe you're ex-boyfriend is not yet ready to handle a long distance relationship that why he made a decision without knowing your feelings or without asking you if you feel the same way.
• Philippines
18 Dec 08
I am sorry sweetie, did you say your boyfriend is breaking up with you because he doesn't like the fact that you are watching tv even if you are talking to him over the phone? I am not a relationship expert and I would not claim to understand everything. But although it is annoying to talk to someone who is busy doing something else, I don't think that is a valid reason to break up with anyone! I'm sorry, but if he really cared about you, that reason is not enough for him to just call it quits! If he really wanted the freedom, the least that he could do is be man enough to tell you that he had a change of heart and not come up with these brainless reasons. I feel for you because you tried to be as graceful as you can inspite of the fact that this guy broke your heart.I hope you get to find a guy who would value you more than he ever did! Love will come to you! Good luck!
• United States
18 Dec 08
okay... first of all i cant watch tv and talk to the person on the phone at the same time i always end up turning off the tv or going into anther room. The truth is long distance relationships are very hard and it could be that he found someone else but if you dont actually see him with that person then you can't blame him for finding someone else. most guys are kindda childlike until they get married and have children and etc.. but even then they tend to still be kindda childlike. im sorry that you are hurt and i hope things get better always remember that everything that happens happens for a reason you never know yall may end up back together but if yall dont then that just means he wasnt meant for you and you were not meant for him and go on to the next big thing! GOOD LUCK!