My Two Year Old Terror
By bbydollz
@bbydollz (114)
United States
December 18, 2008 2:01am CST
Ok I am about fed up and need some little advice on what to do about this mess. My two year old daughter has been doing some crazy things. Ok first things first the other day she pooped in her pull-up and reached in there and pulled the fecal matter out and smeared it into the carpet and was playing in it, and keep in mind she was potty trained so why is this happening. Then this morning when I woke up she has completely destroyed the bedroom. She had came into the kitchen got a full brand new box of cheerios and poured it all out on the carpet in her room and then she took about six packets of kool-aid mix and opened them and then she poured them on the floor as well. I just have no idea what to do with her anymore. I am at my wits end and I really hope someone can give me some insight on what the heck I should do about this. PLEASE HELP!! Im going insane! I never know what I will wake up to in the morning. Thank you
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17 responses
@sockpuppet (24)
18 Dec 08
my duaghter went through a very very similar phase, but it seems thats all it was, after shouting at her for a few moments which really got me nowhere and only started her screaming i got her to help clean it up with me, an explain to her it was very naughty and dirty.
we also put child saftey gates and catches every where an made sure before we went to bed there was nothing she could get her hands on anywhere in the house.
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@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I think that this is even a better idea. Use a gate at her room door especially. She want be able to leave her room untill you are up. She will be able to play with toys in her room.
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@sanju69 (51)
• India
18 Dec 08
Is your baby somehow feeling neglected due to some reasons. This are all attention seeking activities which the children do to get the maximum of attention from the mother. She is upto all sorts of mischief due to this. You should give her a little more time and try and understand her problem.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
19 Dec 08
You have to look at things from a 2 year olds perspective. Poop make great finger paint. And if mom's not up and she hungry She'll fix her own breakfast. box of cheerios and cool-aid look great together. At least she didn't pour milk on the whole mess. If your daughter is potty trained why is she in pullups? put her into some pretty panties and tell her if she wet or poops in them she can't wear them again. The get up before she does and Help her put the cheerios into a bowl and pour the milk for her. Kids at this age aren't ready to be up by them selves. They are still babies. get up and take care of her or we'll be reading in the news that she broke into the dollar store and was playing with the toys.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Two words, Baby Gate. I would put it where she can't get out of her room. When she wakes up in the morning, she's bored. A bored child, especially a toddler is a scary thing. My oldest had a bad case of the terrible two's, now it's a case of the terrible 12's but that's a different story. Luckily I didn't have to worry about her playing with her poo. Also be greatful it was kool aid mix on your carpet. Mine decided to take every single food coloring I had and decorate her carpet like a Easter egg. While I was still sleeping in the morning, she would take the dog outside and watch a house being built. That didn't last long, we got chain locks and put them up high. This was all done when she was 2, when she was 3, she decided to take off again. New place, we thought she out grew the running away at a early age, but was wrong. That only happened once and it was fun watching her try to squeese through the door after we installed the chain lock on that door. She took a dozen of eggs and decided her bedroom floor and toy box was her stove.
You can put a dvd player and small tv in her room, let her pick among maybe 3 movies of your choice. She will pick up quick on how to operate the dvd player with the remote. No more early morning destroying the house. Or sad to say, set your alarm so you get up early each morning to make sure she doesn't destroy the house. There are a few kid sized dvd players, I think Preschool makes a toddler one that she can't break.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
18 Dec 08
OMG! I would be freaking out if I were you. You need Nanny 911:)
I have 4 children and they never had that terrible of twos. I would definitely punish her when she does things like this. I hate to ask, but where were you when she was doing these things? I know when mine were 2, I didn't usually let them out of my site in fear of them getting into something they shouldn't.
For the cherrios, I'd make her clean it up. For destroying her room, I'd remove her toys and tell her that she can earn them back by being a good girl.
The poo thing, I have no idea! Do you use time out with her consistently?
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Ever heard of time out? I believe that you should teach children early what is right from wrong. Rubbing poo on the floor isn't acceptable behavior. So you are saying if you take this child to a restaurant and she gets down and rubs her poo on the floor it is normal? Or if she dumps her food on the floor on purpose it's normal?
Sorry, you need a reality check!
I am not saying to physically punish this child. Contain her so she can't get into things if you aren't in the room with her. The use of baby gates is great. This way she can be in the play room with toys while mom does whatever she needs to and doesn't have to worry about the child getting hurt.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Maybe she should make her pay rent or move into an apartment of her own. Better yet she could call the police and have her thrown in jail. Crazy? So is the idea a two year old should be punished. Everything this kid is doing is normal. Millions of kids have done the same thing.
So you're calling all us moms who let our kids have a bit a freedom or we didn't sit in the same room as our kids 24/7 bad moms. Only thing I've ever seen come of kids who were under a constant controlling mother is paranoia.

@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
18 Dec 08
I think its just part of terrible twos. Your not doing anything wrong. Maybe it is time to be more firm with her and enforce things. Also trying to be up in the morning before her can help out with the fear of waking up to a disaster. You need to discipline. I have a son who is about to be two. I don't discipline that much but it does help because he doesn't do half of that.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Im not sure what to tell you, our 2 year old granddaughter (we have guardianship) is a total handful too =)
She did the poop thing once, I told her it was bad and yucky. She hasnt done it since. As for getting into things that is what they do. I have to clean this house at leadt 6 times a day and everytime I walk thru there is something new! However in the mornings I make sure I am up first. Kids can get hurt to easily and 2 is so young. The things that she could get into and get seriously hurt would scare me.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
19 Dec 08
When my second daughter was born my first daughter was 23 months old. We had to potty train her all over again and she would do some crazy things which let me know she wanted attention. There were times when I couldn't wait til it was time for her to go to bed just to collect myself. What I started doing is when my second daughter would take her long nap during the day which was after lunch I would do school with my 2 year old it helped her out alot and myself b/c I was still giving her attention and made a special time for her and me. Its hard for them to get use to things that have changed in their life.
@Annmac (949)
19 Dec 08
She's TWO! What on earth is she doing getting into a kitchen alone, it's the most dangerous room in the house! No child that age should be up and around before you are.
Put a baby gate on her bedroom door, supervise her at ALL times, and pay her more attention. Make her help clean up but don't shout or scream at her or punish her. She's too young to understand that food shouldn't be played with.
As for the poop thing, that's normal, a child that age doesn't understand it's 'dirty' and although my own children never did it I've known plenty who have. My great neice went through a stage of using it to paint with, usually on her bedroom wall!
My children once decided to make breakfast and a dozen eggs plus a 4 pint container of milk ended up on the kitchen floor!
@jadegoat (89)
• United States
19 Dec 08
I feel for you. This is part of growing up in the toddler ages. My almost 17 year old daughter use to smear poop when she was 3. My almost 5 year old still sneaks to get into powder perfume cake mix and what ever else she can use to create a mess. To her it is playing and creating, for me it's a mess and a bleach mark on the carpet, when she mixed some acne cream, powder and lotion into a cup and spilled it behind her tea party table, which might I add I didn't see until it had bleached the carpet... auurrg! She drags her little brother around and talks him into getting into everything. My house is always a work of cleaning. All I can suggest is that you don't turn tour back on them...LOL
It is frustrating, I know, but they do grow out of it and then the years have past and you miss even the craziness of this time. Welcome to the joys of parenting...LOL
God Bless
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Some children are like this. I once had to babysit a two-year old that slapped your face each time you refused to do something for her. It took me a while to discipline her.
Maybe you should play with her more often. Perhaps she feels as though there is no one to play with, and is doing all of these things out of boredom. She seems pretty smarty, though, to be able to do all these things by the age of two. Good luck!
@brianna90 (5)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Dec 08
Holy Cow! That sounds menacing!
Well I think u should give her the 'time out'
or just sit her down and let her know that if she continues to behave this way,
umm take away certain can't watch her favourite TV show..etc
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Hmmm. I'd say her idea of being potty trained and yours aren't quite on the same level. I've dealt with the poop play. She'll outgrow it-eventually. Then you can give her the mother's curse "One day you'll have kids that act just like you." She'll grow up and have a little poop player of her own. 

@prinzess1515 (1341)
• United States
18 Dec 08
How well can she speak? Would she be able to tell you why she did those things. I think she is either acting out, any changes in her life lately?, or she is just really bored. You should now toddler proof your home. Put those door knob plastic thingys on all the knobs.
@alyssakenzie (462)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Try spending an hour or so with just you and her if you can and try and talk to her about things and talk to her about how she needs to behave. After we moved my two year was having problems and I tried this and things have gotten a little better since. She may just need some reassurance that she is still going to get attention even with things around her changing. If this doesn't work you can always send her to me!!