I'm a tarot card reader... let me read a card for you...
By amanda415
@amanda415 (70)
United States
109 responses

@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
8 Nov 06
thanks. maybe that means money coming my way... I do pay attention to detail =)
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
The Coins suit usually means material objects or money so I would read it like that too.
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
For you I drew the 8 of Coins which to me means diligence... You are very knowledgable and pay attention to detail. Be patient... you will get the rewards in the end.

@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Post anything...
I see your card as the Ace of Coins which I read as someone around you is questioning whether or not they can trust you. Be patient because you are trustworthy and the person will realize that in the end. How accurate am I?Anyone else?

@deadsoul1 (714)
• India
8 Nov 06
Great.Honing your skills.
Pick up a card for me and tell about me.
ill let you and others know how correct you are.
Anyways nice topic and discussion based on personal interest.Here goes plus for you..
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Hmmm... you are a bit intimidating... Let me shuffle my cards and give it my best shot.
I drew the Tower card... Sudden change, downfall... or a revelation... I would take this to mean that perhaps you have had or are about to have a sudden change that will lead to a meaningful revelation.
Soooo? How did I do?
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Hmmm... you are a bit intimidating... Let me shuffle my cards and give it my best shot.
I drew the Tower card... Sudden change, downfall... or a revelation... I would take this to mean that perhaps you have had or are about to have a sudden change that will lead to a meaningful revelation.
Soooo? How did I do?

@Walksonwalker (420)
8 Nov 06
Okay, thanks, I will take that on board. Not quite sure what it refers to yet though.
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Someone around you is playing the "Poor Me" attitude to get attention...
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@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
For you I drew the inverted 10 of Swords... someone around you is having problems but their biggest problem is having the victim-mentality... unless this person is willing to help themself, you can't help them.
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@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
7 of Coins... you need to stop as assess your situation... is it time for a direction change? Are you in a bad relationship or in a bad job? Maybe you just need a new understanding...
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
7 of Coins... you need to stop as assess your situation... is it time for a direction change? Are you in a bad relationship or in a bad job? Maybe you just need a new understanding...
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
7 of Coins... you need to stop as assess your situation... is it time for a direction change? Are you in a bad relationship or in a bad job? Maybe you just need a new understanding...

@hilarysarobot (137)
• United States
9 Nov 06
oh, that's pretty suggestive, haha.
I wonder what that means..
@hilarysarobot (137)
• United States
9 Nov 06
oh, that's pretty suggestive, haha.
I wonder what that means..
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I see the inverted 9 of Cups. This means that you aren't getting satisfied with what you are spending your time doing. Follow your dreams. Perhaps you are looking for a more sensual pleasure...

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Pull a card for me please. I am not like most people. you will be surprised.
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
For you I drew the 4 of Swords which can mean rest and contemplation. I would say that you are quietly preparing for something that will shock the average person. Make sure you are ready before you spill your secret!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Nov 06
You are very right I am a Pagan and I am planning on telling people but I am trying to figure out how and when is the right time. Thank you.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I'm not gonna ask you a question, just give me the card and we'll see how accurate it is.
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I drew the inverted High Priestess...
Do you read cards too? Let me know what you think!!! I am anxious for feedback.

@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I see the inverted 9 of Cups. This means that you aren't getting satisfied with what you are spending your time doing. Follow your dreams. Perhaps you are looking for a more sensual pleasure...
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@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I think tarot cards are a way of the spirits around me to express what I need to know. Thanks for the compliment!
For you I drew the 4 of Wands... which to me means celebration and freedom... are you changing jobs and excited about it? Celebrate whatever is going on in your life. It's a new begining!

@katabongaz (537)
• Mexico
8 Nov 06
Will everything go smoothly at this time of my life and what im planning with my boyfriend. Thank you :)

@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I drew the Knight of Swords for you that does support that you are at a crossroad. Make sure that you are being direct, knowledgable and logical.... not blunt, over-bearing, over-opinionated, and unfeeling.

@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I did your reading above... by your other comment. Do you have another or more specific question?

@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
For you I drew the 2 of Cups... you are seeking a connection or reconnection romantically. Call a TRUCE! It is the only way to connect with what is attracting you!
@momstime (21)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Well i can not say i believe or not but if you are who you say you are tell me something only i would know? I once ask this question to a man a few years ago and the response i got made me believe that are special people here on earth are you one of them?
@gittabest (1946)
• Iceland
8 Nov 06
There's a difference between tarot cards or being Psychic......
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I am still working on my newly discovered talents... I have always had a "sixth sense" or strong intuition. I have recently discovered that I have been able to help my friends with Tarot cards. I do believe my intuition is stronger than most so let me try with you..
I drew the Knight of Cups for you so I would guess that you have strong insight too. I would say that you spend a lot of time in introspection. You try to be romantic and imaginative. You are probably really sensitive. Be careful not to let your emotions get the best of you and become over-emotional, fanciful, or tempermental. With being sensitive, you feel things deeper than most, which also means joy.
What do you think?
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
For you I see the inverted 5 coins... someone is going thru hard times and ill health, make sure that you don't reject them due to your own miconceptions
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Ten of Wands... are you overextending yourself? You are caring a lot of burdens and going thru a lot of struggles... Be careful not to overdo! That wouldn't be good for anyone!
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Your card is the Star Card... which means you are a hopeful and generous person. Make sure that the people are genuine... if they aren't, it could lead to disaster.
@amanda415 (70)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I see the 9 of Coins... You are very disciplined and self-reliant... is there anything that needs to be perfected? You can discover it thru introspection.