Premonition, Precognitive Dreams, Visions - Does anyone experience these?

@ellie333 (21016)
December 27, 2008 4:45pm CST
Have you ever experineced knowing what is going to happen maybe one day, one week or one month from now?, have you seen an object and known immediately that there was something not good about it? I have experienced this a lot from seeing a car an immediately knowing it would crash to being prompted to pray for extra protection for one of my daughters only to discover that five minutes later a nail bomb went off in the city she was in. Do you listen to these gut feelings of dismiss miss them as paranoid rather than parnormal? Huggles. Ellie :D
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29 responses
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Dec 08
Some people when I spot them, I have this sense that there is something not right, like something untrustworthy about them. And I have had dreams where later on I went somewhere, and I knew I dreamed about it, but that is as far as it goes. I sometimes dream of going to some nice warm climate, and being in an apartment, in a hospital, or in a big house, but do not know whether it is how things would have been if things continued at this particular time, or whether they are wishful thinking, or worrying. So I do not know if the dreams or premonitions, or whether it is just a accumulation of past events or wish I were there.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
4 Jan 09
I have that too. Some people , you just know something is not right. Last year we got a new neighbor. He opened the shop beneath my apartment. He was going to do all kinds of good things. Help people to earn money and help the needy.ect. My boyfriend and many others where all in to help. But, I told my friends, something is not right. But I could not put my finger on it. This man was intelligent, could speak real convincing. And the only thing I could say was," something is not right!". He has left here about a month ago. Seems he had not paid his rent in the 6 months he was here. At the same time, he had profited from the poor people around him. He was only out to help himself and profit from others. I wish I could have explained it earlier. But, I am not God. I cannot see everything. Take care.
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@ellie333 (21016)
29 Dec 08
Hi Suspenseful, Oh the people one I can relate to, if I get a niggle I tend to be wary of them, twice I haven't listen to that niggle in recent years and twice been badly hurt in some way which was connected to the person. The dreams only you can really know but do sound like a mixture of all concepts there. Thank you for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
Ellie the situation of my husband about heart attacked i dreamed of it! and yes it did happen and i even felt it before it happen!we are supposed to fly october 29 but i did not have mood or not excited to pack my suitcase!i felt like there is something wrong will happen.Ellie its a long story to tell about and yes the dreamed becames reality!
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Oh Bombshell, I am sorry if this discussion opens up the hurt and suffering from your hubbys heart attack, I feel for you I really do and trying to bring your child up alone while he mends. I thank you so much for sharing this. We know we always know eh! Hop[e he is well again soon. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
28 Dec 08
thanks Ellie
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I have had 2 dreams come true. On the other hand, I've had feelings ever since JFK was shot. As soon as I heard Bobby Kennedy was running, I told a friend that it was bad because someone was going to kill him. When George Wallace was running, I said that someone was going to shoot him. When I heard Ford was the new President, I said I had a bad feeling, that someone was going to try to shoot him. And when Reagan was elected, I said someone was going to shoot him. At that point I vowed that I'd never say it again, but I've never had the feeling again, until this year. Mind you, I never met any of these men, never even been close, but I do feel that someone is going to try and do it to Obama. this is NOT a threat, I hope and pray I'm wrong, for one thing, I don't think Biden is any better a selection so please don't sic the Secret Service on me, its just a feeling - one of many I've had since JFK was killed the day before my 10th birthday
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Elic, I think a lot of people think that also re Obabma so I doubt that will set the Secret Service on you. Thank you for sharing these premonitions with me though. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
4 Jan 09
Hi Fury, I wish you had posted in your own comment as I cannot respond directly to you and wanted to welcome you to myLot and also thank you for sharing this with me, I really appreciate it and it does sound like you are very sensitive. I have requested as a friend so I could PM you about all this but you haven't accepted as yet which is a shame. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Hi ellie, I've never had that kind of an experineces. You have that sixth sense very strong. Have you always had this or did it just start? And when you get this does something happen every time? It's kind of scary. I sometime listen to them, and sometimes when I should I don't, than I'm sorry I didn't.
• United States
2 Jan 09
[i][b]Hi ellie, (Happy New Years) You know my mom is the same way. she has that sixth sense very stronge and know when something is going to happen. One time I was telling her that I was going to go out with this guy, and I usually never mentioned who I went out with. The day of our date, he kept calling and calling, I had gone out to buy an outfit for the night, when I got home my mother told me that she didn't like the idea of me going out with him, due to the fact he kept calling every hour, she had this feeling about him, (usually she always right), she just told me to go out with my cousin, which I did. One time I did meet in person, and I asked my friends to go to my same place we were going to be at. I've never done that before either. So maybe that was sign. He never called again.[[/b]em]happy[/em][/i]
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Jan 09
Hi Kaleegirl, Oh yes I have always had them, when I was a child I was told I had a vivid imagination but I felt, saw and predicted and freaked people out. It has got me into trouble as how could I have possibly known if I hadn't been involved etc. I am not so switched on these days but when I get that niggle, gut feleing I listen as in the past when I haven't it has been to my detriment. Love and huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Jan 09
Hi Kaleegirl so in this instance mum is always right eh! It can be quite unerving sometimes when you just know and some people can thimk you are a bit strange but it would be negligent of me if I didn't pass on these feelings to someone else if I felt they were in danger just like your mum did with you. Huggles. Ellie :D
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• United States
30 Dec 08
I've had that odd feeling like I've been there before and I'm one step ahead of the conversation but never having a feeling of uncertainty like you have. Since I have a twin brother I have been able to feel what he's feeling whether its being sad or happy about something. One day I was having a rotten day and he called me and said, "Quit bumming me out!"
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Jan 09
Hi Gitfiddleplayer, That must be intersting having a twin as I have heard that there is a weird connection on that level. The feeling of having been somewhere before like that is dejuvue (not good at spelling). Thanks for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
I had one very strange experience last year where I was passing a house and thinking what a run-down dump it was, and how the occupiers ought to be ashamed. Then something in the back of my mind said, 'it doesn't matter - it's going to burn down anyway'. To my horror, it did, a couple of weeks later. When I heard the sirens, I just knew which house the fire engine was going to - and I was right. It scared the living daylights out of me, and I don't want anything like that to happen again!
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@ellie333 (21016)
29 Dec 08
Hi Guybrush, This is the sort of thing that happens to me and yes it can be really scary especially if it is something bad that is going to happen. Thank you for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@balasri (26537)
• India
28 Dec 08
Well I have experienced it many times.Yesterday I have responded toa discussion abut the poisonous snakes in my country and went back to my room to watch the program on poisonous snakes on TV.Many times whatever I dream has come true the next day itself.I don't know.I just cannot explain it.But it is happening and thanks for giving me a chance to tell all about this.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Dec 08
We All have these powers we are not aware of.We don't stop to notice these phenomena in our daily huzzle and buzzle of our life.Well whenever we start a work and waiting for a result my wife always used to ask me what could be the results.I was able to tell her the outcome almost correctly most of the time.I am not boasting.I just feel like sharing with a frined who can understand what I am talking about.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Balasri, How strange with the snakes and a discussion. Recently I was going to post a discussion and when I went into myLot a friend had posted one almost identical to what I had been thinking, great minds think alike eh! LOL. It is something most people cannot explain but just a feeling. Glad your enjoyed being able to share. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
6 Jan 09
Well I do believe at it at times. But as for me experiencing that vivid I think I have not experience it at all. Although there are times in my life where I could feel what would happen but no in a grand way. An example of these is that at one time I was thinking of an object(just forgot what it was) all day long it kept bugging me and I do not know why. Later that day my wife would tell me that she needs the thing that has been bugging me all day. I do not know if that was a premonition or what but I do believe it is something.
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jan 09
Hi Rsa, Well you were certainly picking up on something, maybe your wife's thoughts telpathically telling you she needs the object and when you get home confirms it. Thank you for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I feel that your dreams are special to you! Take your time to think about it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Jan 09
Thank you, yes they are very special and I do take time to listen. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Hi Ellie. I have not ever experienced a premonition or precognitions of any sort. I mean, there are times that I can predict something but it's typically based on a person's behavior, like what I think he or she will do in a given situation. I remember your story about the car crash and that was quite remarkable. The story about your daughter and the nail bomb is just so scary, I must assume she was not hurt in the situation. I guess I don't have these types of "gut feelings". Sounds like you have "special" gifts. Take care.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
4 Jan 09
Yes, I have experienced these things too. When I was 20 and married, I had dreams that are still relevant. I had left my parents to be with my husband. Had no contact to them for 9 years. But, in my dreams I would still wake up in my old bedroom. At home with my parents. I would wake up angry, cause I did not want this to happen. 9 years later, where did I wake up?? At home with my parents, only know I had two children with me. I am know 42, and my dreams have led to to where I am now. I new I was going to leave Holland. I new I was going to have a hard time. But, the end of the dream is almost there. And I will finally have peace and be truly happy. I am almost there. Anyway, I don't always listen to my dreams. It is just the ones that make you feel something when you wake up. Take care.
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
4 Jan 09
Thank-you very much. I wish you peace and happiness too. Happy Mylotting, Take care.
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@ellie333 (21016)
4 Jan 09
Hi Margajoe, Thank you for sharing your dreams with me. It is something that can't be explained but you just know hese ones have a significance somehow whereas others you know you have dreamt but have no real meaning as such. I hope your do find true happiness and peace. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@GreenMoo (11833)
6 Jan 09
Good grief, I've never had a feeling like this and I'm really glad I haven't. If I did, and it later turned out to be true, I'd be henceforth a bag of nerves thinking that my every imagining was a portent of bad news. So how do you discern between what's really a premonition and what is just your imagination talking?
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jan 09
Hi GreenMoo, It is just a knowing deep down inside that I cannot explain but whenever I get the feeling I act on it. Other dreams and things if I am not niggled by them in this way I can ignore. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
28 Dec 08
ive learned not to dismiss anymore and always trust that nag nag at the back of my head, the visions i get, and to pay attention to dreams that arent quite "dreams". my spidey senses are rather keen, and those who know me best also know to trust my sight and listen when i tell them things.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Tessa, I call it a niggle you call it a nag nag but yes that is what I listen to these days and I make sure I do listen and not dismiss. I would trust your sight and listen when I am told as you have helped me more than you probably realise and that all stemmed from the energy vampire discussion. I still appreciate all your help. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
28 Dec 08
;lovies; its what i do darlin.. its what i do glad to know everything is still going well in that dept
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@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
6 Jan 09
Everyone has it from time to time. The trouble is that not everyone remembers the dream when waking up. or they don't know what to do with it. Read the book "Dreams" written by Sylvia Browne. Very good, explains a lot and it's a very easy to understand book. Really, give it a try
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Jan 09
Hi Ladynetz, Thanks for the recommendation, I will look it up and see if on Amazon and order as I love my books and only have one dream one that isn't very informative really. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
28 Dec 08
I've had experiences like this, and they can be both beautiful and writening. As a kid I had a dream of a train crashing and a lot of helicopters hanging around the scene and people shouting. The next day when I did groceries with my mom we turned around real quickly because a teenager had thrown himself in front of the train and was taken to the hospital in a special aid helicopter. I've had more of these kinds of dreams, but this one was one of the most writening. Since I've had more than one, I know not just to dismiss them but to be alert. I know and believe they are more then just feelings.
@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Cyberfluf, I am pleased to hear that you do listen to your gut feeling when you do get this and stay alert. Thank you so much for sharing. Love and Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Dec 08
HI Ellie333, I find this subject as rather interesting. However I try not to think much about it. Weird thoughts come into my mind when I am taking the plane or a train when i am travelling abroad. I try not to be paranoid.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Ronaldinu, I think we all have aprenhensive thoughts re travel especially any distance. I am pleased it is a subject that interests you but at the same time can understand why you wouldn't want to delve too deep and seem like you are paranoid. I thank you for sharing you thoughts on this subject. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
28 Dec 08
[i]Hi ellie, I have experienced something like this when I was working before..I do know if you have read this already but I guess I have mentioned this in one of the post before..Can't remember whose post was that.. Anyway, I was in our office and my close friend whose table is next to me left her phone on top of her table and she was in the next office talking with another office mate..Before I left, I was thinking to pick her phone and give it to her because our janitress just arrived and will clean the area but, I didn't do it thinking she will just get it....So, I left and told them I will go ahead... I was surprised she visited me in my apartment after 2 hours and very sad....She asked me if I was teasing her about her phone and I told her about what I felt that time and told her, I wished I pick it up...IN short, she lost her phone![/i]
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Checapricorn, No you haven't shared this wit me but she should have picked her phone up eh and it seems that some sort of intuition told you that she was going to lsoe it if she didn't answer and keep with her then. Thanks for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
28 Dec 08
hi ellie, when my there is someone i love that will going to passed away i will dream of waterlike sea,its a bad sign for me.. when my parents passed away i always dream of that,
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Marketing, I sincerely hope you do not dream too many dreams of the sea then. I am sorry to hear about your parents. Thanks for sharing. Love and huggles. Ellie :D
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
28 Dec 08
Hi there Ellie. I have had premonition dreams if i may call them so, as in dreaming of something and sometime in the future that thing happening - of course it was not a very special thing and it was bound to happen but oh well... I also have had some Deja vue episodes in my experience.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Elitess, Thank you so much for sharing, I think you are the only guy to respond so far also so I am honoured that you have participated here. Deja vue, I tried to spell in an earlier response so thanks for the spelling but that is a really weird one when it happens isn't it. Huggles. Ellie :D
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28 Dec 08
Hi ellie, I never dismiss my gjut feelings, everytime I have it I know something is going to happen, there was many a time I know somting is going to happen to do with my hubby and he ignores it and it did happened. Once I told a boyfriend of my friend's friend to be carefully in his car, better still not to drive it for a week and he just laghed it off saying I am mad as a hatter so two days later someone went into his car and he ended up with two broken legs and had to give up his active job for a desk job in the same firm, he cannot be active again. He didn't heed my warnings, I told him when I get a feeeling, I get a feeling. Love and huggles. Tamara xxxxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Dec 08
Hi Tamara, Speaking of cars, I had a Volkswagen Passat Estate a while ago and I needed to deliver some goods off to customers and a young lad who lived upstairs from me (this was before my son was born) knocked on my door and told me that if I went out in my car that day I would die. I told him I had to to do my deliveries but he insisted. I didn't listen but I was supposed to live too because when I loaded the car to go it wouldn't start at all, no reason, just wouldn't. I had to wait for the guy I was with at the time to get home from work and deliver in his van. Strangely enough when I went to the car the following day it started first time. I am glad of the extra protection that the guy with the broken legs that didn't take heed didn't have. I do listen now. Thanks for sharing. Huggles. Ellie :D
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