My Baby Girl Gracie

Gracie and I - This is my baby girl. She's always with me all the time.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
December 27, 2008 9:30pm CST
I had to take my baby girl Gracie to the emergency vet tonight because she was laboring in her breathing. She was eating and a little bit playful but her chest would go in and out very sharply and deep. They took some x-rays and listened to her heart. She has a heart murmur and had an unimaginable amount of fluid on her lungs. I'd say a full glass of it roughly 8 or 9 ounces if not more. I didn't know cats lungs could be so big. They wanted to keep her over night in case the fluid builds back up, which it will, and she'd be right there where they can drain it off but we opted to bring her home and bring her back tomorrow to have the fluid drained again. She has two prescriptions to take tonight. The vet is sending a sample off to be tested to see what the cause is and so we will know if there's something that will help her. If there's nothing we can do then we will have to put her down. SHE'S MY BABY GIRL!! I cried and cried at the vets office and then I became numb. I didn't think I could cry anymore after all the hell hubby and I have been through and still going through. I've had it friends!! I've had enough of this sh!t!!!!!! I've just had it!!!!
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23 responses
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Oh my goodness......You need a big Hug...((((Cats)))))) I am so very sorry to hear about your baby girl Gracie...I am keeping her in my prayers... I sure wish there was something I could say that would make it all better and make the hurt go away. You are all in my thoughts....
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I know everything seems pretty bad right now (and it is) but tomorrow is a new day...Everything seems to be hitting you all at once and you are overwhelmed to the max... Hold Gracie close to you and think of all the good times you've had and all the more good times you are going to have with her... Don't think about anyone else right now but you and your baby girl Gracie... You have really great friends here...I see someone lit a candle for Gracie...That is very, very special. And everyone is praying for Gracie and you.. We are all here for you...PM me if you want too...If you want my e-mail, I would be more than happy to give it to you.... Just remember we all love you and are here for you....Hugs..
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Oh my gosh... look at the last response on this page!! For the love of God if I could only reach out and touch someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
28 Dec 08
There was no reason for that to be said...I'm sorry should have been enough...or just not saying anything at all...
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Hopefully she is doing better!! I bet you have had it! It would be nice if you could just get a little good luck!!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Lay down and take a little nap with her. I am sure it will do both of you some good. I will be thinking of you!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
We did that at noon and got up 2 hours later but we're both still out of it. I'm afraid if I go to sleep now, I won't sleep tonight so I'm doing all I can to stay up besides, I have more to answer so they won't think I'm ignoring them. Can't have that!! lol
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
She is doing better thanks Thoroughrob! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really scared us last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked awful! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 08
Sweet I am so sorry to read this I know Gissi has a Heart Murmur but he has not had that Problem, I really hope that they can do something for her
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
She seems to be doing better thanks gabs! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really scared us last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked awful! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted.
@kareng (71239)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I'm sorry to hear that your kitty is ill. I hope the vet can treat her and she will have a full recovery! Keep us posted ok? And hang in there!
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@kareng (71239)
• United States
29 Dec 08
That's great! I hope you both have a better night tonight!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
She is doing better thanks kareng! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really freaked us out last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked terrible! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Oh Cats, I am sorry about your cat. I hope that the problem is minor and easily taken care of..
• United States
29 Dec 08
I understand what you are going through..Turns out that our dog who was suddenly losing weight needs to see the vet..I started feeding her 4 times a day instead of 3 and when she still wouldn't put on weight and then my daughter saw her stools and said she had diarrhea, I knew she has a problem..I to am hoping it isn't anything serious, she is only 14 months old..
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Dec 08
It doesn't sound like worms because she'd be eating more and more. Please let me know how she's doing and what the vet says. She is too young to be having these problems. What is the dogs name? I'd like to light a candle on her behalf.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Thanks Carmelanirel... we should know tomorrow what exactly is wrong with her or the cause of the fluid building up. I hope and pray that it's something really simple. She's doing a little bit better tonight because she did some kneeding on a fleece blanket that she loves so that's a good sign but she still looks either really worn out or depressed, I don't know which it is and we're going to have to work extra hard on her to get her to snap out of it but only after we find out the results then we'll know what to do.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I hope it all turns out. I am going through something similar with my mother, hating what might have to be done, not wanting it to happen, hoping for the best. And, I'd feel the same way about either one of my cats. They are all our family. They all mean something to us. We have fed them, bathed them (sometimes), provided shelter to them, doctored them, protected them. There is no way anyone experiencing that can feel nothing. They may pretend otherwise, but they do feel it. I am so very sorry, though. My thoughts are with you and Gracie.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
29 Dec 08
Thank you for the update on Gracie.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
It isn't easy caring for one's parent(s) but we do it because we love them, right? But gosh, it does push us to the brink of exhaustion. Especially when bombarded with other things as well. Good news now, Gracie is doing better! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really scared us last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked awful! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted. Thank you for being there for me!! I really appreciate it.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Any time, Cats. I wouldn't want anyone else here with Mom, either. To help? Sure. To replace me? No way! Gracie's a lucky little girl! How old is she? Did I miss that? If so, I'm sorry.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I am so sorry Cats, you and hubby need a break. I hope its nothing serious and the medicine does the trick. My heart breaks for you. Take care, your in my thoughts and prayers.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I know it probably seems like you are being punished for something. I don't think thats the case, you could not have been that bad if this is a punishment. I do agree with you, enough already. Its too much, I don't know how you have been handleling it all. I guess you just do what you have to do, just keep on keeping on. I wish I knew something that would make you feel better. You do have friends here that do care, I am sure there are lots of us that will keep you and your family, including your babies, in our prayers. Keep the faith, Gracie is going to be ok.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I'm doing all that I can to hang onto my faith but damn it, now I'm getting angry. I'm so sick and tired of all this bs!! Every freaken time I turn around it's something else something else something else!! Enough already a long butt time ago!! Last night I snapped because of hubby being so down and out and short with me that I just pushed everything of our dinner off the table onto the floor and walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to be alone and I cried and cried some more. About a half hour later hubby comes up with a cup of coffee and a peace offering and I accepted but damn!! I know he's going through hell but so am I!! Now it's even worse because adding Gracie to the list of worries. Gee mee moses!! If God wants me to keep my faith He's going to have to lighten the load. That's all there is to it. I can't take anymore. NO MORE!! Enough!!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
My husband is moody and depressed my mom is really depressed and now my baby girl is sick. Excuse me Polly but damn it all!! F this and F that!! I'm so pissed and angry and hurt right now that I just want to end it all but I won't. What in God's name have I done wrong to be tormented and so on? What have I done? I so want to know so I can right it!! I'm so sick of being in the gutter and for so damned long!! This is my baby girl!! She's with me all the time. All the time. She sits in my lap when I'm watching tv or even when I eat dinner. Right now she's instead of being beside me like usual she's under the desk. I think she just wants peace and quiet after that ordeal but still, she's with me.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
28 Dec 08
Hang in there CatsandDogs. I am praying for Gracie. I do not want to make light of a serious situation but maybe Gracie has Pneumonia like we can get. The good news is that she can overcome this with the right care and medication. Keep her warm. I am praying for all of you. Stay positive for Gracie and please, keep us updated. Will be checking back tomorrow.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
28 Dec 08
P.S. I have lit a candle for Gracie also. Be Well Beautiful and Take Care of you CatsandDogs.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Evr, thank you for doing that for our dear Cats and Gracie. I went there and lit a candle too for both of them. I hope you don't mind...I think the more candles lit the better and nicer.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Thank you so very much! I'm crying now seeing what wonderful friends that I have!! I'm forever blessed because of you all! I've got to tell you that I'm so afraid I'm going to lose her and she's only 4 years old. Just a baby still. She's with me all the time. I mean all the time. She's in my lap when I watch tv and even when I'm eating dinner. Right now instead of being beside me, she's under my desk at my feet. She's my baby and I love her so much! I promise to keep you updated....
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• United States
28 Dec 08
My heart goes out to you. I know the pain that having to face such a choice causes. I have sadly have had to make that choice quite a few times in my life but I know I cannot bear to watch any of my babies suffer and have to make the merciful choice. I shall be praying for your Gracie and that she be will be alright and you are nor faced with that heartbreaking decision.
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• United States
28 Dec 08
Your Gracie will be in my prayers.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I so agree with you whiteheather, I can't see any of my loved ones suffer so I will put them down if the need arises and have done it too quite a few times but dang it's heart wrenching. I've had to put down two kittens that were deformed, now that's hard!! And two cocker spaniels when they got old and then got to be really sickly. One had seizures, one in about 2 or 3 months till it got more and more frequent. I'm so mentally and phycally exhausted. This year has worn me completely out. I have reached the end of my rope a few nights ago and again last night. I hope and pray that God has seen this and lighens the load because I sincerely can't take anymore. Now as for Gracie, she's doing better, not exactly up to par yet but she has eaten and has kind of tried to play some but she seems worn out too. Maybe tomorrow will be better for the both of us but the main thing is, I haven't had to take her back to the vet today YET, hopefully I won't have to but I am keeping a close close eye on her.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Awww...sweetie I'm so sorry about this! That's so awful! I hope the vet can get her straightened out and she doesn't have to be put down. I'm sending more hugs to you and to your sweet Gracie. I'm praying for all of you. PM me if you need me hon.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I lit a candle for both of you as well. Here's the link:
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I just saw the response...AND I gave that fool a piece of my mind as well. Talk about a lot of nerve!!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Awww Kat!! Thank you!! I'm so grateful for you my friends!! I hope and pray that I don't lose her and it's something really simple. She's my little baby girl! I love her so darned much!! BTW, look at the jackass at the very bottom. Oh if I could only see 'it' in person!! ARG!!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Aww, Cats, that just terrible! I wish I could be there to help ya. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved baby. Please keep us posted and I have lit a candle for her at: I've put it as Graci because that's what it would take
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I know how it is. I've had more than a few of those kinds of babies myself. Scamp is a real pest, he wakes me up at night if my breathing changes...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
ElicBxn, that's not a pest! That's a life saver!! Wow. He should be put on the highest pedastal! I know I know, you're just kidding and I'm just going along with ya. ;)
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Oh ElicBxn.... thank you!! I didn't know about the site! Wow.... thank you!! That is sooo very thoughtful of you! She's my baby girl Elic. She follows me everywhere and has to be with me all the time. She even sits with me when I watch tv or even when I eat dinner. She's my shadow. I love her so much!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Dec 08
Dearest Cats, my heart goes out to you. You know I'm not really a cat person, but as you say, Gracie is your baby and I feel your pain. So prayers and much love to for you and please keep us updated. I have responded to #10 by the way, and am soooo glad to see the support you have received here. Hugs.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I know you're not and believe me, I don't hold it against you! lol I know you have a heart and that's what counts. Well, all of my fur babies are my babies, especially when they're sick but in a way I'm kind of partial to siamese because they have so much personality especially the females. We're together all the time, kind of tied at the hip because she's constantly wanting to be with me. We should know tomorrow what exactly is wrong with her or the cause of the fluid building up. I hope and pray that it's something really simple. She's doing a little bit better tonight because she did some kneeding on a fleece blanket that she loves so that's a good sign but she still looks either really worn out or depressed, I don't know which it is and we're going to have to work extra hard on her to get her to snap out of it but only after we find out the results then we'll know what to do. Yeah, I do have a wonderful circle of friends here now and wish you'd stick around too because you're very much missed! To be honest, with all that I've been going through with this year and since April, because of all of my friends, I've been able to keep a level head.... well for the most part anyway. I did lose it the other night and just shoved our dinner of chili and everything off the counter and onto the floor. Hubby got on my last nerve and I just snapped and went upstairs to be alone and just cried and cried. Hubby came up later with a cup of coffee and a peace offering which I accepted and it's been slow going ever since then Gracie got sick and I lost it again when the vet said I may have to put her down. Gosh, a person can take only so much and I only hope that God sees that in me and lightens my load.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Dec 08
The past is the past is the past!! Leave it where it's suppose to be, please? As for the enemies, don't respond to them, ignore them like you did before and they'll eventually leave you alone. Afterall, one can't fight by themselves, right? So please, come back, we all miss you something terrible!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
29 Dec 08
Oh my sweet friend, I hope He sees it too! And I'm so glad you have made such a wonderful circle of friends here after your rocky start which I will never forgive myself for! What a blessing you have been to me though! I will try to stop in here more often. I do so miss my friends, but am soooooooo fed up with my 'enemies' and don't wish to bring them down on anyone else. I notice #10 has stayed away though! lol
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I'm sorry to hear that gracie is having so much trouble, I hope that she does better in the morning though. Good luck to you!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I just want to know why am I being tormented.... punished..... what ever it is. Hubby and I've been through SOOOOOOOO much this year that it's surreal. I've never known anybody to go through as much as we have in the past year. What in God's name have I done wrong?!?!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I don't know that you've done anything wrong, and I'm sorry that you've been through so much. I do sincerely hope that your cat will be okay as I know how it is to be worried about an animal in the vet's hospital. Our chihuahua was recently in there and thankfully he came out okay. Good luck to you though! Remember the good things and don't worry so much about the bad, I know it's hard to do but I know that it can help.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I probably should've explained but I'm just so fed up with everything right now that I didn't explain. Here's a FEW things that have happened this year AND since April, first my mom having a bad stroke and been in and out of the hospital since April with a broken rib, pelvis and sternum as well as severe kidney infections and stones... then hubby's mom passing away in May then my car breaking down costing a small fortune, my cat getting hit by a car but thank God he survived and it too cost us a small fortune, my nephew's wife left him, and my parents house not selling, my husband's step dad is dying (within hours or days) and now Gracie. I'm completely and utterly worn out mentally and physically. I'm starting to wonder.... uh never mind, I'm too afraid to say it.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I apologize for my response coming so late but I just haven't had time to read all of my emails lately. But, you know something? I've noticed something about you... you're a lot tougher than you realize! I've seen you say "I've had enough" quite a few times, and yet you're still here, still functioning and still managing to take care of things. You're a tough cookie, tougher than you realize, Cats! You go girl! As for Gracie, I hope she's doing better! Has the vet found the cause of her fluid buildup? You've been very fortunate with her, I must say. Years ago, I took my cat to the vet's with the very same symptoms. My cat was 16 years old and had arthritis and couldn't get around much anymore. When I noticed his breathing was very labored, I rushed him to the vet. While sitting there in the waiting room, I told myself that if this was very serious, I would have him put down because he was already in a lot of pain from the arthritis and he was also pretty old. I didn't want him to suffer any longer. One of the vets came out with the X-rays and showed me the fluid that had built up around his lungs. He said it was caused by a very serious heart condition. I just had enough time to tell him what I had decided to do when, suddenly, I heard the word "STAT" come over the loud speaker and just KNEW they were referring to my kitty. My cat's vet came running into the waiting room and waved me to the back where he told me that my cat was having a "seizure"... a heart attack, and what did I want to do? I told him to "Put him to sleep!" without thinking... I didn't want my kitty to have one second more pain than he had to. He was dying, there was no changing that. I was okay until the first vet, the one who showed me the X-rays, put his arm around my shoulders and said "You did the right thing." THEN, I burst out in tears! I cried and cried! I couldn't even write out the check to pay for all this. Luckily, the gal in the front office had experience like this and said she'd fill out the check, then let me look it over and sign it. I'm so glad she did that! She also pulled out a box of tissues for me and asked if I'd like to go over to a private waiting room and sit awhile. A few days later I received a beautiful sympathy card from them in the mail. They were so kind!!! I know what it's like, for sure! Our pets are more than just animals... they are family! They are like our children! Of course, with my experience, I still had to come home from the vet's with that empty carrier. My children saw that I had been crying, looked at the carrier, and started crying themselves. They were about 9 and 11 years old and it was very hard on them... they had known this cat all their lives! How is Gracie doing now?
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Hi Marti.... you did the right thing by putting him down. I would've done the same thing, in fact, I have a few times and it's not easy no matter what the age is. I take it that you couldn't take him home to bury? I haven't been on mylot much as of late because I'm going through HELL right now as we speak. Hubby is so depressed angry hurt and God only knows what else. He's been a f'ing bear to be around so you can imagine what it's like for me. The stress is killing me and I've gone off on him already twice because I'm having a time dealing with him but trying to be there too but walking on egg shells.... ARG!! PLUS!! Gracie is back with the labored breathing again. I decided to try her on the medicine one more time thinking that the vet had given bad advice on giving the medicine when she did for it looked like it was way too soon because now Gracie isn't having any of the side effects she had the first time and she's been getting pills since Friday night. They might be helping but she's still labored so back to the vet we go tomorrow. I yi yi yi yi yi!! ( going insane very soon sweetie!! )
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Jan 09
It seems as though someone has put a curse on you cats. This is all very much beyond what could be said to be normal. Like you said...enough is enough...whatever bad spirits are attacking my friend and her family ...leave off and go find someone else to harrass...someone more deserving.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 Jan 09
I agree MsTickle and I thank you for being so supportive. Gracie is doing much better now and is acting like herself once again. It took a few days for her to make a come back but she did it. I'm so depressed right now. Hubby is down and out which I can understand to a point because it is his parents who passed this year but neither one were good to him, more like mean mean mean. Tonight he said that he knew Jack, his step dad who just passed away, never liked him much. I agree with that assessment but it aggravates me to no end that he's grieving over him. I hated those two people because they were so mean to him and me but I can handle it but hubby couldn't and I was the one who had to pick him back up every time he went to see them and now that they're gone, he's grieving. I feel like I'm going around in circles here, ya know? Besides that, I can't handle his grieving for other reasons, one being that I've had enough of this gloomyness. I want out!! Damn it!! I want OUT!!!!
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I am here for you. I understand what it feels like to be crushed under the weight of many problems happening at once. So feel free to yell, scream, and throw a hissy fit. Release the tension so you can deal with Gracie. She needs you to be strong but you need to release your tension. Then you will find yourself calmer. Hold Gracie in your arms and allow her to calm you and comfort you. Do for her and she will do for you. I know you are having a very hard time. Please know in your heart that your friends, including me, are all here for you. God Bless you, Royal Mom
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Thanks royal... I've already snapped once the other night and did again last night but in a crying way this time. The other night I just had it when hubby pushed me too far. I know he's haveing troubles too but dang, one can only handle so much before they go off and I sure did that night. I pushed the whole dinner off the counter onto the floor with a good push and screamed and went upstairs and cried and cried some more. About a half hour later hubby came up with a peace offering of a cup of coffee and I accepted and it's been alright since. He found out that I can only take on so much but yet I'm feeling guilty because I can't be there totally for him because of my mom. It's a hell of a position to be in, torn between the two because both needing me. Gracie is doing better! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really scared us last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked awful! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted. Thank you for being there for me!! I so really appreciate it!
@gemini_rose (16264)
28 Dec 08
I am sorry for you I really am, I had a dog for eleven years and I had to have her put down 6 years ago. I swore I would never have another pet and so far I never have. I really hope that things turn out not to be as bad as you are thinking.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
It's hard, isn't it gemini? We animal lovers really love our fur babies, don't we? But you know, I've had to put a few to sleep myself and it's the hardest but most unselfish thing a person can do for our furry friends and I wish it could be done to our human counterparts because it is the humane thing to do but I couldn't stop there, I'd have to get another one eventually to help fill the void. There's so many out there that are in need of homes. Gracie is doing better but not up to par just yet. She has eaten some and tried to play but she's worn out like I am, mentally and physically so maybe tomorrow it'll be a better day. So far so good, I haven't had to take her back to the vet today and hope I won't have to. Tomorrow I should get the test results so hopefully we'll find out what made her so sick.
• United States
28 Dec 08
I am sorry to hear that things are going so wrong for you catsand dogs. It's not easy and when all else fails we just want to quit the fight just lay down and give up. I know I went through some pretty rocky stuff this year and I long and hard prayed for months trusting that god would work things out. In his time he did work through all things big and small. I will keep you in my prayers and I do hope things will make a turn for the better for you. Don't give up on hope for all of us here at mylot will be here for you that's what friends are for.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
That's exactly how I feel! I just want to lay down and just give up because it's been such an emotional roller coaster and I'm so sick of it. I hope and pray that God sees this and how hard I've tried to keep it together all through this year and he lightens the load because I sincerely can not take anymore. I'm so emotionally and physically drained. Thanks for being a friend to me and being there listening to me vent away. lol Thanks....
• United States
28 Dec 08
My Cat Minx - Minx has been sick now for the last month with pneumonia, she is going back to the Vet tomorrow she is still throwing up; Poor kitty;
HI there dear lady; I know you are under a lot of pressure here, my heart goes out to you & your family and your Beautiful Gracie, I too have lit a candle for her such a pretty kitty; My Cat Minx has been dealing with pneumonia for the last month or so I am taking her back to the doctor tomorrow she just ate and threw it all back up within minutes of eating; She threw up yesterday too, just liquids and then later on she will eat and not throw up at all....its so crazy; I know how it is to be dealing with so much stress and everything in the world going wrong, you can always email me or PM if you don't have my email addy I'd be happy to give it to you; please take care, I know its a stupid thing to say when you are so depressed and angry at the world, been there done that, I know how you feel (G)! Trust me I really do understand....I think you have quite a few friends here and I know we all are going to be here for you and for sweet Gracie, I'm going to finish reading your posts now;
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
28 Dec 08
That is so very kind of you to do!! Thank you very much!! I also lit a candle for Minx too. Bless her heart!! I hope by now and tomorrow she'll get a good rating in her healing. Gracie is doing better! So far I haven't had to take her back to the vet and I haven't given her any more medicine either because she really scared us last night. We didn't think she'd make it but apparently the medicines have some side effects which made her uncomfortable and listless. She looked awful! I was up till 3:30am keeping an eye on her but she pulled through and I just don't have the heart to give her that medicine again. Especially since she's doing better. She did eat some and tried to play some with me but she's too out of it, we both are so mentally and physically exhausted. Thank you for being there for me!! I really appreciate it. As for emails, I don't mind giving mine out if you want it... :)
@shaie78 (141)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 08
I'm very sorry to hear about that..I hope you be patient any situation as a mom..
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Thank you.... of course I'm patient, she's my fur baby so yes I'm very patient with her or any of my others especially when they're sick. She's doing better tonight though but seems either really tired or depressed. Once we know what the results are then we'll know more on what to do for her.