We live in an individualistic society
By ronaldinu
@ronaldinu (12422)
December 28, 2008 5:53am CST
My wife was telling me this morning that when she was at the hair saloon, she heard other customers saying that they hear regularly one of their neighbours fighting with someone. They thought she was fighting with her husband. She has born a child recently. They realised that she is having a post natal depression. She curses her husband and her baby. My wife promptly asked when they are going to take an action to help this woman before it would be too late!
Don't you think that we have become an individualistic society where we would like to poke our noses in other people's lifes but we are reluctant to help?
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26 responses
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
28 Dec 08
No, I don't think we are becoming a individualistic society. Most people turn a blind eye to things going on. Or are afraid of something bad happening to them. So, they keep their mouths shut. I can remember when a neighbor was getting beat on regalurly. She wanted dropped off in town at a womans shelter. My ex husband would not allow me to help her. Because he didn't want to get invovled. So, I walked her down to a friends house with her two children and had them take her where she needed to go. As I could not live with myself if something happen to them, just because my ex would not allow me to help.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I do help sometimes. I help friends in situations where I might be in danger, but I don't usually help strangers. The benefit has to outweigh the risk. Obviously my husband doesn't want me to be in a bad situation but he can see why it matters to me to help a friend and where I might just mind my own business if I don't know the person. I would still help anonymously, like call 911 if necessary but I wouldn't necessarily put myself in danger and draw attention to myself.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Dec 08
im one that is always getting in wrong place to try to help out.. my neighbor above me was really old and her ex hubby went crazy on her.. as soon as he left i ran up there and made sure she was ok and helped her straighten up etc and my hubby said he didnt know whether to be proud of me for caring and risking myself or be mad that i was stupid to get involved.. sorry but i care and wanted to make sure she was ok!!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Dec 08
I do admire you. We should be more thoughtful of each other. A few weeks ago I saw a video of a man who was hit by a car, nobody went to help him in themiddle of the street. A police car finally stopped and an amublance was called.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
6 Jan 09
That is what it is like anymore, when you want someone to intervene they don't when you don't they do..that is life though and so many people are turning their backs on things that they shouldn't and should be helping this person get help she needs.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Dec 08
I think in this society if you poke your nose into someone else's business that you are taking a personal risk. Her husband should be the one to help her....as should her family like sisters and brothers. This world has become a dangerous one. Poking your nose into someone else's business could cause you personal harm. It's not because we don't care..
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Dec 08
There should be way sand means to give help without revealing your identity.
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Personally, I feel that if you have a neighbor that you care for and you see that there is a problem then by all means step in and help. Post partum depression can be so dangerous and get worse if not treated right away. I do hope things end well for her and that either she or someone else guides her to the right place to get the proper medical treatment. Please keep us posted, ronaldinu, okay?
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
6 Jan 09
Well it is sure that this woman needs help, since I know what it feels having a baby being depressed and feel alone. Well it is true that people don;t tend to care about other people's problems, well personally I hate go to my neighbour and tell her that you need help, it is a bit difficult to tell her.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Dec 08
Yes I do agree with you we are an individualist society as you say, but if your wife feels there is a problem where the baby can be hurt, she can alert the authorities and they will investigate and take action if they have to.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Dec 08
I do not know how anyone is going to help this lady. If you ask her if she wants help, then her husband and family might take it as interfering. I think the only thing is to watch, maybe if one of the neighbors is a friend, she could come in, pretend to come to admire the baby, and help out. In these cases, one has to be sneaky and not let people know that you are concerned. It is nothing about individualism, it is just that people are afraid to admit they have problems, like this family does not dare. They are probably afraid that if they do, the social services will drop in and take the baby away or put her in a mental hospital.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Become a individualistic society? No I think we have been this way all the time. No one really wants to get involved.It is easier to gossip than to do something.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
30 Dec 08
That had long been happening around the world and that includes singapore too.. I guess alot of ple just wanna see show and dun wanna help for fear of being scolded or beaten up while trying to help.. Most times like this, those involved will only see it as interference into family affairs rather than help.. So even if ple do really wanna help, how and where do they start from if the family itself does not want any help...
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Yes, I think we do...we'd like to step in and help people in certain situations but we're too scared to, because people don't like you butting into their business, and trying to tell them what to do.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
28 Dec 08
Hi ronaldinu,
Well I think her husband should seek help for his wife before she harms the child, but if I was there I would do something about, her midwife should visit her and pick up on that or the husband should have a word with the midwife, its the baby's safty that counts after all.
@wolfsu (5)
• China
29 Dec 08
Such is human nature!! we are now live in an individualistic society. Sometimes we cann not understand other people's thinking. what we shoud do is to do my best. as well as ,we can help others who hava problem.
@asifmalik (2)
• Pakistan
29 Dec 08
yes it is true that we are living in individualistic society. The society which does not care for others.We have changed our norms. Our social Control mechanism has almost vanished.As a result we have never think like society and its role but still we can manage it by mean of struggle
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
28 Dec 08
I think in general people are more individualistic, but there is a tendancy of people who think this individualistic movement is going to far. I know several people my age who think things should change, and some younger people aswell.
If we all start by taking action ourselves, improvement will come.
I don't think we should poke our noses into any bussiness that's not our own, but if people are suffering from a depression or if we note violence in a family I do think we should take action. Even if it's just going over for a cup of tea, asking how things are going with the baby and for example offer to babysit so she can have a night of with her partner. It might help her a lot, and it's a small thing for us to do.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Yes, we have become more of an individualistic society BUT people are still overly nosy. What I mean by this is that look at the media. Everybody wants an 'in' into others lives but only to watch, know what I mean? People want to be nosy, not help. We are a society of voyeurs. I freely admit that I have tendencies toward this too. I am not nosy with my neighbors though, I mind my own business. I'm not really nosy about celebrities either. I dont' really understand people who are. I only want to watch when someone wouldn't know, and it wouldn't hurt them whether I was watching or not. My own life is hardly boring, so it's not like I have a ton of time to spy on others anyway lol.
I can see that this woman you're talking about might need help, but I'm not sure if it's the neighbors' place to do it. I do think if she has PPD that her husband should help, or her friends and family members. I think people are now afraid to help or get involved because people don't appreciate it. It's hard to report suspected abuse because sometimes YOU get reported in return, or nobody believes you. I called the police one time on my upstairs neighbor because at 3 am I heard banging and screaming and other stuff when I lived in an apartment. When I saw the woman the next day, it was obvious she had been beaten, but I had heard the man upstairs denying the same to the cops the night before. I have learned that you can only help people who want to be helped, and they also have to be trying to help themselves. There is a line you can't really cross with strangers unless you have the legal responsibility to help, like teachers and daycare providers and social workers.
Also there is the very real chance that helping somebody could get you shot, assaulted, stalked, or otherwise in danger. It is disappointing that things have gotten to this point.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Yes, these days many people are afraid to help because they fear lawsuits, anger, etc. I would go over and ask if she needs help with anything, running errands, watching the baby to take a break, some chores. We are all family on this large earth. We should help.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
28 Dec 08
I'd definitely be a bit hesitant to get involved in other people's domestic business. Lately there have been a few cases where well-meaning onlookers have tried to intervene and have been injured and even killed. It's a very difficult situation, but I think if I heard neighbours being violent with eachother I'd call the police instead of going over there.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Dec 08
Hi ronaldiniu~I don't know what to say to this quite frankly. It
isn't always a question that we want to interfere in someone
elses lives for the sake of being nosy. As in this particular
instance there may be a childs life that could be in trouble
if this woman doesn't get some kind of help. It has already
been proven that Post Pardum Depression is a very serious
mental issue that can lead to a mother being completely out of
control, although not her fault and can also lead to her harming
her own child or worse. If her husband doesn't already know this
then maybe someone does need to tell him or step in before
something really serious does happen.
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
28 Dec 08
probably cause when you poke your nose in someone elses business they try to cut it off for you LOL