Women: Are you worried when alone with Handymen or Repairmen?

United States
December 28, 2008 11:13pm CST
even though im not old fashioned and scared of all men like some women are i do feel uncomfortable if i am home alone when there is a repairman or some one installing something at my home.. i always think of those horror stories of killers etc and so i worry and watch them like a hawk with my big dog lol.. am i the only one that feels uncomfortable with strangers doing repairs and being alone with them?
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16 responses
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
Being alone in home just boast your confidence and self maturity for welcoming other people at home. The Handymen could be very scary when you think of that movie but the Handymen comes in your home to just fixed something nothing more nothing less. So you just think positive...
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• United States
30 Dec 08
i havent seen that movie.. now you have me curious to watch it lol
@hey_baby (425)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
i'm not too trusting with strangers. it never hurts to be cautious. i got it from my mom, she even hides the knives in the kitchen, and would prepare a baseball bat or a pipe or something that is hidden, in case something happens. my style would be to pretend talking to somebody and sort of recommend that repairman. i'd like the guy hear that i've given all his contact details to the person i'm talking to. like, i said it never hurts to be a little paranoid.. hehe
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• United States
30 Dec 08
thats a good idea!!
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
30 Dec 08
Being a man, I never really put much thought into it before. Hmm... Maybe I should take note of this so that my wife will never be alone at home with a repairman or a handy man. It is sad that with horror stories around, some fact, some fiction, all men are painted with a single stroke... that they are all bad maniacs who will prey on women every chance they get. Some gangster looking people I have met are actually the friendliest around. Instead, it is the ones who wears a suit and a tie that are meanies! So, don't judge a cover by it book only. Some of these handy man and repairman are pretty chatty and offers a lot of information and tips on how to get things done better if you are friendly to them.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
31 Dec 08
Woah~~! You did? What happened then? How did you managed to fend them off?
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• United States
30 Dec 08
well i have had a past where i have been attacked a few times (not by handy men but others) so i am nervous since i never saw those happening till they did
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
29 Dec 08
Yes....I do feel uncomfortable. I had a phone guy come once to hook up my phones and I was actually scared of him and he said some things that were way out of line....like how he wouldn't mind spending time with me in the bedroom...so yes. I don't like to have them here when I am alone which is most of the time...so if possible I schedule it when someone can be here with me.
2 people like this
• United States
30 Dec 08
yeah i had something like that happen to me too.. there was this guy dropping off this dog i was going to adopt from him because he had to move out of town and couldnt take him.. well he started checking out pictures around me house and asked me if i liked "them big" which at first i figured he was talking about the height of my hubby but then he kept emphasizing what he meant and im like omg!
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
30 Dec 08
moonlitmagikchild, It is normal to feel uneasy and insecure with strangers especially when they come visiting your house, even for the purpose of fixing and repairing your house and house appliance. However, it should not become a paranoid to yourself here, as they are basically answering to your call for help in the first place. So it would help that you would not overreact and innocently mistook a good intention. I do see some good suggestions of having someone around when these repairmen comes but it may not be feasible all the time. But all is not lost, as you can always inform your husband and a close friend of the repair schedule to have them call you at an appointed time to ensure that all is well at home. And to call you if you do not call them back at a specific time after the repairs to ensure your well being. In my house, I have installed a silent panic alert at certain vital locations which connects to a local emergency alert call centre and I make it a point that my wife carries her cellphone with her when the repairmen have to come by when I am not around. Also, if you are an attractive individual, you will have to be mindful of how you are dressed for the occasion so that you do not send out wrong unwanted signals. I hope the above will be helpful on the next repair work. Take care.
• United States
30 Dec 08
yeah i made sure my cell was with me at all times and hubby constantly called to check up on me.. guess that is about as good as i can do.. i dont have the silent panic alarm.. i wish i did!!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
30 Dec 08
Moonlit..I try to have only people that i know do things for me so i won't ever have to feel that way otherwise i'd be a nervous wreck worried if i was alone..if someone comes to my door i won't answer it unless i'm expecting them or they call first..call it what you will but i'm alone and don't need trouble.. huggs
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
30 Dec 08
I dream of being able to call Rosie.................
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• United States
30 Dec 08
i dont answer the door either unless i am expecting some one but unfortunately i dont know any one to do some of the things i had to have done and didnt know any companies around here so it was like just picking some one and hoping for the best
• India
29 Dec 08
Well I was not till yesterday maybe. I am a single child of working parents and since childhood I have learnt to deal with outsiders alone. Many times when my parents were in office repairmen or courier persons used to come over and I was OK with them. I still am, but now that I am aging, somehow I am becoming a sort of sissy too. Just the other day two guys had come over to repair the fridge and though it was OK, I was sort of having this nagging thought as to whether I should be calling them over on Sunday when hubby would have been at home. Then I gave myself a good talking to and was confident enough while they were here. Guess age does have an effect on us.
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• United States
29 Dec 08
it was hell last year because i had a bunch of things done repair and upgrading wise on my house and i had to handle all the workers by myself and several at a time
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@kareng (70441)
• United States
29 Dec 08
No, you are not the only one. I feel very uncomfortable and usually wait to schedule something like that until my husband can be home to meet them. I just don't feel safe in these days and times with a stranger in the house. You know what they say, better safe than sorry!
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• United States
30 Dec 08
yeah it sucks because my hubby had no way of being around during the time i had a lot of work done on my house so i was stuck with strangers day in and out
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
31 Dec 08
You should watch them. If nothing else you can assure they're doing their job right & not robbing you blind. There's been too many cases of that around here. P.S. watch for partners too. My grandmother-in-laws dog managed to catch the repair mans "assistant" sneaking in the back of her house while the repair man had her occupied in another room. Turns out they'd hit several elderly family's homes in the area.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Yea, yea, I know you addressed this toward women but I'll jump in anyways. Imagine a pink tutu on my avatar if that helps.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Apparently they've also tried this as rug salesmen. One would get you into a front room & conveniently block your view of the back of the house by displaying his "product" while the other slipped & cleaned out the rest of the house.
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• United States
2 Jan 09
lol ok picturing the tutu lol.. ugh i never even thought about them working in pairs.. thank goodness no one could really sneak into my house the way its laid out and everything.. but still thats scary!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
30 Dec 08
I think that you should not feel so unfortable if a repairman visits your house. Let me put it this way - if you call a repairman, from a known outlet/shop/store, then you are already aware about the owner etc. and reputation of that outlet. And a known outlet or repair service will hopefully send the right person. To be on safe side, you can always check the credentials and identity of the repairman, who visits you. Once you have checked the identity, you can double check it with the owner, who has sent the repairman. Please do not feel so apprehensive and when a reapirman is mending your gadgets, please do not think about horror stories or movies.........please stay positive, it will help you.
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• United States
30 Dec 08
well i dont know what companies here are good or not.. im in a new area and no one i know lives here so i have no idea who is good here and who isnt
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
31 Dec 08
You will have to do some research and study to find out, which are the good compnay, you may take the help of your neigbour or relatives/friends.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
30 Dec 08
I'm going to have to say I've never felt uncomfortable with the "repairman" at my current house but...if that repair man isn't my dad (which 95% of the time it is) its someone else i know from town. There's a few people i dont trust alone in my home and others like the furnace guy - he knows where one of my keys is and he comes while i'm at work. If its someone i dont know like when i lived in Saskatoon I always made sure i was home when there was a repairman coming (hated the landlord coming into my house even) and that I was either talking to my mom or grandma while they were there...just in case. You arent the only one uncomfortable with strangers.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
I hadnt thought of it that way. I'm glad in that sense i know who to hire and who not to hire to do things because everyone knows about everyone in a small town. You hear who does a bad job and such. Like the one handyman no one really wants to hire now because hes been having accidents on the job as of late (such as sawing off his fingers) and no one wants to be labile for that.
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• United States
30 Dec 08
yeah i hated it when the landlord would come in.. now i own my home so im stuck being there which i think makes it more scary because at least my land lord had relationships with companies and workmen so he knew who to trust where as i dont
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@impexp (246)
• China
29 Dec 08
yes I would be upset if only me at home and have to face the handymen or repairmen.I know they are not bad,but I feel not safe to be with a stranger alone.Thus I'd rather let my hubby to repair something,or I might ask neighbers to stay with me.I think this is the nature of woman who are afraid of been hurt, right?
• United States
29 Dec 08
im not usually a fearful person but for some reason i am just uneasy with it.. i think its my mom always saying how bad things can happen and shes one that used to never drive at night in fear something might happen which i find silly..
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• United States
31 Dec 08
I don't blam you for being wierd i feel the same these days are crazy their are ppl that fake being handymen ect...i have a big dog when i'm by my self.
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• United States
2 Jan 09
yeah but the bad thing about my dog is some times i cant hold on to her so i have to put her up if she gets too crazy and then that defeats the point..
• India
30 Dec 08
i totally agree with you my mom always asks me to stay with her if someone comes home for installation or for repair
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
well I have been a single parent all my life so I had to get used to repairmen in the house whether I liked it or not because there was just me and my little boy and when he grew up he never bothered to stay home just because a repairman was coming by.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
30 Dec 08
I actually don't like having people in the house to work and I'm male. Or a passable imitation of one. I don't usually feel unsafe, but they always find something additional that needs doing. I have a small number of preferred people that I ask to do work, but sometimes you don't have that choice. My advice to anyone, female or male is: Check ID on arrival and before they come in. DON'T lock the door but stand between the workman and it. That way you can get out quickly if needs be. In a room with only one door, stand by it and let him go in first. Tell a neighbour that you are expecting someone and ask them to keep an eye on your property or better still to pop over. If, like you, you have a dog, keep it handy and let the man know that it's there. Don't let it bite anyone though! Hope that helps a little.
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• United States
30 Dec 08
yeah my dog comes in handy but shes as big as me so shes kind of hard to control unless i put her in her crate which defeats the purpose lol