***Oh My Goodness! Do You Know What I Did Last Night?***

United States
December 29, 2008 3:52pm CST
I could have set the whole place on fire! I'm so embarrassed. What a duh I am. Yesterday I was cooking dinner and had a little pot of carrots on the stove on low. I forgot about them. I was in the living room eating my dinner, which consisted of some Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Potatoes and Cornbread. I was happily watching some tv, and at the same time thinking about my new job, and what clothes I'd be wearing, you know just a mumbo jumbo of a million things at once.I completely forgot about the carrots. Next thing I know my smoke detector is going off and I'm like "What the heck"? And boy was it loud. I of course jumped up to see what was going on and lo and behold!, there's my carrots on the stove cooking away in the burnt pot, smelling awful! There was no smoke, maybe because I had a cover on it, but the smell was terrible. I opened the windows just to get the darn stink out, pew! Please tell me you've done this too so I feel better. If you have to, lie and tell me you did, haha! I feel like such an idiot and I've never done this before. Am I just getting old? Is this what's ahead of me? Never mind, don't answer that question, lol!
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19 responses
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Well, how odd. I guess it wasn't a good day for carrots...because I did the exact same thing! My hubby and I were eating in front of the TV - chicken cordon bleu and mashed potatoes and pickled corn and the carrots were still cooking on the stove. Strange that we did the same thing on the same night.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Uh oh, well, you know they say we have a twin somewhere else in the world, maybe you're mine, haha. You did the same thing, how crazy that is, and on the same night...wow. I wonder how many other people just burnt their carrots that night, that would be a fun discussion, haha. Thanks for responding and Happy New Year!
• United States
1 Jan 09
Oh my gosh "Angela", that must have been quite scary for you, being in a wheelchair! Thank Goodness you were able to call a friend over. I bet your Mom won't ever forget that one. It's just so easy to do with so much on our minds today, I'm glad to hear your ok. Take care and Happy New Year!
@angela38 (122)
• United States
30 Dec 08
My mother did the same thing with a pot of tea she was making me once. Only thing was she left the pot on the stove and went to get ready to go pay bills and she had went to the kitchen and I thought she had turned the stove off and all the sudden she goes to leave and after she gets gone the smoke alarm goes off and I am left by myself in a wheelchair wondering how to get the stove off and the pot off the stove. Thank god it was a electric stove. I ended up calling a cl,ose by friend and she fixed it. When Mom got back here we was in the middle of winter freezing our butts off trying to get the smell out of the house. W both endec up chewing her out for that stunt. But yes crazy things happen.
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• United States
30 Dec 08
On Thanksgiving day I was cooking a homemade Apple and Cherry Pie! I went to put the Cherry Pie into the oven and was talking to my mom on the phone at the same time. I took a oven mit and opened up the oven to move the rack up one space. I push the rack in and set the oven mit on the door so I could grab the cherry pie. I put the pie in and closed the oven door forgetting that I set the oven mit on the door. About 10 mins had gone by and my dogs started barking because there was smoke coming from the kitchen. I ran over and opened up the oven and there was the oven mit on fire in the oven. Well needless to say, I called my mom and she was laughing so hard at me she couldn't talk. Thank god my dogs alerted me....The joke at Thanksgiving dinner was everyone was excited to try some of my Chared Cotton Cherry Pie!! Both the pies were delicious!!! Shihtzumama
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• United States
1 Jan 09
See how smart those dogs are!! Good for them letting you know, wow! Surprising how much happened on Thanksgiving in these discussions or with Turkeys, haha. Well, I'm glad everything worked out ok, and everyone loved your pie's. I think you should enter a cooking contest with the name of "Shihtzumama's Chared Cotton Cherry Pie's"! I think you'd win first prize just with that name, haha!, love it! Take care and Thanks for Responding....and Happy New Year!
• United States
1 Jan 09
I think that sounds like a great idea!!! It has a nice ring to it!!! LOL Happy new year to you !!!!
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
30 Dec 08
My former roomie's mom lived with us for a while and really pissed me off one day . I got into the shower after putting some rice on to cook and off goes the smoke detector, burned the rice!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Actually, the mom got the pan off the fire and rescued it with only the bottom layer scorched, I think she ate the rest of them..... ewwwwwww
• United States
31 Dec 08
Ew, I bet that looked like a bunch of fried-up maggots, haha. Take Care and Happy New Year!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Dec 08
No it's only you...Just kidding. I do this all the time myself. I usually start fixing some kind of dinner around 6, then while everything is cooking up, I putter on the computer (like I'm doing right now...and yes my dinner is cooking now)---I get so involved with being in front of the computer I loose track of time and......next thing you know I hear....sizzle, sizzle, sizzle...meaning the water in my veggies has reduced and my veggies are burning--thank goodness I have good hearing..LOL. My mother was a disaster...and dangerous. Since you read my other discussion you know the crap I went through with her. Don't ask how many times I be out for awhile and come home to something seriously burning. One night for instance I was coming home from the library. I'm walking up the stairs to the second floor to my apt, and I'm thinking to myself, gee, it smells like something is burning. I opened the door and it was so smoky you couldn't even see in. My mother had put on a large stock pot filled with water to boil up chicken..the water completely reduced and the chicken was a charcoal mess...this happened in the middle of winter, yet I rushed in and opened all the windows to let the smoke out. What was my mother doing while this was happening...sound asleep. She only woke up when I started yelling at her about what had happened..Had I not come in when I did, no doubt a real fire could have started...ah, more fun with mom...NOT
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Hope you didn't burn the green beans...LOL I don't know how my mother wasn't affected by all that smoke though..didn't seem to bother her at all....it sure affected me though...triggered off like an asthma attack...I had to stand in front of the window breathing in fresh air
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• United States
30 Dec 08
I'm so glad you said I do this all the time...you scared me for a minute, haha. I'm fixing dinner right now, and all I do is get up to check and mix it around. I hope I never do that again, what a mess! I must have looked like some lunatic fanning the smoke detector, haha, and I even pulled up a chair to pull the battery out, HAH! The fanning worked. I can't even imagine what anyone thought seeing me through my windows with this towel going up and down and all over the place. What a noisy thing it is though, but Thank goodness for it. As far as your Mother, you were suppose to come home at that time, that's all I can tell you, to avoid a huge fire. It was meant to be. Take care hon, and Thanks for making me feel better. I'd better go and check on my green beans now, haha.
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• United States
30 Dec 08
HaHa, nope, didn't burn the green beans, Thank You. I can't imagine how that didn't affect your Mother either, I would have been hanging out the window completely with the cat in hand, haha! Take care.
@xboxboy (5576)
30 Dec 08
it happens when you are young too! back in my wilder, single days i came home drunk as a skunk and stuck a pizza in the oven. 8 hours later i woke up with a stench of burning. when i opened the oven door it had reduced in size by 2/3rds and was black and solid. made a great frisbee! i got lucky that night. i have a scare on my leg from 16 years ago when i fell asleep in front of the gas fire after drinking all day. luckily the gas meter ran out of money and had went out as my leg was burnt through several layers of skin. c'est la vie!
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• United States
1 Jan 09
AAAAAHHHHAHAHAHA! A great frisbee! Did you knock anyone out when you threw it? Or, did you surprise the dog when he caught it?, haha. You are sooo lucky that you only burnt your leg! And you're telling me "That's life!", haha. Oh to be young again and think like that, I remember those days well. Have my own scars to prove it, but not quite like that one. Take care xboy, and Happy New Year! Thanks for responding.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Oh my goodness well at least everything ok, and no one was hurt, thankfully Iv never had that happen to me, but accidents do happen from time to time, but the important thing is that your ok. dont feel to bad because everyone makes mistakes.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Thanks to everyone in this discussion I don't feel as bad as I did. Seems like we all get a little "duh" once in a while. Thanks for responding!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
30 Dec 08
i'm so sorry to hear about your carrot... but don't worry too much because i had done it in the past as well... that's why now i always set up the timer when i am cooking if i have to leave the kitchen to remind me... it really helps me a lot because i never burn the food that i cook anymore ever since i use the timer... take care and have a nice day...
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Yes, I do set the timer when I'm in the kitchen. Only trouble is, if I leave the kitchen and go into the living room, I can't hear the timer. That's what I did, left and went to eat, just forgot my carrots, haha. Thanks for responding and Happy New Year!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
30 Dec 08
I never have burned something on the stove yet.. not food anyways. but i have a habit of turning the wrong element on when i turn on the stove.. i'm burner dislexic or something. . I have placed something on the burner and then turned the burner on and made a giant mess.. most recently a plastic lid to a tupperware container. . gross. you thought your carrots smelled bad.. i'm wondering if my plastic smelled worse.. lol it was smoking. and its probably still melted onto the burner i moved out and a friend mvoed in haha.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
HaHa, burner dislexic, that's a new one. Oh my gosh, Tupperware, ewww, I bet that was a mess and oh so smelly. I bet it did smell worse than my carrots. Yeh, leave the mess for someone else, haha! Just tell them it was there when you moved in, that's always a good one, lol! Take care and Happy New Year! If I find some Tupperware with asbestos surrounding it I'll let you know, haha.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
29 Dec 08
In the winter I boild water in a teapot (metal one) on the stove to get moisture in the air...seems to keep the house warmer....there has been a few times when I have been self absorbed and forgot and let it burn dry....the worst is the hot smell of metal...so no...you are not alone....but my detector hasn't went off yet...I can usually smell the hotness before it gets that far! LOL....so...how were the carrots? LOL
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• United States
29 Dec 08
Hi there jillhill! You know Jill, I was going to do that a few weeks ago when I had a bad cold and sinus infection. I thought maybe it was from all the dry air and I thought better of it. Why you ask?, haha. Because I was on the couch all the time, trying to get better and falling asleep constantly. I only got up to eat a little and then would go back and lay down. See, at that time I thought, "no, no, don't do it! you'll forget about it", so I didn't do it. And here I am, fine and dandy, and forgot about the stupid carrots, haha. My living room is around the corner from the kitchen with a little hall in between, that's why I didn't smell it at all. Thank whoever invented the Smoke Detector...even though there was no smoke, it was the smell I think that did it...peweee! Thanks Jill and Happy New Year! I feel better now, haha.
• United States
29 Dec 08
I forgot to mention the carrots went into the garbage, yuk! And the pan was a pain to clean but it was a brand new Teflon, so it didn't stick too bad, but I did have to soak it twice, haha.
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I was going to boil some eggs one time and I put the water on to boil and got side tracked by a TV show I was watching. The pot was scortched really bad and it stunk really bad. Ever since then my family teases me that I am the only one who can burn boiling water.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
HaHa, the only one who can burn boiling water. Well, if you read the other responses here, you'll find out as I did, you're not the only one who does this stuff. Plenty here have burnt their pots boiling water, lol! And quite a bit burnt Turkeys and Rice. They all made me feel good, haha! Thanks for responding and Happy New Year!
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
30 Dec 08
Never fear Kashmere! It happens to all of us. I just stay in the kitchen or set the timer so I don't forget. Otherwise I would have burned my house down several times over! I suppose it could be a sign that I should give up cooking and hire a personal chef! Have a great one!
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• United States
1 Jan 09
A personal chef sounds great to me, I'm all for it! I normally do set the timer if I'm sitting in the kitchen doing other stuff, but if I leave and go into the living room I can't hear it. This time I just went about my merry way eating everything else for dinner, and just forgot about the darn carrots. Guess I had too much other food on my plate that I never missed them, haha. Take care and Happy New Year!
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
30 Dec 08
I actually do stuff like this every now and then. I am forgetful sometimes. I have forgotten about simple things like toast or boiling eggs.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Well, this was the first time I've done this and that darn Smoke detector was SO loud I think I woke up the neighborhood. They were probably running for their lives, haha. Thanks for responding!
• China
30 Dec 08
so....it seems most people have the experience that forgot the cooking or boiling at the kithcen meanwhile do other things at the living room. we can't remember what we've done a half at the kitchen until we come back to the kithen again. i also have lots of times that forget the boiling water when i found it again, the water has boiled up and then boiled the pan hot to red...it's horrible to remember that...be careful next time.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Oh I surely will remember next time. I think I'll just stay in the kitchen and check everything before I leave the room from now on. That was scary. You be careful too! Thanks for responding!
• United States
30 Dec 08
I actually burned up a water kettle on the burner once. That was scary. Everybody does something stupid once in awhile. You're not alone.
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• United States
1 Jan 09
I can tell by all these responses that I'm not alone. Just makes me feel better to KNOW that I'm not alone, haha. Yeh, I guess water is another one people forget about alot. Thanks for responding!
• United States
30 Dec 08
im only 34 and i do that every great once in a while! the last time i did it was a year ago and it was rice. i didnt even try to clean the pot it was so burnt, i just cooled it with water and threw the whole thing out! i also have a bad habit of forgetting the cast iron skillet on the stove under a low flame when im drying it after washing. if i dont stand there and stare at it until all the water evaporates then i forget..i mean just putting it on the flame and then stepping 1 foot to the sink to finish rinsing whatever dishes are left and it just goes flying right out of my head!
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• United States
1 Jan 09
Oh boy, another rice burner, lol! Turkeys, Thanksgiving and Rice seem to be the main culprits here, haha. I know what you mean though, by just stepping away and doing something else, out the head it flies. I think everyone's got way too much on their minds today, we're so boggled down with stuff. We all need a big, long vacation. Thanks for responding and Happy New Year!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Dec 08
I've done the same thing in the past but in my case there was FIRE coming out of the pan and around the pan so my daughter called the fire department. Since she was a new volunteer they sent every truck they had, sirens blaring so I was truly embarassed when they pulled up in front of my house and the entire neighborhood came out to see what was going on. The fire was out by then and I've tried to be more careful ever since....but.....
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
30 Dec 08
When I was married to my first husband he got home really late. I always liked to have dinner hot, so I would cook late. One night I was making a meatloaf, and since I did not have to tend to it too much, I decided to take a little nap. Well, I woke up to a house full of smoke two hours later. The meatloaf was ashes, and the casserole dish was totally black. Needless to say, no one had meatloaf that night
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• United States
31 Dec 08
Sometimes it's more fun anyway to order out and have it delivered, haha, seeing there was no meatloaf that night. Thanks for responding!
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
29 Dec 08
When I seen this topic my first thought was...I bet her house smelled good! LOL I left a pot roast on the stove one time that cooked dry while I was cutting grass outside. My kids came screaming "The house is on fire" and I took off running (something I hadn't done in 15 years at least) to find my pot roast burnt to a crisp. There was plenty of smoke with my incident and I like to have never got that smell out of the house. Finaly ended up setting glass bowls of bleach all throguh the house to get rid of it! LOL Good thing it was summer so I could open th doors and windows.LOL Be careful and hope you get to enjoy the carrots next time! LOL
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• United States
29 Dec 08
Speaking of opening up all the windows, thank goodness it's been a little warmer here in Ohio the last few days. I'm glad it wasn't blizzarding, haha! OMG, you poor thing, all that smoke! How horrible, and I'm just lucky I wasn't washing clothes or something downstairs. It really freaked me out. Took me a while to clean the pot out all the way after soaking it twice, haha! Thanks for responding and you did make me feel better! Happy New Year!
@ichandel (47)
29 Dec 08
dont worry ur not the only one who has done this my cae was even worse and i am not lieing..i left the pot on the gas and went with the kids to the park when we came back after 1hour we saw a firebrigade near our house and i said "how stupid someones probably left the pot on" i was only joking but when i saw my front door being broken down and all the smoke coming out well i am sure u gussed who the joke was on...so next day i cooked more chicken curry not the same pot and took it to my local fire station...
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• United States
29 Dec 08
Thanks for making me feel better ichandel! That was so nice of you to do for the fire department! More people should think like you do and support the local fire departments! They're just as important as the police. Good for you! Thank you for responding and I do feel better, lol!