Do you do an End Of Year Spell or Ritual?
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
United States
December 30, 2008 10:39am CST
last year i had the idea to do an end of year spell/ritual to keep 2007 negativity and issues from crossing over into 2008.. i have never heard of anyone having a new years cleansing type spell so i was wondering if anyone else does this? the reason i ask is because i am wanting some ideas on how to do mine different this year.. (mine was so slap happy due to lack of time that i didnt have time to research enough and i cant seem to find anything im happy with right now)
i would google but then i would have to go through the pages and pages of mindless fluff made by 12 year old posers lol..
anyways do you do them and have you found them helpful in giving you a clean slate for the new year? 2008 was a horrible year and i do NOT want to carry it into 2009!!
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18 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
no I am sorry I do not know any spells, sorry
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Sorry for butting in here....I had answered the discussion here and noticed your response. Um....if you didn't know of any spells why did you answer? Isn't that against the rules to give meaningless replies of no substance? Just wondering since you were so picky to one of my friends discussions about a guidelines issue
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Mmmmm....maybe the problem was, was that you did a spell/ritual to "banish" negativity but did it during the waxing phase, in other words counterproductive. Since we are now in the waxing phase, this is the time to do spells/rituals of a positive nature, not negative or banishing. I'm planning to do a success and prosperity spell/ritual tomorrow night yellow candle (success) and green (prosperity)
I made up my own "spells" for both so have meaning for me, but actually you could do the same thing...write out some kind of spell (in rhyme of course..LOL) that has sincere meaning for you
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Dec 08
was it waxing last year??? i dont remember and thanks for reminding me that it is now.. i am a total airhead when it comes to remembering the phases of the moon which is really pathetic since im wiccan.. but im never outside to where i think to look up.. i need to get a desktop moon phase thing or something lol
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I just looked now...I have Llewellyn's Witches Datebook, and yup the moon phase was in the waxing phase last year to do a banishing/cleansing kind of spell during a waxing phase is a definite no-no...LOL
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Dec 08
sorry pye.. ive gotta disagree with the whole waxing waning full or new no no taboo guidelines. while certain factors may add some oomph to certain rituals.. it doesnt necessarilly cause any failures of any kind to do them at whatever point you feel the need/want. least not in any of my own personal experiences. also havent ever had to "rhyme" anything either for it to have impact. usually, its just a focused thought.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
1 Jan 09
I know what you mean. On top of the health issues I've had to replace a busted water pipe ( around 500 feet long ) of the Christmas holidays. Not an easy task at all with our weather. I get to finish filling the trench today soon as I get moving....
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
i have been lazy too honestly.. i know your suppose to make sure you have enough spiritual energy for doing them and i have a lot of health issues so the regular energy isnt there so some times trying to get things together to do an official candles/tools/rituals/etc etc type thing just isnt happening.. i do need to press myself to maybe do it on days i dont feel fully up to it just because of the good days being far between i guess.. lol.. that and it seems life gets crazier by the second to where as soon as i try to make time something happens and im not able to do it etc..

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
31 Dec 08
You could always do things like write down what you want to put behind you on a piece of paper and burn the piece of paper in a candle flame. Then you could always take a smudge stick and smudge your body and maybe your house if that is possible. If not, maybe just smudge your altar area or something. Then you could light some incense to bring in good things for the new year.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
31 Dec 08
LOL it was one of the first things I thought of when I read this discussion.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Dec 08
thats funny because as far as the burning of a list that is what i did last year lol

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
26 Sep 09
For Samhain one year (which I consider to be my spiritual new year versus the numbers game of the modern calender) I did a "moving on from before" ritual. To basically heal from all the drama of that year and the years before it, and to let go of what was hurting me. And this Mabon I did a similiar one, although it wasn't about any sort of new year, but about mental health. xD
For the one I did though, I basically buried physical momentos of that year in a metal box in the woods on our property at a time. Which included a necklace my ex gave me, some photos, among other things. And basically said a prayer. I dressed all up in the goth fashion, in black to represent that I was banishing these energies from my life so that I could heal.
I hope your news years ritual went well! And I hope you've had a great 2009!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Sep 09
i may just do that on samhain this year since 2009 has been insane!!
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
29 Jan 09
You bet I do. Not only to leave the past in the past but to give the coming year a, as you say, clean slate.
I'm late coming into this but wanted to let you know that it is done. I do mine in a mix of things that clear up what needs be left and what needs to be brought in. I do mine on the first full moon of the new year so I can do both though a friend does her's on the last. Again do it how it fits you.
I try to rid myself of negative stuff and call in health (a big one around my place), financial balance, and other necessary things.
I search or ask others for their things related to what I need and then put it together based on my faith.
Nice to meet you by the way!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Jan 09
yeah health is a big one in my family too.. and nice to meet you too!!
@mynameismine (771)
• United States
31 Dec 08
I have never thought of doing that before but maybe some type of binding spell or something. Personally I'm just going with positive thought, burning/tossing things that are more or less symbolic to this year and starting next year new and fresh. Got my shredder all ready and at my feet as I type this out.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
31 Dec 08
yeah that was partly how i did mine last year..
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
31 Dec 08
How interesting. A few days ago I was in a convenience store. A woman ahead of me, dressed in black, was buying two containers of salt. That was the first thing that popped into my head, a purification ritual for the end of the year. Of course it could have been that she was just throwing a HUGE margarita party ...
I did attend a ritual once that was held in a church, Unitarian I believe, but that is the extent of my active involvement with such things. I am more into introspective sessions; meditations, prayers, chants, and the like, rather than the more action-related rituals.
But then maybe a circle of salt would be just what the doctor would prescribe ...
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
i do more of prayers and chants normally but i try to do some things with more detail for more important issues.. of course that is also partially because i try to make sure i have enough physical and spiritual energy for the big ones and i havent felt up to much this last year..
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
31 Dec 08
The only thing I would like 2008 to carry out into 2009 is the cheaper gas prices! Everything other than that was negative I would like to leave it all behind. I don't know of any spells or rituals and can't say I've ever tried but it sure is a neat idea.
All the best in 2009!
Happy new year
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
amen! this year was horrible and like you unless its the gas prices i dont want it!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
31 Dec 08
the ritual and wording and "incantation" really is irrelevant. the strength behind magic of any sort really, is the intent, want and desire. use yer imaginations and put yer thoughts into motion. i dont generally do a cleansing ritual for the new year, but a sort of wishing spell for the coming year of things im hoping will be achieved, coupled with a "thank you" for the year thats passing. i save my cleansing for the spring equinox, and usually wind up in the ocean for it.. to wash away the winter icks and clear myself of any negativities being idle from cold weather might bring.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
oh i would give anything to be near an ocean or something naturally beautiful!! i dont like the state i live in now and surroundings which really seems to have a negative affect on me but i try to make the best of it.. yeah i guess a wish spell would be more appropriate for what i am thinking.. and thanks for your ideas that you had put in other peoples replies.. i replied to them but i know you dont get emailed them so in case you didnt see thanks!!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
30 Dec 08
It doesn't have to be specifically for the New year, but you can do a prosperity spell and a blocking one to keep harmful things entering with carrying a mirror in your pocket so that all harm bounces back to whatever...Cleanse your place of work and house and start the New year fresh with burning a sage smudge stick..
and huggs
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Dec 08
good idea.. i totally forgot about smudging my house..
@sunny69316 (638)
• China
30 Dec 08
You are right,it was horrible for 2008,temblor,economy crisis,etc.I wonder how it was!!So.I hope all the people can have a good year in the coming 2009!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Dec 08
i would say that anything could be better than 2008 but i am afraid i would jinx myself and some how 2009 be worse lol
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
1 Jan 09
i don't think there are any spells available to write off bad luck of the previous year. i kno ony one thing. have a positive attitude and be good to people and then you will have good luck all year round. Do no harm to anyone. Do your duty towards your parents, your husband/wife yoour friends nd your children. Work sincerely at work and help out the needy and you will find your luck changing for the better.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
2 Jan 09
i already do all those and crap still happens lol..
@tabachi (263)
• Philippines
31 Dec 08
it's actually not a ritual..i just light incense and put on the lights at home...and i pray and wish for a better new year as in this case 2009..the year just ended has its good and bad things..well...that's how it really goes for us..we can't have a perfect year...we just try to make it better at least....happy new year 2009 to all the mylotters!!!!!!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
yeah i dont want perfect but something better than pure hell would be nice lol.. 2008 was a crazy one!
@desireeo (595)
• Philippines
30 Dec 08
I know you would be disappointed with my response since I don't have anything of that kind to share with you. Your discussion just caught my interest. Anyways, does it ever work? I don't believe in spells, really. I don't think there's one that ever works in real life. Although, I am a big fan of Harry Potter, spell-making never grew on me...
If I can share something with you, it is that if you want negativity out of the way, then you must make your resolve stronger first and then work from there. Nothing beats the will to do something different and new. But, good luck with your spells and everything. It might work for you. Just back it up with realistic resolve to make it more potent...Happy 2009!

@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Dec 08
well like with any religion things praying, spells etc really relies on that persons faith and if its meant to be.. nothings going to be like it is on tv as far as spell wise but i have had good luck with spells working out but i also only do them for things i need and not just for anything that pops into my mind which i think is what stops a lot of success..
i have got the negative people out of my life personally but they still affect people around me which affects me which i cant do much about personally.. not to mention going through a lot of bad situations i dont want to keep any negative energy on me that is from anything that has happened.. etc
@dralon (88)
• Zimbabwe
31 Dec 08
I always try to think and meditate on the bible just before midnight on new year's eve. I always try to get a bible verse that i believe should be my companion for the wholle of the next year. A few years ago i picked on Psalm 91 and believe it or not it was a good friend of mine for the whole year, i needed protection and assuarance a lot in that year and it really delievered for me. In fact i would start most of my days by reading through this psalm amd i waould be calm throughout the day as a result - even in very trying times. Good luck but i suggest you try this method this year, pray to God and be amazed and what he can reveal to you...
@wilmonarch (484)
• India
1 Jan 09
i never did ........
all i do is hang out with my friends just praying the new should a happy beginning
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@Harshgowda (10)
• India
31 Dec 08
I read your discussion forum & found intresting that people from country like USA also belives in these kind of stuff which is called ritules. Etc. I do give you an suggestion but first thing would like to tell is i do not belive in ritules & all but i do pray god for good. So i suggest u that keep faith in god & yourself. Do all the things whole heartedly & never turn your back. We do get problems in our life & noone can live happy without facing problems. So when u get problems if u keep on thinking about that then it blocks all the work you have to in future & create much more problems. So never think about the problems & if u belive in things that you do is right then never turn your back for that. Try these things & see how it works.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Jan 09
i do have faith in gods. and i do these end of year things as a way of putting things to rest that i just dont want to deal with in the new year that have been either bothering me or following me