Are you discouraged that so many Democrats are back in the Senate?
By juls2me2
@juls2me2 (2150)
United States
45 responses
@ruslop (71)
• United States
9 Nov 06
The only thing that bothers me about the democrats getting in office now is that they will be blamed once the fall out from all the bad decision making in recent years starts rolling. The country was on the right track under Clinton. Now the surplus we once had is a deficet greater than what Clinton faced when he took office. The country economically has been flushed and I only hope the new congressional makeup has enough time to try to turn it around.
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@Snooze (610)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Here's a question -
If the suggestions about to be presented by James Baker's panel are worthwhile, the democrats introduce a bill supporting the new direction by that panel, and that new direction proves successful (or at least a way out of Iraq that America supports), then it's good for America.
If it's good for America, isn't it good for Democrats?
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Clinton started the flushing of our economics and was riding on the skirt tails of Bush before him, that's why the economy was doing well. Clinton was a social partier that perverted in plain view the office of President. You talk to any economic advisor and our country was starting to come out of the recession we were headed into because of Clinton's flightiness and over spending. Gotta remember War causes a big part of the deficit. If our military was downgraded by Clinton, we would have had our resources in place instead of starting over from scratch and rebuilding our military power.
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@jonnywales (66)
10 Nov 06
the only people that have benefited from the bush presidency are the war mongers and families of the government heirarchy because they are all stockholders in the arms industries.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No, I am not discouraged. We will get something done. The Republicans started this mess, and we Democrats will fix it.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
11 Nov 06
Jusred.....let me ask you this. If you were walking down a street and you got RAPED, would you fight back or just lay there and let it happen? I'm proud of Bush fighting back the best he could to protect our country during 9/11. Any President in his shoes would have ran up a deficit doing the same thing, unless they're just plain wimps.
We apparently have different views on these issues.
Thank you for responding.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Nov 06
HELL YEAAA!! Jusred..THAT IS WHAT im talking about!!You are absolutely right..and out Host and argue with you and me all he wants..but we know the honest to gosd truth,,,thank you,

@baldingeagle69 (749)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I am quite happy. I think it will restore the balance in the government. With the republicans in control everything that was done was strictly on "party" lines. Now it will be a more diverse situation. I only hope that it will result favorably for the American people.
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@baldingeagle69 (749)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I am quite happy. I think it will restore the balance in the government. With the republicans in control everything that was done was strictly on "party" lines. Now it will be a more diverse situation. I only hope that it will result favorably for the American people.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Hope you can afford to let them do what they want to. I know my pocket book isn't wealthy enough to survive their taxing plans alone. I was just getting used to having my money back in my families hands to enjoy life a little, with Bush's tax relief bills.
@adams03605 (436)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Be thankful that you made enough for Bush's "tax relief" those of us that struggle everyday life, living on 1 income don't make enough to get that "relief"!
"the rich get help... the rest of us don't matter"
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@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
10 Nov 06
the rich didn't get "richer" under tax the economy is better for the poor if you make under 30,000 you don't pay any or very little taxes depending if you have dependants or not.

@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
9 Nov 06
It doesnt matter to me, I just try to select the one I like the best when I vote weather Democrat or Republican. as for some of the posts I dont blame bush or the republicans and I dont blame the Democrats, but it has been proven that alot of it started before bush took office, there were a lot of break downs in the chain of command and with those break downs probably due to lack of money and downsizing in our government.
Just voicing my oppinion
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I am filled with dread and foreboding..
Likely:1 - unrestricted callling of terrorists to and from U.S.
2 - no ban on the partial birth infanticide (anyone remember Abel's bloood?] we've been on borrowed time for some time now, call it karma if you want.
3 - millions of illegal aliens will have amnesty and be democrats; and the dems will control the country forever.
4 - economic decline, and soon enough crashing
5 - followed by the rising up of the jihadists among us (currently busy sending home money, and recruiting in our prisons)
6 - this will be aided by the return and resumption of light sentences for violent criminals..[and probation for pedaphyles?]
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Nov 06
You are absolutely right. All of those things are a real possibility.
Even though the Republicans did not do all that they should have (and I'm talking about my party), they were still by far the better choice for our country. These people that 'cut and run' on the Republicans were fools.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Nov 06
It is about time they are back in control of things. Bush has lost control of what the USA is and should be and too focused on helping other countries. I feel with the Democrats back in office, they can help him focus more on Health Care, Homelessness, Marriage stability, and Jobs. There is too many people hurting here in the USA that seem to be forgotten about, and if no one steps in, there will be nothing left unless you make at least $40,000 a yr. And that will be considered the POOR.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
10 Nov 06
$40,000 a year has been considered poor since Clinton was in. Bush's tax cuts improved that to become at least the bottom end of middle class. What do you mean he's more concerned about other countries? We had 9/11...USA was attacked by Iraq terrorists in several vital areas of our nation, Bush was there! On the Ball and Ready to help our People and Fight the Attackers Head on. Yeah...took action against the people that did this too us. Thank God we didn't have a Democrat in office or we would have had a wimp in office that wouldn't have taken any action to protect our nation at all. Remember Katrina......destroyed, killed, and harmed several areas. The state's Governor (Democrat) didn't do their job to protect the people. Bush got involved as soon as the governing politicians got over themselves and let him help. I'm really starting to wonder if we are all living in the same USA or not.
@adams03605 (436)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I am thinking you are from another country as well.. seeing how we are across the nation from each other. And $40,000 a year is POOR???!!
My hubby will have made less than $15,000 this year, that's not even 1/2 of what you say is poor! What does that make us?? And no, I can't work... and yes... that's is the amount we lived off this year! And you all wonder what's wrong with this country.....
If I could afford it- I would move to Canada!

@trish32 (1471)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Yes, I am discouraged and disappointed. I think we had a lot of good things in the works when republicans were the majority and I don't see many of those things being accomplished now. I'm disappointed in the amount of mud-slinging that went on during this election. I think had it not been for all the "BS" in the media this election would've gone much differently.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
10 Nov 06
You make a great point about the Media muddying up the waters before the elections. Apparently that strategy fooled many people to vote the democrats into office. I've come to find out the Media has a totally biased opinion and are very disceptive.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Although the Republicans may have not done everything they should have and did not meet the expectations of many people, they are without a doubt the group that needs to be in office. They have a desire to keep our nation a great nation.
The liberal democrats are clueless, and will certainly screw it up.
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@howdy1242 (71)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I'm on your side.I hear a lot of political incorrectness.Has nothing to do with homosexuals or abortions and such.Republicans have done a great job with our economy.It's too bad folks have allready forgotten 9-11.
Katrina and 9-11 were quite catastrophic events for the Bush addministration.
Most of the demo's in office backed Bush in most things.Bush will go down as a great president.Keep up the battle kid.
By the way,this is the only war we've been involved in,that the enemy attacted us on our soil.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Bush and the rep. made a big mess. I'm glad the dem. are in now.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I don't agree with you. Bush & the republicans cleaned up the Mess left by the Democrats and were on the way to making things better for everyone. I enjoyed having less taxes and that money back in my pocket to spend for my family, instead of the IRS having it. We can expect that to change now with Democrats in there taking our money from us because they feel they can spend it more wisely for us. People that earned under $30,000 a year didn't even pay taxes in the first place, so they won't feel a difference. It's the two family incomes that struggle to survive here in California. It really hurts seeing our hard earned money just taken right out of our checks for what.....supporting the Homosexuals, education for non-citizens, other ridiculous things that don't really benefit anyone...unless they're in charge of the new program. I feel that people don't even know what their party represents when the actually make a vote. Anyway, that's my opinion. Thank you for responding
@gregpaz (89)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Bush could care less about this country. He is in Iraq for personal gain as regards to oil. He is using countless american lives to safeguard his personal interests. On the other hand he is trying to hide his bad actions by "handling" immigrations matters.
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@skeemy (138)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Wow, I've never been so disgusted by the amount of homophobia in this thread. What do you care what people are doing? What do you care about consenting adults having relationships with one another, as if it's going to affect your cooshy life. Get over it. It's none of your business what they do. This is no better than back when blacks couldn't get married, or even when interracial couples couldn't get married. It's discrimination through and through. Go read the bible again and think for yourself instead of spouting off about this crap.
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
10 Nov 06
No. I am overjoyed. I realize it probably won't do much good until after the Presidential elections, however, I hope it does effect what is going on in this country. I sincerely hope the war in Iraq will be looked at more seriosly and hopefully we will begin to bring some of our troops home.
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@adams03605 (436)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I agree with you all the way here! I hope they get the country straightened out soon and that they look into getting our troops home where they should be. We have our own oil in this country we shouldn't have to depend on others!
And if we all started burning "corn" we wouldn't need his oil in Texas and the government wouldn't be able to continue to put it in all our foods we eat and drink daily to make this nation "obese"!
(Yes, high fructose corn syrup is in almost everything! The government has to use it up somehow.. look into it if you don't know what I am talking about.)
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
9 Nov 06
Nothing will get accomplished because you have Congress controlled by Democrats and a Republican President with Veto Power. All you'll see for the next couple of years is partisan politics leading up to the Presidential Election. It'll be very similar to the whole lot of nothing that got done when the Republicans took over Congress while Clinton was president.
It's exactly why we need a legitimate third party.
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@sixthsense (6)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I agree! The problem is that the two main political parties behave like children and can not agree on anything. I think political agenda is beyond control. All politics really is about is money, not taking care of our country. We need more people in government who are not out for their own agenda. That will never happen, though. The bottom line is - democrate/republican - who cares! None of them can get anything of real importance done because they would rather bicker and fight about it.
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No, I think it was inevitable with the poor job that Bush has done and his low approval rating. In fact, I'm ready for a change. The republicans have had a turn, and nothing beneficial has come out of it. We now have a war on our hands, millions of illegals sapping the wealth of our country, and a poor economy that gets better for the rich every day and makes the poor poorer. I'll be anxious to get Bush out of there and hope that we get someone more effective next time. It should be interesting with the democrats back in control of both houses of Congress. I'm not registered with either party, but I do think we desperately need the change.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
9 Nov 06
It's funny that you think the Democrats are going to stop the illegals from sapping our wealth. The Democrats are the ones that are pushing to allow them over here and giving them the possible chances of getting licenses and privileges without being a citizen. You think the republicans are making the poor poorer, you are definitely decieved. Why do you think President Bush pushed through Tax Cuts as quick as he could. The poor paid no taxes and the middle class very little, the rich got a break too to be able to spend their money in our economy to help stimulate it a little. We're just getting on our feet and now the Democrats will take away the tax relief that Bush established to help us. Wake up.....Democrats in the House want to spend YOUR hard earned money and stupid unnecessary programs for gays, illegals, and who knows what else they'll come up with. Republicans were trying to put it back in YOUR pocket so you can spend it.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No, I'm glad. We needed the change, as the rep. and president made a mess of our country.
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@expertadvisor (122)
• United States
9 Nov 06
we definitely need a change, the republicans have been so deceptive that in order to get anything done they have muzzelled the media, forced brutality on the innocent, made the reputation of the USA into a mockery and all in the name of "we are going to keep you safe". No body can keep you safe - Katrina - was a big example of just how well "we are going to keep you safe" works!

@expertadvisor (122)
• United States
9 Nov 06
so what the heck is FEMA, the city and the state contacted the federal - i see you have been greatly deceived, local by no means had the dollars to provide for this scale of catastophy nor would the state and even after the federal was involved "Bush's" mother made the most horrindous statement any public figure could make when the survivors were living on cots in Texas she stated "Oh, these people don't need much because their not use to having anything". Very cold and unconcerned for the poor and if a man's mother feels this why, OMG what has she taught her son, well that's not hard to figure out because the proof is in the pudding.
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@tom123 (82)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Just for your info. Katrina was suposed to be hanled by the state goverment, not the federal goverment. That means it was the governers job (a democrat) to call in the National Guard for help. Bush got involved late because the governer didn't do her job.

@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
10 Nov 06
Nope.... I think its Good...
Now We'll see how well the other party does.. and Maybe people will learn it is not the parties.. but the people working together within both parties that really counts. Is how I feel about it. :)
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