So what do you consider OLD?

@Barbietre (1438)
United States
January 1, 2009 10:56pm CST
I see many discussions and when they talk about someone in the 60's they seem to assume that it is old. Let me reassure you it is NOT. I am 60 and still ride roller coasters and do lots of fun things. My friend at work is 70 and skiis, kayaks, hikes and so on, and shows no signs of slowing down. Oh and he also has 2 jobs. I would hope this prejudice is just from young people who do not know any better. I am not saying some people who get ill or just do not handle life well age fast. In fact I gave a few friends who were acting old when they were in their 20's. But in general people who are in their 60's ( the baby boomers) are doing quite well and are very active in life.
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22 responses
• Australia
2 Jan 09
Life begins at 50 and becomes mature at 60. Old is the day you die. Unless you were born old, and we all know some of them. Of course, if you're my partner you feel antique at 52 lol, but that's only because she's not well. And wasn't it Bertrand Russel who said, at 80, in answer to a question about how it feels to be old, something along the lines of "I'm not old, I'm just a young man who isn't feeling very well". Lash
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
2 Jan 09
Oh yes I feel very antique at the moment but hopefully that will ease a bit when my back pain eases up. I hope. Still my mind is younger than it has ever been. I was a very serious young woman and I am trying to make up for it now.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well it has always been my believe that a person is only as old as they feel. Age is really just a number. I am only 31, but a physical handicap, and a back injury, sometimes make me feel much older (like right now actually). I know there is a point where a person has to realize they are not as young as they used to be, but I feel that is something a person as to decide for themselves. As long as you feel young, and love to have a good time, then go for it. Just take the normal precautions that any other person should take. The longer longer you can stay active, the better off you will be... My dad will be 63 at the end of January, and he gets around better than a lot of people I know who are younger than he is. He gets around better than I do most of the time for that matter.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well I think the more we move the easier we heal also. After my foot surgery I was told to walk a few days later, it promotes bone growth.
@hey_baby (425)
• Philippines
2 Jan 09
60 year olds are not old. My mom will be turning 60 this year and she can still hustle and dance and make jokes and run around with her granchildren. 75 year olds are not too old. My boss is 77, and he still has a sharp mind in business. He still walks fast, and loves to make funny faces. ALthough his secretary complains that he's got signs of old age like being moody and forgetful. i guess that's what you call the generation gap. young people up to their 20's consider 60's old, 70's old-old, and 80's really old. 10 years ago, thats what i thought too. but as you get older, you tend to understand the cycle of life and in turn value it.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
It is so true. My mother even says, her mind thinks she is 20. She has slowed down a bit because she has COPD, because she smoked most of her life. But she is still president of parents without partners and runs a bus to Atlantic city every month.
• United States
2 Jan 09
Like they say "old" is a state of mind....... to an extent anyways that's true. There are many variables to why some have more pep then others... genetics, heath history, mental history, addictions, eating and other habbits. My hubby's great aunt is in her 80's, had 8 kids and is still spry, drives, and is out and about + a 30yr+ cancer survivor
• United States
2 Jan 09
The in-laws moved from the country to the "big city" abt 15yrs ago as a convience thing and as empty nesters they didn't need as big of a home. So there's plenty to do near them but then they work themselves up because the area they live in isn't what it used to be (they like to day dream it's the 50's again, neighborhoods have shifted greatly since they grew up there) and freak they are going to get mugged or something as the PD said the elderly were being targeted at one point. Honestly they can go to museums for FREE on Mondays, festivals in summer, shopping, theater, movies, sports, religious.... you name it there's an activity out there no matter the time of yr.... including the senior center. It's so sad MIL used to brag up going to the senior center to do her ceramics class ect and now she's so scared she's going to fall she has to have someone else get the mail out of her front door. so keep on truck'n lady!
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well of course illnesses play a big role. I also think living where there are lots of things to do also is helpful, isolation makes us feel bad.
@yparson (581)
• United States
3 Jan 09
You look M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S! Just keep doing what you're doing and young spirited. If those youngans live to get to your age-they'll see for themselves, but we must educate them as well about getting older-some day they'll be there too. Who will have the last laugh??
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
3 Jan 09
The Tree - The Christmas Tree from New York City
Thank you, I guess they have to find out for themselves. Life is meant to be enjoyable, so maybe it is all in how you look at it. If all you do is work and no play than you can age faster. When I have company I let the dishes sit in the sink until after they are gone or the next morning, the time with company is more precious. My husband and I always found free time to just hop in the car and go for daytrips with our kids, we did not spend alot, we packed lunches and sometimes dinner. We still do it now. On Monday we drove into NYC to see the Tree at and the Christmas displays after dinner.
@neuronic (242)
• Japan
5 Jan 09
50+ is old. It doesn't matter what can you do. My wife's grandma is 80 and she still rides a bicycle, but that doesn't mean anything, she's old. Period. I consider 100 to be kind of a desired lifespan, thus everything over half of this age I consider to be... well, old.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Well lets' see how you feel when you get to be this age.
@neuronic (242)
• Japan
5 Jan 09
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
3 Jan 09
I looked pretty good in my 40's, they say I looked like Goldy Hawn, now I am 58 and look like Earnest Borgnine and where ever I go, people say things like: Mam, Mam, seniors get 10% discount today, or Mam, would you like a senior coffee with that?! I say the hell with it, I'll take my discounts and let the bus driver take my arm as I walk on the ice but secreatly unbeknownst to them, I will do as you do, ride the rollercoasters and get a lot of fun out of life for I am NOT ready for the grave yet!
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well I always tell people that my father, who is going to be 77, is more active and more healthy than any of his kids! I do not consider him old at all. He goes to the gym every single morning. He takes trips and likes to do a lot of very active things. If that's old, then I can't wait to get old like him! I'm only 38 and he does more than I do!
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Well it also helps having more time to do things. I know when I was raising my children I was tired all of the time. Now I have more time, but still work but not the crazy hours I once did. I also take time to do fun things, and I try to eliminate sugars and starches. That brings my level of energy way up.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Jan 09
I think it depends on the person and the age of the person. I remember when I was in my early 20's I thought 40 was ancient and 60 was almost that I am 40, it doesn't seem so old and 60 doesn't seem too bad either. I think the only thing I worry about as I'm getting older is running into a stroke that will leave me in the position of having to have someone else take care of me. My Grandma has had several and luckly my Mom takes care of her...I know alot of ppl that have them that just end up in a nursing home. [b]**AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~[/b]
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Hey barbietre! It is so nice to hear from someone who knows that life isn't over at 60 or even 70 or 80! I am 56 and I am still alive! I can walk faster than most of my friends and was told by someone 26 that she couldn't keep up with me because I walk too fast! And I have bad knee problems! So, why is it that younger people think that us baby boomers are old? My Mom is going to be 78 and God Bless Her she is also a fast walker! She doesn't look her age or act it! It really pisses me off to hear the nasty comments that these young brats will say when I'm on the bus and they think I don't hear them! Boy, are they in for a suprise when I turn around and let them know just how this "Grandma" feels about their nasty mouths! I don't have any grandchildren, but if I did I'm sure they would think that I was one "cool granny"!
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Amen to that. My Sister in Law. who is 11 years younger than I am will tell her children, if you want to go on rides ask Aunt Barbara!
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
3 Jan 09
Hi Barbietre, I consider 60 old because I'm younger. The same as a 7 year old would consider someone 14 as being old. When you would consider the 14 year old as being young. Age is only a perspective. We can only be as old as we feel. However, we cannot deny that we age.
• Taiwan
3 Jan 09
hey barbietre i envy you. i hope at my age i can ride roller coaster too but i wont and i was wishing too that my mom were as good as you but shes not. shes just in her early fifties and she compalined about different kinds of aches and pains and always consider herself as a very old woman. it annoys me sometimes. ill tell her about you, maybe it would inspire her, or maybe i can ask her to do some extreme sports to relieve her
• India
2 Jan 09
hi barbitre i think old does not at all mean that one leave enjoying the life rather it represents a stage of life at which our muscles become weak,our bone becomes little it looses it sin. i think the fact responsible for this is our inner molecular system and so many bio chemical reactions which r going on in our body. so i think "old" is a stage of life it never refers to the activities of a person. hope u get my points. hav a good day.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
You are looking at it from a different perspective, you are young and making assumptions. My skin is still supple because I actually do eat fat, and enough protein. If you do not keep moving and eat badly those things happen. My muscles are good, and my bones are NOT fragile. The picture of me is recent, I do not have any wrinkles on my face. Molecular degradation happens faster when you neglect yourself.
• India
2 Jan 09
OLD is one stage of human beings. so we can accept.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
2 Jan 09
That has changed, when people lived to be only 50 or 60, it was different, now many people are living to be 100. So what is considered OLD mustbe re-evalated.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
2 Jan 09
As the old saying goes "old age is a state of mind and not the number of years a person has been on this earth". A lot depends on the temprement and personality of the person you are talking about as to whether they are old or young. I think we all know people who are old at 30 and others who are still young when they are in their 80's and 90's. I will be 63 shortly and still work full time plus together with my partner work our small organic farm. I am an interstate truck driver and often on the road for 5 days a week and 6 days when we are flat out busy. I often do get home for a few hours or maybe overnight once a week, and sometimes can call in here for a few hours on another night. It depends on the load and the delivery schedule plus where I am delivering to of course. When I am at home I am generally working on the farm for many hours each day, mostly starting at sunrise and working till it gets hot, then taking a break till it cools down late in the day. When our fruit and vegetables are ready for market then we are also packing them each day so would work 10-12 hours a day for those months. I walk every day as part of my routine, whether at home or away. When I am away I walk every time that I park the truck for a break and when I am at home not only are we walking or bending to check the produce, we also walk or ride our bikes around the block for some exercise. I am sure that the extra exercise will help me to keep going for much longer than if I was inactive. As to what I consider to be old, I have to say that an old person is someone who is at least 40 years older than I am. Also there is no way I will not be old until there is nobody left living who is older than I am. Even then I would have to consider the situation because if I am the "oldest", then I might just delete that word from the vocabulary. lol
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
2 Jan 09
People think that anything 20 years older than them is old and as they age they up the figure. There is no such thing as old there is only older than the age you currently are. Young people think that anything older than 30 is ancient until they get to 30. I see them make big things about reaching a new decade and then they hit 50 and really start to live. I will not be old until I die but I must admit that my body is not as good as it once was. Still I am just a young person in a sick body. I have lots of life left to live.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Old is not an age. It's a state of mind. I don't ever want to get old, but I am "older" than your average 26-year-old.
@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
2 Jan 09
When I was a kid, 30 was old. When I was 20, 50 was old, when I was 30, 60 was old. Now that I am 54, 90 is old. I guess when I am 90, 120 will be old, lol. It is all relevant, yes? Age is just mind over matter, if you do not think you are old, it does not matter!
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
2 Jan 09
Some people use age to excuse certain things. I know a man who is just 60, but he is always saying things like, I am too old for this or that. Whenever I hear him say somthing like this, I always say to him that he concentrates on age too much. I have an aunt who is 78, you would think she is in her fourties, her skin is great, she is really active and she looks great. Age is just a number, and if you want to feel old you will, and if you want to feel good you can. Barbie, you look great, keep doing what you are doing.
@phalz81 (106)
• Singapore
2 Jan 09
I'm 27 anyway. I guess..what I view from feeling old if you feel hopeless, you do not have any interests again. Who said that above 60s consider old...yes it's true your body and physically is old, but not your inner or mentality.We can not describe old from the age, but must look from other perspectives. Your body is like a machine.After certain period will get rust and not smoothly run. But still it manages to produce if they service the machine regularly, same as you maintain your health, you still socialize with your friends and anyone surrounds you. And this kind of feeling make you feel young! Never say old....and always think positive ^O^.