colouring blue faces, is it wrong?
By poppoppop111
@poppoppop111 (5731)
January 3, 2009 10:45pm CST
i had a meeting with my daughter's teacher, my daughter is 5 and when they colour pictures sometimes she will colour the faces blue, yellow, green. the teacher told me she can't do this. she said that she told my daughter that certain things can't be changed that it can only be one colour. now i didn't go more in depth with that conversation but afterwards i started thinking more of this. to me i think she can colour it any colour she wants, this will teach her not to judge anyone who looks different then her. i don't want her to see colour as a bad thing and to me that seems like what the teacher is saying.
what do you think about this?
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18 responses
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I am totally in agreement with you! Not only will it teach your daughter to judge others by the color of their skin, but she is also inhibiting your daughters imagination and ability to make creative choices. I would have another discussion with the teacher and inform her that your daughter should be allowed to color faces whatever color she desires. Some of the worlds famous innovators were people who didn't follow the norms. Why should your daughter be forced to do everything the way that everyone else does? In fact I would state that your daughter choosing to color faces different colors is a sign of intelligence, and it shouldn't be stifled at this early an age! By telling your daughter that she has to think inside the box, it is telling the child that she can't choose her own way and shouldn't look at things differently than the teacher.
When I was 10 I had a librarian tell me that I couldn't read certain books because they were too old for me. She pulled out Dr. Suess books (The cat in the hat etc.) and told me that those were the books that I was allowed to check out. My Mom threw a fit at the librarian when she heard her. As my Mom sternly informed the woman, being an independent thinker and doing what is not the norm is more important than anything. She also stated that I had been reading since I was three, and that I had read the books she recommended by the time I was five. I carried that conversation with me always, and have always been an independent thinker and I still color faces different colors than the norm. Shoot, look at Picasso...and other impressionists. I could imagine their faces if you were to tell them that they had to do their paintings a certain way!!!
Tell your daughter's teacher that your daughter is going to color the way she wants to color and to back off and not criticize or attempt to change your daughters way of coloring or anything else.

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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
thanks, i had that thought as well about ruining her imagination. and i've been to lots of galleries where i see lots of paintings that are not in the norm and have very colourful figures which aren't the norm. i think i'll just tell my daughter to colour how she wants and if the teacher says anything then i'll mention something to her. i don't want to make a huge deal about it but i don't like the message it's sending
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
4 Jan 09
It struck me last night that there is something else that may have prompted your daughter to color a face blue. Have you ever heard someone say "I have talked to you until I am blue in the face"? Maybe she heard that phrase and it carried through to her art.
Even so, don't let the teacher destroy your daughter's individuality! Your daughter is a beautiful person and establishing that she is a individual, an independent thinker, and has a wonderful imagination. Having a teacher that insists that faces be "face" colored is WRONG! She is there to impart knowledge, not create a room of sheep who will follow what she says without question. I went through so much of that in school, and even though I loved school I hated school for the reason that we were supposed to follow the "Norm" and not think outside the box.
Oops, I'm starting to rant again. Sorry about that. Talk to the teacher and inform her that if your daughter wants to color faces different colors it should be okay and not to force her to do something that the teacher feels is "normal". I would also inform her that if it happens again that you would report her to whoever is in charge of the teachers.
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@manoj1502 (854)
• India
4 Jan 09
Hi see now your child is only 5 five so leave it in her own way in this matter as she grows up she will came to know about why do you give more importance to teacher she is a child.Dont worry about this let her imagine and give her own color some times for a cricket match they color there face with paint the national flag color think as that it is easy. Take Care.
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@writermom8 (913)
• Philippines
4 Jan 09
That teacher should not be teaching preschool! What she did was try to inhibit your daughter's creativity. Children should not be suppressed in letting their imaginations soar. Letting creativity free-rein at this age helps a child become better at processing things in their minds which will serve them well in later years.
Your daughter will eventually learn to color faces according to how they really look like. She has a lot of time to grow up and reach that stage. But to force her to conform to a certain standard at this point is idiotic on the teacher's part. I wish you could have told her "So, do you think the creators of the Smurfs was loony?" I see cartoon characters with green faces for goodness sakes! Just look at the space toys in Toy Story!
I would bet that your kid was just expressing her delight at being able to use the different colors in her creations. Being a child, she has every right to do that.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Well blue is a strange color. I might would say for her to concentrate on more peach and black, and colors like that, colors of real people. Blue isn't bad either though, so don't get me wrong there. I agree that the teacher does seem to be trying to teach your daughter and her students that they are only to color the faces of things a certain color.
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@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jan 09
Where does her teacher get off saying such a thing?! That is just idiotic! A child is given something to color to use their imagination. So what if a face or two are colored blue or yellow or green. Not everyone is white! That is just silly!
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
4 Jan 09
I think that a child should be able to do what they feel expresses themselves. I think that at the age of 5 she does not care what color that she uses. It may be a favorite or whatever her reason may be. I think the approach should be talking about the real color and explaining that however she would like to color is up to her. I would be giving the teacher crap myself.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I think the teacher feels that your daughter should be coloring things the color that faces are in the real world. Now, personally, as a teacher myself I think that stifles a child's creativity and there really is nothing wrong with coloring a face a different color. Nor is there anything wrong with coloring tree leaves purple or blue.
It's just a child being creative. I think the teacher doesn't realize that she is really limiting how creative that child is being because she's telling her that those items can't be the colors she wants to color them. I think this teacher needs a long, long time back in school so she can actually learn a thing or too.
I'd tell your daughter that it's OK to color things the color that she wants and I'd make sure to tell that teacher that she needs to back off and let your daughter be to color how she wants.
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
5 Jan 09
thanks for the response, it's good to hear another teacher's advice or point of view on the situation
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
5 Jan 09
If my child wanted to color people's faces pink with purple polka dots then I'd let them personally. The teacher saying that she can't color that way is just destroying her creativity and that's bad for a child's self esteem. You have the perfect thoughts about your daughter and I would encourage her to continue what she's doing.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
4 Jan 09
I think the teacher needs to get a grib. A child is coloring and being creative and I always let my child color anything whatever color he wanted to color it. If he wanted to color a cow pink with white poka dots that was fine with me. The teacher is making too much of this. And I do agree with you about your child won't judge anyone who looks different than her and that is a very good thing. I am afraid that I think the teacher was totally out of line. Your daughter is a child for petes sake. She should be allowed to color the face whatever she wants to color it. And another thing is that children know that a persons color is what it is and can't be changed.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Well I think in one respect the teacher is wrong but blue faces - how many people in your lifetime have you met whose faces were blue. Teach your daughter to color the faces the colors of skin tones that you see and that she may come across in her lifetime. There are plenty of different races and mixed races around. Get her some pictures of different race people and encourage her to color her pictures like those. At the end of the day she is only 5 and is just beginning to learn these things and she needs a little help - preferably from you then she won't be in trouble in school.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Jan 09
Evidently she never heard of Picasso, Salvador Dali, or Andy Warhol.
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@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
4 Jan 09
It is closed mindedness on the teachers part. My daughter turned six in september and she still colors faces different colors. I think it encourages creativity. Nothing about it should be stifled. It's not as if your daughter sees people in blue, green, etc. it's just that she is expressing emotions, feelings, and such through her coloring. A big part of teachers problems are the state guidelines. Have you reviewed them lately? My dauhter got a report card and her school just uses the ones the state gives them so I got to make copies. It is alot to get in in early education. It is also all expected to be taught in one learning style when in reality only about 25% of kids fit into that particular style. My daughter is on an opposite learning style than the state requires and it is very difficult sometimes to get her to retain certain information. Anyway, I'm ranting while being side tracked and that is never a good thing. Don't worry about it. I would actually explain to the teacher that you encourage creativity in your house and that you find her coloring pictures beyond acceptable and practical.
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
4 Jan 09
When you consider her age she should really be praised by the teacher (and you) for using more than the simple colors. Most kids dont see skin color or race, and she is just expressing herself artistically as she sees fit. There is something wrong with that teachers method, especially based on that mediocre explanation. "Somethings can only be one color"? That sounds fairly prejudiced in and of itself.
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@Tabby67 (18)
• Stockport, England
30 Sep 18
It beggars belief, she's 5 for goodness sake! I had a Black Beauty colouring book at that age and coloured the horse blue. As for skin only being one colour! As she not heard of ethnic diversity. I would complain to the Head.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
5 Jan 09
Gee...I wonder if the guy who invented smurfs was ever told that. The teacher sounds like she is limiting your daughters creativity. Face it, we hear about people being white and black but in truth they are neither color.
I think the teacher has a problem.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
7 Jan 09
Your daughters teacher need to relax. There is nothing that says a child has to color something a specific color unless it is one of those papers where you are supposed to match the color with the number type homework paper. My daughter is only a toddler, but I do not correct her when she wants to color Winnie the Pooh Blue or Tigger Purple.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
5 Jan 09
It should not matter what color she wants to color peoples faces she is only 5years old. I mean look at what she has to compare it with. Have you seen some of the characters that children love, we have a purple dinosaur. I dont know but i have never seen a purple dinosaure. That is not a created character. My daughter is 8 and she still likes to make normal things look different. Give her kudos for marching to the beat of her own drum, and how dare a teacher stifle a childs creative side. Good luck to you and your child. May she become a famous artist some day and rub her blue faced people in her paintings to this teacher that needs to look and see that there are no wrong answers when it comes to art and coloring.